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The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into themale-dominate

The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.

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______ coming of the space age, a new dimension has been added to the study of the planets


B.It is the

C.When the

D.With the

Working at nonstandard times—evenings, nights, or weekends—is taking its toll on American
families. One-fifth of all employed Americans work variable or rotating shifts, and one-third work weekends, according to Harriet B. Presser, sociology professor at the University of Maryland. The result is stress on familial relationships, which is likely to continue in coming decades.

The consequences of working irregular hours vary according to gender, economic level, and whether or not children are involved. Single mothers are more likely to work nights and weekends than married mothers. Women in clerical, sales, or other low-paying jobs participate disproportionately in working late and graveyard shifts.

Married-couple households with children are increasingly becoming dual-earner households, generating more split-shift couples. School-aged children, however, may benefit from parents' nonstandard work schedules because of the greater likelihood that a parent will be home before or after school. On the other hand, a correlation exists between nonstandard work schedules and both marital instability and a decline in the quality of marriages.

Nonstandard working hours mean families spend less time together for dinner but more time together for breakfast. One-on-one interaction between parents and children varies, however, based on parent, shift, and age of children. There is also a greater reliance on child care by relatives and by professional providers.

Working nonstandard hours is less a choice of employees and more a mandate of employers. Presser believes that the need for swing shifts and weekend work will continue to rise in the coming decades. She reports that in some European countries there are substantial salary premiums for employees working irregular hours—sometimes as much as 50% higher. The convenience of having services available 24 hours a day continues to drive this trend.

Unfortunately, says Presser, the issue is virtually absent from public discourse. She emphasizes the need for focused studies on costs and benefits of working odd hours, the physical and emotional health of people working nights and weekends, and the reasons behind the necessity for working these hours. "Nonstandard work schedules not only are highly prevalent among American families but also generate a level of complexity in family functioning that needs greater attention, " she says.

Which of the following demonstrates that working at nonstandard times is taking its toll on American families?

A.Stress on familial relationships.

B.Rotating shifts.

C.Evenings, nights, or weekends.

D.Its consequences.

Opinion polls are now beginning to show an unwilling general agreement that, whoever is to
blame and whatever happens from now on, high unemployment is probably here to stay. This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely.

But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future of work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm? Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer? Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighbourhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centres of production and work?

The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people's work has taken the form. of jobs. The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought about may have to be reversed. This seems a discouraging thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work. Universal employment, as its history shows, has not meant economic freedom.

Employment became widespread when the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land, and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people's homes. Later, as transport improved, first by rail and then by road, people travelled longer distances to their places of employment until eventually, many people's work lost all connection with their home lives and places in which they lived.

Meanwhile, employment put women at a disadvantage. It became customary for the husband to go out to paid employment, leaving the unpaid work of the home and family to his wife.

All this may now have to change. The time has certainly come to switch some effort and resources away from the impractical goal of creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs.

What idea did the author derive from the recent opinion polls?

A.New jobs must be created in order to rectify high unemployment figures.

B.Available employment should be restricted to a small percentage of the population.

C.The present high unemployment figures are a fact of life.

D.Jobs available must be distributed among more people.

Can anyone compete with Microsoft in the world of software applications? For years now, Bi
ll Gates & Co. have had clear sailing: the Windows operating system monopoly has helped make their key products—like Word and Outlook—into unbeatable juggernauts. Meanwhile, innovation in those areas proceeds only at the pace that Microsoft deems appropriate.

The Open Source Applications Foundation has a different idea: to promote free software and innovation by creating cool new applications on a bare-bones budget. The not-for-profit OSAF was initially funded with $5 million from former Lotus Development Corp. founder Mitch Kapor. For Kapor, this is a fascinating departure. Twenty years ago he introduced one of the first killer applications of the PC age, the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet; it was unabashedly for-profit and was closed-source.

But Kapor always had his heart in the counterculture, and after leaving his company he co-founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a cyber-rights organization. Though he has seen success as an investor, he feels strongly about the open-source movement, which posits that in the age of complex software many people working for nothing can duplicate or even exceed the efforts of the rake-in-the-bucks gang. And because the source code is available to all, anyone can improve the product. The continued success of the Linux-powered operating system and Apache Web servers shows that open source is no wild dream, but a serious challenge to the establishment.

