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How many days are you going to () in the hotel?





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How long do you think ______ to finish this urgent task?A.did it take youB.it will take yo

How long do you think ______ to finish this urgent task?

A.did it take you

B.it will take you

C.will it take you

D.it to take you

I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were
so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at (attempting to seize) one another's hands for reassurance.

They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up crowded round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus—and—such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoons(蚕茧) into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today's parents have come toward high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path. But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don't care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come—with the people who respect you for who you are. That's the only kind of popularity that really counts.

The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to tell ______.

A.readers how to be popular with around

B.teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves

C.parents how to control and guide their children

D.people how to understand and respect each other

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

The more women and minorities make their way into the ranks of management, the more they seem to want to talk about things formerly judged to be best left unsaid. The newcomers also tend to see office matters with a fresh eye, in the process sometimes coming up with critical analyses of the forces that shape everyone's experience in the organization.

Consider the novel view of 'Harvey Coleman of Atlanta on the subject of getting ahead. Coleman is black. He spent 11 years with IBM, half of them working in management development, and now serves as a consultant to the likes of AT&T, Coca-Cola, and Merth. Coleman says that based on what he's seen at big companies, he weighs the different elements that make for long-term career success as follows: performance counts a mere 10%, image, 30%, and exposure, a full 60%. Coleman concludes that excellent performance is so common these days that while doing your work well may win you pay increases, it won't secure you the big promotion. He finds that advancement more often depends on how many people know you' and your work, and how high they are.

Ridiculous beliefs? Not to many people, especially many women and members of minority races who, like Coleman, feel the scales have dropped from their eyes. "Women and blacks in organizations work under false beliefs," says Kaleel Jamison, a New York-based management consultant who helps corporations deal with these issues. "They think that if you work hard, you'll get ahead—that someone in authority will reach down and give you a promotion," she adds. "Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think they've gotten ahead because of their sex or color that they play down their visibility." Her advice to those folks: learn the ways that white males have traditionally used to find their way into the spotlight.

According to the passage, "things formerly judged to be best left unsaid" (Para. 1) probably refers to ______

A.criticisms that shape everyone's experience

B.the opinions which contradict the established beliefs

C.the tendencies that help the newcomers to see office matters with a fresh eye

D.the ideas which usually come up with new ways of management in the organization

Text 4There have been rumors. There’s been gossip. All Hollywood is shocked to learn that
Calista Flockhart, star of Fox’s hit TV show Ally McBeal, is so thin. And we in the media are falling all over ourselves trying to figure out whether Flockhart has an eating disorder, especially now that she has denied it. Well, I’m not playing the game. If the entertainment industry really cared about sending the wrong message on body image, it wouldn’t need so many slender celebrities in the first place.

But the fact remains that 2 million Americans—most of them women and girls—do suffer from eating disorders. In the most extreme cases they literally starve themselves to death. And those who survive are at greater risk of developing brittle bones, life-threatening infections, kidney damage and heart problems. Fortunately, doctors have learned a lot over the past decade about what causes eating disorders and how to treat them.

The numbers are shocking. Approximately 1 in 150 teenage girls in the U. S. falls victim to anorexia nervosa, broadly defined as the refusal to eat enough to maintain even a minimal body weight. Not so clear is how many more suffer from bulimia, in which they binge on food, eating perhaps two or three days’ worth of meals in 30 minutes, then remove the excess by taking medicine to move the bowels or inducing vomiting. Nor does age necessarily protect you. Anorexia has been diagnosed in girls as young as eight. Most deaths from the condition occur in women over 45.

Doctors used to think eating disorders were purely psychological. Now they realize there’s some problematic biology as well. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry recently, researchers found abnormal levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, in women who had been free of bulimia for at least a year. That may help explain why drugs have allowed a lot of people to stop swallowing in large doses of food. Unfortunately, the pills don’t work as well for denial of food. Nor do they offer a simple one-stop cure. Health-care workers must re-educate their patients in how to eat and think about food.

How can you tell if someone you love has an eating disorder? “Bulimics will often leave evidence around as if they want to get caught.” Says Tamara Pryor, director of an eating-disorders clinic at the University of Kansas in Wichita. Anorexics, by contrast, are more likely to go through long periods of denial.

第36题:We can infer from the first paragraph that _____.

[A] the media has mislead the public’s view of celebrities

[B] there is much misunderstanding about eating disorders

[C] body image concerns are an indication of eating disorders

[D] the entertainment industry is combating eating disorders

—How long______ a cold?—It is three days since I______ a cold.A.have you caught; hadB.have

—How long______ a cold?—It is three days since I______ a cold.

A.have you caught; had

B.have you caught; caught

C.have you had; caught

D.had you had; had

The reason that many people find it hard to relax these days is that________.A.th

The reason that many people find it hard to relax these days is that________.

