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"What's in your hand? ""It is a ______ bill. "A.two-thousand dollarB.two thousand dollarsC

"What's in your hand? ""It is a ______ bill. "

A.two-thousand dollar

B.two thousand dollars



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更多“"What's in your hand? ""It is …”相关的问题
All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition (strong wish) :t

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition (strong wish) :to be the lucky customer(顾客) who did not have to pay for shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said: "Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be your lucky day!"

For several weeks, Mrs. Edward's hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Un like her friends, she never gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things which she did not need. It's no use her husband trying to persuade her. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would come to her and said: "Madam, this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free."

One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea. She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went to ward the cashdesk. As she did so, saw the manager approach her. "Madam," he said, holding out his hand, "I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free."

The housewives who went to the supermarket were ______.





You will have no difficulty in making contact with the Agent. As you enter his office, you
will be greeted immediately and politely asked what you are looking for. The Estate Agent's Negotiator (房地产推销员) —as he is called—will probably check that you really know your financial position. No harm in that, but you can always tell him that you have confirmed the position with the XYZ Building Society. He will accept that.

He will show you the details of a whole range of properties; many of them are not really what you are looking for at all. That does not matter. Far better turn them down than risk missing the right one.

The printed details he will give you are called " particulars". Over the years, a whole language has grown up, solely for use in Agent's particulars. It is flowery, ornate (华丽的) and, providing you read it carefully and discount the adjectives, it can be very accurate and helpful.

Since the passing of the Trades Description Act, any trader trying to sell something has had to be very careful as to what they say about it. Estate Agents have, by now, become very competent at going as far as they dare. For instance, it is quite acceptable to say "delightfully situated". That is an expression of his opinion. You may not agree, but he might like the idea of living next to the gasworks. If, on the other hand, he says that the house has five bedrooms when, in fact, it has only two, that is a misstatement of fact and is an offence. This has made Estate Agents, and others for that matter, rather more careful.

Basically, all that you need to know about a house is: how many bedrooms it has; an indication of their size; whether the house has a garage; whether there is a garden and whether it is at the back or the front of the house; whether it is semi-detached or terraced (联排的) .

The Estate Agent's Negotiator will______.

A.want all the details of your financial circumstances

B.want to satisfy himself that you understand the financial implications of buying a house

C.check your financial position with the XYZ Building Society

D.accept any statement you make about your financial position

What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be an
optimist (乐观者), a leader, an active person. Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. If you love green, you are strong-minded and determined. At least this is what psychologists (心理学家) tell us. They have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference (爱好), and the effect that colors have on human beings. They tell us that we don't choose our favorite color as we grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more comfortable than a dark green one. On the other hand, black is depressing. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark gray.

Remember that you will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike. And don't forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief.

According to this passage,______.

A.one can choose his color preference

B.one is born with his color preference

C.one's color preference is changeable

D.one has to choose his favorite color as soon as he can see clearly

If you think you are sick, you are sick no matter what anyone else says. On the other hand
, if you have belief in your【21】,and if he tells you that you're going to feel better, you【22】will take the case (病症)of Mrs. Brown for example. She was【23】to get to sleep at night. She lacked(缺少) energy and was too【24】during the day even for the simple thing that she used to【25】. Occasional headaches, which were becoming more frequent (频繁的),【26】reading or watching TV. The more she thought about her condition,【27】she felt.【28】,she went to see her doctor,【29】she had known for years. The doctor listened to her complaints(诉说) and gave her a【30】thorough examination. Then, he said to her," There is【31】seriously wrong with your physical condition, but I【32】the fact that you don't feel well. I am going to give you some pills(药丸) that should【33】. I want you to take one after dinner and【34】a half hour before going to bed to night. Call me tomorrow and tell me【35】."

The next morning Mrs. Brown telephoned to say, "Doctor, it's very nice of you. I had the first【36】night's sleep last night in two months.【37】in those pills?"

The doctor said," It's an old formula(方子) I【38】for years, Just【39】taking them for a week. "Turning to his nurse, he said, "It's【40】what a little soda(苏打片)can do."






Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

It's never too early or too late for a parent to become a teacher. In this age of teacher accountability, endless school testing, increased pressure and competition, and the proliferation of "educational" toys, too many people forget that success begins at home.

Freeman A. Hrabowski Ⅲ, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and co-author of Beating the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Males and Overcoming the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Young Women, says that in the interviews he and his co-authors conducted, the overwhelming factor in their children's academic achievement was that parents inspired and envisioned their children's success. They thought and talked about what would be required to have a .successful child.

"It just makes such a difference when there's someone in that house working to relate to that child and inspire that child," Hrabowski says. "These parents (of the high achievers discussed) are really inspirational in their commitment to their children."

Professor Barbara T. Bowman, one of the faculty founders of Chicago's Erikson Institute, an independent institution of higher education that prepares child development professionals for leader- ship, says that Black children must learn in two different cultures-the African-American culture in which they live and the mainstream culture on which school and education are based.

