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It is how you behave in difficulties ______ shows what you are really tike.A.asB.whichC.wh

It is how you behave in difficulties ______ shows what you are really tike.





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更多“It is how you behave in diffic…”相关的问题
People all have problems. If we don't deal with these problems, we can easily become
unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems? There are many ways and here is one of them

Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn't like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendship may be lost.

When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us to learn.

25、What is the writer?()

A.A shopkeeper

B.A doctor

C.A student

D.A dentist

26、What is the main idea of the passage?()

A.How to deal with problems

B.How to do at school

C.How to behave with families

D.How to talk to each other

27、What will happen if people stay angry for long according to the text?()

A.They feel unfair

B.They may get sick

C.Good friendship may be lost

D.They may miss each other

28、From the passage, we know an important lesson for us is()

A.playing together

B.learning to forget

C.staying angry

D.feeling unfair

It's curious how children always behave much worse when they are ______ holiday.A.onB.inC.

It's curious how children always behave much worse when they are ______ holiday.





— How will she behave in case of our failure? —She' 11 put the blame on us if it_____badly

A.turns up

B.turns down

C.turns off

D.turns out

This means that that it is a good idea to try to learn the customs of the place you
are visiting, and then behave in a similar fashion.(英译汉)

If you behave so foolishly you must bear the().





We are all naturally attracted to people with idea, beliefs and interests like our own. Si
milarly, we feel comfortable with people with physical qualities similar to ours.

You may have noticed how people who live or work closely together come to behave in a similar way. Unconsciously we copy those we are close to or love or admire. So a sportsman’s individual way of walking with raised shoulder is imitated by an admiring fan; a pair of lovers both shake their heads in the same way; an employee finds himself duplicating his boss's habit of wagging (摇摆) a pen between his fingers while thinking.

In every case, the influential person may not consciously notice the imitation, but he will feel comfortable in its presence. And if he does notice the matching of his gestures or movements, he finds it pleasing he is influencing people: they are drawn to him.

Sensitive people have been mirroring their friends and acquaintances all their lives, and winning affection and respect m this way without being aware of their methods. Now, for people who want to win agreement or trust, affection or sympathy. Some psychologists recommend the deliberate use of physical mirroring.

The clever saleswoman echoes her lady customer's movements, tilting her head in the same way to judge a color match, or folding her arms a few seconds after the customer, as though consciously attracted by her. The customer feels that the saleswoman is in sympathy with her, and understands her needs a promising relationship for a sale to take place.

The Clever lawyer, trying in la law-court to influence a judge, imitates the great man shrugging of his shoulders, the tone of his voice and the rhythm of his speech.

Of course, physical mirroring must be subtle. If you blind (眨眼) every time your target blinks, or bite your bottom lip every time he does, your mirroring has become mockery (嘲笑) and you can expect trouble. So, if you can't model sympathetically, don't play the game.

According to the passage, "physical mirroring" (line 4, paragraph 4) means ______.

A.the attraction to people with ideas, belief and interests like our own

B.the comfortable feeling about people with physical qualities similar to ours

C.the fact that people living or working closely together behave in a similar way

D.the imitation of the gestures or movements of those we are close to, or love, or admire

During recent years we have heard much about "race": how this race does certain things and
that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the 【21】______ phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications.

We judge race usually 【22】______ the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But 【23】______ you were to remove the skin you could not 【24】______ anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is 【25】______ in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to 【26】______ a difference.

There are four types of blood. 【27】______ types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the 【28】______ . No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will 【29】______ in size, but this occurs within every race. 【30】______ does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain 【31】______ examined belonged to a person of weak 【32】______ .On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had 【33】______ brains.

Mental tests which are reasonably 【34】______ show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race. 【35】______ equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location. Individuals of every race 【36】______ civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of a group of people, 【37】______ enable them to behave in a 【38】______ way.

The behavior. and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new 【39】______ is better and higher than anything 【40】______ the past.






Which of the following statements are examples of the nonverbal behavior. of the job i

A.In what style. you choose to speak (e.g. begin with a story or a question) in the conversation.

B.In what way you behave (e.g. behave appropriately or not) in the conversation.

C.In what manner you speak (e.g. speak fast, short or aloud) in the conversation.

D.What body language you use (e.g. speak with or without eye contact) in the conversation.

Part B [A]Analyzingyourowntaste [B]Beingcautiouswhenexperimenting [C]Findingamodelt

Part B [A] Analyzing your own taste

[B] Being cautious when experimenting

[C] Finding a model to follow

[D] Getting the final look absolutely right

[E] Learning to be realistic

[F] Making regular conscious choices

When we meet people for the first time, we often make decisions about them based entirely on how they look.

And, of course it’s something that works both ways, for we too are being judged on our appearance.

When we look good, we feel good, which in turn leads to a more confident and self-assured manner. People then pick up on this confidence and respond positively towards us,

Undoubtedly, it's what's inside that's important, but sometimes

we can send out the wrong signals simply by wearing inappropriate clothing or not spending enough time thinking about how others see us.


For example, people often make the mistake of trying to look like someone else they’ve seen in a magazine, but this is usually a disaster as we all have our own characteristics.

