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A child of five is friendly, competent and obedient, although he may be bossy with other c

hildren and is sometimes sufficiently independent to call his mother names. He is still dependent on adult approval and praise, and so orientated (对……感兴趣) to the grown-up that he tells tales without seeing the other child's point of view. There is no real discussion yet fives talking together indulge in a" collective monologue (独白)" ;quarrelling with words often begins towards the end of the year. Group play is often disrupted because everyone wants to be the mother or the bride or the captain of the fire brigade. Each child has an urgent need for constantly recurring (反复的) contact with an adult in spite of all his efforts to be independent. In his unsureness he may make statements about his own cleverness and beauty, hoping that the adult will praise him: this is not conceit but a cry for reassurance. He loves to say "Watch what I can do." Reality and fantasy are still intermingled and this confusion may lead him to elaborate on facts.

It is implied in the passage that a competent child ______. ()

A.does what he is told

B.plays with other children

C.can perform. certain task

D.tells other children what to do

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更多“A child of five is friendly, c…”相关的问题
To ______ the child’s quick recovery, five doctors took turns looking after him day a
nd night.





During the twentieth century there has been a great change in the lives of women. A woman
marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the Youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which chance and health made it unusual for them to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman' s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and she can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until sixty.

This important change in women' s life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school and took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards return to full or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life.

We are told that in a family about 1900 ______.

A.few children died before they were five

B.seven or eight children lived to be more than five

C.the youngest child would be fifteen

D.four or five children died when they were five

Key James, Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Virginia State government, loves
to turn the tables on those who don't think it's possible to be middle-class, conservative, educated and still be truly black. Once, during an abortion debate, a woman in the audience angrily told James she was so middle-class she didn't have a clue about real African American life. "If you understood what these women go through," the woman said, "you would realize that abortion is their only choice."

James then asked the woman to consider a poor black mother on welfare. She already has four children and an alcoholic husband who has all but abandoned the family. Now she discovers another child is on the way. "How would you counsel that woman?" asked James.

"Have an abortion," the woman responded. "That child would have a very poor quality of life."

"I have a vested interest in your answer," James said. "The woman I described was my mother. I was the fifth of six children born into poverty. And, in case you're interested, the quality of my life is just fine!"

Kay James ______.

A.is not a black

B.is a poor black mother

C.has five brothers and sisters

D.has a hard life

Which of the following is considered to be the most unlucky child at home?A.The f

Which of the following is considered to be the most unlucky child at home?

A.The first-born child

B.The last—born child

C.The middle child

D.The only child

The greatest change has been in the lives of women. During the twentieth century there h
as been a remarkable shortening of the time of woman's life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman's youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and can be expected to live another thirty years and is likely to take paid work until retirement, at sixty. Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by modem living conditions.

This important change in women's life pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first chance, and most of them took a full time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen. Many girls stay at school after that age, and though women usually marry younger, more married women stay at least until shortly before their first child is born. Many more afterwards return to fuller part-time job. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money, and running the house, according to the abilities and interests of each of them.

6. According to the passage, around the year 1900 most women married ____.

A. at about twenty-five

B. in their early fifties

C. as soon as possible after they were fifteen

D. at any age from fifteen to forty-five

7. We are told that in a common family in 1890s _____.

A. seven or eight children lived to be more man five

B. many children died before they were five

C. the youngest children would be fifteen

D. four or five children died when they were five

8. When she was over fifty, the late nineteenth century mother ____.

A. would be healthy enough to take paid jobs

B. was usually expected to die fairly soon

C. was unlikely to find a job if she wanted one

D. would expect to work till she died

9. According to the passage, the women of today usually____.

A. marry instead of getting paid work

B. marry before they are twenty-five

C. have more children under fifteen

D. have too few children

10. The best title for this passage is____.

A. Women’s Life

B. The Change of Women's life

C. Women's Marriage

D. Women's New Life

What is going on in a bilingual child’s brain according to the new study?A.The executive f

What is going on in a bilingual child’s brain according to the new study?

A.The executive function is being developed more slowly.

B.The executive function is being developed more rapidly.

C.The aural nerve centre is being developed more slowly.

D.The aural nerve centre is being developed more rapidly.

The age at which young children begin to make moral discriminations about harmful actions
committed against themselves or others has been the focus of recent research into the moral development of children. Until recently, child psychologists supported pioneer developmentalist Jean Piaget in his hypothesis that because of their immaturity, children under age seven do not take into account the intentions of a person committing accidental or deliberate harm, but rather simply assign punishment for offences on the basis of the magnitude of the negative consequences cause.

According to Piaget, children under age seven occupy the first stage of moral development, which is characterized by moral absolutism (rules made by authorities must be obeyed) and imminent justice (if rules are broken, punishment will be meted out). Until young children mature, their moral judgments are based entirely on the effect rather than the cause of an offence. However, in recent research, Keasey found that six-year-old children not only distinguish between accidental and intentional harm, but also judge intentional harm as naughtier, regardless of the amount of damage produced. Both of these findings seem to indicate that children, at an earlier age than Piaget claimed, advance into the second stage of moral development, moral autonomy, in which they accept social rules but view them as more arbitrary than do children in the first stage.

