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Another month, another dismal set of job figures. America pulled out of its last economic

recession way back in November 2001, yet the country's "jobs recession" finished only last autumn, when 2.7 million jobs had been lost since the start of the slowdown. Now, though economic growth has bounced back, new jobs refuse to do the same in this, the third year of recovery. In February, a mere 21,000 jobs were created, according to the official payroll survey, at a time when George Bush's economists forecast 2.6 million new jobs for 2004 mounting alarm at the White House, and increased calls for protection against what a growing number of Americans see as the root of most ills: the "outsourcing" of jobs to places like China and India. Last week the Senate approved a bill that forbids the outsourcing of government contracts--a curious case of a government guaranteeing not to deliver value-for-money to taxpayers. American anxiety over the economy appears to have tipped over into paranoia and self-delusion.

Too strong? Not really. As The Economist has recently argued--though in the face of many angry readers--the jobs lost are mainly a cyclical affair, not a structural one. They must also be set against the 24 million new jobs created during the 1990s. Certainly, the slow pace of job-creation today is without precedent, but so were the conditions that conspired to slow a booming economy at the beginning of the decade. A stock market bubble burst, and rampant business investment slumped. Then, when the economy was down, terrorist attacks were followed by a spate of scandals that undermined public trust in the way companies were run. These acted as powerful headwinds and, in the face of them, the last recession was remarkably mild. By the same token, the recovery is mild, too. Still, in the next year or so, today's high productivity growth will start to translate into more jobs. Whether that is in time for Mr. Bush is another matter.

As for outsourcing, it is implausible now, as Lawrence Katz at Harvard University argues, to think that outsourcing has profoundly changed the structure of the American economy over just the past three or four years. After all, outsourcing was in full swing--both in manufacturing and in services--throughout the job-creating 1990s. Government statisticians reckon that outsourced jobs are responsible for well under 1% of those signed up as unemployed. And the jobs lost to outsourcing pale in comparison with the number of jobs lost and created each month at home.

It seems that in the eyes of many Americans their unemployment is caused by ______.

A.the economic recession in November 2001

B.the forecasts of George Bush's economists

C.the flow of job chances into developing countries

D.the rich natural resources in China and India

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更多“Another month, another dismal …”相关的问题
We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have ______ one this


B.the other



In another month's time, Henry ______ in the Weavewell Woolen Company's office for five year

A.A.will be working

B.B.has been working

C.C.has worked

D.D.will have been working

Cigarettes can seriously damage your countryside. Fanned by 112km/h Santa Ana winds, fire
swept across 4,250 hectares near the mountain community of Alpine, California. More than 650 people were (1)_____ immediately from their homes. As 800 firefighters (2)_____ to control the conflagration (a large, destructive fire 大火), (3)_____ of smoke (4)_____ over 9,000m and sent clouds of (5)_____ drifting across San Diego, nearly 50km away. A (6)_____ of air tankers (a cargo plane carrying water or fuel 运送水或燃料的飞机) and helicopters (7)_____ water and fire-retarding (8)_____ over the area. Firefighters believe the (9)_____ was started by a (10)_____ discarded cigarette. California, (11)_____ raining at this time of year, had only 1mm of precipitation (rain; a quantity of rain in a specific area at a specific time) in December, making (12)_____ the state's (13)_____ winter month in 70 years. In the 1970's (14)_____ homes and ranches in the mountains near Alpine were (15)_____ by wildfire. After that (16)_____ resident Mary Titus wrote herself (17)_____ about what to do, should another fire (18)_____ force her to flee. "I had a list of (19)_____ I could take if I had five minutes and a list of what I could take if I had 30 minutes." She said, "I had 30 minutes, I was (20)_____ "





Passage Three People enjoy talking about "firsts." They like to remember their first love

Passage Three

People enjoy talking about "firsts." They like to remember their first love or their first car. But not all firsts

are happy ones. Few people enjoy recalling the firsts that are bad.

One of history's bad but important firsts was the first car accident. Autos were still young when it happened. The crash took place in New York City. The year was 1896. The month was May. A man from Massachusetts was visiting the city in his new car. At the time, bicycle riders were still trying to get used to the new set of wheels on the road. No one is sure who was at fault. In any case, the bike and the car collided. The man on the bike was injured. The driver of the car had to stay in jail and wait for the hospital report on the bicycle rider. Luckily, the rider was not killed.

Three years later, another automobile first took place. The scene was again New York City, a real estate broker named Henry Bliss stepped off a streetcar. He was hit by a passing car. Once again, no one is sure just how it happened or whose fault it was. The driver of the car was put in jail. Poor Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident.

44. In each accident the driver was ______.

A. found guilty

B. set free

C. laughed at

D. put in jail for a while

Scientists used to explore【31】the surface of the ocean. Now they【32】below the surface, too
. They want to know about the ocean water and the【33】and animal life【34】in the ocean.

In 1934 the scientist William Beebe dived 3 , 000 feet below the surface in a hollow steel ball. In 1935 Auguste Piccard dived 10, 330 feet. In 1960 his son Jean dived to a【35】of 35, 800 feet.