Bowman also says the relationship between children and their parents is critical. "It is the early responsive ness of the caregiver to the infant's behavior. that creates a sense of well-being and optimism that affects the child's interest in learning," says Bowman, who served as president of the institute from 1994 to last year. "Children who like and want to please the adult learn better what the adult wants them to learn."

In this day of highly competitive testing and the stress of getting high SAT or ACT scores, it's important also to avoid pressuring or overexposing your child. Your son or daughter is probably already facing stress at school and on the playground. Your role is to help him or her relieve and manage that stress. Help them to understand that life does not end or begin with a test. And while academic success is important, it's also important to keep everything in perspective. Failure is a relative term in the grand scheme of things. If your child did poorly on a test, but answered a particularly tough question correctly, stress the positive. On the other hand, if schoolwork comes too easily to your child, find other ways to challenge him or her so they understand that life won't always be that way.

According to the author, the parents of high achievers are usually ______.

A.successful themselves



D.working hard

Section A(30 points, 2 points each)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.T

Section A (30 points, 2 points each)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.There are 3 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

A historic change is taking place in higher education. Professors are being held responsible as never before for how well they serve students. It has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade professors as for professors to grade students.

In fact, student ratings have become the most widely used and, in many cases, the only source of information on teaching effectiveness. In comparing three studies of the same 600 four-year colleges, it was found that the number of colleges using student ratings to evaluate teachers had climbed from 29 per cent to 68 per cent. No other method of evaluation approached that degree of usage, and other studies have found similar results.

One reason that student evaluations of teachers have become so popular is that they are easy to administer and to score. But they also are easy to abuse. If they are to shed meaningful light on teacher's performance, the rating must be used in a way that reflects at least some of what we've learnt about them from research and from experience.

Research and experience have shown us, for example, that student ratings should never be the only basis for evaluating teaching effectiveness. There is much more to teaching than what is evaluated on student rating forms. When ratings are used, we know that students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used in a course are up to date or how well the teacher knows the subject matter of the course. These judgments require professional background and are best left to the professor' s colleagues. On the other hand, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, and to report on such things as a professor's ability to communicate at the student's level, professional behavior. in the classroom, relationship with students, and ability to arouse interest in the subject.

The central idea of the passage is that ______.

A.student ratings are the only source of information on teaching effectiveness

B.ratings have become the most widely used source of information on teaching effectiveness

C.besides student ratings, there are other methods to evaluate teachers

D.student ratings are very popular and should be properly used


Could I borrow your bike? ().

A.I'm not sure

B.I'm sorry, it's not at hand now

C.It's very kind of you

D.Thank you very much

You ask how to start a business? Here is an example.David Dawson, a serious mountain climb

You ask how to start a business? Here is an example.

David Dawson, a serious mountain climber, was dissatisfied with soft iron pitons(锥锤), the only ones he was able to buy. They lasted just one or two climbs, and Dawson wanted to replace them with "chrome-molys" (铬铝合金) , which were harder, stronger and longer-lasting. Some climbers made them for limited distribution among friends, but they were not commercially available. So Dawson started Dawson Equipment Ltd., a purveyor (承办商) of climbing equipment, as a one-man enterprise in Burbank, California, in 1958. He had no plan, no management experience and no advertising. He worked in a shed using a hand forge purchased with $ 800 of capital borrowed from his mother.

What Dawson did have was a knowledge of the kind of equipment that he needed in his own climbs, and a sense that serious climbers would follow his lead. Currently Dawson Equipment is thriving and produces over 200 products.

Business opportunities are mere than ample today for the simple reason that many consumers are dissatisfied. Dawson's business started from his being a customer not liking what he bought. I suspect that your business will begin that way too. You know what you want to replace, improve or change. So begin where the tool breaks, the service slips or the shoe pinches.

Dawson was dissatisfied with soft iron pitons because ______. ()

A.they were too soft to bear the climber's weight

B.they were the only pitons he could afford to buy

C.they coul not last long

D.they were made of iron

Passerby 1:______. Is there a petrol station? Passerby 2: Turn left at the end of th

Passerby 1:______. Is there a petrol station?

Passerby 2: Turn left at the end of this road. It's on your right hand side.

It was a very happy family. They were fairly well-off. The father, Leopold, was a master o
f music in Austria. His mother was warm-hearted. There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old. Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practiced. How patient their father was, and how cleverly he showed Marianne how to play some particularly difficult pieces! She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when looking over Marianne's shoulder. At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father's knees and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered. What a joke that was! Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said, "Look at your hands. You must wait, little man!"

There was no end to the fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece. When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes. Suddenly Leopold got up. "Listen!" said he in a surprised voice. "Listen! Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!"

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other. He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness. "I love it" whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart's life of music.

Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practiced the piano because______.

A.he loved music

B.he liked his sister

C.he didn't want to make a noise

D.he didn't feel well

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