Sometime next year the OSAF will begin testing its first product, a personal-information manager that directly takes on Microsoft's Outlook. Named after the famous mystery novelist, Chandler will run on Mac, Windows and Linux, be loaded with clever features and allow users to share information with others on things like calendar entries. And, of course, it will be free. Kapor has signed up an all-star team, including Lou Montulli (Netscape Navigator browser) and programming legend Andy Hertzfeld. Also participating: thousands of volunteers who believe in the barn-raising spirit of the open-source movement.

Ultimately, Kapor hopes the project will be self-supporting, with money coming from corporate sponsorships, foundations and licensing fees.

For the immediate future, Kapor thinks that Chandler will be simply another alternative in the shadow of the giant. But long term, the OSAF sees a sea change in the industry itself. "If Chandler works, I can't see why we couldn't do a word processor or a spreadsheet," says Kapor. After all, he predicts, "in 10 years Office and Windows will be commodities." Meaning that the Open Source Applications Foundation, or anyone else, will be able to plug its products—including an operating sys tem-into your computing world. Microsoft's will cost money. The others will be free. If Kapor has his way, it's a long good-bye for Microsoft's dominance.

Microsoft company in the software world

A.has taken a firm monopoly.

B.controlled all the innovation.

C.has no competitors.

D.developed the best software.

Dear Sir, On my graduation from college this fall, I am desirous (1) securing a position that wi

Dear Sir,

On my graduation from college this fall, I am desirous(1)securing a position that will offer me opportunity(2)the field of import and export trading.Knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export department, I thought perhaps you would keep me(3)mind for a possible opening.

I am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in July next year.

(4)present I am a student in the college--but I shall graduate(5)the college this coming July, finishing the requirements(6)three years, I have had no business experience, but my college record has been good.A copy

(7)my antecedents is enclosed(8)your reference.

Dr.B.Chao, President of the college, will be glad to tell you more(9)my character and ability, I shall be glad to call(10)any time for an interview.

Ⅶ.Filling the blanks with the given words below.

enclosing, apply for, with, apply to, meet, in addition to, in addition, prove, obliged, at, in, which Dear Sir,

(1)reply to your advertisement in www.JobsPower.com regarding a vacancy in your office, I wish to(2)the position of senior clerk,(3)you have specified.

I feel confident that I can(4)your special requirements indicating that the candidate must have a high command of English, for I graduated from the English Language Department of University three years ago.

(5)my study of English while in the University, I have worked for three years as secretary in the firm of ABC Trading Co, Ltd..

The main reason for changing my employments is to gain more experience(6)a superior trading company like yours.I believe that my education and experience will(7)useful for work in your office.

I am(8)my personal history, certificate of graduation and letter of recommendation from the president of the University, I shall be(9)if you will give me a personal interview(10)your convenience.

Have you ever dreamed of traveling in space? It was impossible a hundred years ago, nor wa
s it 50 years ago. With the coming of the Space Age, man’ s dream of visiting the moon has come true.

The journey to the moon has been the first step towards future explorations in space. The distance between the moon and the Earth is very short indeed when compared with the distances between Earth and the other planets. Mars, the nearest planet to Earth is of miles away ! Traveling to the planets or travels between planets will be man’ s next aim. Such travels will be more difficult than the trip to the moon and certainly more exciting.

Recently, two American unmanned spacecraft, Vikings 1 and 2, landed on Mars in an attempt to discover whether that planet had any life on it. So far the presence of life on Mars has neither been proved nor ruled out. Russian space-probes have discovered that the surface of Venus is so hot that it is almost certain that there is no life there. Also the atmosphere of Venus is extremely, dense and the pressure is nearly a hundred times greater than the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Scientists believe that in the future, space stations can be built in space. These stations can act as stop-over points in space. Spacecraft can refuel at these stations and get their supply of air, food and water.

Spaceships of the future will be bigger and faster. They will be able to carry passengers for trips to the moon or planets.

Man may in the future find planets which have the same conditions as those we have on Earth, and make them his home. However such a possibility is still in the distant future. At the same time, Man should realize that the Earth will be his only home for a long time and begin to value and care for it.

Which of the following statements is true?

A.Recently, two American astronauts have landed on Mars.

B.The surface of Mars is very hot.

C.The journey to the moon started the future exploration in space.

D.There is life in Venus.

Joseph Rykwert entered his field when post-war modernist architecture was coming under fir
e for its alienating embodiment of outmoded social ideals. Think of the UN building in New York, the city of Brasilia, the UNESCO building in Paris, the blocks of housing "projects" throughout the world. These tall, uniform. boxes are set back from the street, isolated by windswept plazas. They look inward to their own functions, presenting no "face" to the inhabitants of the city, no "place" for social interaction. For Mr. Rykwert, who rejects the functionalist spirit of the Athens Charter of 1933, a manifesto for much post-war building, such facelessness destroys the human meaning of the city. Architectural form. should not rigidly follow function, but ought to reflect the needs of the social body it represents.

