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Last Thursday a doctor came m our school to talk about the harm of smoking. He said he wou

ldn't go on for too long, and we saw him take his wrest-watch off and lay it on the table. I can't remember what he said about smoking, because Bob and I had other things to think about. He fin ished when the bell rang for play-time, and the headmaster told us to go out.

In the playground Bob showed me the watch. He put it on his wrist, and it looked love ly. I wished I had been the one to sit by the table. It was really a beautiful watch, gold by the look of it. The headmaster came outside then, and the doctor was with him. They walked about, looking around and talking all the time. After a while the bell rang, and we got into our lines, ready to go in.

The headmaster said, "I've got a little job for boys. This doctor, who was giving us a talk just now, has lost his watch in the playground. It happened before, he says- it just slips off his wrist. So look around for it, will you? See if you're clever enough to find it. I promise that the boy who does so will get a useful reward."

Of course, Bob was not going to miss a chance like that. He's just about the luckiest boy in the school rewards just drop into his hands. We all walked about the playground, looking here and there for the watch. And I wasn't at all surprised when Bob bent down as if he was picking something up. Then he hurried past me towards the doctor.

"Where are you going?" I called out, though I knew very well where he was going. The next minute there was Bob, all smiles, handing over the watch to the old doctor and hanging about for the reward.

But the doctor did not seem at all pleased. In fact he looked quite ready to thrust (插入) a knife in Bob's heart-until the headmaster burst out laughing. Bob told me later the old man hadn't even said "Thank you" for the watch.

The thing that puzzled us most of all was that Bob didn't get any reward. When he mentioned to the headmaster about k, the old man said, "Ah, yes, we mustn't forget that. I said ' a useful re ward' , didn't I?" Then he gave Bob a big sheet of paper and told him to write a composition on the harm of smoking. Bob says he hasn't got any idea of what to write.

While the doctor was talking about the harm to smoking, the two boys were______.

A.not thinking about anything

B.thinking about the harm of smoking

C.thinking about the watch and how to get it, perhaps

D.thinking that the headmaster was very clever

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更多“Last Thursday a doctor came m …”相关的问题
The Inland Revenue on Thursday accused the British film industry of abusing government aid
, with every production of recent years deliberately over-claiming tax relief.

Revenue officials called in about 20 members of the film industry and warned them of severe consequences if the "exploitation" of tax-relief schemes did not immediately stop.

The move, which affects the including low to high-budget film-makers and financiers, is the latest in a series of attempts by the Revenue to clamp down on tax loopholes in an attempt to raise more money for the Exchequer,

But the film industry responded on Thursday night, saying the Revenue could drive productions overseas and would confuse investors.

A series of tax relief schemes, introduced in 1997, enables those involved in the financing of qualifying British-made films to claim the costs of production against future income. The schemes have Become popular with investors seeking a tax shelter, with an estimated £400m invested in the schemes in 1997 rising to about £2bn last year.

But the Revenue said the industry was exploiting rules on tax relief by "double dipping", that is, by claiming relief more than once against a single piece of expenditure. While not illegal, the Revenue said, the industry was "not playing fair". It said double-dipping was "against the spirit" of legislation designed to encourage investment in the British film industry.

The Revenue said the practice of double dipping was "virtually universal", with "every qualifying film it had seen financed on the basis of double dipping". It warned it would "take all steps to counter such abuse including, where necessary, advising ministers on introducing legislation to put matters beyond doubt".

"Both the Revenue and the government are becoming increasingly exasperated at the extent to which some parts of the industry are exploiting the film reliefs", the Revenue said. "The government remains committed to encouraging film production in the UK through use of the reliefs in the way in which the legislation allows—but this does not extend to deliberate exploitation of those reliefs".

Large film financiers said on Thursday night that the Revenue's action could undermine growth prospects for the British film industry.

Peter James, managing director of Movision Entertainment, which has produced 16 British-made films in recent years, including the soon-to-be released "Merchant of Venice", said while the effect of the Revenue's clamp down would not Be "devastating", it could drive many independent film-makers overseas.

Industry observers said on Thursday the Revenue's move was likely to confuse investors, who have been accustomed to the benefits of double-dipping.

We can learn from the first three paragraphs that ______.

