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A company needs to accrue all its revenue at the end of every month.()

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更多“A company needs to accrue all …”相关的问题
When will a company renew an existing model?A.When it sells well and brings in a good prof

When will a company renew an existing model?

A.When it sells well and brings in a good profit.

B.When it needs improvement to meet the needs of users.

C.When some of its features have to be deleted.

D.When certain options have to be added.

In a company, a mentor often helps employees in writing their PEP because:()

A.Most employees are not good writers

B.Employees need help matching their aspirations with what the company needs

C.Employees need to take psychological tests

D.Employees don’t like personal development programmes

This company needs a more ()(系统的) program to train the new employees.A、rationalB、frag

This company needs a more ()(系统的) program to train the new employees.





What does Cindy mean by "cheating at both ends"?A.Do things for family when she is suppose

What does Cindy mean by "cheating at both ends"?

A.Do things for family when she is supposed to be at work.

B.Work for the company while she is supposed to stay at home.

C.Meet the demands of both family and work with a flexible schedule.

D.Balance the needs of her family against the demands of her work.

For some employers, the policy of lifelong employment is particularly important because it
means that they can put money and effort into their staff(职员)training and make them loyal to the company. What they do is to select young people who have potential(潜能)and who can be trained, They then give the young people the kinds of skills that will make them suitable employees for the company. In other words, they adjust their training to their particular needs.

One recently employed graduate says that she is receiving a great deal of valuable training from the company. "This means that I will be a loyal employee,"she says, "And it also means that the company will want to keep me. I am an important investment for them. So the policy is a good one because it benefits both the employer and the employee. "

Recently, however, attitudes towards lifelong employment are beginning to change. Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always in their best interest and that changing firms can have career advantages.

The purpose of lifelong employment is to______

A.adjust the needs of the company to its employees

B.make employees loyal to their company

C.select the best skilled young employees

D.keep the skilled staff satisfied

Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The (1)_____ probl

Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The (1)_____ problem, or a small scale, faces (2)_____ every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of (3)_____ the sums needed from friends and people we know. And (4)_____ banks may agree to provide short-term finance. They are generally unwilling to provide money on a (5)_____ basis for long-term (6)_____. So companies (7)_____ the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in future profits. This they do by (8)_____ stocks and shares of their business in a stock (9)_____. By doing so they can (10)_____ and use the savings of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas, when the inventor needs his money back, he does not have to go the company with whom he (11)_____ placed it. (12)_____, he sells his shares through a (13)_____ to some other person who is seeking to invest his money, many of the services needed (14)_____ by industry and by each of us are provided by the government or by local (15)_____ Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, etc, this country could not (16)_____. All these require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money that is raised through taxes alone. The government, local authorities, and nationalized industries (17)_____ frequently need to borrow money to (18)_____ major capital spending, and they, too, come to a stock exchange.

There is hardly a man or woman in this country (19)_____ job and standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another this new money must come from the investment funds of the country. Stock exchanges exist to provide a (20)_____ through which these funds can reach those who need financing.





Text 2 It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his pater
nal (fatherly) wisdom – or at least confirm that he’s the kid’s dad. All he needs to do is shell our $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore – and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fog, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests Directly to the public , ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.

Among the most popular : paternity and kinship testing , which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and latest rage a many passionate genealogists-and supports businesses that offer to search for a family’s geographic roots .

Most tests require collecting cells by webbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.

But some observers are skeptical, “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial DNA, which a passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.

Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don’t rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

26.In paragraphs 1 and 2 , the text shows PTK’s ___________.

[A]easy availability

[B]flexibility in pricing

[C] successful promotion

[D] popularity with households

根据下列文章,回答26~30题。It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can
boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom—or at least confirm that he’s the kid’s dad. All he needs to do is shell out $30 for a paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore—and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first became available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fogg, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the overthecounter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.

Among the most popular : paternity and kinship testing , which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. DNA testing is also the latest rage among passionate genealogists—and supports businesses that offer to search for a family’s geographic roots.

Most tests require collecting cells by swabbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.

But some observers are skeptical, “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors—numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other greatgrandparents or, four generations back, 14 other greatgreatgrandparents.

Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don’t rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others, so a person’s test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

第26题:In paragraphs 1 and 2 , the text shows PTK’s

A.easy availability.

B.flexibility in pricing.

C.successful promotion.

D.popularity with households.

Ask any employee at an level in any company what they dislike about their job and somewher
e on the list you will find a complaint about the system of performance appraisals. It does seem strange that an idea which was supposed to benefit both individuals and the company should be so universally disliked, but the staff appraisal is now one of the biggest causes of dissatisfaction at work. In the United States there have even been cases of unhappy workers taking their employers to court over appraisal interviews. It is in a company's interest to combat this situation, but, before reversing the appraisal's negative associations, an organization needs to pinpoint the underlying reasons which have contributed to them.

