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New Light in Internet ServiceA new internet serviceLooking for "The Fugitive?" Didn't get

New Light in Internet Service

A new internet service

Looking for "The Fugitive?" Didn't get enough "Eight Is Enough?" Would you like to "Welcome Back, Kotter" one more time?

Warner Brothers is preparing a major new Internet service that will let fans watch full episodes from more than 100 old television series. The service, called In2TV, will be free, supported by advertising, and will start early next year. More than 4 800 episodes will be made available online in the first year.

The benefit of the new technology

The move will give Warner a way to reap new advertising revenue from a huge trove of old programming that is not widely syndicated.

Programs on In2TV will have one to two minutes of commercials for each half-hour episode, compared with eight minutes in a standard broadcast. The Internet commercials cannot be skipped.

America Online, which is making a broad push into Internet video, will distribute the service on its Web portal. Both it and Warner Brothers are Time Warner units. An enhanced version of the service will use peer-to-peer file-sharing technol0gy to get the video data to viewers.

Warner, with 800 television programs in its library, says it is the largest TV syndicator. It wants to use the Internet to reach viewers rather than depend on the whims of cable networks and local TV stations, said Eric Frankel, the president of Warner Brothers' domestic cable distribution division.

"We looked at the rise of broadband on Internet and said, 'Let's try to be the first to create a network that opens a new window of distribution for us rather than having to go hat in hand to a USA or a Nick at Night or a TBS,'" Mr. Frankel said.

Warner's offering comes at a time when television producers and networks are exploring new ways to use digital technology to distribute programs.

The Competition among different distributors

Many of the recent moves include charging viewers for current programs. ABC has started selling episodes of some programs to download to Apple Pods for $1.99. And NBC and CBS announced last week that they would sell reruns of their top new shows for 99 cents an episode through video-on-demand services. CBS is working with Comcast and NBC with DirecTV. The CBS programs to be sold on Comcast include commercials, but viewers can skip them. The NBC programs on DirecTV and the ABC programs from Apple have no commercials.

Of the media companies' new experiments, Peter Storck, president of the Points North Group, a research firm, remarked, "They are saying let's take the plunge, put the content out there, and figure out how to monetize it." Programs on In2TV will range from recently canceled series like "La Femme Nikita' to vintage shows like "Maverick" from the early 1960's . Other series that will be available include "Chico and the Man," "Wonder Woman" and "Babylon 5."

"The company will offer a changing selection of several hundred episodes each month, rather than providing continuous access to all the episodes in a series," Mr. Frankel said, "so as not to cannibalize (拆分) potential DVD sales of old TV shows."

"And in the future, when Warner negotiates with cable networks to syndicate popular programs," Mr. Frankel-said, "the price will be higher if the network wants it kept off the Internet."

For AOL, the In2TV deal is part of a broad strategy to create a range of video offerings to attract people to its free AOL. com portal. It already offers some video news and sports programs from CBS News, ABC and CNN.

At the same time, it is creating programming aimed at women and young people, including an online reality series called "The Biz," giving contestants the chance to become a music producer, in conjunction with the Warner Music Group (which is no longer owned by Time Warner).

Next month AOL




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更多“New Light in Internet ServiceA…”相关的问题
Before you can hear a message on the telephone using the new system, ______.A.electrical s

Before you can hear a message on the telephone using the new system, ______.

A.electrical signals must first be changed' into light signals and then into sound

B.the light signals have to be changed directly into sound

C.light must first be changed into electrical signals and then into sound

D.neither the light nor the electrical signals have to be changed in any way

The making of glass is a very old industry--at least 4,500 years old. Glass has many extra
ordinary qualities and it is frequently being used in new ways.

One of the most interesting new uses for glass is in telephone communication. Scientists have developed glass fibers as thin as human hair, which are designed to can-y light signals. When the light reaches the other end, it is first changed into electrical signals, which are in turn converted into sound messages.