Keasey's research raises two key questions for developmental psychologists about children under age seven: do they recognize justifications for harmful actions, and do they make distinctions between harmful acts that are preventable and those acts that have unforeseen harmful consequences? Studies indicate that justifications excusing harmful actions might include public duty, self-defense, and provocation. For example, Nesdale and Rule concluded that children were capable of considering whether or not an aggressor's actions was justified by public duty: five year olds reacted very differently to "Bonnie wrecks Ann's pretend house" depending on whether Bonnie did it "so somebody won't fall over it" or because Bonnie wanted "to make Anne feel bad." Thus, a child of five begins to understand that certain harmful actions, though intentional, can be justified: the constraints of moral absolutism no longer solely guide their judgments.

Psychologists have determined that during kindergarten children learn to make subtle distinctions involving harm. Darley observed that among acts involving unintentional harm, six-year-old children just entering kindergarten could not differentiate between foreseeable, and thus preventable, harm and unforeseeable harm for which the offender cannot be blamed. Seven months later, however, Darley found that these same children could make both distinctions, thus demonstrating that they had become morally autonomous.

As to the punishment that children under seven are assigned to wrongdoing, Piaget suggests

A.the punishment is to be administered immediately following the offence.

B.the more immature a child, the more severe the punishment assigned.

C.the punishment for acts of intentional harm is less severe than it is for acts involving accidental harm.

D.the severity of the assigned punishment is primarily determined by the perceived magnitude of negative consequences.

Is language, like food, a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of l
ife can be starved and damaged? Judging from the drastic experiment of Frederick II in the thirteenth century, it may be. Hoping to discover what language a child would speak if he heard no mother tongue, he told the nurses to keep silent.

All the infants died before the first year. But clearly there was more than lack of language here. What was missing was good mothering. Without good mothering, in the first year of life especially, the capacity to survive is seri9usly affected. Today no such severe lack exists as that ordered by Frederick. Nevertheless, some children are still backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.

Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ At twelve weeks a baby smiles and makes vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he can speak simple words and understand simple commands; at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of three to five words. At three he knows about 1,000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four his, language differs from that of his parents in style. rather than grammar.

Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak. What is special about man's brain, compared with that of the monkey, is the complex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a toy-bear with the sound pattern "toy bear". And even more incredible is the young brain's ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him, to analyse, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways.

But speech has to be induced, and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, where the mother recognizes the signals in the child's babbling(咿呀声), grasping and smiling, and responds to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dulls the interaction because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity to the child's non-verbal signals is essential to the growth and development of language.

Frederick II's experiment was______

A.to prove that children are born with the ability to speak

B.to discover what language a child would speak without hearing any human speech

C.to find out what role careful nursing would play in teaching a child to speak

D.to prove that a child could be damaged without learning a language

It's all annual back-to-school routine. One morning you wave goodbye, and that【1】evening y
ou're burning the late-night oil in sympathy. In the race to improve educational standards,【2】are throwing the books at kids.【3】elementary school students are complaining of homework【4】What's a well-meaning parent to do?

As hard as【5】may he, sit back and chill, experts advise. Though you've got to get them to do it,【6】helping too much, or even examining【7】too carefully, you may keep them【8】doing it by themselves. "I wouldn't advise a parent to check every【9】assignment," says psychologist John Rosemond, author of Ending the Tough Homework. "There's a【10】of appreciation for trial and error. Let your children【11】the grade they deserve. " Many experts believe parents should gently look over the work of younger children and ask them to rethink their【12】. But "you don't want them to feel it has to be【13】," she says.

That's not to say parents should【14】homework-first, they should monitor how much homework their kids【15】. Thirty minutes a day in the early elementary years and an hour in【16】four, five, and six is standard, says Rosemond. For junior-high students it should be "【17】more than an hour and a half," and two for high school students. If your child【18】has more homework than this, you may want to check【19】other parents and then talk to the teacher about【20】assignments.






" Sesame Street" (芝麻街) has been called "the longest street in the world". That is becau

" Sesame Street" (芝麻街) has been called "the longest street in the world". That is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts of the world. That program became one of America's exports soon after it went on the air in the New York in 1969.

In the United States more than six million children watch the program regularly. The viewers include more than half of the nation's pre-school children. Although some educators object to certain elements in the program, parents praise it highly. Many teachers also consider it a great help, though some teachers find that problems arise when first graders who have learned from "Sesame Street" are in the same class with children who have not watched the program.

The program uses songs, stories, jokes and pictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers, letters and human relationships. Tests have shown that children have benefited from watching "Sesame Street". Those who watch five times a week learn more than the occasional viewers. In the United States the program is shown at different times during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watch it regularly.

Why has "Sesame Street" been so much more successful than other children's shows? Many reasons have been suggested. People mention the educational theories of its creators, the support by the government and private businesses, and the skillful use of a variety of TV tricks. Perhaps an equally important reason is that mothers watch "Sesame Street" along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars often appear on "Sesame Street". But the best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching it feel able to learn. The child finds himself learning, and he wants to learn more.

Why has "Sesame Street" been called "the longest street in the world"?

A.The program has been shown ever since 1969.

B.The program became one of America's major exports soon after it appeared on TV.

C.The program is now being watched in most parts of the world.

D.The program is made in the longest street in New York.

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