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They found nothing ___ a stone in the parcel.





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It is found that insulin______.A.is IQ geneB.has nothing to do with IQ geneC.stimulates ne

It is found that insulin______.

A.is IQ gene

B.has nothing to do with IQ gene

C.stimulates nerves to grow

D.is decisive to the development of intelligence

Organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over ordinary food, according to a majo
r study.

Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said consumers were paying higher prices for organic food because of its imagined health benefits, creating a global organic market worth an estimated $48 billion in 2007.

A systematic review of 162 scientific papers published in the scientific literature over the last 50 years, however, found there was no significant difference.

"A small number of differences in nutrient content were found to exist between organically and conventionally (通常) produced foodstuffs, but these have nothing to do with public health, " said Alan Dangour, one of the report's authors.

"Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority . "

The results of research, which was commissioned by the British government's Food Standards Agency, were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Sales of organic food have fallen in some markets, including Britain, as a slowdown in economic growth has led consumers to cut back on purchases.

The Soil Association said that growth in sales of organic products in Britain slowed to just 1.7percent, well below the average annual growth rate of 26 percent over the last decade.

Why does organic food cost more than conventionally produced food?

A.Because people think they are much healthier.

B.Because they are more delicious.

C.Because people prefer organic food.

D.Because they sell better.

The most extraordinary dream I ever had was one in which I fancied that, as I was going in
to a theater, the cloak-room attendant (21) me in the lobby and insisted on my (22) my legs behind. I was not

surprised; but I was considerably annoyed. I said I had (23) heard of such a rule at any respectable theater (24) , and that I considered it a most absurd regulation. The man replied that he was very (25) , but that those were his instructions. People complained that they could not get to and from their (26) comfortably, because other people's legs were always in the (27) ; and it had, therefore, been decided that (28) should leave their legs outside. It seemed to me that the management, in making this order, had gone (29) their legal right; and, under ordinary circum- stances, I should have disputed it. However, I didn't want to (30) a disturbance; and (31) I sat down and meekly prepared to comply with the demand. I had never before (32) that the human leg could be unscrewed. I had always (33) it was more securely fixed. But the man showed me how to undo them, and I found that they came off (34) easily. The discovery did not surprise (35) any more than the original request that I should take them off. Nothing does surprise one in a dream.


A. called

B. helped

C. stopped

D. met

Stop worrying about recession. That is the message from America's R-word index. For each q
uarter, we (1)_____ how many stones in the New York Times and the Washington Post include the word "recession". (2)_____ bells were set (3)_____ by the sharp jump in the "R-count" in the first quarter of this year. at a rate that in the past has (4)_____ the start of a recession. In the second quarter. (5)_____. the number of articles (6)_____ by more than one-third. A conspiracy theorist might suggest that newspaper editors, (7)_____ about dwindling advertising revenues, have (8)_____ the R-word.

The Economist has found that (9)_____ the past two decades, the R-word index has been good at (10)_____ mining-points in the American economy. (11)_____ GDP figures which appear (12)_____ after a lag, the numbers are instantly available. But how does the index perform. in Germany, (13)_____ there have also been (14)_____ fears of recession? Using our idea, Hypo Vereins bank has (15)_____ an R-word index for Germany, counting the number of times the word recession (16)_____ in Handelsblatt.

Worryingly, Germany's R-count for the first quarter of 2001 showed the second-steepest (17)_____ in the past two decades. But in the second quarter, the index dropped by one-third, (18)_____ in America (19)_____ the world economy has nothing to worry about, or journalists are more worded about a (20)_____ than a mere recession. A R-word index?





Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, or biologi
cal engineering as people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. Sometimes it's a hot topic discussed by people.

The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are murdered by these two killers. And to date, doctors have not found an effective way to cure them. But if the gene technology is applied, not only these two diseases can be cured completely, bringing happiness and more living days to the patients, but also the great amount of money people spend on curing their diseases can be saved, therefore it benefits the economy as well. In addition, human life span(寿命)can be prolonged.

Gene technology can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children. Some families, with the English imperial(皇帝的)family being a good example, have hereditary(遗传的)dis-eases. This means their children will for sure have the family disease, which is a great trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases. But gene technology can solve this problem perfectly. Scientists just need to find the wrong gene and correct it, and a healthy child will be born.

Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to manufacture(生产)human beings in large quantities. In the past few years, scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep; therefore these people predict that human babies would soon be cloned. But I believe cloned babies will not come out in large quantities, for most couples in the world can have babies in very normal way. Of course, the governments must take care to control gene technology.

What does "these two killers" in the second paragraph refer to?

A.Gene technology and another treatment of the two diseases.

B.The two murderers who killed the cloned baby.

C.The two diseases of cancer and heart disease.

D.Hereditary diseases and cancer.

The amount of sunlight reaching Earth's surface appears to be growing. The phenomenon, whi
ch some dub "global brightening", (1)_____ scientists with a puzzle. If the (2)_____ is real and global, how long will it last and what are the consequences for climate change, the planet's water cycle, and other (3)_____ that draw energy from sunlight? (4)_____, the answer might seem obvious: More sunlight reaching the ground in a warming world means that temperatures will get warmer (5)_____. Not so fast, some researchers say. Additional warming would be certain (6)_____ nothing else in the climate system changes. And the climate system is (7)_____ static. Some combinations of changes could reinforce the heating; others could (8)_____ it. Unraveling these interactions and forecasting their course require an accurate accounting of the sunlight reaching the surface and the (9)_____ the surface sends skyward. Moreover, researchers say, measurements of the sun's strength at Earth's surface are potentially powerful tools for (10)_____ human influences on the climate.

