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You seldom have to do the cooking,______? A. have you B. haven't you C. do yo

You seldom have to do the cooking,______?

A. have you

B. haven't you

C. do you

D. don't you

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更多“You seldom have to do the cook…”相关的问题
__________him to go swimming in the river.

A、Seldom I have advised

B、I seldom have advised

C、Seldom have I advised

D、I have advised him seldom

It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents.
They say that【61】parents don't【62】them. They often think that their parents are out of touch【63】modern ways; that they are too serious and too【64】with their children; and that they seldom give their children a free hand.

It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their children ' s【65】and they tend to forget how they themselves felt when young.

For example, young people like to act on the spot【66】much thinking. It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can【67】any difficult situation. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead, at【68】in the back of their minds, and do not like their plans to be upset by something unexpected.

When you want your parents to let you【69】something, you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it.

Young people often make their parents angry at their【70】in clothes, in entertainment and in music. But they do not【71】to cause any trouble; it is just that they feel cut off from the older people' s world, into which they have not yet been【72】. That' s why young people want to make a new culture of their【73】And if their parents do not like their music【74】entertainment or clothes or their way or speech, this will make the young people extremely happy.

Sometimes you are so proud【75】yourself that you do not want your parents to say "yes" to【76】you do. All you want is to be left alone and do what you like. It is natural enough, after being a child【77】so many years, when you were completely【78】your parent' s control.

If you plan to control your life, you' d better【79】your parents over and try to get them to understand you. If your parents see that you have a high sense of【80】, they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.






Old Japanese living alone can now hire a "family" for lunch and a few hours'pleasant talk.
Just give them a ring and ask for, say, a daughter, son-in-law and grandchild. They will show up at your door, and greet you happily as if they hadn't seen you for years.

Some 15 couples have so far hired "families". "We have nearly 80 people on the waiting list."Said the president of the company that offers such services. "What is common about these senior citizens is that they are eager for human love. We are helping them make their dreams come true."

Where once big families with three or more generations living together were common, now numbers are reducing fast. In cities there are very few indeed. Many old people seldom see their families. This may be because the children's bosses have sent them to a distant city, even abroad, or just because busy family members can not find time to visit their parents.

"We have seen many cases in which parent-children relations are not in a happy state," company president continues. "When a son finally visits his parents after a long while, it is often just to ask for money or for them to let him have their property(财产) early." Loneliness is not a one-way street. "One young mother came to us to ask about grandparents," he adds.

The company is now developing into other fields. Their services include providing "employee" for businessmen to scold and "lovers" for young people unlucky in love. Company's "lovers" for hire is not a service to be misunderstood, company president makes clear. "You shouldn't think about our lover too romantically(浪漫地) ,"he said, "She's there to act as an adviser on how to find a girlfriend."

Old people in Japanese hire family members

A.to ask for help when they are ill

B.to realize their big-family dreams

C.to seek love and comfort

D.to strengthen parent-children relations

So what is depression? Depression is often more about anger turned (1)_____ than it is abo

So what is depression? Depression is often more about anger turned (1)_____ than it is about sadness. But it's usually (2)_____ as sadness. Depression can (3)_____ at all ages, from childhood to old age, and it's the United States' No. 1 (4)_____ problem.

When someone is depressed, her behavior. (5)_____ change and she loses interest in activities she (6)_____ enjoyed (like sports, music, friendships). The sadness usually lasts every day for most of the day and for two weeks or more.

What (7)_____ depression? A (8)_____ event can certainly bring (9)_____ depression, but some will say it happens (10)_____ a specific cause. So how do you know if you're just having a bad day (11)_____ are really depressed? Depression affects your (12)_____, moods, behavior. and even your physical health. These changes often go (13)_____ or are labeled (14)_____ simply a bad case of the blues.

Someone who's truly (15)_____ depression will have (16)_____ periods of crying spells, feelings of (17)_____ (like not being able to change your situation) and (18)_____ (like you'll feel this way forever), irritation or agitation. A depressed person often (19)_____ from others. Depression seldom goes away by itself, and the greatest (20)_____ of depression is suicide. The risk of suicide increases if the depression isn't treated.





