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—— This case is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.—— __________

A.Please ask for help.

B.Let me give you a han

C.You may do me a favor.

D.I’d come to do.

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更多“ —— This case is too heavy for…”相关的问题
He is still too young to do the job ______ we want it done.A.the wayB.the momentC.the case

He is still too young to do the job ______ we want it done.

A.the way

B.the moment

C.the case

D.now that

If the suspect is too poor to pay a lawyer, ______.A.he can defend for himselfB.no lawyer

If the suspect is too poor to pay a lawyer, ______.

A.he can defend for himself

B.no lawyer will take his case

C.he doesn' t need one

D.the government will offer

In what case might the escape clauses apply in reform-averse nations?A.Farmers lose their

In what case might the escape clauses apply in reform-averse nations?

A.Farmers lose their interest in farming.

B.Reforms have to be delayed for up to two years.

C.Implementation of the measures goes too eagerly.

D.The measures damage the reformers' confidence.

It was Sunday. The trains were crowded. A gentleman was walking along the platform【21】a pl
ace. In one of【22】he saw a vacant seat. But a small suitcase was【23】on it and a stout gentleman was sitting next to it. "Is this seat vacant?" asked the gentleman. "No, it is my【24】" answered the stout gentleman. He is just coming. This is his suitcase. "Well," said the gentleman, "I will sit here till he【25】. "Five minutes later, the train started,【26】nobody came. "Your friend is late, "said the gentleman," He【27】his train, but he need not【28】suitcase. "And【29】these words he【30】the case and threw it out of the window. The stout gentleman jumped up to catch the case but it was too late. He regretted taking two seats for his own comfort.


A.looking for

B.and looked

C.look for


As my train wasn't due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time to spare. After buy
ing some newspapers to read on the journey, I made my way to the luggage office to collect the heavy suitcase I had left there three days before. There were only a few people waiting, and I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case. The receipt didn't seem to be where I had left it. I emptied the contents of the wallet, and railway-tickets, money, scraps of paper, and photographs fell out of it; but no matter how hard I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be found.

When my turn came, I explained the situation sorrowfully to the assistant. The man looked at me suspiciously as if to say that he had heard this type of story many times and asked me to describe the case. I told him that it was an old, brown-looking object, no different from the many cases I could see on the shelves. The assistant then gave me a form. and told me to make a list of the chief contents of the case. If they were correct, he said, I could take the case away. I tried to remember all the articles I had hurriedly packed and wrote them down as they came to me.

After I had done this, I went to look among the shelves. There were hundreds of cases there and for one dreadful moment, it occurred to me that if someone had picked the receipt up, he could have easily claimed the case already. This hadn't happened fortunately, for after a time I found the case lying on its side high up in a comer. After examining the articles inside, the assistant was soon satisfied that it was mine and told me I could take the case away. Again I took out my wallet: this time to pay. I pulled out ten-shilling note and the "lost" receipt slipped out with it. I couldn't help blushing and looked up at the assistant. He was nodding his head knowingly, as if to say that he had often seen this happen before too!

The writer had plenty of time to spare as his train ______. ()

A.was leaving later than scheduled

B.was not leaving for another hour

C.was not scheduled to leave

D.was delayed for some reason

Cyclo-cross is a cross-country bicycle racing in open and usually quite rough country with
riders often forced to dismount and carry their bicycles.

The sport, originated early in the 20th century in France, was prevalent in the 1920s, but became prominent in the 1950s (the British Cyclo-Cross Association was founded in 1954). An original European sport, cyclo-cross became popular throughout Western Europe and in the United States. World championships were initiated in 1925; by 1950 these were recognized by the Union Cyclist International(International Cyclists' Union). After 1967 amateur and professional classes were officially separated in competition.

