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Would you eat a bacon, lettuce and love apple sandwich? You probably have eaten many of th

em. Love apple was the name used many years ago for the tomato.

The tomato is originally an American plant. It was found in South America by early Spanish explorers. The word tomato comes from the native Nahuatl word tomatl. But when it moved north, the plant earned a different name. Remarkably, the settlers in North America thought it was poisonous. They believed that to eat it was surely to die. It was said that deserted suitors would threaten to eat a tomato to cause their coldhearted lovers-regret. Because of this legend, the settlers called the tomato a "love apple." While people enjoyed other native plants such as corn and sweet potatoes, everyone avoided the tomato.

No one knows who first dared to eat a tomato. Perhaps someone was brave enough, or lovesick enough, to try out the truth of the rumors. Of course, whoever ate this fruit was perfectly safe. No one died from eating a love apple. Still, it was many years before the people fully believed that the tomato was a safe, and even good food. But its use did become common, and the plant was sent across the ocean to become part of many traditional European dishes.

The language from which we derived the word tomato is______.





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更多“Would you eat a bacon, lettuce…”相关的问题
Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (10 points) Direction: Pick out the appropriate expression from

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (10 points)

Direction: Pick out the appropriate expression from the eight choices and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

A. How's everything going?

B. I'd like to.

C. So did I.

D. Yes, but why?

E. Coffee, please.

F. That's too bad.

G. It's very disappointing. H. Eat what you want.

56. Tony: Would you care for skiing with me at the weekend?

Tom: Well,______. But you have to teach me how to ski first.

根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题: A.What about you? B.Would you like black tea?C.Do you have any

根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:

A.What about you?

B.Would you like black tea?

C.Do you have any eggs,madam?

D.Would you like something to eat?

E.Black tea or iced tea?

F.Can I help you?

G.Thank you very much.

H.It is very tasty.

第 56 题 Woman: 1

Ben:Yes,madam.What would you like to drink,Tony?

Tony:I'd like some tea.

Ben: 2

Tony:Iced tea,please. 3

Ben:I'd like some lemonade. 4

Tony:Yes,I'd like a pizza,please.

Woann:What would you like on it,sir?

Tony:Mushrooms,green peppers and onions,please.

Ben:All right, 5


Ben:We want a cup of iced tea,a glass of milk,a glass of lemonade,a pizza and two eggs,please.


People, in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is good to ea
t. Even when people in different countries eat the same food, they often prepare it very differently. If you were in Germany, you would find soup that is thick and heavy. If you were in China, you would find soup that is thin and clear. On holidays most of us eat special foods. Year after year, even if many other things change, the food is always the same. Sometimes housewives begin weeks in advance to prepare the special foods that are traditionally served on certain holidays.

People in different parts of the world also have different ideas about what is good to drink. Among the most popular hot drinks are coffee and tea. Coffee is very popular in northern Europe and in the Middle East. Some people put cream and sugar in their coffee. But in the United States, many people drink their coffee "black" that is without cream or sugar. Tea is the national drink in China, Japan, and other Oriental(东方的) countries. In the Orient, people drink tea without sugar. But in England where it is also a national drink, many people use both sugar and hot or cold milk in their tea.

People in different parts of the world______.

A.cook the same food in different ways

B.like the same kinds of food

C.have the same ideas about foods

D.know how to prepare the same food

To swim across the English Channel takes at least nine hours. It' s a hard work and it mak
es you short of breath. To fly over the Channel takes only twenty minutes (as long as you' re not held up at the airport), but it' s an expensive way to travel. You can travel by hovercraft if you don' t mind the noise, and that takes forty minutes. Otherwise you can go by boat, if you forget your sea-sickness ills. All these means of transport have their problems and the weary(不耐烦的) traveler often dreams of being able to drive to France in his own car. "Not possible", you say. Well, wait a minute. People are once again considering the idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge.

This time, the Greater London Council is looking into the possibility of building a Channel link straight to London. (79) A bridge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to go by rail or by car on a bridge, whereas a tunnel would provide a rail link only.

Why is this idea being discussed again? Is Britain becoming more conscious of the need for links with Europe as a result of joining the EEC(欧共体) ? Well, perhaps. The main reason, though, is that a tunnel or bridge would reach the twenty square kilometers of London' s disused dockland(船坞地). A link from London to the continent would stimulate trade and re-vitalize(使…各新有活力) the port, and would make London a main trading center in Europe. (80)With a link over the Channel, you could buy your fish and chips in England, and be able to eat them in France while they were still warm!