Earth's radiation "budget" (11)_____ an "extremely important parameter that is (12)_____ known", says Robert Charlson, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington at Seattle. "It needs to be (13)_____ much better than it is".

(14)_____ about the amount of sunlight reaching Earth's surface were first raised in 1974. Researchers from the United States and Israel recorded a 12% drop (15)_____ sunlight over 40 years at a (16)_____ station in the southern Sinai Peninsula. Since then, others have used a variety of techniques to try to track (17)_____ sunlight. Three years ago, for example, a (18)_____ led by Beate Liepert at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory gathered data from ground (19)_____ around the world and found that solar radiation reaching the surface fell (20)_____ 4% from 1961 to 1990.





The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of pr
imitive weapons and the discovery of fire, al though nobody knows exactly when acquired the use of (1)_____.

The (2)_____ of language is also obscure. No doubt it began very gradually. Animals have a few cries that serve (3)_____ signals, (4)_____ even the highest apes have not been found able to pronounce words (5)_____ with the most intensive professional instruction. The superior brain of man is apparently (6)_____ for the mastering of speech. When man became sufficiently intelligent, we must suppose that he (7)_____ the number of cries for different purposes. It was a great day (8)_____ he discovered that speed could be used for narrative. There are those who think that (9)_____ picture language preceded oral language. A man (10)_____ a picture on the wall of his cave to show (11)_____ direction he had gone, or (12)_____ prey he hoped to catch. Probably-picture language and oral language developed side by side. I am inclined to think that language (13)_____ the most important single factor in the development of man. Two important stages came not (14)_____ before the dawn of written history. The first was the domestication of animals; the second was agriculture. Agriculture was (15)_____ in human progress to which subsequently there was nothing comparable (16)_____ our own machine age. Agriculture made possible (17)_____ immense increase in the number of the human species in the regions where it could be successfully practiced. (18)_____ were, at first, only those in which nature fertilized the soil (19)_____ each harvest. Agriculture met with violent resistance from the pastoral nomads, but the agricultural way of life prevailed in the end (20)_____ the physical comforts it provided.

A.the latter

B.the later

C.the second

D.the latest

Every second in the United States alone, more than 250 animals are slaughtered for food, a
dding up to more than 8 billion animals each year. Reducing the amount of meat in one’s diet is nutritionally, environmentally, and ethically beneficial.

People who eat meat usually have weaker immune systems compared to those of vegetarians. Meat has been directly linked to diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and many other illnesses. Furthermore, meat-eaters are at a higher risk for diseases, including cancer, and they are more likely to die from these diseases. Critics say that a meatless diet does not provide enough nutrients, especially protein and iron. Actually, according to A Teen’s Guide to Going Vegetarian, by Judy Krizmanic, protein is found in almost every food, and iron appears in many vegetables. Getting enough nutrients in a meat-reduced diet should not be difficult. A 1988 study found that some of the highest pesticide residues appear in meat and eggs. Diets including more fruits and vegetables will only make people healthier.

Some skeptics believe that there will be a shortage of food if animals are not eaten. In fact, the opposite is true. More than 80% of the corn and 95% of the oats grown in the US are fed to livestock. The world’s cattle alone consume enough food to equal the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people, more than the entire human population. One half of the water used in the Unites States also goes to livestock; 2.50 gallons of water produces only 1 pound of beef. If people eat less meat and more plants, the amount of available food will increase.

Many people become vegetarians because they feel that eating animals is unethical. 90% of these animals are raised in confinement. Chickens and other birds have only about half. a square foot of space each, and since they are raised so close together, a hot blade is used to cut off their beaks to prevent them from pecking each other to death. Likewise, pigs that are repressed will bite each other’s tails, so both their teeth and tails are removed as soon as they are born.

Eating animals is hazardous in numerous ways. Even a slight reduction in meat intake is better than nothing at all. Consuming less meat is beneficial to the health of animals, the health of people, and to the health of the world.

Which of the following is true according to A Teen’s Guide to Going Vegetarian?

A.A diet without meat cannot supply enough protein.

B.Nearly all the food we eat contains protein.

C.It’s difficult to get enough nutrients in a meatless diet.

D.Some of the highest pesticide residues appear in meat.

Trees are useful to man in three important ways: they provide him with wood and other prod
ucts; they give him shade; and they help to prevent droughts and floods.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. (78)In his eagerness to make money from trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he bad. And besides, be is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly disappear.

This does not only mean that man will have fewer trees. The results are even more serious: for where there are trees, their roots break up soil—allowing the rain to sink in—and also bind the soil, thus preventing it from being washed away easily; but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away, causing floods and carrying away the rich top-soil. When all the top-soil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.

Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It set up the empire but, without its trees, its soil became poor and it grew weak. When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced with floods and starvation.

What is the most important service of trees to man according to the passage?

A.They help him make money.

B.They give. him wood and other products.

C.They help him prevent droughts and floods.

D.They give him shade.

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