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Mary has just called and asked __ to have lunch with her tomorrow. A.you and I B.you a

nd me C.I and you D.me and you

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更多“Mary has just called and asked…”相关的问题
Could you please tell me where _____ find Professor Smith? His wife has just called his office.

A.I can

B.can I

C.would I

D.I would

听力原文:W: Dad, a new Nike store has just opened on the corner.M: Yes, I know.W: Well, I

听力原文:W: Dad, a new Nike store has just opened on the corner.

M: Yes, I know.

W: Well, I want to buy a pair of tennis shoes. I have just joined a tennis club.

M: That's nice! I'm happy you've decided to do some sports.

W: And ltd like to buy Nike.

M: Come on, Mary, it's not for you.

W: But everyone in the club wears Nike. They say it's the best.

M: Maybe it is. But how much is a pair of Nike shoes?

W: Don't worry about that. I have a part-time job now, and I have saved enough money.

M: That's good. To tell you the truth, I also want a Nike myself.

8. What is the relationship between the two speakers?


A.Husband and wife.

B.Father and daughter.

C.Teacher and student.

D.Shop assistant and customer.

A great difference between American social customs and those of other countries is the way
in which names are used. Americans have little concern for "rank", especially socially. (76) Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way because of their age or social rank; it makes them feel uncomfortable. Many Americans even find the terms "Mr. ", "Mrs." or "Miss." too formal. People of all ages may prefer to be called by their first names. "Don't call me Mrs. Smith, just call me Sally." Using only first names usually indicates friendliness and acceptance. However, if you do not feel comfortable using only first names, it is quite acceptable to be more formal. Just smile and say that after a while you will use first names but you are accustomed to being more formal when you first meet someone.

Very often, introductions are made using both first and last names: "Mary Smith, this is John Jones." In this situation you are free to decide whether to call the lady "Mary" or "Miss Smith". Sometimes both of you will begin a conversation using last names, and after a while one or both of you may begin using first names instead. You have a choice: if you don't want to use first names so quickly, no one will think it impolite if you continue according to your own custom.

In the first paragraph the author tells us that ______.

A.Americans do not talk about rank, especially socially

B.Americans feel uncomfortable when talking about rank

C.Americans take interests in social customs

D.Americans don't care much about social rank

A lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her special area i
s called "public interest law". Many other lawyers represent only clients who can pay high fees. All lawyers have had expressive and highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they earn. But what happens to people who need legal help and can not afford to pay these lawyers' fee?

Public interest lawyers fill this need. Patricia, like other public interest lawyers, earns a salary much below what some lawyers can earn. Because she is willing to take less money, her clients have the help they need, even if they can pay nothing at all.

Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with faulty merchandise. Others are in unsafe apartments, or are threatened with eviction (being driven) and have no place to go. Their cases are all called " civil" cases. Still others are accused of criminal acts, and seek those public interest lawyers who handle "criminal" cases. These are just a few of the many situations in which the men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to extend justice throughout society.

"A lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanity" means______.

A.she has tried to earn her living by providing service for human beings

B.she has tried to provide service to people in need out of humane consideration

C.she has tried to work for the cause of law at any cost

D.she has devoted herself to the public relationship in spite of loss of income

A lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her special area i
s called "public interest law".

Many other lawyers represent only clients who can pay high fees. (76) All lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training , and they work long, difficult hours for the money they earn. But what happens to people who need legal help and cannot afford to pay these lawyers' fees?

Public interest lawyers fill this need. Lisa, like other public interest lawyers, earns a salary much below what some lawyers can earn. Because she is willing to take less money, her clients need the help, even if they can pay nothing at all.

Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with faulty merchandise. Others are in unsafe apartments, or are threatened with eviction (驱逐,赶出) and have no place to go to. Their cases are called "civil" cases. Still others are accused of criminal acts, and seeking those public interest lawyers who handle "criminal" cases. (77) These are just a few of the many situations in which men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to extend justice throughout our society.

