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Point out what type of basic pattern each of the following sentences belongs to.(指出下列各句分别属

Point out what type of basic pattern each of the following sentences belongs to.(指出下列各句分别属于何种句型)

例:He became a dentist dentist.[SVC]

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Venture capital has now become a global phenomenon. Here is the (1)_____ status of each ma

Venture capital has now become a global phenomenon. Here is the (1)_____ status of each major region that has venture capital activity. (2)_____, the definition of venture capital, (3)_____ coined 50 years ago at Harvard Business School, meant (4)_____ capital for new or very young ventures. Over time, (5)_____, and especially outside the US and Canada, it has become a coverall name for any type of equity related financing for privately held companies. To make matters even more (6)_____, some US venture capital firms have begun delving into "transactional" finance more (7)_____ to the investment banking community. This is, however, a limited phenomenon.

Indeed, the influx of (8)_____ fund money into the venture capital market has been both a curse and a blessing. Firms found themselves battling to place their newly (9)_____ funds with a (10)_____ number of specialized hi-tech firms. The result was a series of losses in the early 1990s.

Venture capitalists then became immersed in transactional financing as a result of their (11)_____ in business acquisitions. Historically, the venture capitalists had sat at the end of the table representing the company being (12)_____. At some point, they began to see opportunities in financing such (13)_____ and in other investment banking type activities.

In the long (14)_____, however, venture capitalists will back out of investment banking type activities and focus on what they are best at, risking capital investments in (15)_____ companies. What is required to place their capital and still realize their (16)_____ is a ramp up in staff. In the 1980s, many of the firms were quite small and (17)_____ on specific areas of technology where they had in (18)_____ knowledge. In the 1990s the successful firms have (19)_____ management staff, (20)_____ into more than one area of technology, and outsourced more of their technological analysis to very specialized experts.





By any standard, money manager Malcolm Gissen has had a complicated relationship with risk
over the past couple of years. After losing 62 percent in 2008, the Encompass Fund, which Gissen co-manages, gained a staggering 137 percent last year, cementing its reputation as one of the more volatile funds in the industry. "Most mutual fund managers tend to invest for mediocre results. Their goal is to perform. in line with their benchmark," says Gissen, whose returns--for better or worsen-have been anything but mediocre.

Encompass is one of a small group of funds that have a "go-anywhere" mandate (meaning they can invest in essentially any type of security), and Gissen wields that power freely. Late last year, for instance, his fund had about 20 percent of its assets in gold-related investments. Despite all that, Gissen's attitude toward risk is surprisingly straightforward: "We don't like risk," he volunteers.

This, of course, begs the question: What exactly constitutes a risky portfolio? "When people think about risk.., they think, 'What's going to be the next AIG or the next Enron?'" says Chris Konstantinos, a portfolio risk manager at Riverfront Investment Group, a Virginia-based advisory firm. "That's a really important risk, but it's not the entire side of the risk equation. It's just one piece. "

Lately, the market has shone a light on an entirely different type of risk, one that's far more paradoxical and difficult to grasp. "Sometimes the biggest risk you can have in your portfolio is not having enough risk," says Konstantinos. "And certainly since March of 2009, that's clearly been the case. "

Advocates of this philosophy point to two main scenarios. In one, a traditionally safe asset class falls off, pulling the rug out from underneath investors who were overexposed to it. That's what many analysts expect will happen to bond investors once interest rates start creeping up. In the other, a risky type of investment takes off, leaving those who don't own it behind in a cloud of dust. That's what occurred when consumer discretionary stocks surged during last year's rebound.

In both scenarios, the advantage goes to investors with portfolios that are traditionally seen as risky. The challenge, of course, is achieving the right balance. Many investors can't stomach the swings associated with funds like Gissen's, but there's middle ground to be found. "The right way to look at risk is to look at it from a portfolio construction perspective, which means that in a highly diversified portfolio, there's room for what's perceived as risky kinds of investments," says Konstantinos.

Most managers tend to invest portfolio that ______.

A.has the highest value

B.doesn't contain too much risk

C.is more risky than any others

D.can get more returns

What does the author think teachers do which they should not do?A.They give children corre

What does the author think teachers do which they should not do?

A.They give children correct answers.

B.They point out children' s mistakes to them.

C.They allow children to mark their own work.

D.They encourage children to copy from one another.

An important businessman was asked to give a twenty-minute speech in another city. He was
too busy to write it himself, so he asked his secretary to put one together for him out of a large book of speeches which she had on her desk. She typed one out for him, and he picked it up just in time to rush off to his plane. But when he gave his speech, it ran on for an hour, and the audience (听众) was getting very tired of it by the end.

When the businessman got back to his office, he said to his secretary, "I told you it should be a twenty-minute speech !"

"That's what I gave you ," she answered, "the original and two copies. The original for you to read at the meeting, and two copies for the files, after you have checked them."

What was the secretary asked to do?

A.To give a speech instead of the businessman.

B.To type a one-hour speech for the businessman.

C.To choose a speech from a book of speeches and type it.

