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______ studies how sentences in spoken and written language form. larger meaningful units

such as paragraphs, conversations, and interviews.

A. Communicative Language Teaching

B. Meaning negotiation

C. Discourse analysis

D. Pragmatics

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Are teens and young adults more narcissistic (自恋的) today than in the past? That's the v

Are teens and young adults more narcissistic (自恋的) today than in the past? That's the view of a California researcher who studies【1】people.

In her new book, The Narcissism【2】: Living in the Age of Entitlement, psychologist Jean Twenge of San Diego State University and【3】W. Keith Campbell of the University of Georgia say research shows【4】young people today have "narcissistic traits" than in【5】generations. Such traits, Twenge says, include a very.【6】and inflated sense of self, which is【7】by a preoccupation with MySpace, Facebook and YouTube.

"We've been on this self-admiration cultural【8】for a long time," Twenge says.【9】Twenge's take on today's young people isn't universal. Studies by other researchers, including Canadian【10】Dr. Kali of the University of Western Ontario, have used the same data but found【11】results. "They put a different【12】on it," Kali says.

Twenge's studies have found more narcissistic traits and a【13】rate of increase among college students today, but Kali found that students' narcissism was【14】greater in 2006 than in 1976. Twenge's most recent paper studied the same data as Kali--more than 20 000 college students from 2002 to 2007.【15】researchers used the Narcissistic Personality Inventory to measure narcissistic【16】and findings by both have been【17】in peerreviewed journals.

Twenge's book【18】just a month after The Mirror Effect : How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, a book co-written by behavioral【19】Drew Pinsky,【20】suggested that a celebrity-obsessed culture is causing more narcissism.






When Thomas Keller, one of America's foremost chefs, announced that on Sept. 1 he would ab
olish the practice of tipping at Per Se, his luxury restaurant in New York City, and replace it with a European--style. service charge, I knew three groups would be opposed: customers, servers and restaurant owners. These three groups are all committed to tipping—as they quickly made clear on Web sites. To oppose tipping, it seems, is to be anticapitalist, and maybe even a little French.

But Mr. Keller is right to move away from tipping—and it's worth exploring why just about everyone else in the restaurant world is wrong to stick with the practice.

Customers believe in tipping because they think it makes economic sense. "Waiters know that they won't get paid if they don't do a good job" is how most advocates of the system would put it. To be sure, this is a tempting, apparently rational statement about economic theory, but it appears to have little applicability to the real world of restaurants.

Michael Lynn, an associate professor of consumer behavior. and marketing at Cornell's School of Hotel Administration, has conducted dozens of studies of tipping and has concluded that consumers' assessments of the quality of service correlate weakly to the amount they tip.

Rather, customers are likely to tip more in response to servers touching them lightly and leaning forward next to the table to make conversation than to how often their water glass is refilled—in other words, customers tip more when they like the server, not when the service is good. Mr. Lynn's studies also indicate that male customers increase their tips for female servers while female customers increase their tips for male servers.

What's more, consumers seem to forget that the tip increases as the bill increases. Thus, the tipping system is an open invitation to what restaurant professionals call "upselling": every bottle of imported water, every espresso and every cocktail is extra money in the server's pocket. Aggressive upselling for tips is often rewarded while low-key, quality service often goes unrecognized.

In addition, the practice of tip pooling, which is the norm in fine-dining restaurants and is becoming more common in every kind of restaurant above the level of a greasy spoon, has ruined whatever effect voting with your tip might have had on an individual waiter. In an unreasonable outcome, you are punishing the good waiters in the restaurant by not tipping the bad one. Indeed, there appears to be little connection between tipping and good service.

It may be inferred that a European-style. service ______.

A.is tipping-free

B.charges little tip

C.is the author's initiative

D.is offered at Per Se

How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space needs are not met? S
cientists are making experiments on rats to try to determine the efforts of over crowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behaviour of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have enough living space, they eat well, sleep well and produce their young well. But if their living conditions become too crowded, their behaviour and even their health change obviously. They can't sleep and eat well, and signs of fear and worry become clear. The more crowded they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus, for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is enough space not only satisfactory, but necessary for human survival?

The writer is mainly talking about ______.

A.a person's living space needs

B.building and floors

C.equipment and conditions

D.population and violence

Section A(30 points, 2 points each)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.T

Section A (30 points, 2 points each)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.There are 3 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

A historic change is taking place in higher education. Professors are being held responsible as never before for how well they serve students. It has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade professors as for professors to grade students.

