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How did language originate and develop?Which theory about the origins of language sounds

How did language originate and develop?

Which theory about the origins of language sounds more reasionable to you? Why?

How can people today know about the original form. of language?

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Like every language, American English is full of special expressions, phrases that come fr
om the day-to-day life of the people and develop in their own way.Our expression today is “to face the music”. When someone says, “well, I guess I’ll have to face the music,” it does not mean he’s planning to go to the concert.It is something far less pleasant, like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you didn’t do this or that.Sour music indeed, but it has to be faced At sometime or another, every one of us has had to face the music, especially as children.We can all remember father’s angry voice, “I want to talk to you.” and only because we did not obey him.What an unpleasant business it was! The phrase “to face the music” is familiar to every American, young and old,It is at least 100 years old .And where did this expression come from? The first explanation comes from the American novelist, James Fenimore Looper.He said, in 1851, that the expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings to go on the stage.When they got their cue to go on, they often said, “Well, it’s time to face the music.” And that was exactly what they did — facing the orchestra which was just below them.And an actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of an audience that might be friendly or perhaps hostile, especially if he forgot his lines.But he had to go out.If he did not, there would be no play.So the expression “to face the music” come to mean “having to go through something, no matter how unpleasant the experience might be, because you knew you had no choice.” Other explanations about the expression go back to the army.When the men faced an inspection by their leader, the soldiers would be worried about how well they looked .Was their equipment clean, shinny enough to pass the inspection? Still the men had to go out and face the music of the band as well as the inspection.What else could they do? Another army explanation is more closely related to the idea of facing the results and accepting the responsibility for something that should not have been done.As, for example when a man is forced out of the army because he did something terrible, he is dishonored .The band does not play.Only the drums tap a sad, slow beat.The soldier is forced to leave, facing such music as it is and facing the back of his horse. How many ways does the phrase “to face the music” comes from? A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

Linguists have been able to follow the formation of a new language in Nicaragua. The catch
is that it is not a spoken language but, rather, a sign language which arose spontaneously in deaf children.

The Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL) emerged in the late 1970s, at a new school for deaf children. Initially the children were instructed by teachers who could hear. No one taught them how to sign; they simply worked it out for themselves. By conducting experiments on people who attended the school at various points in its history, Dr. Senghas has shown how NSL has become more sophisticated over time. For example, concepts that an older signer uses a single sign for, such as rolling and falling, have been unpacked into separate signs by youngsters.

Early users, too, did not develop a way of distinguishing left from right. Dr. Senghas showed this by asking signers of different ages to converse about a set of photographs that each could see. One signer had to pick a photograph and describe it. The other had to guess which photograph was being described.

When all the photographs contained the same elements, merely arranged differently, older people, who had learned the early form. of the language, could neither signal which photo they meant, nor understand the signals of their younger partners. Nor could their younger partners teach them the signs that indicate left and right. The older people clearly understood the concept of left and right, they just could not converse about it a result that bears on the vexing question of how much language merely reflects the way the brain thinks about the world, and how much it actually shapes such thinking.

For a sign language to emerge spontaneously, though, deaf children must have some inherent tendency to tie gestures to meaning. Spoken language, of course, is frequently accompanied by gestures. But, as a young researcher, Dr. Goldin-Meadow suspected that deaf children use gestures differently from those who can hear. In a 30-year-long project carried out on deaf children in America and Taiwan, whose parents can hear normally, she has shown that this is true.

Even deaf children who have no deaf acquaintances use signs as words. The order the signs come in is important. It is also different from the order of words in either English or Chinese. But it is the same, for a given set of signs and meanings, in both America and Taiwan.

Curiously enough, the signs produced by children in Spain and Turkey, whom Dr. Goldin-Meadow is also studying, while similar to each other, differ from those that American and Taiwanese children produce. Dr. Goldin-Meadow is not certain why that is. However, the key commonality is that their spontaneously created languages resemble fully-formed languages.

The Nicaragua Sign Language is__________.

A.a non-verbal language created by deaf children.

B.an artificial language used by people in Nicaragua.

C.a language invented by teachers who teach the deaf.

D.a language described and modified by deliberate linguists

Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five
ques- tions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Walking through the dry leaves on his way home, Pat thought of what a bad day in school it had been. But every day was a bad day for him; he and the school did not like each other. But now that he was in the forest, Pat began to feel more like his usual self. He stopped to look at the quick moving stream of water called the Totopotomy. This little river was named for a man Pat liked, Totopotomy chief of the friendly Paumunkey Indians. He had heard stories about boys caught by the Paumunkeys who, when they were free, did not want to go home. Pat could understand how they felt. They did not have to go to school; they lived in the fresh air, and went fishing and hunting. How wonderful that must be!