D.To make up a speech from some others and type it.

Getting the Best Value for TimeAre you satisfied with what you achieve in the hours spent

Getting the Best Value for Time

Are you satisfied with what you achieve in the hours spent studying, or do you wonder where all the time has gone, without much to show for it? How hard are you really working? Here are some hints to help you make the most of your study time.


1. Review lecture notes as soon after a lecture as possible. Half an hour spent while the lecture is still fresh in your mind will do more to help you to develop an understanding of what you have heard and remember it than twice the time later on. It can be helpful to go over new work with other students to check that you have grasped all the points.

2. If you have been given an essay or assignment to do, note accurately what is required and start it when your memory of it is clear.

3. Revise and review regularly. Set regular weekly times to review the work in each course. This revision should be cumulative -- adding a bit to the total at a time, covering briefly all the work done so far in the term. This way you will consolidate the groundwork and avoid panic before exams.

4. When you revise, space out the time devoted to any one topic. You will learn more in six one hour periods spread over one week than in one six hour period.

5. Limit your blocks of study to 2 hours on any one topic or type of work. After 1/2 to 2 hours of intensive study you begin to tire and concentration weakens. Take a break at some "achievement point"(end of a chapter, solving a problem, etc. )and then changing to another part of the course or another type of work(e. g. ,from reading to writing)will provide the change necessary to keep up your efficiency.

6. Find out the best times for working for yourself. Some times may be better than others for different types of work and also for your own biological clock: if you tend to feel sleepy in the afternoon, this may not be the best time to try to read history or work out math problems. You may think that working in to the early hours suits you, but does it fit in with an early class next morning? You are likely to feel tired next day and so gain nothing!


1. Plan a program of balanced activities. University life has many aspects which are important for getting fie benefit from your time here. Some activities have fixed time requirements(e. g. , classes, meetings, sport), others are more flexible(e. g. , recreation, relaxation, study time, personal matters, eating, sleeping).

2. Plan how you will use your study time. Knowing what you are going to do and when saves a lot of time spent on making decisions, false starts, retracing your steps to get the books you need, etc. Commit yourself to studying a particular assignment at a particular time.

3. Study at a regular time and in a regular place. You will learn to associate that time and place with working. This is after all what the world' s workers have to do.

4. Trade time and don' t steal it. When something unexpected happens and takes up time you had planned for study, decide immediately how you can make up the study missed.

5. Give yourself rewards for work completed on time(e. g., 2 hours solid work = 1 cup of tea or coffee; essay completed = 1 hour' s TV ). After a strenuous evening finishing an essay or a set of problems, allow yourself "unwinding time" before bed.


Working out a time-table will not turn you into a perfectly efficient person, but having a plan and sticking to it for a few weeks can help you to form. better study habits and actually to save time, so that in the end you have more free time than before. Here is a way to plan your time which is flexible and practical.

1. Make out a master time-table for the term, marking your fixed commitments only: class




For anyone who is set on a career in fashion it is not enough to have succeeded in college
. The real test is whether they can survive and become established during their early 20s, making a name for themselves in the real world where business skills can count for as much as flair and creativity.

Fashion is a hard business. There is a continuous amount of stress because work is at a constant breakneck speed to prepare for the next season's collections. It is extremely competitive and there is the constant need to cultivate good coverage in newspapers and magazines. It also requires continual freshness because the appetite for new ideas is insatiable(不能满足的). "We try to warn people before they come to us about how tough it is", says Lydia Kemeny, the Head of Fashion at St. Martin's School of Art in London, "and we point out that drive and determination are essential".

This may seem far removed from the popular image of trendy(时髦的) and dilettante(浅薄的) young people spending their time designing pretty dresses. That may well be what they do in their first year of study but a good college won't be slow in introducing students to commercial realities. "We don't stamp on the blossoming flower of creativity but in the second year we start introducing the constraints of price, manufacturability, marketing and so on".

Almost all fashion design is done to a brief(任务提示,说明). It is not a form. of self-expression as such, although there is certainly room for imagination and innovation. Most young designers are going to end up as employees of a manufacturer or fashion house and they still need to be able to work within the characteristic style. of their employer. Even those students who are most avant-garde[(艺术等)激进派] in their own taste of clothes and image may need to adapt to produce designs which are right for the mainstream Marks and Spencer type of market. They also have to be able to work at both the exclusively expensive and the cheap end of the market and the challenge to produce good design inexpensively may well be more demanding than where money is no object.

To be successful as a fashion designer you must ______.

A.have excellent academic qualifications

B.be able to handle business problems

C.be well established before you are 20

D.have taken an intensive commercial course

One meaning of the Greek word "dran" is to accomplish, and in this meaning lies a further
key to the structure of drama. A play concerns a human agent attempting to accomplish some purpose. In tragedy his attempt is, in personal terms at least, unsuccessful; in comedy it is successful; in the problem play final accomplishment is often either ambiguous or doubtful.