Called light wave communication, the new system was used successfully in an experiment in Chicago in 1997. During the experiment, two glass fibers were able to carry 672 conversations at the same time. The lightwave cable, containing 144 glass fibers, has the capacity to carry 50,000 conversations at the same time.

The lightwave communication system has two important advantages. First, the glass fiber cables are smaller and weigh less than copper. Second, they cost less.

Perhaps it can be said that telephone communication has entered the age of light.

One of the extraordinary qualities of glass is that it can carry ______.

A.sound signals

B.light signals

C.electrical signals

D.any signals

[A] New plants and animals then move into the area and begin to grow. [B] Just 2

[A] New plants and animals then move into the area and begin to grow.

[B] Just 2 percent of the sunlight goes through the many layers of leaves and branches above, so understory plant species have developed special traits to cope with low light levels.

[C] On a smaller scale, large mammals, such as elephants, regularly destroy rain forest vegetation in the Congo River Basin in Africa.

[D] An understory of shorter trees and a lacework of woody vines, or lianas, produce a forest of such complex internal architecture that many animals, including some sizable ones, rarely or never descend to the ground.

[E] Less than one percent of the trees in the forest reside in the canopy and emergent layers.

[F] Because more light penetrates the canopy, however, the vegetation of the understory and forest floor is better developed than in the tropics.

[G] The rich, green canopy is teeming with life, and forest researchers have developed ingenious methods for accessing this mysterious ecosystem.

A new kind of radar has been developed for spaceship travelers. A working laboratory model
of a new system of radar that makes use of a beam of light is said to be ten thousand times more accurate than the best comparable system of radar that used microwaves.

The model has shown that this radar system, known as laser-doppler radar, can measure with absolute precision speeds varying from spaceship orbital injection (进入) velocities (速度) of five miles per second down to virtual stops--speeds of less than one ten thousandth of an inch per second. According to the scientists who are developing this system, such fine measures of velocity are of prime importance in space missions. In a rendezvous (对接) between two spaceships, or in a landing approach by a vehicle onto an orbiting space station, a bump could rip open a ship's skin, or a nudge could knock the station out of its orbit.

The light-beam radar, which operates at a frequency of trillions (百万兆) of cycles per second, could easily detect and measure the movement of a vehicle edging up to a satellite space station. A control system using so precise a signal as this would allow a huge vehicle to dock at a space station as lightly as a feather.

Laser-doppler radar ______. ()

A.measures the movements of a spaceship by means of light beam

B.makes use of microwaves

C.makes use of sound waves

D.Both A and B







There are many problems in our modern world. One very serious problem is energy. We get a great 【71】 of energy we need from coal, gas, and oil. However, the 【72】 of energy which we use is 【73】 every year, and we only have enough coal, gas, and oil for the next twenty or thirty years. How will we live 【74】 the energy which these things give us? Scientists are looking for 【75】 to this problem. They are looking for new 【76】 to produce energy. For example, they are working with new ways 【77】 energy from the light and heat of the sun. They are also working with plans which produce energy from 【78】 of the oceans. All of the new methods 【79】 scientists are finding are still very expensive, but perhaps they will help solve our energy problems 【80】 the future.




















C had increased

D is ncreasing













B a direction

C a solution 

D service










A Show

B pay

C save

D produce


A property

B remedy


D movements


A So that





D Ofwhich









An ISP supplies a _________ that you can dial from your computer to log on the interne