The gentle sounds of a bird singing could be heard through the trees. Pat looked up, and tried to make the same sound. Uncle Langloo had told him to try and learn the language of the birds, and he was trying. Pat wanted to be like his uncle in every way. Langloo Win- ston was a hunter who spent most of his time living with the Indians. He fished with them, talked with them, even dressed like them, and the Indians loved him.

When Pat reached home, a young slave named Caesar ran out to meet him. Pat gave him a friendly push, and both boys rolled in the red earth. Caesar's job was to serve Pat, but he was more friend than servant. Even as a boy, Pat Henry did not believe in such differences between men.

36. The Paumunkeys did all the following except ______.

A. not having to go to school

B. living in the fresh air

C. going fishing and hunting

D. not wanting to go home

Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segm

Part C

Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.

46) The teaching of English as a second language (ESL) in schools has had a history of conflicting arguments, interesting innovations and some very positive methodological changes. To understand the present situation, it is necessary to consider the past and the wider educational context which has a bearing on it.

Until quite recently, approaches to ESL work have been strongly influenced by methods developed to teach English as a foreign language to older learners. These methods placed much emphasis on drills, exercises and remedial programs that focus on language in abstraction. 47) The prescriptive nature of such methods and the demands they made on the teacher's time developed the belief that ESL work would be tackled only by the specialist ESL teacher working with small groups of children. 48) Such an approach does not fit comfortably into current notions of learning and teaching in the primary school, nor does it sufficientlv equip ESL learners in the secondary school to benefit from normal schooling. In prescribing what language is to be taught, it has ignored what children bring to the learning task and the choices they make about how and what they want to learn. Furthermore, the location and organization of language provision did not measure up to the demand. 49) The language centers and English language services all contributed to providing special and concentrated teaching of English as a second language in small groups, varying in size from four or five to fifteen, Whatever the pattern of provision, the main aim was to give pupils sufficient English to enable them to join normal schools as quickly as possible. The success of such special provision depended very much on the close and constant liaison of language teachers with the subject teachers and the class teachers and on the continuity of learning experiences provided by them. One of the important disadvantages of language centers and withdrawal groups was that ESL children were being taught away from those English-speakers who provide the most powerful models, i.e. their peer (地位相同的) group.

Peer group interaction is an important element in any learning situation, but its particular strengths in a classroom with ESL learners cannot be over-emphasized.

50) The separation of second-language learners from the main-stream classroom cannot easily be justified on educational grounds, since in practice it leads to both their curriculum and language learning being impoverished.


According to the passage, when did the word " ice-box" become part of the American languag

A.In 1803.

B.Around 1850.

C.During the Civil War.

D.Before 1880.

In a paper just published in Science, Peter Gordon of Columbia University uses his study o
f the Piraha and their counting system to try to answer a tricky linguistic question. The Piraha, a group of hunter-gatherers who live along the banks of the Maici River in Brazil, use a system of counting called "one-two-many". In this, the word for "one" translates to "roughly one" (similar to "one or two" in English), the word for "two" means "a slightly larger amount than one" (similar to "a few" in English), and the word for "many" means "a much larger amount".

This question was posed by Benjamin Lee Whorl in the 1930s. Whorl studied Hopi, an Amerindian language very different from the Eurasian languages that had hitherto been the subject of academic linguistics. His work led him to suggest that language not only influences thought but, more strongly, that it determines thought.

While there is no dispute that language influences what people think about, evidence suggesting it determines thought is inconclusive. For example, in 1972, Eleanor Rosch and Karl Heider investigated the colour-naming abilities of the Dani people of Indonesia. The Dani have words for only two colours: black and white. But Dr. Rosch and Dr. Heider found that, even so, Dani could distinguish and comprehend other colours. That does not support the deterministic version of the Whorf hypothesis.

While recognising that there are such things as colours for which you have no name is certainly a cognitive leap, it may not be a good test of Whorf's ideas. Colours, after all, are out there everywhere. Numbers, by contrast, are abstract, so may be a better test. Dr. Gordon therefore spent a month with the Piraha and elicited the help of seven of them to see how far their grasp of numbers extended.

The tests began simply, with a row of, say, seven evenly spaced batteries. Gradually, they got more complicated. The more complicated tests included tasks such as matching numbers of unevenly spaced objects, replicating the number of objects from memory, and copying a number of straight lines from a drawing.

