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Old Japanese living alone can now hire a "family" for lunch and a few hours'pleasant talk.

Just give them a ring and ask for, say, a daughter, son-in-law and grandchild. They will show up at your door, and greet you happily as if they hadn't seen you for years.

Some 15 couples have so far hired "families". "We have nearly 80 people on the waiting list."Said the president of the company that offers such services. "What is common about these senior citizens is that they are eager for human love. We are helping them make their dreams come true."

Where once big families with three or more generations living together were common, now numbers are reducing fast. In cities there are very few indeed. Many old people seldom see their families. This may be because the children's bosses have sent them to a distant city, even abroad, or just because busy family members can not find time to visit their parents.

"We have seen many cases in which parent-children relations are not in a happy state," company president continues. "When a son finally visits his parents after a long while, it is often just to ask for money or for them to let him have their property(财产) early." Loneliness is not a one-way street. "One young mother came to us to ask about grandparents," he adds.

The company is now developing into other fields. Their services include providing "employee" for businessmen to scold and "lovers" for young people unlucky in love. Company's "lovers" for hire is not a service to be misunderstood, company president makes clear. "You shouldn't think about our lover too romantically(浪漫地) ,"he said, "She's there to act as an adviser on how to find a girlfriend."

Old people in Japanese hire family members

A.to ask for help when they are ill

B.to realize their big-family dreams

C.to seek love and comfort

D.to strengthen parent-children relations

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更多“Old Japanese living alone can …”相关的问题
Hawaii, the youngest state of the United States, is different in many ways from the mainla
nd states. The Hawaiian people are a mixture of the【21】Hawaiians and many immigrants who arrived【22】When the first pineapple plantations【23】in Hawaii in the 1900's, there were not enough people living on the. islands to do all the work.【24】more came: the Chinese, Japanese, and the Portuguese were the main groups.

For many years, Hawaiian customs were looked down on or【25】. Now there is new pride in the old ways. Children are learning the【26】language and the traditional songs and dances. At the University of Hawaii there is a great deal of interest in the history of the islands and the culture of the【27】.

Visitors to the islands【28】to see the island paradise as it【29】to be. Large numbers of tourists from the Mainland【30】in Hawaii daily. Signs of modem tourism are【31】. Honolulu and its suburbs, a quiet area of about 250,000 thirty years【32】, is now a crowded area of 800,000 residents and【33】.

As you drive around the island of Oahu, you can find some of the beaches are closed【34】the public, and more and more tourist resorts are being built in areas that were unspoiled. Hawaiians【35】about what will happen to the old way of life.






Mrs. Luth Li was a Chinese woman living in Singapore. She named her baby girl Patsy Li. Th
is name in Chinese means "white plum blossom". When Patsy Li was six years old, the Japanese attacked Singapore. Mrs. Li and Patsy Li escaped on a ship which was sunk. Mrs. Li placed Patsy Li on a bit of floating wreckage. Later Mrs. Li was saved, but the little girl could not be found.

Many months after, four thousand miles away, a group of United States Marines found a little Chinese girl. No one could tell how she had got there. She refused to talk or give her name. The captain who spoke Chinese named her Patsy Lee because he thought she looked like a white plum blossom.

When the New York Times told about the finding of "Patsy Lee", Mrs. Li's sister saw the news and wrote to her sister about it. Could Patsy Lee be the lost child Patsy Li? The mother made the long voyage to find out. The little "white plum blossom" was indeed her own Pasty Li.

According to the story, what does "Patsy Li" mean?

A.White apple blossom.

B.White peach blossom.

C.White pear blossom.

D.White plum blossom.

