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Mr. Xia is()boss

A.Mr. Shi’s and Mr. Wu’s

B.Mr. Shi and Mr. Wu’s

C.Mr. Shi’s and Mr. Wu

D.Mr. Shi and Mr. Wu


B、Mr. Shi and Mr. Wu’s

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更多“Mr. Xia is()boss”相关的问题
From the last paragraph, we can infer thatA.Bob Kiley as TfL's boss approved the new schem

From the last paragraph, we can infer that

A.Bob Kiley as TfL's boss approved the new scheme.

B.Mr. Kiley's underlings confirmed his suggestion.

C.London's mayor disagrees Mr. Kiley's idea.

D.Ken Livingstone would feel shameful if he changed the scheme.

"I'm a total geek all around", says Angela Byron, a 27-year-old computer programmer who ha
s just graduated from Nova Scotia Community College. And yet, like many other students, she "never had the confidence" to approach any of the various open-source software communities on the internet—distributed teams of volunteers who collaborate to build software that is then made freely available. But thanks to Google, the world's most popular search engine and one of the biggest proponents of open-source software, Ms Byron spent the summer contributing code to Drupal, an open-source project that automates the management of websites. "It's awesome", she says.

Ms Byron is one of 419 students (out of 8,744 who applied) who were accepted for Google's "summer of code". While it sounds like a hyper-nerdy summer camp, the students neither went to Google's campus in Mountain View, California, nor to wherever their mentors at the 41 participating open-source projects happened to be located. Instead, Google acted as a matchmaker and sponsor. Each of the participating open-source projects received $500 for every student it took on; and each student received $4,500 ($500 right away, and $4,000 on completion of their work). Oh, and a T-shirt.

All of this is the idea of Chris DiBona, Google's open-source boss, who was brainstorming with Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google's founders, last year. They realised that a lot of programming talent goes to waste every summer because students take summer jobs flipping burgers to make money, and let their coding skills degrade. "We want to make it better for students in the summer", says Mr. DiBona, adding that it also helps the open- source community and thus, indirectly, Google, which uses lots of open-source software behind the scenes. Plus, says Mr. DiBona, "it does become an opportunity for recruiting".

Elliot Cohen, a student at Berkeley, spent his summer writing a "Bayesian network toolbox" for Python, an open-source programming language. "I'm a pretty big fan of Google", he says. He has an interview scheduled with Microsoft, but "Google is the only big company that I would work at", he says. And if that doesn't work out, he now knows people in the open-source community, "and it's a lot less intimidating".

Ms Byron's comment on her own summer experiment is ______.





"I'm a total geek all around," says Angela B. Yron, a 27-year-old computer prlogrammer who
has just graduated from Nova Scotia Community College. And yet, like many other students, she "never had the confidence" to approach any of the various open-source software communities on the internet—distributed teams of volunteers who collaborate to build software that is then made freely available. But thanks to Google, the world's most popular search engine and one of the biggest proponents of open-source software, Ms Byron spent the summer contributing code to Drupal, an open-source project that automates the management of websites. "It's awesome," she says.

Ms Byron is one of 419 students (out of 8,744 who applied) who were accepted for Google's "summer of code". While it sounds like a hyper-nerdy summer camp, the students neither went to Google's campus in Mountain View, California, nor to wherever their mentors at the 41 participating open-source projects happened to be located. Instead, Google acted as a matchmaker and sponsor. Each of the participating open-source projects received $500 for every student it took on; and each student received $4,500 ($500 right away, and $4,000 on completion of their work). Oh, and a T-shirt.

All of this is the idea of Chris DiBona, Google's open-source boss, who was brainstorming with Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google's founders, last year. They realised that a lot of programming talent goes to waste every summer because students take summer jobs flipping burgers to make money, and let their coding skills degrade. "We want to make it better for students in the summer," says Mr. DiBona, adding that it also helps the open source community and thus, indirectly, Google, which uses lots of open source software behind the scenes. Plus, says Mr. DiBona, "it does become an opportunity for recruiting."

Elliot Cohen, a student at Berkeley, spent his summer writing a "Bayesian network toolbox" for Python, an open-source programming language. "I'm a pretty big fan of Google," he says. He has an interview scheduled with Microsoft, but "Google is the only big company that I would work at," he says. And if that doesn't work out, he now knows people in the open-source community, "and it's a lot less intimidating."

Ms. Byron's comment on her own summer experiment is ______.





Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

"I love Microsoft and Microsoft did not lose me", protested Robert Scoble, a little too loudly, on his blog last week, in a bid to end feverish speculation in the blogosphere about why, exactly, he had decided to leave Microsoft. The software giant's "technical evangelist", Mr. Scoble has become the best-known example of a corporate blogger. On his blog, called Scobleizer, which he started in 2000, he writes about Microsoft's products, and has sometimes criticised them fiercely—thereby both establishing his credibility and, by its willingness to tolerate him, helping to humanise his employer.

As blogging's influence has grown, so bas Mr. Scoble's—both inside and outside Microsoft. Last year, after he blogged against Microsoft's decision to abandon support for a law prohibiting discrimination against gays, the company's managers backed down. He helped write a book, Naked Conversations: How Blogs Are Changing the Way Businesses Talk With Customers, published in January, that has become essential reading for any boss trying to define a new-media strategy for his business.

So why leave? Mr. Scoble has denied several of the theories circulating in the blogosphere, including that he had become fed up with having his expenses challenged or with sharing an office; that Microsoft challenged his views too often; that he had become, frustrated; and that the firm had not tried hard enough to keep him. Still, his friend Dave Winer, another blogger, described Microsoft as a "stifling organisation" before observing that "when he finally decided to leave, it's as if a huge weight came off him, and all of a sudden, the old Scoble is back". He views Mr. Scoble's departure as evidence that Microsoft has been unable to move with the times: "I'm glad to see my old friend didn't go down with the ship". Another blogger says that his departure shows the "end of honest blogging".

The real reason may be less sinister—though troubling for the growing number of employers encouraging their employees to biog. Blogging allows staff to build a personal brand separate from that of their firm; if they are good at it, and build up a readership, that brand may be more valuable to them elsewhere. Mr. Scoble is off to join PodTech. net, a rising star in video podcasting, which is now far more fashionable than blogging and potentially far more lucrative. It seems that Mr. Scoble is most impressed by Rocketboom, one of whose founders, Amanda Congdon, is said to be drawing 300000 viewers a day to her videoblog, and is about to start charging advertisers $85000 a week—almost as much, Mr. Scoble is reported as saying, "as I made in an entire year working at Microsoft".

Which of the following is TRUE accoding to the text?

A.Scoble's blog never gives people the false information.

B.Microsoft doesn't agree with the opinion in Scoble's biog.

C.Scoble will not write anything in his blog when he leaves Microsoft.

D.Scoble's blog becomes the most popular corporate blog in the Internet.

Boss: Where have you been? It's eight o' clock now.Rose: I'm sorry. ______

Mr. Wu asks()I’m leaving for Shanghai.





" Good-bye, Mr. Wang. I' m pleased ______ you.A.to meetB.meetingC.to have been meetingD.to

" Good-bye, Mr. Wang. I' m pleased ______ you.

A.to meet


C.to have been meeting

D.to be met

根据以下材料回答第 1~5题: A.I'm leaving. B.Thank youC.I'll do my best D.and sit hereE.Plea

根据以下材料回答第 1~5题:

A.I'm leaving.

B.Thank you

C.I'll do my best

D.and sit here

E.Please sit down

F.But l worry about

G.Take it easy

H.Don’t forget

第 56 题 Boss:Come in,please.Oh,Mary,come over 56 .Your annual report is well done.

Mary: 57

Boss:I know you’re a capable person.

Mary:Thank you for saying that. 58 the wrong figures I gave you last time.

Boss: 59 .Everyone makes mistakes.

Mary:Thank you SO much for your forgiveness. 60.

Boss: Come in, please. Oh, Mary, come over (56) Your annual report is well done. Mary: (57

Boss: Come in, please. Oh, Mary, come over (56) Your annual report is well done.

Mary: (57)

Boss: I know you're a capable person.

Mary: Thank you for saying that. (58) the wrong figures I gave you last time.

Boss: (59) Everyone makes mistakes.

Mary: Thank you so much for your forgiveness. (60)


A. I'm leaving

B. Thank you

C. I'll do my best

D. and sit here

E. Please sit down

F. But I worry about

G. Take it easy

H. Don't forget

Welcome, Mr. Green. I’m here to meet you.()
Welcome, Mr. Green. I’m here to meet you.()

A. It’s very kind of you

B. It doesn’t matter

C. Not at all

D. You are welcome

37 According to the third paragraph, Mr. Bangs holds the view that______.A.the big litter

37 According to the third paragraph, Mr. Bangs holds the view that______.

A.the big litter is the cause of wolves' decline

B.the scarce of food leads to wolves' decline

C.parvo helps wolves to deal with overpopulation problem

D.wolves have trouble killing enough m feed

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