In the tests that involved matching the number and layout of objects they could see, participants were pretty good when faced with two or three items, but found it harder to cope as the number of items rose. Things were worse when the participants had to remember the number of objects in a layout and replicate it "blind", rather than matching a layout they could see. In this case the success rate dropped to zero when the number of items became, in terms of their language, "many".

And line drawing produced the worst results of all—though that could have had as much to do with the fact that drawing is not part of Piraha culture as it did with the difficulties of numerical abstraction. Indeed, Dr. Gordon described the task of reproducing straight lines as being accomplished only with "heavy sighs and groans".

Which of the following is Not true according to the first two paragraphs?

A.Gordon's purpose in his study of the Piraha was to solve a language problem.

B.The Piraha would use the word "many" to describe the number "twenty".

C.Linguists had studied other languages before they switched to Hopi.

D.Whorl claimed that language did more than influence people's thought.

The mid-sixties saw the start of a project that, along with other similar research, was to
teach us a great deal about the chimpanzee mind. This was Project Washoe, conceived by Trixie and Allen Gardner. They purchased an infant chimpanzee and began to teach her the signs of ASL, the American Sign Language used by the deaf. Twenty years earlier another husband and wife team, Richard and Cathy Hayes, had tried, with an almost total lack of success, to teach a young chimp, Vikki, to talk. The Hayess undertaking taught us a lot about the chimpanzee mind, but Vikki, although she did well in IQ tests, and was clearly an intelligent youngster, could not learn human speech. The Gardners, however, achieved spectacular success with their pupil, Washoe. Not only did she learn signs easily, but she quickly began to string them together in meaningful ways. It was clear that each sign evoked, in her mind, a mental image of the object it represented. If, for example, she was asked, in sign language, to fetch an apple, she would go and locate an apple that was out of sight in another room.

Other chimps entered the project, some starting their lives in deaf signing families before joining Washoe. And finally Washoe adopted an infant, Loulis. He came from a lab where no thought of teaching signs had ever penetrated. When he was with Washoe he was given no lessons in language acquisition—not by humans, anyway. Yet by the time he was eight years old he had made fifty-eight signs in their correct contexts. How did he learn them? Mostly, it seems, by imitating the behavior. of Washoe and the other three signing chimps, Dar, Moja and Tam. Sometimes, though, he received tuition from Washoe herself. One day, for example, she began to swagger about bipedally, hair bristling, signing food! food! food! in great excitement. She had seen a human approaching with a bar of chocolate. Loulis, only eighteen months old, watched passively. Suddenly Washoe stopped her swaggering, went over to him, took his hand, and moulded the sign for food (fingers pointing towards mouth). Another time, in a similar context, she made the sign for chewing gum—but with her hand on his body. On a third occasion Washoe picked up a small chair, took it over to Loulis, set it down in front of him, and very distinctly made the chair sign three times, watching him closely as she did so. The two food signs became incorporated into Loulis's vocabulary but the sign for chair did not. Obviously the priorities of a young chimp are similar to those of a human child!

Chimpanzees who have been taught a language can combine signs creatively in order to describe objects for which they have no symbol. Washoe, for example, puzzled her caretakers by asking, repeatedly, for a rock berry. Eventually it transpired that she was referring to brazil nuts which she had encountered for the first time a while before. Another language-trained chimp described a cucumber as a green banana. They can even invent signs. Lucy, as she got older, had to be put on a leash for her outings. One day, eager to set off but having no sign for leash, she signaled her wishes by holding a crooked index finger to the ring on her collar. This sign became part of her vocabulary.

The example of Washoe being sent to fetch an apple which is in another room indicates that______.

A.chimps may have more than one way to fetch food

B.chimps can associate one sign with another in a meaningful way

C.chimps can learn the signs of ASL, the American Sign Language used by the deaf

D.chimps have their particular ways for finding what they want

Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental processes that a person uses in producing
and understanding language, and how humans learn language.()

In how many volumes was An American Dictionary of the English Language published? A.One vo
lume. B.Two volumes. C.Three volumes. D.Four volumes.

A ________ is based on systematic principles and procedures, i.e., it is an applicati
on of views on how a language is best taught and learned.

A. method

B. approach

C. technique

D. methodology

______ studies how sentences in spoken and written language form. larger meaningful units
such as paragraphs, conversations, and interviews.

A. Communicative Language Teaching

B. Meaning negotiation

C. Discourse analysis

D. Pragmatics

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