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African American literature has undergone a long process of evolution. Its early form. was

______,including______,______and______, in short, folk literature in its various manifestations.

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更多“African American literature ha…”相关的问题
Barack Obama was not the first African American president of the United States.()
Alex Haley s______marked a new level of self-awareness of the African American people as a

African American literature attained a higher degree of maturity in 1952 when Ralph Elliso
n s ______appeared in print.

Which country's way of communication made use of visible signs? A. French B. Roman

Which country's way of communication made use of visible signs?

A. French

B. Roman

C. African

D. American

The Africans' interest is to guard preferential export rules enshrined in the temporary Af
rican Growth and Opportunity Act, passed by Congress in 2,000. Tariff-free exports of some 6,000 goods from Africa to the United States are boosting trade and investment in southern Africa. Lesotho's fast-growing textile industry depends almost entirely on Chinese investment in factories to make clothes for sale in the United States. The region also wants more access to America's markets for fruit, beef and other agricultural goods.

American interest lies mainly in South Africa, by far the largest economy in the region. Services account for 60% of its GDP, and it increasingly dominates the rest of Africa in banking, information technology, telecom, retail' and other areas. Just as British banks, such as Barclays, have moved their African headquarters to South Africa over the past year, American investors see the country as a platform. to the rest of the continent.

Agreeing investment rules and resolving differences on intellectual property rights are the most urgent issues. American drug firms want to be part of the fast expansion in South Africa of production of anti-retroviral drugs, used against AIDS. By 2007 South Africa alone expects 1.2m patients to take the drugs daily. The country might be the world's biggest exporter of anti-AIDS drugs within a few years. Striking a bilateral deal now should make American investments easier.

But Mr. Zoellick's greater concern is for multilateral trade talks that stalled in Cancun, Mexico, in September. Alec Erwin, his South African counterpart, helped to organize the G20 group of poor and middle-income countries that opposed joint American-EU proposals there; he is widely tipped to take over as head of the World Trade Organization late next year, and would be a useful ally.

So Mr. Zoellick is trying to charm his African partner by agreeing to drop support for most of a group of issues (known as "Singapore" issues) that jammed up the talks at Cancun, and were opposed by poor countries; he says he also favors abolishing export subsidies in America--though only if Japan and the EU agree to do the same. That would please African exporters who say such subsidies destroy markets for their goods.

Mr. Zoellick's efforts to make more friends may be paying off. Even though America has treated Africa very shabbily on trade in the past, Mr. Erwin hints it is easier doing business with America than with Europe or Japan. A small sign, but perhaps a telling one.

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______.

A.6,000 goods from Africa are tariff-free to American countries

B.preferential export rules are interesting to southern Africans

C.most clothes found in the U.S. are actually made by Chinese

D.Lesotho is willing to export more agricultural goods to the U.S.

Come on, my fellow white folks, we have something to confess. Out with it, friends, the bi
ggest secret known to whites since the invention of powdered rouge: welfare is a white program. The numbers go like this: 61% of the population receiving welfare, listed as "means-tested cash assistance" by the Census Bureau, is identified as whit e, while only 33% is identified as black. These numbers notwithstanding, the Republican version of "political correctness" has given us "welfare cheat" as a new term for African American since the early days of Ronald Reagan.

Our confession surely stands: white folks have been gobbling up the welfare budget while blaming someone else. But it's worse than that. If we look at Social Security, which is another form. of welfare, although it is often mistaken for an individual insurance program, then whites are the ones who are crowding the trough. We receive almost twice as much per capita, for an aggregate advantage to our race of $10 billion a year—much more than the $3.9 billion advantage African American gain from their disproportionate share of welfare. One sad reason: whites live an average of six years longer than African Americans, meaning that young black workers help subsidize a huge and growing "over-class" of white retirees. I do not see our confession bringing much relief. There's a reason for resentment, though it has more to do with class than with race. White people are poor too, and in numbers far exceeding any of our more generously pigmented social groups. And poverty as defined by the government is a vast underestimation of the economic terror that persists at incomes—such as $20,000 or even $40,000 and above—that we like to think of as middle class.

The problem is not that welfare is too generous to blacks but that social welfare in general is too stingy to all concerned. Naturally, whites in the swelling "near poor" category resent the notion of whole races supposedly frolicking at their expense. Whites, near poor and middle class, need help too—as do the many African Americans.

So we white folks have a choice. We can keep pretending that welfare is black program and a scheme for transferring our earnings to the pockets of shiftless, dark-skinned people. Or we can clear our throats, blush prettily and admit that we are hurting too—for cash assistance when we're down and out, for health insurance, for college aid and all the rest. Racial scapegoating has its charms, I will admit: the surge of righteous anger, even the fun—for those inclined—of wearing sheets and burning crosses. But there are better, nobler sources of white pride, it seems to me. Remember this: only we can truly, deeply blush.

White folks in U.S. are at a greater advantage in that

A.they obtain more benefits from welfare.

B.they show contempt for African Americans.

C.they blame the blacks for welfare theft.

D.they have a choice to their best interests.

听力原文:Ask the average American,"What is freedom?"You will probably hear,"It's being abl

听力原文: Ask the average American,"What is freedom?"You will probably hear,"It's being able to do what I want to do." When Americans think of freedom, they often think of individualism.They see themselves more as individuals than as members of a family or social group.