A.film-makers turn to the government for financial help

B.several actions have been taken to stop tax evasion

C.officials have phoned up many film makers to protest

D.more tax relief is needed to keep the industry going

Well, it could not have got better for young Kavya Shivashankar, a 13-year-old student fro
m Olathe, Kansas as she came out very successfully at the Scripps National Spelling Bee 2009 (2009 全美 拼字大赛). On Thursday night she defeated the other 11 finalists to win the 82nd Scripps National Spelling Bee, taking home more than $40,000 cash money along with other prizes.

Kavya Shivashankar, whose parents migrated to the United States from India, and who aims to become a doctor, enjoys playing the violin, bicycling, swimming and learning Indian classical dance.

Thing came a bit late in Kavya's life since she could win the championship with her fourth appearance in the competition. The last three times when she had taken part in the same competition she had finished Tenth, Eighth and Fourth.

However, this time Kavya proved her courage and determination by winning the title she had been competing for so long. Her last challenge was to spell out "Laodicean". The word "Laodicean" means one who is indifferent, mostly in religious matters. She spelled it correctly and a big smile appeared on her face. Kavya wrote the words on her palm each time and spelled every word correctly.

After winning Kavya exclaimed, "I can't believe it happened... It feels kind of unreal." Her family was there to support her through the competition. Her father, Mirle Shivashankar said, "The competitiveness is in her... but she doesn' t show that. She still has that smile. That's her quality.' He went on to say that this was "the moment" they had been waiting for so long. It was like "a dream come true" for them.

Who is Kavya Shivashankar?

A.One of the 11 finalists at the spelling competition.

B.A 13—year—old girl planning to become a star dancer.

C.Champion of the Scripps National Spelling Bee 2009.

D.An Indian girl enjoying playing various musical instruments.

Section A(30 points, 2 points each)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.T

Section A (30 points, 2 points each)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.There are 3 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

Last night after dinner I told my family the bad news. 1 had this class assignment to monitor our use of energy at home for a week. Our family got an F.

Tuesday night my brother watched the same two hour movie on his TV set that we were watching in the living room. Thursday Mom ran an entire dishwashing cycle for 3cupa, 2plates, a knife and 3 little spoons. That's lot of electricity and hot water down the drain.

Dad drives 28 miles back and forth to work alone. Two men he works with live right nearly, and they could carpool(合伙使用汽车) and save about a thousand gallons of gas a year. And me, I'm guilty too. I went out and left the radio blaring in my room all Saturday morning.

So last night at the dinner table we all agreed to do everything we could to conserve energy. Faster showers. Lower thermostats(温度调节器) . Fuller care (51) It's a fact that this country's using up energy faster than we produce it. I read that we may run out of oil-forever-in thirty years. So terrible. (52) Unless every person in every house on every block does his part, the future looks pretty dim.

I'm getting more and more concerned about the future. Because that's where I'm going to be.

The people in this family______.

A.wasted energy unconsciously

B.had the radio on when they went out

C.watched TV programs separately

D.liked to use hot water while washing dishes

European farm ministers have ended three weeks of negotiations with a deal which they clai
m represents genuine reform. of the common agricultural policy(CAP). Will it be enough to kickstart the Doha world trade negotiations?

On the face of it, the deal agreed in the early hours of Thursday June 26th looks promising. Most subsidies linked to specific farm products are, at last, to be broken—the idea is to replace these with a direct payment to farmers, unconnected to particular products. Support prices for several key products, including milk and butter, are to be cut—that should mean European prices eventually falling towards the world market level. Cutting the link between subsidy and production was the main objective of proposals put forward by Mr. Fischler, which had formed the starting point for the negotiations.

The CAP is hugely unpopular around the world. It subsidises European farmers to such an extent that they can undercut farmers from poor countries, who also face trade barriers that largely exclude them from the potentially lucrative European market. Farm trade is also a key feature of the Doha round of trade talks, launched under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in November 2001. Developing countries have lined up alongside a number of industrial countries to demand an end to the massive subsidies Europe pays its farmers. Several Doha deadlines have already been missed because of the EU's intransigence, and the survival of the talks will be at risk if no progress is made by September, when the world's trade ministers meet in Cancun, Mexico.