This action, from the beginning to the end of a movement toward a purposed goal, must also have a middle; it must proceed through a number of steps, the succession of incidents which make up the plot. Because the dramatist is concerned with the meaning and logic of events rather than with their casual relationship in time, he will probably select his material and order it on a basis of the operation, in human affairs, of laws of cause and effect. It is in this causal relationship of incidents that the element of conflict, present in virtually all plays, appears. The central figure of the play—the protagonist—encounters difficulties; his purpose or purposes conflict with events or circumstances, with purposes of other characters in the play, or with cross-purposes which exist within his own thoughts and desires. These difficulties threaten the protagonist's accomplishment; in other words, they present complications, and his success or failure in dealing with these complications determines the outcome. Normally, complications build through the play in order of increasing difficulty; one complication may be added to another, or one may grow out of the solution of a preceding one. At some point in this chain of complication and solution, achieved or attempted, the protagonist performs an act or makes a decision which irrevocably commits him to a further course, points toward certain general consequences. This point is usually called the crisis; the complications and solutions which follow work out the logical steps from crisis to find resolution, or denouement.

According to the first paragraph of the text, a dramatist

A.seldom believes what he writes about.

B.portrays what he experiences in the drams.

C.concerns himself with the results of human effort.

D.tries to convince his audience of what he believes.

Text 2 One meaning of the Greek word “dran” is to accomplish, and in this meaning lies a
further key to the structure of drama. A play concerns a human agent attempting to accomplish some purpose. In tragedy his attempt is, in personal terms at least, unsuccessful; in comedy it is successful; in the problem play final accomplishment is often either ambiguous or doubtful.

This action, from the beginning to the end of a movement toward a purposed goal, must also have a middle; it must proceed through a number of steps, the succession of incidents which make up the plot. Because the dramatist is concerned with the meaning and logic of events rather than with their casual relationship in time, he will probably select his material and order it on a basis of the operation, in human affairs, of laws of cause and effect. It is in this causal relationship of incidents that the element of conflict, present in virtually all plays, appears.

The central figure of the play—the protagonist—encounters difficulties; his purpose or purposes conflict with events or circumstances, with purposes of other characters in the play, or with cross-purposes which exist within his own thoughts and desires. These difficulties threaten the protagonist’s accomplishment; in other words, they present complications, and his success or failure in dealing with these complications determines the outcome. Normally, complications build through the play in order of increasing difficulty; one complication may be added to another, or one may grow out of the solution of a preceding one. At some point in this chain of complication and solution, achieved or attempted, the protagonist performs an act or makes a decision which irrevocably commits him to a further course, points toward certain general consequences. This point is usually called the crisis; the complications and solutions which follow work out the logical steps from crisis to final resolution, or denouement.

第26题:According to the first paragraph of the text, a dramatist________.

[A] seldom believes what he writes about

[B] portrays what he experiences in the drama

[C] concerns himself with the results of human effort

[D] tries to convince his audience of what he believes

A budget (预算) is a spending plan. It can help you spend money wisely. It can do this by

A budget (预算) is a spending plan. It can help you spend money wisely. It can do this by cutting out wasteful spending. Of course, preparing a budget takes planning, and following a budget takes willpower (自制力). Your budget should meet your family's needs and income.

The first step in creating a budget is to set your goals. What does your family need and want? You must know all that to work out the details of the budget. Never spend more than you can. Then decide which goals are the most important.

The next step is estimating family income. Before you can plan wisely, you need to know how much money you have to spend! Write down all the money you expect to receive (wages, saving, interest, etc.) during the planned budget period.

After you have calculated how much money will be available, it is time to estimate expenses. List all of your family expenses.

If you are not satisfied with what you got for your money, look carefully at your spending. Studying you records will show where overspending has occurred. It will also point out poor buying habits.

It is also a good idea to set aside a small amount of money for emergencies (紧急情况). Every family has small emergencies: a blown tire, a broken device, or the need for medical care.

According to the passage, what is the advantage of a budget?

A.It can help you set your goals clearly.

B.It can help you save a lot of money.

C.It can help you get rid of poor buying habits.

D.It can help you spend money wisely.

听力原文:To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. A

听力原文: To find out how the name Canada came about we must go back to the 16th century. At that time the French dreamed of discovering and controlling more land, of expanding trade beyond their borders and of spreading their faith across the world. In 1535, Francois I, King of France, ordered a navigator named Jacques Cartier to explore the New World and search for a passage to India.

Cartier first arrived at the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, which he wanted to explore. He did not know what to expect but he hoped that this Gulf was just an arm of the ocean between two islands, if it was, be would soon be on his way to the Far East. So he sailed upstream along the St. Lawrence River. However, instead of reaching Asia he arrived at Quebec or Stadacona, as the Indians called it. It was at this point that the term "Canada" entered the country's history. Apparently the word "Canada" came from an Indian word Kanata, which means community or village. Cartier first used it when he referred to Stadacona or Quebec. What a huge village Canada is!


A.To build a new country.

B.To explore the New World.

C.To get in touch with the American Indians.

D.To know more about France.

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