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A job interview can help you determine whether you want a particular position if it i

s offered to you.()


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Generally speaking, the best time to inquire the result of the job interview is in th
e end of it when all the candidates have finished their interview.()

The importance and focus of the interview in the work of the print and broadcast journalis
t is reflected in several books that have been written on the topic. Most of these books, as well as several chapters, mainly in, but not limited to journalism and broadcasting handbooks and reporting texts, stress the " how to" aspects of journalistic interviewing rather than the conceptual aspects of the interview, its context, and implications. Much of the "how to" material is based on personal experiences and general impression. As we know, in journalism as in other fields, much can be learned from the systematic study of professional practice. Such study brings together evidence from which broad generalized principles can be developed.

There is, as has been suggested, a growing body of research literature in journalism and broadcasting, but very little significant attention has been devoted to the study of the interview itself. On the other hand, many general texts as well as numerous research articles on interviewing in fields other than journalism have been written. Many of these books and articles present the theoretical and empirical (经验的) aspects of the interview as well as the training of the interviewers. Unhappily, this plentiful general literature about interviewing pays little attention to the journalistic interview. The fact that the general literature on interviewing does not deal with the journalistic interview seems to be surprising for two reasons. First, it seems likely that most people in modern Western societies are more familiar, at least in a positive manner, with journalistic interviewing than with any other form. of interviewing. Most of us are probably somewhat familiar with the clinical interview, such as that conducted by physicians and psychologists. In these situations the professional person or interviewer is interested in getting information necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of the person seeking help. Another familiar situation is the job interview. However, very few of us have actually been interviewed personally by the mass media, particularly by television. And yet, we have a vivid acquaintance with the journalistic interview by virtue of our roles as readers, listeners, and viewers. Even so, true understanding of the journalistic interview, especially television interviews, requires thoughtful analysis and even study, as this book indicates.

The main idea of the first paragraph is that

A.generalized principles for journalistic interviews are the chief concern for writers on journalism

B.concepts and contextual implications are of secondary importance to journalistic interviewing

C.importance should be attached to the systematic study of journalistic interviewing

D.personal experiences and general impressions should be excluded from journalistic interviews

According to the passage, the Internet has revolutionized job hunting by______.A.changing

According to the passage, the Internet has revolutionized job hunting by______.

A.changing the recession cycle

B.opening more chances for job seekers

C.improving the reemployment situation

D.reducing the interview time

You'll never sell any product that is as important as yourself, so you want to do it right
. Selling yourself--in job interviews, in your performance on the job so you can earn a promotion ,and in working with outsiders so you can make yourself attractive to other companies and thus increase your career progress and your earning power--is your most basic selling job. Almost everybody in business must go through the process at least several times in his or her career.

Having been through the same experience myself several times, I have my own four main rules to follow. They have helped me ,and they can help you ,too:

Ⅰ. Show your future employers what you can do for them. What do you bring that's unique? To paraphrase President Kennedy: Ask not what your employer can de for you, but what you can do for your employer. Don't tell the person interviewing you what's on your resume(简历) , which they have already read. Tell them instead how you are going to do this job better than anyone else would ;make them think about how good the boss who hired you will look. In other words, sell your advantages, not your features. You do that by talking about your knowledge and your skills--the experience and contacts you have developed in your field and the abilities you have developed over your career.

Ⅱ. Maintain an open attitude. Openness is the quality that is essential in virtually every, kind of social and business talk if you are to be successful. Don't be so businesslike in your behaviour. Communicate your enthusiasm for the job. This is a refreshing characteristic that employers don't always find in job interviews, and the applicant who displays it sometimes will find out later it was the one quality that made a difference.

Ⅲ. Be prepared. Go over the key points you want to make about yourself. Even write them down on a yellow pad and review them several times before the interview. And don't duck(躲避) the hard questions, put them down and then figure out how you are going to answer them. If you've changed jobs three times in the past seven years, expect to be asked why. And if you want to go that extra mile, put yourself through a dress rehearsal(彩排) by having someone play the role of your future employer and "interview" you. That's an extremely effective technique, one that will give you a much better shot at getting that job.