A.they are suffering from the effects of excessive stress

B.they are working harder than they used to

C.they are often too busy to find time

D.they have no idea what relaxation means to them

______terrible weather we've been having these days! A. What B. What a C. How

______terrible weather we've been having these days!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a

If a country has a relatively constant temperature, it would probably be______.A.in a moun

If a country has a relatively constant temperature, it would probably be______.

A.in a mountainous region

B.frequently cloudy

C.having as many sunny days as cloudy days

D.one in which there is no winter

Global energy demand is expected to triple by mid-century. The earth is unlikely to run ou
t of fossil fuels by then, given its vast reserves of coal, but it seems unthinkable that we will continue to use them as we do now. It's not just a question of supply and price, or even of the disease caused by filthy air. The terrorist assault on the World Trade Center raises other scary scenarios: how much easier would it be to crack open the Trans-Alaska pipeline and how much deadlier would it be to bomb a nuclear plant than to attack a wind arm?

Skeptics may recall the burst of enthusiasm for conservation and renewable power when oil prices quadrupled in the 1970s. State-funded energy research and development surged, while tax incentives boosted solar, wind and other alternatives to petroleum and the atom. But when oil supplies loosened and prices dropped in the early 1990s, governments lost interest. In the state of California, subsidies evaporated, pushing wind companies into bankruptcy.

Clean energy has long way to go. Only 2.2% of the world's energy comes from "new" renewables such as small hydroelectric dams, wind, solar and geothermal. How to boost that share--and at what pace--is debated in industrialized nations--from Japan, which imports 99.7 % of its oil, to Germany, where the nearby Chernobyl accident turned the public against nuclear plants, to the U.S., where the Bush Administration has strong ties to the oil industry. But the momentum toward clean renewables is undeniable. How soon we reach an era of clean, inexhaustible energy depends on technology. Solar and wind energies are intermittent: When the sky is cloudy or the breeze dies down, fossil fuel or nuclear plants must kick into compensate. But scientists are working on better ways to store electricity from renewable sources.

While developed nations debate how to fuel their power plants, however, some 1.6 billion people--a quarter of the globe's population--have no access to electricity or gasoline. Many spend their days collecting firewood and cow dung, burning it in primitive stoves that belch smoke into their lungs. To emerge from poverty, they need modern energy. And renewables can help. From village-scale hydropower to household photovoltaic systems to bio-gas stoves that convert dung into fuel.

Ultimately, the earth can meet its energy needs without fouling the environment. "But it won't happen," asserts Thomas Johansson, an energy adviser to the United Nations Development Program, "without political will." To begin with, widespread government subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear energy must be dismantled to level the playing field for renewables. Moreover, government should pressure utility to meet targets for renewable sources of energy.

The author's biggest worry about using nuclear energy is that ______.

A.it will do great harm to the inadequate reserves of coal

B.it is deadly if terrorists attack a nuclear plant

C.it will limit the development of many other alternatives

D.there will be a wider gap between developed and developing countries

We have many holidays from the end of March till the beginning of April. They are the best
days for ______ .





Millions of people pass through the gates of Disney's entertainment parks in California, F
lorida and Japan each year. What makes these places an almost an universal attention? What makes foreign kings and queens and other important people want to visit these Disney parks? One reason is the way they are treated once they get there. The people at Disney go out of their way to serve their "guests", as they prefer to call them, and to see that they enjoy themselves.

All new employees, from vice-presidents to part-time workers, begin their employment by attending Disney University and taking the general training. Here, they learn about the company's history, how it is managed and why it is successful. They are shown how each department relates to the whole. All employees are shown how important their parts are in making the park a success.

After passing the general training, the employees go on to more specialized training for their specific jobs. No detail is missed. A simple job like taking tickets requires four eight-hour days of training. When one ticket taker was asked why it took so much training for such a simple and ordinary job, he replied, "what happens if someone wants to know where the restrooms are, when the parade starts or what bus to take back to the campground? We need to know the answer or where to get them quickly. Our constant aim is to help our guests enjoy the party."

Even Disney managers get involved in the daily management of the park. Every year, the managers leave their desks and business suits and put on special service clothes. For a full week, the bosses sell hotdogs or ice cream, take tickets or drive the monorail, and take up any of the 100 jobs that make the entertainment park come alive. The managers agree that this week helps them to see the company's goals more clearly.

All these efforts to serve the public well have made Walt Disney Productions famous. Disney is considered by many as the best mass service provider in America or the world. As one long-time business observer once said, "how Disney treats people, communicates with them, rewards them, is in my view the very reason fir his fifty years of success… I have watched, very carefully and with great respect and admiration the theory and practice of selling satisfaction and serving millions of people on a daily basis successfully. It is what Disney does best.

The first day they come to Disney parks, all new employees ______.

A.begin by receiving on-the-job training

B.must learn several jobs

C.begin as ticket takers

D.have already attended Disney University

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