A person who needs and uses legal help is called a______.




D.case worker

Jack told Mary that he ______ what he was doing during the vacation.A.had just been askedB

Jack told Mary that he ______ what he was doing during the vacation.

A.had just been asked

B.has just asked

C.was just asked

D.just asked

Passage Two In 2000, with little but a bar and a church left to make it a destination, ti

Passage Two

In 2000, with little but a bar and a church left to make it a destination, tiny St. James, Nebraska, was taken off state highway maps. Then the church closed, and the small farm village in the state’s northeast corner looked set to just disappear. Thanks to five devoted women, it didn’t.

In May 2001, after meeting with staff from the Center for Rural Affairs, the friends—Louis Guy, Vicky Koch, Jeanette Pinkelman, Mary Rose Pinkelman and Violet Pinkelman—opened a weekend market for vendors(小商贩) to sell handcrafts and local food.

“We felt like, what can we do to bring the community together?” says Mary Rose Pinkelman, “We decided to make a place to sell local goods.” They set up shop in the church school, which, though closed for nearly 40 years, had been well maintained. The first weekend, 16 vendors look over an old classroom. The result was an instant hit. Today, the market draws up to 70 vendors----who sell such items as homemade jellies, baked goods, hand-woven rugs, and farm-grown produce----and what Pinkelman calls an unexpected number of visitors. In the process, the market has made St. James a destination again, putting it back on the state road map.

40. According to Para. 1, what fate was St. James Nebraska suffering?

A The replacement of the church school

B The disappearance from highway maps

C The closedown of the bar

D The set-up of a market

While there's never a good age to get cancer, people in their 20s and 30s can feel particu
larly isolated. The average age of a cancer patient at diagnosis is 67. Children with cancer often are treated at pediatric (小儿科的) cancer centers, but young adults have a tough time finding peers, often sitting side-by-side during treatments with people who could be their grandparents.

In her new book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, writer Kris Carr looks at cancer from the perspective of a young adult who confronts death just as she's discovering life. Ms. Carr was 31 when she was diagnosed with a rare form. of cancer that had generated tumors on her liver and lungs.

Ms. Carr reacted with the normal feelings of shock and sadness. She called her parents and stocked up on organic food, determined to become a "full-time healing addict." Then she picked up the phone and called everyone in her address book, asking if they knew other young women with cancer. The result was her own personal “cancer posse”: a rock concert tour manager, a model, a fashion magazine editor, a cartoonist and a MTV celebrity, to name a few. This club of "cancer babes" offered support, advice and fashion tips, among other things.

Ms. Carr put her cancer experience in a recent Learning Channel documentary, and she has written a practical guide about how she coped. Cancer isn't funny, but Ms. Carr often is. She swears, she makes up names for the people who treat her (Dr. Fabulous and Dr. Guru), and she even makes second opinions sound fun ("cancer road trips," she calls them).

She leaves the medical advice to doctors, instead offering insightful and practical tips that reflect the world view of a young adult. "I refused to let cancer ruin my party," she writes. "There are just too many cool things to do and plan and live for."

Ms. Carr still has cancer, but it has stopped progressing. Her cancer tips include using time- saving mass e-mails to keep friends informed, sewing or buying fashionable hospital gowns so you're not stuck with regulation blue or gray and playing Gloria Gaynor’s "I Will Survive" so loud your neighbors call the police. Ms. Carr also advises an eyebrow wax and a new outfit before yon tell the important people in your life about your illness. "People you tell are going to cautiously and not so cautiously try to see the cancer, so dazzle them instead with your miracle," she writes.

While her advice may sound superficial, it gets to the heart of what every cancer patient wants: the chance to live life just as she always did, and maybe better.

Which of the following groups is more vulnerable to cancer?


B.People in their 20s and 30s.

C.Young adults.

D.Elderly people.

