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If sustainable competitive advantage depends on workforce skills, American firms have a pr

oblem. Human resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in the United States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. Labour is simply another factor of production to be rented at the lowest possible cost much as one buys raw materials or equipment.

The lack of importance attached to human resource management can be seen in the corporate hierarchy. In an American firm the chief financial officer is almost always second in command. The post of head of human-resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of the corporate hierarchy. The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). By way of contrast, in Japan the head of human-resource management is central, usually the second most important, after the CEO, in the firm's hierarchy.

While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees than do either Japanese or German firms. The money they do invest is also much more narrowly focused on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.

As a result, problems emerge when new breakthrough technologies arrive. If American workers, for example, take much longer to learn how to operate new flexible manufacturing stations than workers in Germany (as they do), the effective cost of those stations is lower in Germany than it is in the United States. More time is required before equipment is up and running at capacity, and the need for extensive retraining generates costs and creates bottlenecks that limit the speed with which new equipment can be employed. The result is a slower pace of technological change. And in the end the skills of the bottom half of the population affect the wages of the top half. If the bottom half can't effectively staff the processes that have to be operated, the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.

Which of the following can best describe the management of human resources in American companies?

A.Human-resource management is not considered principal to the survival of American companies.

B.Human-resource management is next to financial management.

C.Gaining of skills is seen as the firms responsibility.

D.Human-resource manager only hired skilled workers.

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Today the goal of P. E. classes is to______.A.help all the students exerciseB.create compe

Today the goal of P. E. classes is to______.

A.help all the students exercise

B.create competition among students

C.produce good athletes

D.avoid competitive sports

According to the text, sustainable economyA.focuses on soil, climate, disease and so on re

According to the text, sustainable economy

A.focuses on soil, climate, disease and so on respectively.

B.takes all problems into consideration and acts accordingly.

C.is only possible after all epidemic diseases were eradicated.

D.is far from the reach of the poor countries,

Which of the following is true according to this text?A.Short-term interest rates should b

Which of the following is true according to this text?

A.Short-term interest rates should be guarded wisely.

B.Unemployment no longer constitutes a problem.

C.A sustainable recovery depends on corporate profits.

D.Too much caution might suspend economic growth.

Climate disruption, biodiversity loss and pollution threaten lives, jobs and health. I
ts time to re-evaluate and reset our relationship with nature. Solutions are available, affordable, practical and realistic. We can provide renewable energy and sustainable food systems for all. We can reduce emissions and use nature-based solutions to help us build a more resilient, carbon-neutral world.

At an international convention in Brussels organized by environmental groups,representatives from at
tending nations denounced the water privatization policies followed by the World Bank and the World Trade Organization.

They felt this(water privatization)is clearly against the spirit contained in Principles 2 and 12 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development signed in 1992.Part of the Declaration says,States should cooperate to promote a supportive and open international economic system that would lead to economic growth,and sustainable development in all countries,to better address the problems of environmental degradation.


A firm has a production process in which the inputs to production are perfectly sustainable in the. long run. Can you tell whether the marginal rate of technical substitution is high or low, or is further information necessary? Discuss.

When enthusiasts talk of sustainable development, the eyes of most people glaze over. Ther
e is a whiff of sack-cloth and ashes about their arguments, which usually depend on people giving up the comforts of a modern economy to achieve some debatable greater good. Yet there is a serious point at issue. Modern industry pollutes, and it also seems to cause significant changes to the climate. What is needed is an industry that delivers the benefits without the costs. And the glimmerings of just such an industry can now be discerned.

That industry is based on biotechnology. At the moment, biotech's main uses are in medicine and agriculture. But its biggest long-term impact may be industrial. Here, it will diminish demand for oil by taking the cheapest raw materials imaginable, carbon dioxide and water, and using them to make fuel and plastics.

Plastics and fuels made in this way would have several advantages. They could accurately be called "renewables", since nothing is depleted to make them. They would be part of the natural carbon cycle, borrowing that element from the atmosphere for a few months, and returning it when they were burned or dumped. That means they could not possibly contribute to global warming. And they would be environmentally friendly in other ways. Bioplastics are biodegradable, since bacteria understand their chemistry and can therefore digest them. Biofuels, while not quite "zero emission" from the exhaust pipe (though a lot cleaner than petrol and diesel), would be cleaner overall even than the fuel-cell technology now being touted as an alternative to the internal-combustion engine. That is because making the hydrogen that fuel cells use is not an environmentally friendly process, and never will be—unless it, too, uses biotechnology.