In the United States, older people rarely live with their adult children. But in many othe
r cultures children are expected to care【1】their aged parents. In some parts of Italy, the percentage of adult children who【2】with their parents【3】65 to 70 percent. In Thailand, too, children are expected to take care of their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live【4】. What explains these differences in living arrangements【5】cultures? Modernization theory【6】the extended family household to low levels of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their children in large extended family units for economic reasons. But with modernization, children move to urban areas, leaving old people【7】in【8】rural areas. Yet modernization theory cannot explain why extended family households were never common in the United States or England, or why families in Italy, which is fully modernized,【9】a strong tradition of intergenerational living. Clearly, economic development alone cannot explain【10】living arrangements. Another theory associated intergenerational living arrangements with inheritance patterns. In some cultures, the stem family pattern of inheritance【11】.【12】this system, parents live with a married child, usually the oldest son, who then【13】their property when they die. The stem family system was once common in Japan, but changes in inheritance laws,【14】broader social changes brought【15】 by industrialization and urbanization, have【16】the【17】.In 1960 about 80 percent of Japanese over 65 lived with their children; by 1990 only 60 percent did-a figure that is still high【18】U.S. standards, but which has been【19】steadily. In Korea, too, traditional living arrangements are【20】: the percentage of aged Koreans who live with a son declined from 77 percent in 1984 to 50 percent just 10 years later. Although most elderly Koreans still expect to live with a son, their adult children do not expect to live with their children when they grow old.






Living here at the top of the mountainwith no one else near, the old man must be very()





In the sentence "what is common about these senior citizens is that they are eager for hu-
man love", "senior citizens" could best be replaced by

A.high- ranking officials in cities

B.rich old couples living in cities

C.respectable ladies and gentlemen

D.old people

Scarcely ______ now without some sort of incident involving the old lady living at the end
of the lane.

A.a day passes

B.passes a day

C.does a day pass

D.has a day Passed

It can be inferred thatA.the growth in number of the old is liable for the fall in that of

It can be inferred that

A.the growth in number of the old is liable for the fall in that of the young.

B.the seemingly impossible statement about the main cause of aged societies is quite valid.

C.the greater dependency of babies is subject to the change in social structure.

D.the favorable conditions for continued living are perfect in modern societies.

Interviewer: Jane, you've recently returned from Japan. How long did you live there? Jane: For five years.

Interviewer: Jane, you've recently returned from Japan. How long did you live there?

Jane: For five years.

Interviewer: And why did you go to Japan in the first 21?

Jane:Well, a Japanese exchange student was living with my family, and he got me interested in going to Japan. He encouraged me 一 22一 to get a teaching job there and even offered me a place to stay until I found an apartment—at his mother's house in Tokyo.

Interviewer: So you went?

Jane: I did. When I arrived his mother was very helpful, but she didn't speak much English and I didn't speak any 23 .We managed to communicate, somehow, with gestures and mime, or sometimes we would both use dictionaries.

Interviewer: In what ways is life in Japan —24— from life in the United States?

Jane:In just about every aspect. A big change was using public transportation in Tokyo instead of a car. Trains, subways, and other transportation in Japan are very good, though crowded. You get used 一 25一 more often, because, without a car, you have to carry your groceries home. But I was really glad to be rid of my car. Another thing is the low crime rate in Tokyo and other big cities in Japan. I always felt —26— and never worried about crime. That's pretty unusual in almost any big city in the world today.

Interviewer: Did you have any difficulties adjusting?

Jane: Well, at the beginning it was hard not knowing the language. At first I learned survival Japanese, so I could get by in everyday situations, but anything technical was difficult for me to understand. I took classes, but it was slow going, and I didn’t always express myself because I was afraid of —27— mistakes. I wish I had taken more risks一I would probably have learned the language faster. Another thing I had to get used to was living in a culture where the majority of people looked different from me. I knew I'd always be an —28— in some ways.

Interviewer: What about Japanese food?

Jane: Overall, the diet there is a healthy one-low fat. Oh, there were many Japanese specialties that I liked, and others that I didn't like so much. The food wag very different, but I didn't expect to eat American style. there. I expected to eat Japanese style. and though,—29— Japanese products. I think Japanese food preparation takes a long time and I didn't have a lot of time to prepare food, so much of my experience comes from eating in restaurants.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone going to live overseas for the first time?

Jane: Do some of the things I didn't do: Before you go, read as much as you can. Find out about the culture, the customs, the holidays, the traditions. Learn a little bit of the language if you can and the way people express politeness. Be flexible. Living in another culture is like seeing the world through a new pair of glasses—at first everything—30—confusing. But if you keep your eyes open,eventually everything becomes clear. Unfortunately, a lot of people just close their eyes.