All these early dives were deep. But the divers could not stay down for very long. They had to【36】the surface after a few seconds. Scientists needed to stay down longer to study life below the surface.【37】, they succeeded. Cousteau, a Frenchman, was able to【38】down to a depth of【36】feet for one month and to a depth of 90 feet for a week.

Now scientists are developing even【39】equipment. With this new equipment, men can stay【40】the surface for days or【41】weeks. In 1962 Consteau【42】a research station 35 feet below the surface. Then in 1964 he set up another station on the ocean floor of the Red Sea. This was the first undersea station to operate【43】help from the surface.

Many countries are now studying undersea【44】. The Soviet Union has an undersea laboratory in the Crimean Sea. The United States has a laboratory 50 feet【45】on the ocean floor【46】the Virgin Islands. In 1970 five men lived there for two weeks. Then a【47】of five women scientists stayed in the laboratory.【48】came other teams of men. All were there to explore the ocean depths and【49】plans for the use of its resources. Scientists hope to find enough【50】, vegetable, and animal wealth there to provide food for the whole world.






Water is one of the most important natural resources in the world.Everywhere, water use is

Water is one of the most important natural resources in the world.

Everywhere, water use is【61】. Humans already use fifty-four percent of all the【62】 water in rivers, lakes and underground. There are some estimates that this【63】will reach seventy percent by 2005.

Fresh water is necessary for life on Earth. People need water for【64】activities and to produce food. Water also is important for energy production and health of Earth's environmental systems.

The United Nations is organizing a【65】of events to increase concern【66】water issues. UN officials have【67】2003 the International Year of Fresh Water. A goal of the【68】is to build support for policies to use water more【69】.

Another goal is to get more people to use water in a way【70】will not hurt environment. The world population is more than six-thousand-million people. More than one-thousand-million【71】safe drinking water. More than two-thousand-million【72】 from diseases【73】to dirty water. And, more than two-thousand-million live without waste-treatment systems.

Water was one of the issues discussed at the UN Millennium Summit two years ago. Leaders said they would work to【74】the number of people without safe drinking water in half by 2015.

Nitin Desai directs the UN Office for Economic and Social Affairs. He says success【75】 these goals will require major changes in the ways people use water.

Next month, the World Water Forum will meet in Kyoto, Japan. Officials plan to【76】the first UN report【77】world water development. This report will examine the world's water problems.【78】it will offer suggestions on ways to meet future water demands. Experts say international reaction【79】the UN report will be an important test of the political desire to solve the water【80】.






Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Until recently, the main villains of the piece had seemed to be the teachers' unions, who have opposed any sort of reform. or accountability. Now they face competition from an unexpectedly destructive force: the court. Fifty years ago, it was the judges who forced the schools to desegregate through Brown v. Board of Education (1954). Now the courts have moved from broad principles to micromanagement, telling schools how much money to spend and where -right down to the correct computer or textbook.

Twenty four states are currently stuck in various court cases to do with financing school systems, and another 21 have only recently settled various suits. Most will start again soon. Only five states have avoided litigation entirely.

Nothing exemplifies the power of the courts better than an 11-year-old case that is due to be settled (sort of) in New York City, the home of America's biggest school system with 1.lm students and a budget nearing $13 billion. At the end of this month, three elderly members of the New York bar serving as judicial referees are due to rule in a case brought By the Campaign for Fiscal Equity, a leftish advocacy group, against the state of New York: they will decide how much more must Be spent to provide every New York City pupil with a "sound basic" education.

Rare is the politician willing to argue that more money for schools is a bad thing. But are the courts doing any good? Two suspicions arise. First, judges are making a lazy assumption that more money means better schools. As the international results show, the link between "inputs" and "outputs" is vague—something well documented by, among others, the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York. Second, the courts are muddling an already muddled system. Over time, they have generally made it harder to get rid of disruptive pupils and bad teachers.

The current case could be even worse. The courts have already said that, in order to determine the necessary spending, they may consider everything from class size to the availability of computers, textbooks and even pencils. This degree of intervention is all the more scandalous because the courts have weirdly decided to ignore another set of "inputs"—the archaic work practices of school teachers and janitors. David Schoenbrod and Ross Sandier of New York Law School reckon the demands of the court will simply undermine reform. and transform. an expensive failure into a more expensive one.

And of course, the litigation never ends. Kentucky, for example, is still in court 16 years after the first decision. A lawsuit first filed against New Jersey for its funding of schools in 1981 was "decided" four years later—but it has returned to the court nine times since, including early this year, with each decision pushing the court deeper into the management of the state's schools. Bad judges are even harder to boot out of school than bad pupils.

The author seems to believe that ______.

A.the courts' intervention of the school micromanagement is undesirable

B.it is inappropriate for the courts to shift from principles to daily management

C.teachers used to support the school reform. and assume the responsibility

D.schools were usually at a loss how and where to spend their money

The twin English passions for gardening and long muddy walks may seem puzzling to foreigne
rs, yet they are easily explained in terms of a favourite economist's concept: scarcity. Most other nations have lots of countryside. England doesn't, and therefore its people prize the stuff. One consequence of the rural romance is a word which exists only in English and describes those with a particular sort of hostility to development: Nimbys, who don't mind new housing so long as it is Not In My Back Yard. Another consequence is a problem for the government.