A.public key

B.private key

C.service number

D.help file

A very rapid increase in the number of ships sailing between American and European ports b
egan almost immediately after the end of the war of 1812 in order to meet the new need for the regular rapid transportation of mail, light cargo, and passengers. It was the increase in emigration to America that for the first time made the carrying of passengers across the Atlantic more profitable than the transportation of heavy cargo. A new type of sailing vessel, the packet, appeared to meet this new demand, and the extent of the demand very soon resulted in strong competition among several packet lines. The earliest to these was the Black Ball Line established in New York in 1816, only a year after the end of the war. The scheduled service of this famous line started with four of the new fast packets, each of 400 to 500 tons: the Pacific, the Amity, the James Cooper, and the William Thompson. During the first twenty years of service, the average time from New York to Liverpool was 23 days and the average trip back to New York took 40 days.By the middle of the century, packets had increased in size to between 900 and 1,000 tons, and their speed had increased. The Red Jacket once sailed from New York to Liverpool in 13 days, 11.5 hours. The Mary Whiteridge took 4.5 hours off this record on a run from Baltimore to Liverpool. Such speeds were far greater than the average of from 19 to 21 days to Liverpool and from 30 to 35 homeward to New York, but the packet had still set a new standard for transoceanic travel. No wonder that steamships, the first of which tried to compete with the packets in 1838, only began to replace them in the 1850's.

The fastest transatlantic voyage by a packet mentioned by the author was from ______.

A.Liverpool to New York

B.New York to Liverpool

C.Liverpool to Baltimore

D.Baltimore to Liverpool

Have a look at Paragraphs 7 and 8 to see how a statement is supported by examples. Then fill out the
chart below.

Paras. 7&8

The genetic maps also shed new light on the origins of populations that have long puzzled scientists. Example: the Khoisan people of southern Africa. Many scientists consider the Khoisan a distinct race of very ancient origin. The unique character of the clicking sounds in their language has persuaded some researchers that the Khoisan people are directly descended from the most primitive human ancestors~ But their genes beg to differ. They show that the Khoisan may be a very ancient mix of west Asians and black Africans. A genetic trail visible on the maps shows that the breeding ground for this mixed population probably lies in Ethiopia or the Middle East.

The most distinctive members of the European branch of the human tree are the Basques of France and Spain. They show unusual patterns for several genes, including the highest rate of a rare blood type. Their language is of unknown origin and cannot be placed within any standard classification. And the fact that they live in a region next to famous caves which contain vivid paintings from Europe's early humans, leads Cavalli-Sforza to the following conclusion: "The Basques are extremely likely to be the most direct relatives of the Cro-Magnon people, among the first modern humans in Europe." All Europeans are thought to be a mixed population, with 65% Asian and 35% African genes.

A statement: The genetic maps also shed new light on the origins of populations that have long puzzled scientists.

Example 1:

Many scientists consider the Khoisan a distinct race of very ancient origin, directly descended from the most primitive human ancestors. But the genetic maps show ______ (Para. 7)

Example 2:

The Basques of France and Spain have unusual patterns for several genes and their language of unknown origin cannot be placed within any standard classification. And the fact where they live leads to the conclusion that the Basques are likely to be ______. All Europeans are thought to be a ______. (Para. 8)

It seems to shine unchangingly, pouring out a constant light year after year. But the sun
may not be nearly so stable as we suppose. It is now thought to move quickly and irregularly and change in long-term cycles, growing dimmer and then brighter with each passing year. Some even fear that its frequent changing behavior. would have a great influence on the Earth' s climate.

The source of the sun' s inconstancy is magnetism. Professor William Livingston has developed new theories about its magnetic nature.

"We don' t yet know what causes sun spots, "he says, "but we now think they ' re areas of high level magnetism that come up from the sun' s interior. So strong is their magnetic pull that the highly ionized gas nearby is not able to transmit energy out. "As a result these areas send out less heat and light and thus appear from Earth to be almost dark irregular surface patches.

Sun spot activity generally fluctuates in steady, 11-year cycled. Scientists have long formed the o pinion that as the size and number of sun spots increased, the overall energy sent out by the sun would de crease. Indeed, recent studies confirmed it, revealing that during peak periods of sun spot activity, the Earth experiences a small drop that can be seen clearly in received solar energy.

Could such a small drop in energy have an effect here on earth? Perhaps some scientists think the world temperature could fall by' as much as 0.2 during periods of high solar magnetism.., enough to cause significant fluctuations in weather patterns.

According to the passage, it is believed that the sun ______ .

A.moves in a quick but steady way year after year

B.sends out less and less heat and light with each passing year

C.radiates the same amount of light every year

D.might have a strong influence on the weather patterns

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