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Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant. They like to watch TV at

home, go to the cinema, or sleep.【21】in fact sports and games can be【22】great value, especially to people who work with their brains【23】of the day.

Sports and games should not be treated only as amusements (娱乐活动). They can【24】our bodies, prevent us【25】getting too fat, and keep us healthy. But these are not their only uses. They give us valuable practice【26】helping the eyes, brain and muscles (肌肉) to work together. In table tennis, the eyes can see the ball【27】, judge its speed and direction, and pass this information【28】to the brain. The brain then has to decide what to do, and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms, legs, and so on,【29】the ball is met and hit back【30】 the player wants it to go. All this must happen【31】 a very quick speed, and only those【32】 have had a lot of practice at table tennis can do this successfully.

Sports and games are also very useful【33】 character-training. In their lessons at school, boys and girls【34】 learn about such virtues(品德) as courage, discipline(纪律), and love【35】 one's country.






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更多“Some people seem to think that…”相关的问题
Mr. Brown is 102 years old. He is leading a full and active life. Why has he【21】so long? M
any【22】would like to know the answer to the question. They are studying groups of old people all over the world and try to find why some very old people remain healthy【23】and spirit (精神) while【24】be come weak and iii in their 60s. They have observed, first of all, that doing【25】work is a way of life for all these long-lived people. They began their long days of physical labor【26】children and never seem to stop. Second, all these people come from【27】. The air has【28】oxygen (氧) and is pollution free,【29】makes the hearts stronger. Third, these people eat little animal meat. They like to have fresh vegetables, nuts (坚果) , grains, and【30】They never eat more food than their bodies need.






Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or
criticize others as they are similar to or different from it. And unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted(曲解)one.

Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages. It is only by traveling in, or living in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like. And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different after all!

Differences between peoples do, of course, exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so. The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike, and some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs. With the much greater rapidity and ease of travel, there might seem to be some truth in this at least as far as Europe is concerned. However this may be, at least the greater ease of travel today has revealed to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different kind of animal from themselves.

Every country criticizes ways of life in other countries because they are______.



C.similar to each other

D.different from its own

Devon, 17, is used to paying her own cell phone and car expenses. But lately it's been har
der. The family she baby-sits for hasn' t been calling as much as usual and she couldn't find a job over the summer. Devon's dad said it's a sign of the tough economy. He told her he's feeling the pinch too and that he had to use her college fund to pay the loan(贷款).

This kind of money troubles isn't strange to common families these days. In fact, it's hard to avoid news about the economy on the screen of the TV or the computers recently. It can seem a bit worry and some families are hit really hard.

For most people, the big problem is that things cost more at a time when they have less money to spend. But higher prices aren't the only problem. Many people are having a tough time making payments on some types of home loans.

Therefore, some families are cutting back on what they spend. For example, eating out less, staying home instead of going on vacation, moving to a less expensive house and so on.

However, as discouraging as things may seem now, the good news is that the economy always gets back on track after a while. Jobs may be hard to find, but the slow economy can open up new opportunities. The couple Devon babysat for might cut back on evening's out, but they could be interested in hiring her for after-school care. Perhaps it's time to sell her old toys and baby gear (设备) in the basement(地下室) or help others sell these items online if she is-good at it. She could charge them a fee to sell their old stuff(东西).

What does the underlined phrase in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Getting hurt.

B.Short of money.

C.Out of work.

D.Receiving less calls.

There is virtually no limit to how one can serve community interests, from spending a few
hours a week with some charitable organization to practically full-time work for a social agency. Just as there are opportunities for voluntary service【1】(VSO) for young people before they take up full-time employment,【2】there are opportunities for overseas service for【3】technicians in developing countries. Some people,【4】those who retire early,【5】their technical and business skills in countries【6】there is a special need.

