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Welcome, Mr. Green. I’m here to meet you.()

Welcome, Mr. Green. I’m here to meet you.()

A. It’s very kind of you

B. It doesn’t matter

C. Not at all

D. You are welcome

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更多“Welcome, Mr. Green. I’m here t…”相关的问题
What's the end of the story? A. The prisoner stole the policeman's notebook and gave
it to Mr. Green in return.

B. The prisoner was caught.

C. The prisoner robbed Mr. Green.

D. Mr. Green sent the prisoner to the police station.

—Hey, Mr.Smith, you are wanted on ______ phone. —Who is calling? —______ Mr. Green. I don't kn

—Hey, Mr.Smith, you are wanted on ______ phone.

—Who is calling?

—______ Mr. Green. I don't know who he is.

A.不填; A B.the; 不填 C.the; A D.不填; 不填

—I hear David has won the first prize in the English lecture competition, Mr. Green. —____
__ , and ______.

A.So he has; so you have

B.So he has; so have you

C.So has he; so have you

D.So has he; so you have

Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan?()A. Don't ask me.B.

Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan?()

A. Don't ask me.

B. Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project.

C. I don't like the Japanese food.

- Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company. -()

A、Thank you, Ms. Lin. I’ve come to see your packing for our woolen gloves.

B、Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John.

C、This is John Taylor.

Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. The
ir family name comes last. For example, my full name is Jim Allan Green. Green is my family name. My parents gave me both of my other names.

People don't use their middle names very much. So" John Henry Brown" is usually called "John Brown". People never use Mr.; Mrs. or Miss before their first names. So you can say John Brown, or Mr. Brown; but you should never say Mr. John. They use Mr. , Mrs. or Miss with the family name but never with the first name.

Sometimes people ask me about my name. "When were you born, why did your parents call you Jim?" they ask. "Why did they choose that name? The answer is they didn't call me Jim. They called me James. James was the name of my grandfather'. In England, people usually call me Jim for short. That's because it is shorter and easier than James.

Most English people have ______ name(s).





Speaker A : Firstly,allow me to introduce myself.My name is John Brown,manager of the comp

SpeakerB :____________

A.You must be mistaken. I don’t know you at all.

B.Hello, Brown! I haven’t seen you for ages.

C.How do you do, Mr. Brown? Very happy to see you.

D.Hi, John! Welcome to China.

阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。Mary JohnsonA、Good morning, Mr. Liu


Mary JohnsonA、Good morning, Mr. Liu! How good to see you! Have you had a nice journey?

Liu Hua:_____

Mary:May I introduce an old friend of mine to you? Tony Smith is an architect and has a special interest in bridge design.


Liu Hua:How do you do? Mr. Smith. Nice to meet you.

Tony:Nice to see you, too. I know, you are the design leader of the Island & Tunnel Project of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. It’s my honor to meet you here.

Liu Hua: _____

Tony:It is said that the bridge is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world. How long is it?

LiuHua:Sure. You know, this bridge connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. It has a total length of 49.968 km, of which 35.578 km will be built over the sea.


Mary:It sounds fantastic. I also want to see it when it’s finished.

LiuHua:No problem, you are welcome!

Mary:Now we’ll send you to the hotel and you can take a rest there. We’ll have a meeting on bridge design tomorrow morning.

Liu Hua:_____

Tony:You’re welcome.

A. How do you do? Mr. Liu.

B. That’s great! I hope someday I can witness such a miracle!

C. Thank you very much for your help.

D. Glad to see you, too, Mary. Indeed, it’s been a very nice journey.

E. Thank you very much.

Joseph Rykwert entered his field when post-war modernist architecture was coming under fir
e for its alienating embodiment of outmoded social ideals. Think of the UN building in New York, the city of Brasilia, the UNESCO building in Paris, the blocks of housing "projects" throughout the world. These tall, uniform. boxes are set back from the street, isolated by windswept plazas. They look inward to their own functions, presenting no "face" to the inhabitants of the city, no "place" for social interaction. For Mr. Rykwert, who rejects the functionalist spirit of the Athens Charter of 1933, a manifesto for much post-war building, such facelessness destroys the human meaning of the city. Architectural form. should not rigidly follow function, but ought to reflect the needs of the social body it represents.

Like other forms of representation, architecture is the embodiment of the decisions that go into its making, not the result of impersonal forces, market or history. Therefore, says Mr. Rykwert, adapting Joseph de Maistre's dictum that a nation has the government it deserves, our cities have the faces they deserve.

In this book, Mr. Rykwert. a noted urban historian of anthropological love, offers a flaneur's approach to the city's exterior surface rather than an urban history from the conceptual inside out. He does not drive, so his interaction with the city affords him a warts-and-all view with a sensual grasp of what it is to be a "place".

His story of urbanization begins, not surprisingly, with the industrial revolution when populations shifted and increased, exacerbating problems of housing and crime. In the 19th century many planning programs and utopias (Ebenezer Howard's garden city and Charles Fourier's "phalansteries" among them) were proposed as remedies. These have left their mark on 20th-century cities, as did Baron Hausmann's boulevards in Paris, Eugene Viollet-le-Duc's and Owen Jones's arguments for historical style, and Adolf Loos's fateful turn-of-the-century call to abolish ornament which, in turn, inspired Le Corbusier's bare functionalism. The reader will recognize all these ideas in the surfaces of the cities that hosted them: New York, Paris, London, and Vienna.

Cities changed again after the Second World War as populations grew, technology raced and prosperity spread. Like it or not, today's cities are the muddled product, among other things, of speed, greed, outmoded social agendas and ill-suited postmodern aesthetics. Some lament the old city's death; others welcome its replacement by the electronically driven "global village". Mr. Rykwert has his worries, to be sure, but he does not see ruin or chaos everywhere. He defends the city as a human and social necessity. In Chandigarh, Canberra and New York he sees overall success; in New Delhi, Paris and Shanghai, large areas of falling. For Mr. Rykwert, a man on foot in the age of speeding virtual, good architecture may still show us a face where flaneurs can read the story of their urban setting in familiar metaphors.

An argument made by supporters of functionism is that______.

A.post-war modernist architecture was coming under fire

B.UN building in New York blocks the housing projects

C.windswept plazas present "face" to the inhabitants of the city

D.functionism reflects the needs of the social body


A.Hi, Zhang Lin. This is Miss Green. She is our new teacher

B.Hi, Miss Green. Thid ks Zhang Lin. She is my friend

C.Hi, Zhang Lin. This is Mr Green. He is our new teacher

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