Stand in front of a fulllength mirror and be honest with yourself about what you see.

There is no need to dwell on your faults—we all have good points and bad points—but think instead about the best way to emphasize the good ones.


When selecting your clothes each day, think about who you’re likely to meet, where you’re going to be spending most of your time and what tasks you are likely to perform. Clearly,

some outfits will be more appropriate to different sorts of activity

and this will dictate your choice to an extent. However, there’s no need to abandon your individual taste completely. After all,

if you dress to please somebody else’s idea of what looks good, you may end up feeling uncomfortable and not quite yourself.


But to know your own mind, you have to get to know yourself.

What do you truly feel good in? There are probably a few favourite items that you wear a lot—most people wear 20 per cent of their wardrobe 80 per cent of the time.

Look at these clothes and ask yourself what they have in common.

Are they neat and tidy, loose and flowing? Then look at the things hanging in your wardrobe that you don’t wear and ask yourself why.

Go through a few magazines and catalogues and mark the things that catch your eye. Is there a common theme?


Some colors bring your natural colouring to life and others can give us a washed-out appearance. Try out new colours by all means,

but remember that dressing in bright colours when you really like subtle neutral tones,

or vice versa, will make you feel selfconscious and uncomfortable.

You know deep down where your own taste boundaries lie. And although it’s good to challenge those sometimes with new combinations or shades,

take care not to go too far all at once.


So, you’ve chosen an outfit that matches your style,

your personality, your shape and your colouring. But does it fit? If something is too tight or too loose,

you won’t achieve the desired effect, and no matter what other qualities it has, it won’t improve your appearance or your confidence. Sometimes,

we buy things without thinking. Some people who dislike shopping grab the first thing they see,

or prefer to use mail-order or the Internet. In all cases, if it doesn’t fit perfectly, don’t buy it, because the finer details are just as important as the overall style.

Reappraising your image isn’t selfish because everyone who comes into contact with you will benefit. You’ll look better and you’ll feel a better person all round. And if in doubt, you only need to read Professor Albert Mehrabian’s book Silent Messages to remind yourself how important outward appearances are.

His research showed that the impact we make on each other depend 55 per cent on how we look and behave,

38 per cent on how we speak and only 7 per cent on what we actually say.

So, whatever stage you are at in your life, whatever role you play, isn’t it time you made the most of yourself?


IQ is not the determining factor for success, said Janell Kilgore, a staff counselor
in the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program. IQ contributes about 20 percent to the factors that determine life success, which leaves 80 percent to other forces, including EQ, she noted. Goleman writes that ―the vast majority of one’s ultimate status in society is determined by non-IQ factors, ranging from social class to luck. Emotional intelligence is one of those factors that can be improved or enhanced.

According to Kilgore, understanding and practicing five key concepts can improve your emotional intelligence.

Knowing one’s own emotions

Recognize and name emotions you feel; understand why you feel that way; and distinguish between feelings and actions. ―As a parent, you can begin now with your children, teaching them about their emotions. But first you have to know your own. You have to be able to tell yourself what you’re feeling, Kilgore said.

Recognizing emotions in others

The ability to take another person’s perspective, Kilgore said, is a skill that effective managers and supervisors possess. Emotionally intelligent individuals also are sensitive to other people’s feelings and listen well. Kilgore led workshop participants through an exercise designed to illustrate these ideas. She showed two emotionally charged clips from the movies Parenthood and E.T.,asking individuals to write down emotions they saw exhibited by the characters ‘ body language.

Participants also wrote down their own feelings during each scene. The group’s list demonstrated the many emotions seen through the films’ characters, as well as the different ways people felt about the same scenes.

Managing emotions

Accept your feelings, but find a balance between over sensitivity or over expression and emotional suppression. Kilgore said her teenage daughters, when angry, have sometimes stomped up the stairs in their home. While some people may find this behavior. unacceptable, Kilgore said she finds it healthy for them to express their emotions rather than suppressing them.

Handling relationships

Being perceptive, applying conflict management skills instead of ignoring conflict, and being considerate and cooperative are important in handling relationships with others. Kilgore also stresses that communication skills are essential to healthy relationships.

(1) According to researchers, which of the following is true?

A、IQ determines life success.

B、EQ determines life success.

C、IQ contributes a small part to life success.

D、EQ contributes a small part to life success.

(2) The word ―sensitive in paragraph 4 line 2 means().

A、showing understanding and awareness of something

B、easily worried and offended by something

C、likely to cause disagreement or make people angry or upset

D、good because it is based on reasons

(3) Why did Kilgore ask individuals to write down emotions they saw in the movie characters and their own feelings?

A、Because she researched human emotions.

B、Because she was interested in movies.

C、Because she wanted to find out the differences between the characters ‘ and the audience'semotions.

D、Because she wanted to teach individuals the importance of recognizing others'emotions.

(4) The example of Kilgore's daughters indicates ().

A、Stomping up the stairs is good behavior

B、Stomping up the stairs is good for her daughters' health

C、Suppressing emotions is good for her daughters' health

D、Letting out emotions is good for her daughters' health

(5) The main idea of the passage is ().

A、what EQ is

B、EQ is more important than IQ

C、how to improve your EQ

D、how to behave properly

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