All this will, in the end, depend on costs. But these do not look unfavourable. Already, the price of bioplastics overlaps the top end of the petroleum-based plastics market. Bulk production should bring prices 'down, particularly when the raw materials are free. Meanwhile, ethanol would be a lot easier to introduce than fuel cells. Existing engines will run on it with minor tweaking, so there is no need to change the way ears are made. And since, unlike hydrogen, it is a liquid, the fuel-distribution infrastructure would not need radical change.

The future could be green in ways that traditional environmentalists had not expected. Whether they will embrace that possibility, or stick to sack-cloth, remains to be seen.

According to the author, applying biotechnology to industry

A.has brought about sustainable development.

B.proves to be nothing but an imagination.

C.will deprive most people of modern comforts.

D.contributes to the environmentally sound development.

When and how much? Those are the questions on the lips of investors, bondholders, and othe
r Federal Reserve watchers. The Fed kept interest rates on hold at its Mar. 19 meeting. But the accompanying statement, in which the Fed abandoned its view that economic weakness was the greatest risk in the outlook, makes it clear that policymakers are thinking about the timing of rate hikes in order to bring monetary policy back to a neutral stance.

Even so, there are other factors that argue for some rise in short-term rates—perhaps as early as June, as Wall Street expects. While the Fed's words lessen the chances of a rate hike at the May meeting, they do not set the criteria for a possible hike at the June 25-26 meeting.

The latest data seem to come down on the "evenly mixed" scenario. Businesses are backing off from last year's feverish pace of stock-cutting, but domestic demand is holding up. Factories are busier in response to rising orders. In particular, the makers of tech equipment are boosting output at a rapid clip. At the same time, the wider trade gap in January suggests that some of the inventory swing is benefiting foreign producers. Keep in mind that a bigger trade gap subtracts from economic growth, but a rise in U.S. imports is necessary to give rise to a global rebound. That will eventually boost exports as well and help to better align monetary policy around the world.

The Fed's decision to shift to a neutral stance was probably made easier by the latest good news on industrial production. Output at factories, utilities, and mines increased 0.4% in February on top of a 0.2% January gain, which was first reported as a 0.1% loss. Manufacturing output rose 0.3% in each month, the best showing since mid-2000.

Surprisingly, the long-ailing tech sector is leading the charge. Tech production is growing at a double-digit annual rate in the first quarter, vs. almost no gain in the rest of manufacturing. But even that small rise in nontech manufacturing is a vast improvement from the steep declines of the previous six quarters. Just as tech is fueling the rebound in U.S. factory activity, tech imports are leading the import rise. Incoming shipments of tech goods jumped 14.6% in January, suggesting stronger capital spending.

As demand picks up, the Fed will want to remove itself from the equation of economic pluses and minuses. Step One was the shift in its view of the outlook. Step Two will be a series of rate hikes that will bring policy more in line with sustainable economic growth.

According to the author, the American economy

A.is nowhere near a sustainable growth.

B.is at its weakest point.

C.is near to complete recovery at hand.

D.is much better than it seems.

When and how much? Those are the questions on the lips of investors, bondholders, and othe
r Federal Reserve watchers. The Fed kept interest rates on hold at its Mar. 19th meeting. But the accompanying statement, in which the Fed abandoned its view that economic weakness was the greatest risk in the outlook, makes it clear that policymakers are thinking about the timing of rate hikes in order to bring monetary policy back to a neutral stance.

Even so, there are other factors that argue for some rise in short-term rates—perhaps as early as June, as Wall Street expects. While the Fed's words lessen the chances of a rate hike at the May meeting, they do not set the criteria for a possible hike at the June 25-26 meeting.

The latest data seems to come down on the "evenly mixed" scenario. Businesses are backing off from last year's feverish pace of stock-cutting, but domestic demand is holding up. Factories are busier in response to rising Orders. In particular, the makers of tech equipment are boosting output at a rapid clip. At the same time, the wider trade gap in January suggests that some of the inventory swing is benefiting foreign producers. Keep in mind that a bigger trade gap subtracts from economic growth, but a rise in U.S. imports is necessary to give rise to a global rebound. That will eventually boost exports as well and help to better align monetary policy around the world.

The Fed's decision to shift to a neutral stance was probably made easier by the latest good news on industrial production. Output at factories, utilities, and mines increased 0.4% in February on top of a 0.2% January gain, which was first reported as a 0.l% loss. Manufacturing output rose 0.3% in each month, the best showing since mid-2000.

Surprisingly, the long-ailing tech sector is leading the charge. Tech production is growing at a double-digit annual rate in the first quarter, vs. almost no gain in the rest of manufacturing. But even that small rise in nontech manufacturing is a vast improvement from the steep declines of the previous six quarters. Just as tech is fueling the rebound in U.S. factory activity, tech imports are leading the import rise. Incoming shipments of tech goods jumped 14.6% in January, suggesting stronger capital spending.