Problems with appraisals can fall into two main areas—those arising from the scheme itself and those arising from the implementation and understanding of that scheme. Naturally it is easier to tackle those in the former category; indeed, some companies have developed schemes following legal guidelines. These guidelines suggest that a successful scheme should have a clear appeal process, that any negative feedback should be accompanied by "evidence" such as dates, times and outcomes and that, most importantly, ratings should reflect specific measurable elements of the job requirements.

It is not always necessary to resort to legal advice however. Some changes to current schemes are simply a matter of logic. For instance, if employees are constantly encouraged to work in teams and to assume joint responsibility for their successes and failures, it makes little sense for the appraisals to focus on individuals, as this may lead to resentments and create divisions within the group. It is possible, and in some cases more suitable, to arrange appraisals where performance is rated for the group.

Staff also need to be educated about the best way to approach appraisals. Managers often find that they are uncomfortable being asked to take on a more supportive role than they are used to without having had any training. Those being appraised may see it as a chance to air their grievances and highlight the company's failings rather than consider their own role. Both parties view the process as a necessary evil, to be gone through once or twice a year, and then forgotten about. The importance given to the appraisal stems from the fact that, despite all the talk of the interview being a chance for management and employees to come together and exchange ideas, set joint targets and improve the way decisions are reached, the reality is that they are often nothing more than the pretext on which pay rises are given, or not given. Pay is, of course, a subject that always leads to problems.

Given the problems associated with staff appraisals, why is it that, with no legal requirement, companies continue to run them? The answer is simple, it is impossible to manage something you know nothing about. As any Human Resources manager can tell you, the best way to learn about someone is to talk to them. Effective people management relies on knowledge and appraisals are still the best way to build up that bank of knowledge.

Why are there so many problems with appraisals?

A.People think that there are too many categories.

B.People are not sure how the system works.

C.People think that the feedback is too negative.

D.People are not happy with the legal aspects.

It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fath

It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom— or at least confirm that he's the kid's dad. All he needs to do is shell out $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore—and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first became available without prescriptions last year, according to Doug Fogg, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $ 2,500.

Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing, which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. DNA testing is also the latest rage among passionate genealogists—and supports businesses that offer to search for a family's geographic roots.

Most tests require collecting cells by swabbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.

But some observers are skeptical. "There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing," says Troy Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors—numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father's line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.

Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don't rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others, so a person's test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

In Paragraphs 1 and 2, the text shows PTK's ______.

A.easy availability

B.flexibility in pricing

C.successful promotion

D.popularity with households

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

More and more people are starting to work from home, re-assessing their "work-life balance" and capitalizing on what industry calls "remote working". A recent survey of British companies showed that eight out of ten businesses have now agreed new working arrangements for their personnel. The object of the exercise was to improve the work-life Balance of employees and encourage greater levels of efficiency. During 2003/2004, some 900,000 requests to work flexibly were made under a new Government scheme and 800,000 of the applications were granted. Furthermore, seven out of ten businesses said that they also would be prepared to consider flexible working requests from other staff who did not qualify under the Government scheme.

One of the new technological developments that makes remote working possible is the Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), broadband that can carry both voice and data at high-speed. Remote workers can connect to their company's Virtual Private Network either through Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) internet, which is permanently connected, or through a Remote Access Service (RAS), which involves having to dial in each time. "People started thinking about remote working back in the Eighties but the technology was not available to consider it a possibility", says Meyrick Vevers, Commercial Director of Telewest Broadband, one of UK's communication and media groups. "However, now with the increased availability and use of DSL to home users, remote working is definitely on the increase". Of course, security is very important and IT directors are understandably cautious. But they are now beginning to feel more comfortable about allowing their staff a higher level of access from home.

Telewest Business's experience in putting together product solutions is based on the company's focus on understanding their customers' needs. Because customers' needs are diverse and Telewest Business's possible solutions are wide-ranging, the company invites businesses seeking further information to visit their web site or call direct. Call centre workers, mobile staff, such as sales executives and local authority social workers or parents at home, are among those for whom remote working appears to be increasingly attractive.

"People in industry in the UK have some of the longest working hours in the world", says Vevers. "Doing those hours solely in the office is more disruptive to the personal life of the individual than having the flexibility to work from home". "Remote working is all about personal choice and giving people more flexibility that suits their personal lives. At Telewest Business, we aim to try and help play a part in enabling companies to give their employees that flexibility".

The phrase "capitalizing on"(Para.1) can be substituted by

A.investing money in.

B.specializing in.

C.insisting upon.

D.making use of.

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