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Central topic: Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rew

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We can learn from the text that the America's central bank ______.A.took advantage of rate

We can learn from the text that the America's central bank ______.

A.took advantage of rate-cuts policy as an insurance policy.

B.is fairly conservative in raising short-term interest rates.

C.tried to stop consumer prices from free falling but in vain.

D.place monetary policy-making in the hands of Walk Streeters.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed to write a composition on the topic “How to L
earn English Well”. You should write no less than 100 words.How to Learn English Well

Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to steal. Such a pers
on is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions. People with kleptomania for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they may become normal citizens again. The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. They often give away what they have stolen or collect objects without using them.

What is the topic of the text?

A.Young Thieves

B.An Unusual Illness

C.Reasons for Stealing

D.A Normal Child's Actions

More and more residences, businesses, and even government agencies are using telephone ans
wering machines to take messages or give information or instructions. Sometimes these machines give (1)_____ instructions, or play messages that are difficult to understand. If you (2)_____ telephone calls, you need to be ready to respond if you get a (3)_____. The most common machine is the (4)_____ used in residence. If you call a home (5)_____ there is a telephone answering machine in operation you (6)_____ hear several rings and then a recorded message (7)_____ usually says something (8)_____ this: "Hello. We can't come to the (9)_____ right now. If you want us to call you back, please leave your name and number after the beep". Then you will hear a "beep", (10)_____ is a brief, high-pitched (11)_____. Alter the beep, you can say who you are, whom you want to speak to, and what number the person should call to (12)_____ you, or you can leave a (13)_____. Some telephone answering machines (14)_____ for only 20 or 30 seconds after the beep, so you must respond quickly. Some large businesses and government agencies are using telephone answering machines to provide information on (15)_____ about which they receive a large volume of (16)_____. Using these systems (17)_____ you to have a touch-tone phone (a phone with buttons rather than a rotary dial). The voice on the machine will tell your to push a certain button on your telephone if you want information on Topic A, another button for Topic B, and so on. You listen (18)_____ you hear the topic you want to learn about, and then you push the (19)_____ button. After making your (20)_____, you will hear a recorded message on the topic.





It is estimated that some seven hundred million people about half the world's population a
re un able to read and write, and there are probably two hundred and fifty million more whose level of attainment(造诣、成就)is so slight that it barely qualifies a literacy(识字).

Recently the attack on illiteracy has been stepped up. A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris, as part of the United Nations Development Decade, and an international conference on the subject has also been held. UNESCO stresses that functional literacy is the aim. People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship: the ability to read notices, newspapers, timetables, letters, price lists, to keep simple records and accounts, to sort out the significance of the information gathered, and to fill in forms.

The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia, and Central and South America. In Africa there are at least one hundred million illiterates, making up eighty to eighty-five per cent of the total population. In Europe the figure is about twenty-four million, most of them is Southern Europe, with Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Yugoslavia heading the list (the United Kingdom has about seven hundred thousand).

According to the estimate, the illiterate population in the world is ______.

A.two hundred and fifty million

B.one hundred million

C.about half of the total population in the world

D.seven thousand million

How do people learn body language? The same way they learn spoken language-by observing

How do people learn body language? The same way they learn spoken language-by observing and imitating people around them as they' re growing up. (6)________. Little boys imitate their fathers or a respected uncle or a character on television. In this way. They learn the gender signals appropriate for their sex. Regional. class. and ethnic patterns of body behavior. are also learned in childhood and persist throughout their life.

(7)________. In America, for example. women stand with their thighs together.Many walk with their pelvis (骨盆) tipped slightly forward and their upper arms close to their body. When they sit , they cross their legs at the knee or cross their ankles. American men hold their arms away from their body , often swinging them as they walk. They stand with their legs apart. When they sit, they put their feet on the floor with legs apart and , in some parts of the country, they cross their legs by putting one ankle on the other knee.

Leg behavior. indicates sex , status , and personality. It also indicates whether or not one is at ease or is showing respect or disrespect for the other person. Young Latin American males avoid crossing their legs. In their world of machismo (男子气概), the preferred position for young males when with one another .is to sit on the base of the spine with their leg muscles relaxed and their feet wide apart. Their respect position is like our military equivalent: spine straight , heels and ankles together-almost identical to that displayed by properly brought up young women in New England in the early part of this century.

The way we walk , similarly , indicates status , respect , mood , and ethnic or cultural affiliation. To white Americans , some French middle-class males walk in a way that is both humorous and suspect. There is a bounce and looseness to the French walk , as though the parts of the body were somehow unrelated. (8)________.

6. Choose the best supporting example.

A. No one becomes an instant expert on people' s behaviors by watching them at parties.

B. American males lean back and prop their legs up on the nearest object.

C. Little girls imitate their mothers or an older female.

7. Choose the best topic sentence for this paragraph.

A. Body language is not something that is independent of the person.

B. Non-verbal communication systems are interwoven into the fabric of the personality.

C. Such patterns of masculine and feminine body behavior. vary from one culture to another.

8. Choose the best statement to conclude the paragraph.

A. All over the world , people walk in their own characteristic ways.

B. The idea that people communicate volumes by their posture and walk is not new.

C. People have long been aware of the idea that it is essential to walk properly.

Passage Five In every language there are two great classes of words which, taken together,

Passage Five

In every language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, consist of the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we should know and use even if we could not read or write. They concern the common things of life, and are the goods in trade of all those who speak the language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the whole people; and are not the exclusive possession of a limited class.

