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You'll never sell any product that is as important as yourself, so you want to do it right

. Selling yourself--in job interviews, in your performance on the job so you can earn a promotion ,and in working with outsiders so you can make yourself attractive to other companies and thus increase your career progress and your earning power--is your most basic selling job. Almost everybody in business must go through the process at least several times in his or her career.

Having been through the same experience myself several times, I have my own four main rules to follow. They have helped me ,and they can help you ,too:

Ⅰ. Show your future employers what you can do for them. What do you bring that's unique? To paraphrase President Kennedy: Ask not what your employer can de for you, but what you can do for your employer. Don't tell the person interviewing you what's on your resume(简历) , which they have already read. Tell them instead how you are going to do this job better than anyone else would ;make them think about how good the boss who hired you will look. In other words, sell your advantages, not your features. You do that by talking about your knowledge and your skills--the experience and contacts you have developed in your field and the abilities you have developed over your career.

Ⅱ. Maintain an open attitude. Openness is the quality that is essential in virtually every, kind of social and business talk if you are to be successful. Don't be so businesslike in your behaviour. Communicate your enthusiasm for the job. This is a refreshing characteristic that employers don't always find in job interviews, and the applicant who displays it sometimes will find out later it was the one quality that made a difference.

Ⅲ. Be prepared. Go over the key points you want to make about yourself. Even write them down on a yellow pad and review them several times before the interview. And don't duck(躲避) the hard questions, put them down and then figure out how you are going to answer them. If you've changed jobs three times in the past seven years, expect to be asked why. And if you want to go that extra mile, put yourself through a dress rehearsal(彩排) by having someone play the role of your future employer and "interview" you. That's an extremely effective technique, one that will give you a much better shot at getting that job.

Ⅳ. Ask questions. Asking questions is how you learn, and in a job interview you definitely want to learn about the company just as much as the company wants to learn about you.

You'll never have a better opportunity to get a feel for your future company or boss. Besides, employers respect someone who displays the initiative (主动) to ask intelligent questions about the company. That shows you possess two of the most persuasive (有说服力的) qualities that we just talked about: you are prepared ,and you care.

Having experienced several job interviews, the author has reached the conclusion that you should ______.

A.tell your future employer your unique abilities, have an open attitude, be well prepared and ask questions

B.purposely show yourself off, have an open attitude, be prepared, ask tough questions

C.tell your future employer your unique abilities, be careful about your outer appearance, prepare and ask tough questions

D.sell your features, be prepared, have an open attitude and ask questions

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更多“You'll never sell any product …”相关的问题
If you don't give ______smoking, you'll never get better. A. off B. up C. out D. i

If you don't give ______smoking, you'll never get better.

A. off

B. up

C. out

D. in

You are______ your money if you buy clothes that you'll probably never wear.A.spendingB.gi

You are______ your money if you buy clothes that you'll probably never wear.





—What do you usually do in your spare time?



B.No, I'll never do that

C.Yes, it’s my favorite time

Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?A.If you are a tour

Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

A.If you are a tourist you will never have advantages in the USA.

B.The first-hand experience will help you understand the culture in the USA,

C.Do not hesitate to say "This summer I'll be studying in the USA.

D.You can make a good decision after you read all the articles.

Simon: I hope you'll pardon me for saying the wrong words. I just couldn't help. Gary:

Simon: I hope you'll pardon me for saying the wrong words. I just couldn't help.

Gary: ______. It doesn't really matter.

A. I think so.

B. With pleasure.

C. Please take it easy.

D. Yes, but why?

E. Sure you can.

F. It's very kind of you!

G. Never mind.

H. Not too bad.

Tony. Mom, I'll be 12 next week. May I have a birthday party? Mom: ______. A. I thin

Tony. Mom, I'll be 12 next week. May I have a birthday party?

Mom: ______.

A. I think so.

B. With pleasure.

C. Please take it easy.

D. Yes, but why?

E. Sure you can.

F. It's very kind of you!

G. Never mind.

H. Not too bad.

Self-esteem(自尊)and Self-confidence 1.Think back to when you did something new for the fi
rst time. Self-confidence isn't always what we think it is. Many experts say that self-confidence and self-esteem are different. Self-confidence is about what we can do by virtue of our efforts, It grows along with the quality of the effort. 2.Self-esteem is more fundamental(基本的)and is about the feeling of being worth something, just because we are, and not because we have done something. A good sportsman can have a huge success and self-confidence, because he's good at his sport. In the same time his self-esteem can be low, if his parents have never recognized and treasured him for the person he is deep inside, but only for his performances in sports. 3.Build self-esteem if you were not born with it. Some people just have it, as if they were born with it. They talk in front of a crowd of people, sell themselves at job interviews or start an interesting conversation with people they've never met before. 4.Self-confidence isn't something you receive as a birth gift. It's something you develop gradually as you turn over the pages of the thick book of life. If you work goal-directed to improve your belief in yourself, you'll eventually build up your courage to do what self-assured(自信的)people find natural, instead of developing pounding hearts, breathing difficulties and trembling hands. 5.Regardless of fear and shyness you'll have to get out of your hiding to improve your self-confidence. Be more visible to your surroundings. Do something else than you used to. Try yourself in different situations. We all have many great abilities that just have to be exposed. Paragraph 1_____A.What is self-esteem?