The 24-kilometer cyclo-cross course, often involving taps, is usually completed in 60 minutes. A course typically includes obstacles such as ditches, mud, fallen trees, streams, flight of stairs, fences, and gates; artificial hurdles are added to insufficiently challenging natural courses. Cyclo-cross races are usually held from September to March, adding winter weather hazards to the challenge.

There is a massed start with the field assembling not more than two abreast. Helpers are often stationed around the course with spare bicycles in case the original machine encounters mechanical difficulties or becomes too weighted down by mud picked up to the course.

What does the word "dismount" in Paragraph * One mean?

A.Give up.

B.Give in.

C.Get our.

D.Get off.

Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called business
methods. Amazon, com received one for its "one-click" online payment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for lifting a box.

Now the nation's top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business-method patents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10 years ago. In a move that has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz, the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents. In re Bilski, as the case is known, is "a very big deal," says Dennis D. Crouch of the University of Missouri School of Law. It "has the potential to eliminate an entire class of patents.

Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its 1998 decision in the so-called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging Internet companies trying to stake out exclusive rights to specific types of online transactions. Later, more established companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivals that might beat them to the punch. In 2005 , IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 business-method patents, despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street investment firms armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice.

The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market. The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court's judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and that one issue it wants to evaluate is whether it should "reconsider" its State Street Bank ruling.

The Federal Circuit's action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the Supreme Court that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for example, the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for "inventions" that are obvious. The judges on the Federal Circuit are "reacting to the anti-patent trend at the Supreme Court," says Harold C. Wegner, a patent attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School.

Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because of ______.

A.their limited value to businesses.

B.their connection with asset allocation.

C.the possible restriction on their granting.

D.the controversy over their authorization.

Cultural differences in business entertaining include issues such as whom one entertains a
nd where and how one entertains. In countries in which status is important, it is not advisable to invite people of different statuses to the same dinner party. Americans will often invite people to their homes. While in some societies the home is considered too private, unworthy, or embarrassingly small to serve as an appropriate forum for business entertaining. In some countries there is a " help yourself " approach to entertaining done in the home. This approach does not work well when entertaining people whose culture teaches them to wait to be asked three times before accepting an offer of food. In one instance, a Chinese guest went an entire evening without eating though he was quite hungry because he was too embarrassed to take food after only being asked to do so once. In another case, an American woman executive was being entertained at tea in London. After having the tea served, the American woman helped herself to cream and sugar rather than waiting to be served. The English woman was embarrassed by the implication that she was not serving quickly enough.

As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is appreciated. A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the individual is especially appreciated. Gifts for children are also well received. Be careful that the "hometown" gift you are bringing to Singapore was not made in Hong Kong. Because many gifts carry symbolic meanings, it is always best to seek the advice of a cultural informant before selecting gifts. The giving of large gifts, or payments for special service, should only be undertaken after consulting the legal department in the home and host culture.

It is no good inviting people of different social positions to the same party in the country where ______.

A.people don't pay any attention to your positions

B.people care much about their statuses

C.entertainment is important

D.entertainment is not advisable

One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good science storybook. (79

One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good science storybook. (79)I was so interested in the story I was reading that I did not notice that it was getting dark. When I realized it was too dark for me to read easily, I put the book down and got up to turn on the light. Just then I heard someone crying, "Help! Help!" it seemed to come from the trees at the other end of the yard. (80)I looked out but it was now too dark to see anything clearly. Almost immediately I heard the cry again. It sounded like a child, but I could not imagine what anybody could be doing in our backyard, unless one of the neighborhood children had climbed a tree and had not been able to get down.

I decided that I should go out and have a look in the yard, just in case someone was in trouble. I turned on the light and found for myself a flashlight and a baseball bat in the room. I thought they might be useful. Armed with these, I went out into the yard. Once again I heard the cry and this time there was no doubt that it came from the trees at the far end of the yard. "Who's there?" I called out as I walked across the yard towards the trees. But there was no answer. With the help of my flashlight, I searched all over that end of the yard, including the branches of the tree. There was no sign of anybody or anything. I came to the conclusion that my imagination was playing tricks on me, probably because of the story I was reading about strange creatures on another planet.