So in considering voluntary or【7】community service, there are more opportunities than there【8】were when one first began work. Most voluntary organizations have only a small full-time【9】and depend very much on volunteers and part-timers. This means that working relationships are different from those in commercial organizations, and values may be different.【10】some ways they may seem more casual and less efficient, but one should not【11】them by commercial criteria. The people who work with them do so for different reasons and with different【12】, both personal and【13】. One should not join them【14】to arm them with professional experience; they must be joined with commitment to the【15】, not business efficiency. Because salaries are【16】or non-existent many voluntary bodies offer modest expense. But many retired people take part in community service for【17】, simply because they enjoy the work.

Many community activities possible【18】retirement were also possible during one's working life but they are to be undertaken【19】seriously for that. Retired people who are just looking for something different or unusual to do should not consider【20】community service.



B.over sea

C.over seas


阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。 Meetings are very common nowadays. They can be weekly, monthly or annually. Some people think most meetings feel like a waste of time. They seem pointless and bor


Meetings are very common nowadays. They can be weekly, monthly or annually. Some people think most meetings feel like a waste of time. They seem pointless and boring at times.

Then how do you run an effective meeting?

First, assign roles, such as greeter, timekeeper and note taker, so that you, the organizer, can be free to lead discussions and presentations.

Next, take charge from the start. Everyone will listen to you and join your discussion if you take charge in every aspect of the meeting. Show everyone that you really know what you are talking about, and everything that you talk about is useful.

Most important of all, follow the agenda. At the end of the meeting, spend a little extra time for the participants to discuss anything that needs to be immediately discussed but which may not have been on the agenda.

Always ask the participants questions to speak their minds and keep them interested. Remember that a good meeting is a two way communication. Be open to everyone's opinion, ideas, and suggestions. Don't forget to thank them for the ideas they present.

And finally, close the meeting with everyone knowing what is expected of them and what they should do for the following weeks. Then, send out meeting minutes within a few days, while everyone still remembers the points.

()21. A successful meeting should have different people to play different roles.

()22. Generally people only discuss the items listed on the agenda in a successful meeting.

()23. An unsuccessful meeting might be full of single-way communication.

()24. When the meeting is closed, it means there is nothing to do in the following weeks.

()25. Minutes should be sent out to the participants within a month after the end of the meeting.

America put more people in prison in the 1990s than in any decade in its history. That sta
rted a debate over the wisdom of spending billions of dollars to keep nearly 2 million people locked up. According to statistics, the United States ends 1999 with 1983084 men and women in prisons. That shows an increase of nearly 840,000 prisoners during the 1990s and makes the United States the country with the highest prisoner population in the world. With the cost of housing a prisoner at about $20,000 a year the cost in 1999 for keeping all these prisoners behind bars is about $39 billion.

Some experts argue that the money is well spent, saying the cost of keeping prisoners behind bars doesn't seem much in comparison in the 1990s coincided with (与……相一致) a steady drop in the US crime rates. It is reported that serious crime has decreased for seven years in a row. "There are noticeable number of people who don't do crimes because they don't want to go to prison," they say.

There is a heated debate among American experts because ______.

A.America has put 2 million people in prison

B.the cost for housing a prisoner keeps rising

C.billions of dollars has been spent on prisoners

D.the prisoner population is the largest in the world

The strange close understanding between twins is a familiar enough phenomenon. Often they
seem to understand each other and share each other' s emotions to such an extent that one suspects some kinds of thought communication.

What is not so widely known is that this special relationship often acts as brake on twins' intellectual development. As they are partly isolated in their own private world, twins communicate less with adults than do other children. The verbal ability of a four-year-old twin is typically six months behind that of a non-twin. The problem can be particularly severe in a deprived home, a one-parent family for example, where there is little stimulation for children anyway.

Such children, while capable of mutual comprehension in a private language, often remain in comprehensible to outsiders and thus at a severe educational disadvantage. The only solution to the problem, cruel though it may seem, is to separate the twins thus forcing them to acquire ordinary speech helped and guided by sympathetic parents and teachers.

Many people don' t know that ______.