Compared with its neighbours' economies, Britain's has been doing very nicely in recent years. Only one big threat looms: the possibility of a bust in the overheated and volatile housing market, which could feed through to the rest of the economy and lead to recession, as happened in the early 1990s. The government reckons that one reason why house prices have been rising so fast, particularly in the south-east of England, is that, while real wages have been going up and foreigners pouring in, little new housing is being built.

Nimbyism helps explain the shortage of new housing in the south-east. People living in pretty villages don't want new estates on their doorstep. After all, they spent their hard-earned cash on a view of rolling acres, not of spanking new red-tiled roofs. Nimbys' hostility to development acquires legal force through the planning system, which has, in large part, been controlled by elected local authorities.

Although some big new developments—including the first new towns since the early 1970s—are getting the go-ahead, others are hard-fought. The government's solution is to undermine local planning powers. The new Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, which starts to come into force next month, shifts power from elected county councils to unelected regional bodies, and gives statutory force to the government's estimates of the number of new houses needed in different bits of the country. That will make it harder for councils in overheated areas to turn down developers.

The government is right that the planning system is excessively biased against growth: existing property-owners, who control the system through local authorities, have little interest in sanctioning developments which may reduce the value of their houses. But the government was wrong to go about lowering the barriers to development by talking power away from local authorities, thus further centralizing Britain's already far-too-centralised political system.

According to the text, Downing Street No. 10 is in an awkward predicament of

A.real estate development.

B.gardening expansion.

C.hostility to scarcity.

D.economic recession.

In 1880, Sir Joshua Waddilove, a Victorian philant...

In 1880, Sir Joshua Waddilove, a Victorian philanthropist, founded Provident Financial to provide affordable loans to working-class families in and around Bradford, in northern England. This month his company, now one of Britain's leading providers of "home credit"—small, short-term, unsecured loans—began the nationwide rollout of Vanquis, a credit card aimed at people that mainstream lenders shun. The card offers up to & 200 ($380) of credit, at a price: for the riskiest customers, the annual interest rate will be 69%.

Provident says that the typical interest rate is closer to 50% and that it charges no fees for late payments or breaching credit limits. Still, that is triple the rate on regular credit cards and far above the 30% charged by store cards. And the Vanquis card is being launched just when Britain's politicians and media are full of worry about soaring consumer debt. Last month, a man took his own life after running up debts of £130,000 on 22 different credit cards.

Credit cards for "sub-prime" borrowers, as the industry delicately calls those with poor credit records, are new in Britain but have been common in America for a while. Lenders began issuing them when the prime market became saturated, prompting them to look for new sources of profit. Even in America, the sub-prime market has plenty of room for growth. David Robertson of the Nilson Report, a trade magazine, reckons that outstanding sub-prime credit-card debt accounts for only 3% of the $597 billion that Americans owe on plastic. The sub-prime sector grew by 7.9% last year, compared with only 2.6% for the industry as a whole.

You might wonder, though, how companies can make money from lending to customers they know to be bad risks—or at any rate, how they can do it legitimately. Whereas delinquencies in the credit-card industry as a whole are around 4%—5%, those in the sub-prime market are almost twice as high, and can reach 15% in hard times.

Obviously, issuers charge higher interest rates to compensate them for the higher risk of not being repaid. And all across the credit-card industry, the assessment and pricing of risks has been getting more and more refined, thanks largely to advances in technology and data processing. Companies also use sophisticated computer programs to track slower payment or other signs of increased risk. Sub-prime issuers pay as much attention to collecting debt as to managing risk; they impose extra charges, such as application fees; and they cap their potential losses by lending only small amounts ($500 is a typical credit limit).

All this is easier to describe than to do, especially when the economy slows. After the bursting of the technology bubble in 2000, several sub-prime credit-card providers failed. Now there are only around 100, of which nine issue credit cards. Survivors such as Metris and Providian, two of the bigger sub-prime card companies, have become choosier about their customers' credit histories.

As the economy recovered, so did lenders' fortunes. Fitch, a rating agency, says that the proportion of sub-prime credit-card borrowers who are more than 60 days in arrears(a good predictor of eventual default) is the lowest since November 2001. But with American interest rates rising again, some worry about another squeeze. As Fitch's Michael Dean points out, sub-prime borrowers tend to have not just higher-rate credit cards, but dearer auto loans and variable-rate mortgages as well. That makes a risky business even riskier.

Sir Joshua Waddilove is mentioned in the first paragraph to

A.illustrate the history of credit card companies.

B.introduce the issuing of a new credit card.

C.show how working class families got affordable loans.

D.build up consumers' trust in Provident Financial.

We are glad to learn that you are making plans to visit China().

A.in next month

B.in the next month

C.in the following month

D.next month

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