Like other forms of representation, architecture is the embodiment of the decisions that go into its making, not the result of impersonal forces, market or history. Therefore, says Mr. Rykwert, adapting Joseph de Maistre's dictum that a nation has the government it deserves, our cities have the faces they deserve.

In this book, Mr. Rykwert. a noted urban historian of anthropological love, offers a flaneur's approach to the city's exterior surface rather than an urban history from the conceptual inside out. He does not drive, so his interaction with the city affords him a warts-and-all view with a sensual grasp of what it is to be a "place".

His story of urbanization begins, not surprisingly, with the industrial revolution when populations shifted and increased, exacerbating problems of housing and crime. In the 19th century many planning programs and utopias (Ebenezer Howard's garden city and Charles Fourier's "phalansteries" among them) were proposed as remedies. These have left their mark on 20th-century cities, as did Baron Hausmann's boulevards in Paris, Eugene Viollet-le-Duc's and Owen Jones's arguments for historical style, and Adolf Loos's fateful turn-of-the-century call to abolish ornament which, in turn, inspired Le Corbusier's bare functionalism. The reader will recognize all these ideas in the surfaces of the cities that hosted them: New York, Paris, London, and Vienna.

Cities changed again after the Second World War as populations grew, technology raced and prosperity spread. Like it or not, today's cities are the muddled product, among other things, of speed, greed, outmoded social agendas and ill-suited postmodern aesthetics. Some lament the old city's death; others welcome its replacement by the electronically driven "global village". Mr. Rykwert has his worries, to be sure, but he does not see ruin or chaos everywhere. He defends the city as a human and social necessity. In Chandigarh, Canberra and New York he sees overall success; in New Delhi, Paris and Shanghai, large areas of falling. For Mr. Rykwert, a man on foot in the age of speeding virtual, good architecture may still show us a face where flaneurs can read the story of their urban setting in familiar metaphors.

An argument made by supporters of functionism is that______.

A.post-war modernist architecture was coming under fire

B.UN building in New York blocks the housing projects

C.windswept plazas present "face" to the inhabitants of the city

D.functionism reflects the needs of the social body

根据下面资料,回答下列各题。 Small increases in temperature found to add power to storms in
the Atlantic. Hurricanes that form. in the Atlantic Ocean are expected to gain considerable strength as the global temperature continues to rise, a new study has found. Using modeling data focused on the conditions in which hurricanes form, a group of international researchers based at Beijing Normal University found that for every 1.8°F (1℃ )rise of the Earths temperature, the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic that are as strong or stronger than Hurricane Katrina will increase twofold to sevenfold. Hurricane strength is directly related to the heat of the water where the storm forms. More water vapor in the air from evaporating ocean water adds fuel to hurricanes that build strength and head toward land. Hurricane Katrina is widely considered the measure for a destructive storm, holding the maximum Category 5 designation for a full 24 hours in late August 2005. It lost strength as it passed over the Florida peninsula, but gained destructive power fight before colliding with New Orleans, killing more than 200 people and causing $ 80 billion in damage. The study points to a gradual increase of Katrina-like events. The warming experienced over the 20th century doubled the number of such debilitating(将人类摧垮的)storms. But the ongoing warming of the planet into the 21st century could increase the frequency of the worst kinds of storms by 700 percent, threatening coastlines along the Atlantic Ocean with muitiple Category 5 storms every year. "Our results support the idea that changes in regional sea surface temperatures is the primary cause of hurricane variability," said Aslak Girnstead, a researcher with the Center for Ice and Climate at the University of Copenhagen. The large impact of small sea-surface temperature increases was more than Girustead and his colleagues had anticipated. The entire study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Global temperatures have steadily increased, making the past decade the warmest on record. Earlier this year, climate researchers reported that the Earths temperatures have risen faster in the last century than at any point since the last ice age, 11,300 years ago. The primary cause, a couseusus of scientists has said, is the rising emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. Past hurricanes have supported the studys finding that global temperature rise is linked to more destructive storms. According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, while the frequency of storms doesnt appear to have increased, the percentage of strong ones has risen sharply over the past few decades. The trend may be similar further back in time, but comprehensive hurricane data doesnt exist. According to the team of international researchers based at Beijing Normal University, the rise of the Earths temperature is likely to cause

A.the coming of ice age

B.more Katrina-like or worse hurricanes

C.less intense hurricanes

D.more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Jeans were invented a little over a century ago and are currently the world's most popular
, versatile garment, crossing boundaries of class, age and nationality. From their origins as pure workwear, they have spread through every level of the fashion spectrum, and are embraced internationally for their unmatched comfort and appeal.