B.What is self-confidence?

C.Self-esteem can be a gift

D.Importance of self-esteem

E.Self-confidence is developed

F.Advice for building self-confidence

Paragraph 2_____A.What is self-esteem?

B.What is self-confidence?

C.Self-esteem can be a gift

D.Importance of self-esteem

E.Self-confidence is developed

F.Advice for building self-confidence

Self-esteem is about _____.A.have low self-esteem

B.what we can do by our efforts

C.many great abilities

D.start a conversation with a stranger

E.be more visible to our surroundings

F.the feeling of being worth something

A good sportsman may _____.A.have low self-esteem

B.what we can do by our efforts

C.many great abilities

D.start a conversation with a stranger

E.be more visible to our surroundings

F.the feeling of being worth something

A man with high self-esteem is more likely to _____.A.have low self-esteem

B.what we can do by our efforts

C.many great abilities

D.start a conversation with a stranger

E.be more visible to our surroundings

F.the feeling of being worth something

Toget out of our hiding we need to _____.A.have low self-esteem

B.what we can do by our efforts

C.many great abilities

D.start a conversation with a stranger

E.be more visible to our surroundings

F.the feeling of being worth something

Self-confidence is about _____.A.have low self-esteem

B.what we can do by our efforts

C.many great abilities

D.start a conversation with a stranger

E.be more visible to our surroundings

F.the feeling of being worth something

Paragraph 3_____A.What is self-esteem?

B.What is self-confidence?

C.Self-esteem can be a gift

D.Importance of self-esteem

E.Self-confidence is developed

F.Advice for building self-confidence

Paragraph 5_____A.What is self-esteem?

B.What is self-confidence?

C.Self-esteem can be a gift

D.Importance of self-esteem

E.Self-confidence is developed

F.Advice for building self-confidence

Paragraph 4_____A.What is self-esteem?

B.What is self-confidence?

C.Self-esteem can be a gift

D.Importance of self-esteem

E.Self-confidence is developed

F.Advice for building self-confidence


We develop our impressions of other countries and their people through books, movies, tele
vision, magazines, fellow students, and friends. But is there really any substitute for first-hand experience?

Come, spend a summer studying in the USA, and get to know people and a land which are incredibly rich in their variety. You may end up on an urban campus or a rural one, at a small school or a large one, in a cool climate or a warm one, in San Francisco or St. Louis. But whatever your experience, it will be first-hand, personal, alive, and unforgettable!

If you spend a summer studying in the USA, you'll have advantages which the tourist never will. Not only will you learn the subject matter of your choice, but you’ll gain an understanding of the American educational system as well. You'll experience the culture of the people and the dynamics of your physical environment. But above all, as a student you'll have a chance to meet Americans. Get to know them, communicate, exchange ideas and opinions, and hopefully form. friendships which will endure beyond the length of your stay in the USA.

The following articles will help you in deciding which summer program to choose, what to bring, and how to adjust to the life in the USA. But the first and most important decision is one which you can make right now. Why not say, "This summer, I'll be studying in the USA!"

According to the passage, our impressions of other countries and their people are usually developed ______.

A.through first-hand experience

B.in the very countries

C.through friendships with people

D.through various sources of experience

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points) Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions fro

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points)

Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A. I've never been there.

B. I'm too tired.

C. Jim gave it to me.

D. I'll try. my best to get you there.

E. Very well.

F. Everybody knows.

G. Good idea.

H. It has been broken.

56. Bob: The boss won't be here today. Let's have a party.

Alice: ______.

听力原文:In public speaking, the watch word is preparation. Most of us tend to put things

听力原文: In public speaking, the watch word is preparation. Most of us tend to put things off, at least occasionally. It's so easy to put things off especially those things we do not look forward to doing. So if the speaking engagement is several weeks off, we may feel that we still have plenty of time. But as the day draws closer, we begin to panic. Don't let this happen to you. Start preparing as soon as you're given or accept the speaking assignment. You have much to do and to do it right will take time. How much better your speech will be and how much better you'll feel if you have taken the time to do it right! When you are prepared, you have gathered the needed data, determined what is appropriate to the listener's understanding and acceptance levels, organized the ideas so they flow logically, selected examples and other supports for your ideas and made them interesting to your listeners, developed a great opening that you know will capture the attention of even the daydreamers in your audience checked out the room where you'll be speaking and requested any feasible changes you wish in the set-up of the room If you are prepared, you are confident that you can best convey your message to your listeners. If you waited until a few days before your presentation to begin to prepare, or worse, yet, the day before, no doubt you'll be anxious and with good reason. And now there is not enough time to engage in more than a superficial attempt. Both you and the audience will feel uncomfortable, like retirement planning. It is never too early to start preparing for your presentation. So, start preparing right away.





D.Select appropriate materials.

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