It has always been difficult for the philosopher or scientists to fit time into his view o
f the universe. Prior to Einsteinian physics, there was no truly adequate formulation of the relationship of time to the other forces in the universe, even though some empirical equations included time qualities. However, even the Einsteinian formulation is not perhaps totally adequate to the job of fitting time into the proper relationship with the other dimensions, as they are called, of space. The primary problem arises in relation to things that might be going faster than the speed of light, or have other strange properties,

Examination of the Lorentz-Fitsgerald formulas yields the interesting speculation that if something did actually exceed the speed of light it would have its mass expressed as an imaginary number and would seem to be going backwards in time. The barrier to exceeding the speed of light is the apparent need to have an infinite quantity of mass moved at exactly the speed of light. If this situation could be leaped over in a large quantum jump--which seems highly unlikely for masses that are large in normal circumstances--then the other side may he achievable.

The idea of going backward in time is derived from the existence of a time vector that is negative, although just what this might mean to our senses in the unlikely circumstance of our experiencing this state cannot be conjectured.

There have been, in fact, some observations of particle chambers which have led some scientists to speculate that a particle called the tachyon may exist with the trans-light properties we have just discussed.

The difficulties of imagining and coping with these potential implications of our mathematical models points out the importance of studying alternative methods of notation for advanced physics. Professor Zuckerandl, in his book Sound and Symbol, hypothesized that it might be better to express the relationships bund in quantum mechanics through the use of a notation derived from musical notations. To oversimplify greatly, he argues that music has always given time a special relationship to other factors or parameters or dimensions. Therefore, it might be a more useful language in which to express the relationships in physics where time again has a special role to play, and cannot be treated as just another dimension.

The point of this, or any other alternative to the current methods of describing basic physical processes, is that time does not appear--either by common experience or sophisticated scientific understanding--to be the same sort of dimension or parameter as physical dimensions, as is deserving of completely special treatment, in a system of notation designed to accomplish that goal.

One approach would be to consider time to be a field effect governed by the application of energy to mass that is to say, by the interaction of different forms of energy, if you wish to keep in mind the equivalence of mass and energy. The movement of any normal sort of mass is bound to produce a field effect that we call positive time. An imaginary mass would produce a negative time field effect. This is not at variance with Einstein's theories, since the "faster" a given mass moves the more energy was applies to it and the greater would be the field effect The time effects predicted by Einstein and confirm by experience are, it seems, consonant with this concept. (565)

The passage supports the inference that ______.

A.Einstein's theory of relativity is wrong

B.the Lorentz-Fitzgerald formulas contradict Einstein's theories

C.time travel is dearly possible

D.it is impossible to travel at precisely the speed of light

We first think of the traditional or nuclear family. This is a two-generation family, the
father and the mother and their own children. Most couples wanted to have four children, two boys, two girls.

Some nuclear families, however, may add one or more grandparents to come to live with them, that is three generations. This kind of family with grandparents, parents, and grandchildren is called an extended family. This family type was not very common during the later half of the twentieth century, but it's becoming more common now as an elderly grandparent moves in to live with a son or daughter. This is more possible now that American homes have become larger. What is interesting, however, is that after the grandchildren move out of the home and start their own families, this extended family shrinks back to a nuclear family, with just two generations again living together, a grandparent and parents, with the grandchildren coming only for occasional visits.

Now, the fatherless or motherless family is one kind of what we call a single-parent family. In the fatherless family it's just the mother and her children. As I said, this can be the result of the husband's death, of an unmarried mother, of a separation or divorce. There are also a growing number of motherless families--where the father raises the children, for any of the same reasons. A motherless family may also be fatherless, but still a family with one adult. This is becoming more common in the big cities where a grandmother will raise her daughter's children while the daughter goes elsewhere to work.

One other new kind of family is becoming increasingly more common. A single parent with one or more children will marry again. Perhaps the other parent is also a single parent. Together they will start what is called a blended family, which blends together or combines the children from two other families.

An extended family usually has ______.

A.two generations

B.three generations

C.four generations

D.one generation

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