But now even the French seem to have gone along with the deal hammered out in Luxembourg. Up to a point, anyway. The package of measures gives the green light for the most eager reformers to move fast to implement the changes within their own countries. But there is an escape clause of sorts for the French and other reform-averse nations. They can delay implementation for up to two years. There is also a suggestion that the reforms might not apply where there is a chance that they would lead to a reduction in land under cultivation.

These let-outs are potentially damaging for Europe's negotiators in the Doha round. They could significantly reduce the cost savings that the reforms might otherwise generate and, in turn, keep European expenditure on farm support unacceptably high by world standards. More generally, the escape clauses could undermine the reforms by encouraging the suspicion that the new package will not deliver the changes that its supporters claim. Close analysis of what is inevitably a very complicated package might confirm the sceptics' fears.

The deal agreed on Thursday looks promising in that ______.

A.European farm ministers finally reached a consensus

B.the link between farm products and subsidies is removed

C.farmers would definitely accept the direct payment to them

D.European farm products will reach a lower price level than the world

Search engine Google was aiming to float on Wall Street this week, valued at up to $36 bil
lion. But the Internet company's advisers are meeting this weekend to discuss possibly delaying the public listing after a sharp fall in share prices in New York on Friday. An insider said last night: "The float is teetering on the brink—it really is 50/50 at this stage, although many of us are optimistic." The initial public offering(IPO) of shares in Google, which could raise nearly $4bn, will amount to one of the biggest IPOs for years. But many US firms have shelved their IPOs amid volatile market conditions and investors appear unwilling to subscribe to new equity. A Wall Street analyst said that the Google IPO "would be a seminal event for the American stock market" as its real significance was that it would test whether or not the recovery in equity prices since the end of the Iraq war had taken hold. "If this float works, a lot of other companies will be encouraged and come to the market later in the year," the insider added. "But it will be bad news if the IPO is pulled or the shares fall sharply after the company is listed. If that happens, it could kill off the IPO market in America and elsewhere for at least 12 months."

Several fund managers have already expressed reservations about Coogle, in particular its high valuation and the complex way the shares are being sold. Moreover the Google flotation is taking place at a time when technology companies in the US have been shunned. On Thursday, the IPO hit a technical hitch over the failure of the company to meet its legal obligations concerning its employees' stock option plans. But the company did not think that the disclosure would mean a delay to the IPO, which is due on Tuesday, At the top of the suggested price range, Google would be valued not far short of its rival Internet firm Yahoo!—and this has raised eyebrows within the industry. The auction is being conducted over the Internet, and potential buyers will have to register by signing on to a Google website. But only investors who have brokerage accounts with one of the 28 US banks and brokers underwriting the stock sale, will be able to apply. Google suffered a setback last month after it re ported an unexpected, slowdown in its huge growth rate. But sources close to Google's founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, said that the tailing-off of growth was due to seasonal factors and would not affect the IPO.

According to paragraph 1, the insider's attitude towards Google IPO can be said to be





European farm ministers have ended three weeks of negotiations with a deal which they clai
m represents genuine reform. of the common agricultural policy (CAP). Will it be enough to kick off the Doha world trade negotiations?

On the face of it, the deal agreed in the early hours of Thursday June 26th looks promising. Most subsidies linked to specific farm products are, at last, to be broken—the idea is to replace these with a direct payment to farmers, unconnected to particular products. Support prices for several key products, including milk and butter, are to be cut—that should mean European prices eventually falling towards the world market level. Cutting the link between subsidy and production was the main objective of proposals put forward by Mr. Fischler, which had formed the starting point for the negotiations.

The CAP is hugely unpopular around the world. It subsidizes European farmers to such an extent that they can undercut farmers from poor countries, who also face trade barriers that largely exclude them from the potentially lucrative European market. Farm trade is also a key feature of the Doha round of trade talks, launched under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in November 2001. Developing countries have lined up alongside a number of industrial countries to demand an end to the massive subsidies Europe pays its farmers. Several Doha deadlines have already been missed because of the EU's intransigence, and the survival of the talks will be at risk if no progress is made by September, when the world's trade ministers meet in Cancun, Mexico.