In American culture.freedom means equality.The Declaration of Independence states that"all men are created equal."That does not mean equal in abilities or status.For Americans,equality refers to equal worth and equal opportunity. Every individual should have an equal chance to improve his life.True,America has not always lived up to that ideal.For many years,Native Americans,African Americans and immigrants have protested their unequal treatment. But American culture still teaches that people can work hard and fulfill their dreams.Whether this idea is true or not,people hear rags-to-riches stories often enough to confirm it in the minds of many people.

Freedom arouses strong feelings for Americans.The idea of liberty binds people together in this"land of the free." However,problems still exist.One individual's freedom can conflict with the rights of others. Someone once said,"You have the freedom to swing your fist around if you want.But your freedom ends where my nose begins."People can also become too concerned about their own rights.They might demand special treatment.However,the path to freedom is not completely smooth.Even so,for Americans,no other road is really worth traveling.

What do Americans often think of when thinking of freedom?



C.Social group.


Is the United States a melting pot? In other words, have immigrants to the USA merged with
the native Americans and (1)_____ to be Germans, Japanese, Poles, Irish, etc? It has been (2)_____ a "pot of stew" might be a more suitable word than "melting pot", (3)_____ in a stew the meat and vegetables keep their own characteristics, but (4)_____ to the spices and the (5)_____ it is cooked, the stew has a distinctive flavor of its own. The implications of "melting pot" (6)_____ American social workers and language teachers, many of (7)_____ feel that racial and national groups should be encouraged to (8)_____ their customs, traditions and languages. At the same time it is agreed that all Americans, (9)_____ their origins, must learn to speak English clearly and fluently, and they must learn to (10)_____ themselves to the American way of life.

However, there are ethnic groups who still (11)_____ together, who speak their own languages and have preserved many of their old customs. There are Hispanic (12)_____, e.g. Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, most of whom still speak Spanish as their (13)_____ language. There are the American Indians and (14)_____ Asian groups, all of whom speak their own languages. Then there are the 20 million blacks, who, (15)_____ they speak English, for the most part live separately. Many blacks are beginning to (16)_____ their roots right back to the African tribes (17)_____ which their ancestors were torn in the days of slavery and some of them are (18)_____ themselves more and more with Africa. Some black leaders (19)_____, reminding them that their culture and their language are not African. They are American. But many blacks are (20)_____ bitter against white culture to feel American.





Key James, Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Virginia State government, loves
to turn the tables on those who don't think it's possible to be middle-class, conservative, educated and still be truly black. Once, during an abortion debate, a woman in the audience angrily told James she was so middle-class she didn't have a clue about real African American life. "If you understood what these women go through," the woman said, "you would realize that abortion is their only choice."

James then asked the woman to consider a poor black mother on welfare. She already has four children and an alcoholic husband who has all but abandoned the family. Now she discovers another child is on the way. "How would you counsel that woman?" asked James.

"Have an abortion," the woman responded. "That child would have a very poor quality of life."

"I have a vested interest in your answer," James said. "The woman I described was my mother. I was the fifth of six children born into poverty. And, in case you're interested, the quality of my life is just fine!"

Kay James ______.

A.is not a black

B.is a poor black mother

C.has five brothers and sisters

D.has a hard life

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

It's never too early or too late for a parent to become a teacher. In this age of teacher accountability, endless school testing, increased pressure and competition, and the proliferation of "educational" toys, too many people forget that success begins at home.

Freeman A. Hrabowski Ⅲ, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and co-author of Beating the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Males and Overcoming the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Young Women, says that in the interviews he and his co-authors conducted, the overwhelming factor in their children's academic achievement was that parents inspired and envisioned their children's success. They thought and talked about what would be required to have a .successful child.

"It just makes such a difference when there's someone in that house working to relate to that child and inspire that child," Hrabowski says. "These parents (of the high achievers discussed) are really inspirational in their commitment to their children."

Professor Barbara T. Bowman, one of the faculty founders of Chicago's Erikson Institute, an independent institution of higher education that prepares child development professionals for leader- ship, says that Black children must learn in two different cultures-the African-American culture in which they live and the mainstream culture on which school and education are based.

Bowman also says the relationship between children and their parents is critical. "It is the early responsive ness of the caregiver to the infant's behavior. that creates a sense of well-being and optimism that affects the child's interest in learning," says Bowman, who served as president of the institute from 1994 to last year. "Children who like and want to please the adult learn better what the adult wants them to learn."

In this day of highly competitive testing and the stress of getting high SAT or ACT scores, it's important also to avoid pressuring or overexposing your child. Your son or daughter is probably already facing stress at school and on the playground. Your role is to help him or her relieve and manage that stress. Help them to understand that life does not end or begin with a test. And while academic success is important, it's also important to keep everything in perspective. Failure is a relative term in the grand scheme of things. If your child did poorly on a test, but answered a particularly tough question correctly, stress the positive. On the other hand, if schoolwork comes too easily to your child, find other ways to challenge him or her so they understand that life won't always be that way.

According to the author, the parents of high achievers are usually ______.

A.successful themselves



D.working hard

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