A.twins understand each other very well

B.twins are slow to learn to talk

C.twins are unlikely to do less well at school than other children

D.there exists more communication between twins

Passage Two America put more people in prison in the 1990s than in any decade in its his

Passage Two

America put more people in prison in the 1990s than in any decade in its history. That started a debate over the wisdom of spending billions of dollars to keep nearly 2 million people locked up. According to statistics, the United States ends 1999 with 1983084 men and women in prisons. That shows an increase of nearly 840,000 prisoners during the 1990s and makes the United States the country with the highest prisoner population in the world. With the cost of housing a prisoner at about $20,000 a year the cost in 1999 for keeping all these prisoners behind bars is about $39 billion.

Some experts argue that the money is well spent, saying the cost of keeping prisoners behind bars doesn't seem much in comparison in the 1990s coincided with (与……相一致) a steady drop in the US crime rates. It is reported that serious crime has decreased for seven years in a row. "There are noticeable number of people who don't do crimes because they don't want to go to prison," they say.

36. There is a heated debate among American experts because ______.

A. America has put 2 million people in prison

B. the cost for housing a prisoner keeps rising

C. billions of dollars has been spent on prisoners

D. the prisoner population is the largest in the world

There's a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada who has come up with a term to
describe the way a lot of North Americans interact these days. And now a big research study confirms it.

Professor Barry Wellman's term is "networked individualism". It's not the easiest concept to grasp. In fact, the words seem to contradict each other. How can we be individualistic and networked at the same time? You need other people for network.

Here's what he means. Until the Internet and e-mail came along, our social network involved flesh-and-blood relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was still voice to voice, person to person, in real life.

But the latest study confirms that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social activities and person-to-person interaction. Some people worry that the Internet is turning us into isolated people who shut out other people in favor of a false world on computer screens.

To the contrary, the study discovered that the Internet connects us with more real people than expected—helpful people who can give advice on careers, medical problems, raising children, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told the researcher that the Internet plays an important or crucial role in helping them deal with major life decisions.

So we networked individuals are pretty tricky: we're keeping more to ourselves, while at the same time reaching out to more people, all with just the click of a computer mouse!

The term "networked individualism" is used to refer to______.

A.the way that modem people communicate on the Internet

B.a social activity popular with North Americans

C.the contradiction within network communication

D.a newly invented Internet software

Professor Barry Wellman of the University of Toronto in Canada has invented a term to desc
ribe the way many north Americans interact these days. The term is " networked individualism". This concept is not easy to understand because the words seem to have opposite meanings. How can we be individuals and be networked at the same time? You need other people for networks.

Here is what Professor Wellman means. Before the invention of the Internet and e-mail, our social networks involved live interactions with relatives, neighbors, and colleagues at work. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was still voice to voice, person to person, in real time.

A recent research study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project showed that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced this person-to-person interaction. However, a lot of people interviewed for the Pew study say that's a good thing. Why?

In the past, many people were worried that the Internet isolated us and caused us to spend too much time in the imaginary world of the computer. But the Pew study discovered that the opposite is true. The Internet connects us with more real people than expected helpful people who can give advice on careers, medical problems, raising children, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important role in helping them make major life decisions.

Thanks to the computer, "networked individuals" are able to be alone and together with other people—at the same time .

The Pew study was conducted in______.

A.The United States


C.The U. S. and Canada


Some people seem to have a knack for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary,
master rules of grammar, and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others. They do not seem to be any more intelligent than others, so what makes languages so much easier for them to learn? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners we may discover a few of the techniques that make language learning easier for them.

First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher. They discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They try to learn from their mistakes.

Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, they do not wait for a chance to use the language. Instead they look for such a chance. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear and to say strange things. They are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practise using the language regularly because they want to learn it.

The best learners of languages _____ .

A.are the most intelligent students in the class

B.are the best at memorizing long vocabulary lists

C.have the best language learning techniques

D.are the best at mastering rules of grammar

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