But now even the French seem to have gone along with the deal hammered out in Luxembourg. Up to a point, anyway. The package of measures gives the green light for the most eager reformers to move fast to implement the changes within their own countries. But there is an escape clause of sorts for the French and other reform-averse nations. They can delay implementation for up to two years. There is also a suggestion that the reforms might not apply where there is a chance that they would lead to a reduction in land under cultivation.

These let-outs are potentially damaging for Europe's negotiators in the Doha round. They could significantly reduce the cost savings that the reforms might otherwise generate and, in turn, keep European expenditure on farm support unacceptably high by world standards. Mote generally, the escape clauses could undermine the reforms by encouraging the suspicion that the new package will not deliver the changes that its supporters claim Close analysis of what is inevitably a very complicated package might confirm the sceptics' fears.

The deal agreed on Thursday looks promising in that _____.

A.European farm ministers finally reached a consensus.

B.the link between farm products and subsidies is removed.

C.farmers would definitely accept the direct payment to them.

D.European farm products will reach a lower price level than the world.

A. subway B. Thursday C. nowadays D. x-ray


B. Thursday

C. nowadays

D. x-ray

New claims for unemployment insurance dipped last week, suggesting that companies are layi
ng off fewer workers as the budding economic recovery unfolds. The Labor Department reported on Thursday that for the work week ending April 27, new claims for jobless benefits went down by a seasonally adjusted 10,000 to 418,000, the lowest level since March 23.In another report, orders to U. S. factories rose for the fourth straight month, a solid 0.4 percent rise in March. The figure was largely boosted by stronger demand for unendurable goods, such as food, clothes, paper products and chemicals. Total unendurable goods were up 1.6 percent in March, the biggest increase in two years. Orders also rose for some manufactured goods, including metals, construction machinery, household appliances and defense equipment. The report reinforces the view that the nation's manufacturers-which sharply cut production and saw hundreds of thousands of jobs evaporate during the recession-are on the comeback trail. Stocks were rising again on Thursday. In the first half-four of trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was up 43 points and the Nasdaq index was up 14 points.

In the jobless-claims report, even with the decline, a government analyst said, the level was inflated as a result of a technical fluke. The distortion is coming from a requirement that laid-off workers seeking to take advantage of a federal extension for benefits must summit new claims. Congress recently passed legislation signed into law by President Bush that provided a 13-week extension of jobless benefits.

The fluck has clouded the layoffs picture for several weeks. But the government analyst said the refilling requirement is having much less of an effect on the claims numbers than in previous weeks. The more stable four-week moving average of new claims, which smoothes out weekly fluctuation, also fell last week to 435750, the lowest level since the beginning of April. But the number of workers continuing to receive unemployment benefits rose to 3.8 million for the work week ending April 20, evidence that people who are out of work are having trouble finding new jobs.

Economists predict that job growth won't be strong enough in the coming months to prevent the nation's unemployment rate-now at 5.7 percent-from rising. Many economists are forecasting a rise in April's jobless rate to 5.8 percent and estimating that businesses added around 55,000 jobs during the month. The government will release the April employment report on Friday. Even as the economy bounces back from recession, some economists expect the jobless rate will peak to just over 6 percent by June. That is because companies will be reluctant to quickly hire back laid-off workers until they are assured the recovery is here to stay. Given the fledging rebound, many economists expect the Federal Reserve to leave short-term interest rates-now at 40-year lows-unchanged when it meets on May 7.The Fed adjusted interest rates 11 times in a row last year to rescue the economy from recession, which began in May 2001.

The fact that new claims for jobless benefits decreased shows that______.

A.the economy is well on its way to recovery

B.more jobless workers have found new jobs

C.companies have slowed down firing workers

D.unemployment rates fluctuate on a seasonal basis

What was the direct result of the heat wave on Thursday according to the text?A.Hundreds o

What was the direct result of the heat wave on Thursday according to the text?

A.Hundreds of people fell ill.

B.Work in a lot of factories stopped.

C.People rushed to buy air-conditioners.

D.There were several cases of power failure.

What was the temperature in Beijing on Thursday according to Beijing Meteorological Observ

A.40 degrees.

B.38 degrees.

C.36 degrees.

D.35 degrees.

The space shuttle Atlantis crew is scheduled to make their final landing around 6 a.m
. Thursday also marks the 42nd ________ of man's first step on the moon





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