You seldom go to the cinema on the weekends, ______ ?A.don't youB.will youC.do youD.did yo

You seldom go to the cinema on the weekends, ______ ?

A.don't you

B.will you

C.do you

D.did you

Max: Why notePeter: Well, I seldom have chances (57) .

Max: Why note

Peter: Well, I seldom have chances (57) .

Many people think a telephone is essential. But I think it is a pest and a time waster. Ve
ry often you find it impossible to escape from some idle or inquisitive chatter-box, or from somebody who wants something for nothing. If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you least want it to ring; when you are asleep, or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out , or when you are in your bath. Are you strong-minded enough to ignore it, to say to yourself, "Ah, well it will all be the same in a hundred year's time?" You are not. You think there may be some important news or message for you. I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the tab]e, or dazed from the bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number?

But you will say, you need not have your name printed in the telephone directory, and you can have a telephone which is only usable for outgoing calls. Besides, you will say, isn't it important to have a telephone in case of sudden emergency--illness, accident, or fire? Of course, you are right, but here in a thickly populated country like England one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity.

I think perhaps I had better try to justify myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. I admit that in different circumstances--if I were a tycoon(实业界巨头) , for instance, or bed-ridden I might find a telephone essential. But then if I were a taxi-driver I should find a car essential. Let me put it another way: there are two things for which the English seem to show particular aptitude: one is mechanical invention, the other is literature. My own business happens to be with the use of words but I see I must now stop using them. For have just been handed a slip of paper to say that somebody is waiting to speak to me on the telephone. I think I had better answer it. After all, one never knows, it may be something important.

What does the work "pest" in the second sentence of the first paragraph mean? ()

A.Harmful thing.

B.Insignificant thing.

C.Troublesome thing

D.Trivial thing

Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative person w
ho is (1)_____ only among those with whom he is acquainted. When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous, even (2)_____. You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to (3)_____ the truth of this.

Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a comer; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite (4)_____.

(5)_____, there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior. which, once broken, makes the offender immediately the object of (6)_____.

It has been known as a fact that a British has a (7)_____ for the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it (8)_____.

Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom (9)_____ forecast add hence becomes a source of interest and (10)_____ to everyone.

This may be so. (11)_____ a British cannot have much (12)_____ in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong (13)_____ a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate—or as inaccurate as the weathermen in his (14)_____.

Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references (15)_____ weather that the British (16)_____ to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are (17)_____ by comments on the weather. "Nice day, isn't it?" "Beautiful!" may well be heard, instead of "Good morning, how are you?" Although the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is (18)_____ pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. If he wants to start a conversation with a British but is at a loss to know (19)_____ to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will (20)_____ an answer from even the most reserved of the British.





After graduation from high school, I started to sell. Soon I discovered that the【C1】______
expression I had been wearing since childhood meant sure【C2】______.1 knew it wasnt going to be easy to【C3】______that expression on my face left by so many years of hardship. It【C4】______a complete change in my view on life. Here is the【C5】______I tried. Each morning during a fifteen-minute bath, I【C6】______to cultivate(培养)a big, happy smile. I found out,【C7】______, that it couldnt be a forced smile【C8】______just for the purpose of putting dollars in my【C9】______. It had to be an honest-to-godness smile from down deep【C10】______, an outward expression of happiness from within ! Lets see【C11】______starting off with a good fifteen-minute workout of the smile muscles【C12】______me during the day. Before entering an office I【C13】______think of the many things I had to be【C14】______for, work up a big smile and then enter. Seldom did it fail to get the same smile【C15】______from the person I met. I also found that it【C16】______people when I passed them on the street to give them a【C17】______smile. Give every living soul you meet the best smile you have【C18】______smiled in your life, and see how much better you【C19】______and look. Its one of the best ways I know to【C20】______worrying, and start living. When I began doing this, I found I became more welcome everywhere.






The expression "follow the headlines" shows ______.A.people seldom have time to read newsp

The expression "follow the headlines" shows ______.

A.people seldom have time to read newspaper articles

B.people think the headlines contain the most important information

C.people often get their opinions from newspapers or television

D.most people look on newspapers or TV as misleading

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