On the other hand, our language includes a large number of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little occasion to use them at home or in the market-place. Our first acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's lips or from the talk of our school-mates, but from books that we read, lectures that we bear, or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style. raised above the habitual level of everyday life. Such words are called "learned". And the distinction between them and "popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of the language.

51. One class of words can be learned ______.

A. through everyday life

B. without too much practice

C. from popular songs

D. with a dictionary in one's hand

It is often observed that the aged spend much time thinking and talking about their past l
ives, (1)_____ about the future. These reminiscences are not simply random or trivial memories, (2)_____ is their purpose merely to make conversation. The old person's recollections of the past help to (3)_____ an identity that is becoming increasingly fragile: (4)_____ any role that brings respect or any goal that might provide (5)_____ to the future, the individual mentions their past as a reminder to listeners, that here was a life (6)_____ living. (7)_____, the memories form. part of a continuing life (8)_____, in which the old person (9)_____ the events and experiences of the years gone by and (10)_____ on the overall meaning of his or her own almost completed life.

As the life cycle (11)_____ to its close, the aged must also learn to accept the reality of their own impending death. (12)_____ this task is made difficult by the fact that death is almost a (13)_____ subject in the United States. The mere discussion of death is often regarded as (14)_____ As adults many of us find the topic frightening and are (15)_____ to think about it—and certainly not to talk about it (16)_____ the presence of someone who is dying. Death has achieved this taboo (17)_____ only in the modern industrial societies. There seems to be an important reason for our reluctance to (18)_____ the idea of death. It is the very fact that death remains (19)_____ our control; it is almost the only one of the natural processes (20)_____ is so.

A.better than

B.rather than

C.less than

D.other than

If sustainable competitive advantage depends on workforce skills, American firms have a pr
oblem. Human resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in the United States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. Labour is simply another factor of production to be rented at the lowest possible cost much as one buys raw materials or equipment.

The lack of importance attached to human resource management can be seen in the corporate hierarchy. In an American firm the chief financial officer is almost always second in command. The post of head of human-resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of the corporate hierarchy. The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). By way of contrast, in Japan the head of human-resource management is central, usually the second most important, after the CEO, in the firm's hierarchy.

While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees than do either Japanese or German firms. The money they do invest is also much more narrowly focused on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.

As a result, problems emerge when new breakthrough technologies arrive. If American workers, for example, take much longer to learn how to operate new flexible manufacturing stations than workers in Germany (as they do), the effective cost of those stations is lower in Germany than it is in the United States. More time is required before equipment is up and running at capacity, and the need for extensive retraining generates costs and creates bottlenecks that limit the speed with which new equipment can be employed. The result is a slower pace of technological change. And in the end the skills of the bottom half of the population affect the wages of the top half. If the bottom half can't effectively staff the processes that have to be operated, the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.

Which of the following can best describe the management of human resources in American companies?

A.Human-resource management is not considered principal to the survival of American companies.

B.Human-resource management is next to financial management.

C.Gaining of skills is seen as the firms responsibility.

D.Human-resource manager only hired skilled workers.

It is often observed that the aged spend much time thinking and talking about their past l
ives,【1】about the future. These reminiscences are not simply random or trivial memories,【2】is their purpose merely to make conversation. The old person’s recollections of the past help to【3】an identity that is becoming increasingly fragile:【4】any role that brings respect or any goal that might provide【5】to the future, the individual mentions his past as a reminder to listeners, that here was a life【6】living.【7】, the memories form. part of a continuing life【8】, in which the person【9】the events and experiences of the-years gone by and【10】on the overall meaning of his or her own almost completed life.

As the life cycle【11】to its close, the aged must also learn to accept the reality of their own impending death.【12】this task is made difficult by the fact that death is almost a【13】subject in the United States. The mere discussion of death is often regarded as【14】.As adults many of us find the topic frightening and are【15】to think about it — and certainly not to talk about it【16】the presence of someone who is dying. Death has achieved this taboo【17】only in the modern industrial societies. There seems to bean important reason for our reluctance to【18】the idea of death. It is the very fact that death remains【19】our control; it is almost the only one of the natural processes【20】is so.


A.better than

B.rather than

C.less than

D.other than

Imagine being asked to spend twelve or so years of your life in a society which consisted
only of members of your own sex. How would you (1)_____? Unless there was (2)_____ definitely wrong with you, you wouldn't be too happy about it, to (3)_____ the least. It is all the (4)_____ surprising therefore that so many parents in the world choose to impose such (5)_____ conditions (6)_____ their children—conditions which they themselves wouldn't put up with for one minute!

Any discussion of this topic is (7)_____ to question the aims of education. Stuffing children's heads full of knowledge is (8)_____ being foremost among them. One of the chief aims of education is to (9)_____ future citizens with all they require to (10)_____ their place in adult society. Now adult society is made up of men and women, so how can a segregated school (11)_____ offer the right kind of preparation for it? Anyone entering adult society after years of segregation can only be in for a (12)_____.

A co-educational school offers children nothing (13)_____ a true (14)_____ of society in miniature. Boys and girls are given the (15)_____ to get to know each other, to learn to live together from their earliest years. They are put in a position where they can compare them selves with each other (16)_____ academic ability, athletic achievement and many of the extracurricular activities which are (17)_____ of school life. What a (18)_____ advantage it is (to give just an example) to be able to put on a school play in which the male parts will be taken by boys and the female parts by girls! What (19)_____ co-education makes of the argument that boys are cleverer than girls or vice-versa. When segregated, boys and girls are made to feel that they are a race apart. (20)_____ between the sexes is fostered. In a co-educational school, everything falls into its proper place.





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