Feeling rather foolish about hunting around in my own backyard with a baseball bat, I went back into the house and put the bat and the flashlight away. I had just sat down to read my book again when I was frightened by the cry of "Help! Help!" from right behind me. I dropped my book and jumped up. There, sitting on the table was a large green and red bird. It was my neighbor's parrot(鹦鹉)!While I was out in the yard, the parrot must have seen the light in the living room and come in through the open window.

One summer evening the author was reading by the open window because ______.

A.it was getting dark.

B.it was too dark for him to read easily outside.

C.he didn't mm on the light.

D.none of the above

A patent is an exclusive right given to an inventor for his or her invention. In other wor
ds, a patent is a monopoly right given to the inventor for the invention. A patent confers on the inventor the right to price and to sell the invention in any way he or she desires, in the United States, patents are granted by the Patent Office for 17 years. Although economists generally condemn monopoly as a form. of market organization since monopoly imposes costs on the economy, patents present a more subtle case for monopoly theory. Specifically, can patent monopolies be justified?

In general, economists complain about the costs of monopoly because they believe that the same industry could be organized competitively. A patent monopoly grant for 17 years presents a different problem. That is, the purpose of the patent system is to encourage invention. The issue is not monopoly versus competition but, more fundamentally, invention versus no invention. Is the world better off with the invention, even though it is monopolized for 17 years? In other words, what are the costs and benefits of a patent?

Consider the simple case of a new consumer product with a positive demand, such as a camera utilizing a new exposure process. The costs of the patent monopoly are simply the deadweight costs of monopoly measured by the lost consumers' surplus from the 17-year patent monopoly. This cost must be assessed carefully in the context of an invention, however. What are the benefits of the patent system? First, there is the increase in consumer well-being brought about immediately by a desirable invention. In 17 years, the patent monopoly ends, and a second source of benefits arises: The price of cameras will fall to a competitive level, and consumers will reap the benefits of the camera at a lower price. In sum, theory of monopoly helps us to assess the costs and benefits of the patent. One can quibble about patent monopolies, arguing, for example, that they are granted for too long a time.

In the end, the patent system creates goods and services and technologies that did not previously exist. In this respect it is a valuable System for the economy. The patent system also underscores the importance of property rights to ideas as a source of economic growth and progress.

The first paragraph mainly______.

A.focuses on business monopoly

B.tells us about the patent system in America

C.discusses a special form. of market organization

D.defines what a patent is and its function

How to Make Attractive and Effective PowerPoint PresentationsA) Microsoft PowerPoint has d

How to Make Attractive and Effective PowerPoint Presentations

A) Microsoft PowerPoint has dramatically changed the way in which academic and business presentations are made. This article outlines few tips on making more effective and attractive PowerPoint presentations.

The Text

B) Keep the wording clear and simple. Use active, visual language. Cut unnecessary words—a good rule of thumb is to cut paragraphs down to sentences, sentences into phrases, and phrases into key words.Limit the number of words and lines per slide. Try the Rule of Five-five words per line, five lines per slide. If too much text appears on one slide, use the AutoFit feature to split it between two slides. Click within the placeholder to display the AutoFit Options button (its symbol is two horizontal lines with arrows above and below), then click on the button and choose Split Text between Two Slides from the submenu.

C) Font size for titles should be at least 36 to 40, while the text body should not be smaller than 24.Use only two font styles per slide—one for the title and the other for the text. Choose two fonts that visually contrast with each other. Garamond Medium Condensed and Impact are good for titles, while Garamond or Tempus Sans can be used for the text body.

D) Embed the fonts in your presentation, if you are not sure whether the fonts used in the presentation are present in the computer that will be used for the presentation. To embed the fonts:(1) On the File menu, click Save As.(2) On the toolbar, click Tools, click Save Options, select the Embed TrueType Fonts check box, and then select Embed characters in use only.