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Swimming across the Channel takes less than four hours.

B.The idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge is a very new one.

C.It is considered to be more difficult to swim across the channel than any other means.

D.A tunnel or bridge would only reach as far as the coast.

"If it takes you six hours to read this book, somewhere in the world 2,500 people will hav
e died of starvation or of hunger-related illness by the time you【36】."

Why are so many【37】? Susan George affirms with conviction, and with solid【38】, that it is not because there【39】too many passengers on" Spaceship Earth ", not because【40】bad weather or changing climates, but because of food【41】by the rich.【42】the poor go hungry.

The multinational agribusiness corporations,【43】governments with their food "aid" policies and supposedly neural multilateral development organizations【44】responsibility for their【45】.

They all work in corporation【46】local elites, themselves nurtured and protected by the powerful in the【47】world. The United States【48】the way, leads the pack and is【49】imposing its control over the whole planet.

Only those【50】people who can become consumers will eat in the Brave New World being shaped【51】the well-fed. The standard liberal solution to【52】the world-population control or the Green Revolution are just【53】the hungry poor don't need. All the need is social change, otherwise known as【54】. With that, they could, and would, resolve most of their problems【55】.






They finally came to a ______ that they would eat it together.A.promiseB.compromiseC.wayD.

They finally came to a ______ that they would eat it together.





Social customs and ways of behaving change. Things which were considered impolite many yea
rs ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered impolite behaviour for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in a room.

Customs are also different from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your country? Or doesn't it matter? What about table manner? Should you use both hands when you are eating?

The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also, most Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans. Promptness is important both in England and in America. That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 o'clock, the dinner guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay.

The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable---especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man who gave a dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or shocked, but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.

If one has accepted a dinner invitation, what should he do if he is to be late for the dinner?

A.He should find an excuse.

B.He should ask for excuse.

C.He should say "Sorry"

D.He should telephone to explain his being late.

If you are what you eat, then you are also what you buy to eat. And mostly what people buy
is scrawled onto a grocery list, those ethereal scraps of paper that record the shorthand of where we shop and how we feed ourselves. Most grocery lists end up in the garbage. But if you live in St. Louis, they might have a half-life you never imagined, as a cultural document, posted on the Internet.

For the past decade, Bill Keaggy, 33, the features photo editor at The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, has been collecting grocery lists and since 1999 has been posting them online at www.grocerylists.org. The collection, which now numbers more than 500 lists, is strangely addictive. The lists elicit twofold curiosity — about the kind of meal the person was planning and the kind of person who would make such a meal. What was the shopper with vodka, lighters, milk and ice cream on his list planning to do with them? In what order would they be consumed? Was it a he or a she? Who had written "Tootie food, kitten chow, bird food stick, toaster scrambles, coffee drinks"? Some shoppers organize their lists by aisle; others start with dairy, go to cleaning supplies and then back to dairy before veering off to Home Depot. A few meticulous ones note the price of every item. One shopper had written in large letters on an envelope, simply, "Milk".

The thin lines of ink and pencil jutting and looping across crinkled and torn pieces of paper have a purely graphic beauty. One of life's most banal duties, viewed through the curatorial lens, can somehow seem pregnant with possibility. It can even appear poetic, as in the list that reads "meat, cigs, buns, treats".

One thing Keaggy discovered is that Dan Quayte is not alone — few people can spell bananas and bagels, let alone potato. One list calls for "suchi" and "strimp" . "Some people pass judgment on the things they buy. " Keaggy says. At the end of one list, the shopper wrote "Bud Light" and then "good beer". Another scribbled "good loaf of white bread". Some pass judgment on themselves, like the shopper who wrote "read, stay home or go somewhere, I act like my morn, go to Kentucky, underwear, lemon. "People send messages to one another, too. Buried in one list is this statement: "If you buy more rice, I'll punch you. "And plenty of shoppers, like the one with both ice cream and diet pills on the list, reveal their vices.

What would people usually do with their grocery list after shopping?

A.Buying what it is scrawled on the paper.

B.Recording the shorthand of where we shop.

C.Throwing it into the dustbin.

D.Posting it on the Internet.

Scinentists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effec
t that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them。

They had to eat a (n) ______ meal, or they would be too late for the concert.A.temporaryB.

They had to eat a (n) ______ meal, or they would be too late for the concert.





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