In the mid 1940s, the Second World War came to an end, and denim blue jeans, previously worn almost exclusively as workwear, gained a new status in the U. S. and Europe. Rugged but relaxed, they stood for freedom and a bright future. Sported by both men and women, by returning GI's and sharp teenagers, they seemed as clean and strong as the people who chose to wear them. In Europe, surplus Levi's were left behind by American armed forces and were available in limited supplies. It was the European population's first introduction to the denim apparel. Workwear manufacturers tried to copy the U. S. originals, but those in the know insisted on the real thing.

In the 1950s, Europe was exposed to a daring new style. in music and movies and consequently jeans took on an aura of sex and rebellion. Rock'n'roll coming from America blazed a trail of defiance, and jeans became a symbol of the break with convention and rigid social morals. When Elvis Presley sang in "Jailhouse Rock", his denim prison uniform. carried a potent, virile image. Girls swooned and guys were quick to copy the King. In movies like "The Wild One" and "Rebel Without a Cause" cult figures Marion Brando and James Dean portrayed tough anti-heroes in jeans and T-shirts. Adults spurned the look; teenagers, even those who only wanted to look like rebels, embraced it.

By the beginning of the 1960s, slim jeans had become a leisure wear staple, as teens began to have real fun, forgetting the almost desperate energy of the previous decade, while cocooned (包围在) in wealth and security. But the seeds of change had been sown, and by the mid 1960s jeans had acquired yet another social connotation—as the uniform. of the budding social and sexual revolution. Jeans were the great equalizer, the perfect all-purpose garment for the classless society sought by the Hippy generation. In the fight for civil rights, at anti-war demonstrations off the streets of Paris, at sit-ins and love-ins everywhere, the battle cry was heard above a sea of blue.

Jeans were first designed for ______.





The Tuscan town of Vinci, birthplace of Leonardo and home to a museum of his machines, sho
uld fittingly put on a show of the television-robot sculptures of Nam Jun Paik. This Korean-born American artist and the Renaissance master are kindred spirits: Leonardo saw humanistic potential in his scientific experiments, Mr. Paik endeavors to harness media technology for artistic purposes. A pioneer of video art in the late 1960s, he treats television as a space for art images and as material for robots and interactive sculptures.

Mr. Paik was not alone. He and fellow artists picked on the video cameras because they offered an easy way to record their performance art. Now, to mark video art's coming of age, New York's Museum of Modern Art is looking back at their efforts in a film series called "The First Decade". It celebrates the early days of video by screening the archives of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), one of the world's leading distributors of video and new media art, founded 30 years ago.

One of EAI's most famous alumni is Bill Viola. Part of the second generation of video artists, who emerged in the 1970s, Mr. Viola experimented with video's expressive potential. His camera explores religious ritual and universal ideas. The Viola show at the Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin shows us moving-image frescoes that cover the gallery walls and envelop the viewer in all-embracing cycles of life and death.

One new star is a Californian, Doug Aitken, who took over London's Serpentine Gallery last October with an installation called "New Ocean". Some say Mr. Aitken is to video what Jackson Pollock was to painting. He drips his images from floor to ceiling, creating sequences of rooms in which the Space surrounds the viewer in hallucinatory images, of sound and light.

At the Serpentine, Mr. Aitken created a collage of moving images, on the theme of water's flow around the planet as a force of life. "I wanted to create a new topography in this work, a liquid image, to show a world that never stands still", he says. The boundary between the physical world and the world of images and information, he thinks, is blurring.

The interplay of illusion and reality, sound and image, references to art history, politics, film and television in this art form. that is barely 30 years old can make video art difficult to define. Many call it film-based or moving-image art to include artists who work with other cinematic media. At its best, the appeal of video art lies in its versatility, its power to capture the passing of time and on its ability to communicate both inside and outside gallery walls.

The birthplace of Leonardo is mentioned in the text ______.

A.to introduce the topic of the technology of video art.

B.to pay tribute to this Renaissance master.

C.to honor his contribution to scientific discoveries.

D.to outline the development of art television.

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