E) Use colors sparingly; two to three at most. You may use one color for all the titles and another for the text body. Be consistent from slide to slide. Choose a font color that contrasts well with the background.

F) Capitalizing the first letter of each word is good for the title of slides and suggests a more formal situation than having just the first letter of the first word capitalized. In bullet point lines, capitalize the first word and no other words unless they normally appear capped. Upper and lower case lettering is more readable than all capital letters. Moreover, current styles indicate that using all capital letters means you are shouting. If you have text that is in the wrong case, select the text, and then click Shift+F3 until it changes to the case style. that you like. Clicking Shift+F3 toggles the text case between ALL CAPS, lower case, and Initial Capital styles.

G) Use bold or italic typeface for emphasis. Avoid underlining, it clutters up the presentation.Don’t center bulleted lists or text. It is confusing to read. Left align unless you have a good reason not to. Run “spell check” on your show when finished.

The Background

H) Keep the background consistent. Simple, light textured backgrounds work well. Complicated textures make the content hard to read. If you are planning to use many clips in your slides, select a white background. If the venue of your presentation is not adequately light-proof, select a dark-colored background and use any light color for text. Minimize the use of “bells and whistles” such as sound effects, “flying words” and multiple transitions. Don’t use re d in any fonts or backgrounds. It is an emotionally overwhelming color that is difficult to see and read.

The Clips

I) Animations are best used subtly; too much flash and motion can distract and annoy viewers. Do not rely too heavily on those images that were originally loaded on your computer with the rest of Office. You can easily find appropriate clips on any topic through Google Images. While searching for images, do not use long search phrases as is usually done while searching the web-use specific words.

J) When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes and are in a.jpg format. Larger files can slow down your show. Keep graphs, charts and diagrams simple,if possible. Use bar graphs and pie charts instead of tables of data. The audience can then immediately pick up the relationships.

The Presentation

K) If you want your presentation to directly open in the slide show view, save it as a slide show file using the following steps. Open the presentation you want to save as a slide show. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Show. Your slide show file will be saved with a ppt file extension. When you double-click on this file, it will automatically start your presentation in slide show view. When you’re done, PowerPoint automatically closes and you return to the desktop. If you want to edit the slide show file, you can always open it from PowerPoint by clicking Open on the File menu.

L) Look at the audience, not at the slides, whenever possible. If using a laser pointer, don’t move it too fast. For example, if circ ling a number on the slide, do it slowly. Never point the laser at the audience. Black out the screen (use “B” on the keyboard) after the point has been made, to put the focus on you. Press the key again to continue your presentation.

M) You can use the shortcut command [Ctrl]P to access the Pen tool during a slide show. Click with your mouse and drag to use the Pen tool to draw during your slide show. To erase everything you’ve drawn, press the E key. To turn off the Pen tool, press [Esc] once.


N) Master Slide Set-Up: The “master slide” will allow you to make changes that are reflected on every slide in your presentation. You can change fonts, colors, backgrounds, headers, and footers at the “master slide” level. First, go to the “View” menu. Pull down the “Master” menu. Select the “slide master” menu. You may now make changes at this level that meet your presentation needs.

1. The ways in which academic and business presentations are made have been changed by Microsoft PowerPoint.

2. When making the PowerPoint, the wording of the text should not be complicated.

3. In each slide, the font styles for the title and the text should contrast with each other.

4. A more formal situation is capitalizing the first letter of the first word.

5. Centering bulleted lists or text can not help to read.

6. Sound effects should be used as less frequently as possible.

7. When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes.

8. When making the presentation, you should look at the audience as possible as you can.

9. Pressing the E key can help you to erase everything you&39;ve drawn.

10. In order to meet your presentation needs, you can make changes at the “slide master” level.

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