As demand picks up, the Fed will want to remove itself from the equation of economic pluses and minuses. Step One was the shift in its view of the outlook. Step Two will be a series of rate hikes that will bring policy more in line with sustainable economic growth.

According to the author, the American economy

A.is nowhere near a sustainable growth.

B.is at its weakest point.

C.is near to complete recovery at hand.

D.is much better than it seems.

Eco-tourism—travel that preserves the environment and promotes the welfare of local people
—continues to gain force. Impressed by the success of countries like Costa Rica and Ecuador, which have lured flocks of travelers for mountain treks and jungle safaris, a growing number of regions across the globe are turning to eco-tourism as a strategy' for economic growth.

Omar Bongo, the president of Gabon, a developing country in west central Africa, bas set aside about 10 percent of the country's landmass for 13 national parks. Green Visions, a tourism and environment protection company, based in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, is pioneering an eco-tourism development plan in Central Europe with "green adventures" that promote environmental principles and support local businesses. Even Greece, better known for its pumping night life and archaeological monuments, devotes a section of its national tourism Web site to "Greek nature" and eco-tourism.

Over the last four years, at least 48 countries, from Puerto Rico to Portugal, have created or started to define a national strategy for eco-tourism development, according to a 2004 eco-tourism report by Mintel International Group, a market-research company based in Britain.

Though eco-tourism has long conjured images of biodiversity hot spots in countries like Belize, parts of the United States are starting to embrace the trend too. For example, the Wisconsin Department of Tourism will begin testing a new certification program in March called Travel Green Wisconsin. Designed to encourage hotels and tour operators to reduce their environmental impact, the program is aimed at protecting the natural areas that play a significant role in defining the state as a tourist destination. If successful, the program will be rolled out statewide next year.

For businesses, eco-friendly initiatives not only offer marketing advantages but can help with the bottom line. Hotels can cut costs by doing everything from installing energy-saving light bulbs to asking travelers to reuse their towels. And some 58.5 million U.S. travelers, or 38 percent, would pay more to use travel companies that strive to protect and preserve the environment, according to a study by the Travel Industry Association of America sponsored by National Geographic Traveler. Of those travelers, 61 percent said they would pay 5 to 10 percent more to use such companies.

However, selecting among the growing number of eco-friendly choices can be frightening, especially given the ever-broadening category, which now encompasses everything from basic campsites to high-end mountain lodges, lama trekking to motorcycle tours through the jungle. Enter the Sustainable Tourism Certification Network of the Americas—a partnership of certification programs, environmental groups, government organizations and others, led by the Rainforest. Alliance and the International Ecotourism Society—which aims to promote sustainability and higher environmental and social standards for tourism. In September, the network designed a series of baseline criteria for certification to help generate credibility among members and promote local conservation. This year, the document will be put up for public consultation before being fully ratified.

"Certification is a way for us to avoid green washing", the practice of promoting something as ecotourism while behaving in an environmentally irresponsible way, said Ronald Sanabria. director of sustainable tourism at the Rainforest Alliance. "Certification for us is a tool to avoid that and to ensure third-party assessments of requirements and really prove the company".

According to the text. eco-tourism is a kind of______.

A.travel style

B.economic strategy

C.welfare movement

D.local policy

请在第____处填上正确选项。A. It could be that we are evolving two communities of social sci


A. It could be that we are evolving two communities of social scientists:one that is discipline-oriented and publishing in highly specialized journals,and one that is problem-oriented and publishing elsewhere,such as policy briefs.

B. However,the numbers are still small:in 2010,about 1,600 of the 100,000 social-sciences papers published globally included one of these Keywords.

C. the idea is to force social to integrate their work with other categories, including health and demographic change food security, marine research and the bio-economy, clear, efficient energy; and inclusive, innovative and secure societies.

D. the solution is to change the mindset of the academic community, and what it considers to be its main goal. Global challenges and social innovation ought to receive much more attention from scientists, especially the young ones.

E. These issues all have root causes in human behavior. . all require behavioral change and social innovations , as well as technological development . Stemming climate change , for example , is as much about changing consumption patterns and promoting tax acceptance as it is about developing clean energy.

F. Despite these factors , many social scientists seem reluctant to tackle such problems . And in Europe , some are up in arms over a proposal to drop a specific funding category for social-science research and to integrate it withincross-cutting topics of sustainable development .

G. During the late 1990s , national spending on social sciences and the humanities as a percentage of all research and development funds-including government, higher education, non-profit and corporate -varied from around 4% to 25%; in most European nations , it is about 15%.

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