In fact, student ratings have become the most widely used and, in many cases, the only source of information on teaching effectiveness. In comparing three studies of the same 600 four-year colleges, it was found that the number of colleges using student ratings to evaluate teachers had climbed from 29 per cent to 68 per cent. No other method of evaluation approached that degree of usage, and other studies have found similar results.

One reason that student evaluations of teachers have become so popular is that they are easy to administer and to score. But they also are easy to abuse. If they are to shed meaningful light on teacher's performance, the rating must be used in a way that reflects at least some of what we've learnt about them from research and from experience.

Research and experience have shown us, for example, that student ratings should never be the only basis for evaluating teaching effectiveness. There is much more to teaching than what is evaluated on student rating forms. When ratings are used, we know that students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used in a course are up to date or how well the teacher knows the subject matter of the course. These judgments require professional background and are best left to the professor' s colleagues. On the other hand, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, and to report on such things as a professor's ability to communicate at the student's level, professional behavior. in the classroom, relationship with students, and ability to arouse interest in the subject.

The central idea of the passage is that ______.

A.student ratings are the only source of information on teaching effectiveness

B.ratings have become the most widely used source of information on teaching effectiveness

C.besides student ratings, there are other methods to evaluate teachers

D.student ratings are very popular and should be properly used

Questions are based on the following passage. Children do not think the way adults do.For

Questions are based on the following passage.

Children do not think the way adults do.For most of the first year of life, if something is out of sight, it"s out of mind.If you cover a baby"s(36)toy with a piece of cloth, the baby thinks the toyhas disappeared and stops looking for it.A 4-year-old may(37)that a sister has more fruit juicewhen it is only the shapes of the glasses that differ, not the(38)of juice.

Yet children are smart in their own way.Like good little scientists, children are always testing their child-sized(39)about how things work.When your child throws her spoon on the floor for the sixth time as you try to feed her, and you say, "That"s enough! I will not pick up your spoon again!"

the child will(40)test your claim.Are you serious? Are you angry? What will happen if she throws the spoon again? She is not doing this to drive you(41); rather, she is learning that her desires and yours can differ, and that sometimes those(42 )are important and sometimes they are not.

How and why does children"s thinking change? In the 1920s, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget proposed that children"s cognitive (认知的) abilities unfold(43), like the blooming of a flower,almost independent of what else is(44)in their lives.Although many of his specific conclusions havebeen(45)or modified over the years, his ideas inspired thousands of studies by investigators all over the world.


















Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients ______ with doctors' orders





John: Hello, Maria!______. Maria: Yes, I'm pretty busy lately. How about your st

John: Hello, Maria!______.

Maria: Yes, I'm pretty busy lately. How about your studies?

The former focuses on the natural world; the ______ starts with human beings and studies how human b

A.A. second

B.B. later

C.C. next

D.D. latter

______studies how sentences in spoken and written language form. larger meaningful units s
uch as paragraphs, conversations and intercourse.

A. Meaning negotiation

B. Communicative Language Teaching

C. Pragmatics

D. Discourse analysis

Job or money? Would you quit your job if you didn’t need the money?In a 1990 poll by t

Job or money?

Would you quit your job if you didn’t need the money?In a 1990 poll by the Gallop Organization,many people said quitting work was an imprtant reason to be rich.Yet researchers find that work is one of life’s chief satisfactions for people.

Consider W.Berry Fowler.In 1979,Fowler started a tutoring company that became so successful he was able to sell out and retire in 1978一a multimillionaire at 40. He bought a 50-foot cabin cruiser(可住宿的游艇)and a house in Hawaii,and busied himself vacationing.

But after five years of perpetual vacation,nower began to miss the challenges of work.So in 1992,he bought a fitness chain for children and now spends 75 hours a week immersed in balance sheets and staff meetings.“My best days on the golf course weren’t half as much fun as a good day at the office.”he says.

A job,studies show,is more than a paycheck.Doing something Well can increase confidence and self—worth.When sociologist H.Ray Kaplan surveyed 139 lottery(彩票)millionaires,he discovered 60 percent continued working at least a year after they’d won.

If jobs are so important,wouldn’t salary size be a gauge(标准尺)of job satisfaction?Americans think so.A survey conducted last year by Roper Starch Worldwide,Inc.,found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income.Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert.work that doesn’t engage a person will never seem rewarding,no matter how lucative(有理可图的)it becomes.

第 8 题 The Gallop poll shows many people want to be rich in order not to work.



C.Not mentioned

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