Ⅳ. Ask questions. Asking questions is how you learn, and in a job interview you definitely want to learn about the company just as much as the company wants to learn about you.

You'll never have a better opportunity to get a feel for your future company or boss. Besides, employers respect someone who displays the initiative (主动) to ask intelligent questions about the company. That shows you possess two of the most persuasive (有说服力的) qualities that we just talked about: you are prepared ,and you care.

Having experienced several job interviews, the author has reached the conclusion that you should ______.

A.tell your future employer your unique abilities, have an open attitude, be well prepared and ask questions

B.purposely show yourself off, have an open attitude, be prepared, ask tough questions

C.tell your future employer your unique abilities, be careful about your outer appearance, prepare and ask tough questions

D.sell your features, be prepared, have an open attitude and ask questions

To have an interview for a job,one should________.A.wear expensive clothesB.be cl

To have an interview for a job,one should________.

A.wear expensive clothes

B.be clean and tidy

C.be polite and gentlemanly(or gentlewomanly)

D.be both B and C

Would it be considered rude (send) ______ a thank-you note by fax to a manager after
Would it be considered rude (send) ______ a thank-you note by fax to a manager after

Would it be considered rude (send) ______ a thank-you note by fax to a manager after a job interview?

How do you show your interest in the job when your interview is about to be put an end

A.Raise questions about the employer or job.

B.Express your thanks to the interviewer(s).

C.Try to establish contact with the interviewer(s).

D.Restate your interest to the interviewer(s).

Which of the following statements are examples of the nonverbal behavior. of the job i

A.In what style. you choose to speak (e.g. begin with a story or a question) in the conversation.

B.In what way you behave (e.g. behave appropriately or not) in the conversation.

C.In what manner you speak (e.g. speak fast, short or aloud) in the conversation.

D.What body language you use (e.g. speak with or without eye contact) in the conversation.

Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people
are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good deal about the wearer's background, personality, status, mood and social outlook.

Since clothes are such an important source of social information, we can use them to manipulate people's impression of us. Our appearance assumes particular significance in the initial phases of interaction that is likely to occur. A young adult who is dressed in an unconventional manner, regardless of the person's education, background, or interests, may alienate an elderly middle-class man or woman.

People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes mean. Adolescent girls can easily agree on the lifestyles of girls who wear certain outfits, including the number of boyfriends they likely have had and whether they smoke or drink. Newscasters, or the announcers who read the news on TV, are considered to be more convincing, honest, and competent when they are dressed conservatively. And college students who view themselves as taking an active role in their interpersonal relationships say they are concerned about the costumes they must wear to play these roles successfully. Moreover, many of us can relate instances in which the clothing we wore changed the way we felt about ourselves and how we acted. Perhaps you have used clothing to gain confidence when you anticipated a stressful situation, such as a job interview, or a court appearance.

In the workplace, men have long had well-defined precedents and role models for achieving success. It has been otherwise for women. A good many women in the business world are uncertain about the appropriate mixture of "masculine" and "feminine" attributes they should convey by their professional clothing. The variety of clothing alternatives to women has also been greater than that available for men. Male administrators tend to judge women more favorably for managerial positions when the women display less "feminine" appearance: shorter hair, moderate use of make-up, and plain tailored clothing. As one male administrator confessed," An attractive woman is definitely going to get longer interview, but she won't get a job."

According to the passage, the way we dress ______.

A.provides clues for people who are critical of us

B.indicates our likes and dislikes in choosing a career

C.has a direct influence on the way people regard us

D.is of particular importance when we get on in age

It can be inferred in lesson four that the most effective way of enhancing your inter
view performance is to keep practicing.()

Part A51. Directions:You have just received a letter from a company, which replied your ap

Part A

51. Directions:

You have just received a letter from a company, which replied your application for a job and asked you to go to the interview on August 30. Please write a reply which is about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

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