21. A. place B. idea C. opinion D. view

22. A. try B. to try C. trying D. to trying

23. A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. Spanish

24. A. differ B. different C. the same D.differentiate

25. A. to shopping B. shopping C. go shopping D.to shop

26. A. good B. happy C. easy D.safe

27. A. make B. to make C. making D. doing

28. A. visitor B. passenger C. passers-by D.outsider

29. A. buying B. to buying C. to buy D.bought

30. A. look B. looks C. is looked D. is looking

Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die, but peo
ple now live longer than they【36】. Yet, all living things still show the【37】of aging, which will eventually.【38】death.

Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity, the cells of the body and the【39】they form. do not function as well as they【40】in childhood and adolescence (青春期). The body provides less【41】against disease and is more prone【42】accident.

A number of related cause may【43】aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not【44】when they die. As a person ages,【45】of brain cells and muscle cells decrease,【46】body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the【47】cells may not be as viable (能生存的) or as capable【48】growth as those of a young person.

Another【49】in aging may be changes within the cells【50】. Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known【51】with age and become less elastic. This is why the skin of old people wrinkles and【52】. This is also the reason old people【53】in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as RNA, store and【54】information that the cell need. Aging may affect this【55】and change the information carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.


A.use to

B.be used to

C.used to


A very important world problem, if not the most serious of all the great world problems wh
ich affect us at the moment, is the increasing number of people who actually inhabit this planet. The limited amount of land and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population if it continues to grow at its present rate.

In an early survey conducted in 1888, a billion and a half people inhabited the earth. Now, the population exceeds five billion and is growing fast—by the staggering figure of 90 million in 1988 alone. This means that the world must accommodate a new population roughly equal to that of the United States and Canada every three years! Even though the rate of growth has begun to slow down, most experts believe the population size will still pass eight billion during the next 50 years.

So why is this huge Increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of what is becoming known as "Death Control". You have no doubt heard of the term "Birth Control"—"Death Control" is something rather different. It recognizes the work of the doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that include farming methods and sanitation, as well as the control of these deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die—creating a population explosion. We used to think that reaching seventy years old was a remarkable achievement, but now eighty or even ninety is becoming recognized as the normal life-span for humans. In a sense, this represents a tremendous achievement for our species. Biologically this is the very definition of success and we have undoubtedly become the dominant animal on the planet. However, this Success is the very cause of the greatest threat to mankind.

Man is constantly destroying the very resources which keep him alive. He is destroying the balance of nature which regulates climate and the atmosphere, produces and maintains healthy soils, provides food from the seas, etc. In short, by only considering our needs of today, we are ensuring there will be no tomorrow.

An understanding of man's effect on the balance of nature is crucial to be able to find the appropriate remedial action. It is a very common belief that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor people living in poor countries who do not know enough to limit their reproduction. This is not true. The actual number of people in an area is not as important as the effect they have on nature. Developing countries do have an effect on their environment, but it is the populations of richer countries that have a far greater impact on the earth as a whole.

The birth of a baby in, for example, Japan, imposes more than a hundred times the amount of stress on the world's resources as a baby in India. Most people in India do not grow up to own cars or air-conditioners—nor do they eat the huge amount of meat and fish that the Japanese child does. Their life-styles do not require vast quantities of minerals and energy. Also, they are aware of the requirements of the land around them and try to put something back into nature to replace what they take out.

For example, tropical forests are known to be essential to the balance of nature yet we are destroying them at an incredible rate. They are being cleared not to benefit the natives of that country, but to satisfy the needs of richer countries. Central American forests are being destroyed for pastureland to make pet food in the United States cheaper; in Papua New Guinea, forests are destroyed to supply cheaper cardboard packaging for Japanese electronic products; in Burma and Thailand, forests have been destroyed to produce more attractive furniture in Singapore and Japan. Therefore, a rich person liv

A.to put forward the argument that world population has to be reduced.

B.to give a brief history of the growth in world population.

C.to emphasize how quickly the world population is rising.

D.to stress how large the world population is now.

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