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Scientists can go on the stem cell research because ______.A.scientists spurn the governme

Scientists can go on the stem cell research because ______.

A.scientists spurn the government and Mr. Bush's veto.

B.other countriesare enthusiastically experimenting on embryonic stem cells.

C.Mr. Bush's veto does not stop stem cell research completely.

D.all the scientists in America are furious with Mr. Bush.

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On a clear night you can see many stars in the sky. These stars are millions of miles away
. Are there living things on any of the stars? People have always thought about this question. They could not find the answer before now. Today scientists know more about space than ever before. Some machines can help them look for the answer.

How will scientists do this? People can' t go to the stars. The stars are far away. A person would take hundreds of years to the next star in a spaceship. So scientists are sending out radio signals. These signals travel in space at the speed of light. At that speed, radio signals will take 25 years to reach the next star. The signals ask "Is there anyone out here?". Living things in space must have machines to hear the signals. We will not get an answer to our signals for more than 50 years. However, scientists are already listening. Someone from space may be trying to send signals to us, too.

Scientists also have sent large telescopes into space. A telescope can make things look larger. The telescopes are going around the earth. They are looking for life on other worlds. In the next few years we may get an answer to the question, "Is there life in space.

People always thought about the question, ______.

A.How can scientists use machines to look for a star?

B.How far away are the stars?

C.How many years a person would take to go to the next star in a spaceship?

D.Is there life in space?

Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other worlds in space. Years ago they
knew a lot about the moon. They knew how big it is and how far away it is from the earth. But they wanted to know more about it. They thought and thought. At last they found the only way to know more was to send men to the moon.

The moon is about 384 000 kilometers away from the earth. A plane can not fly to the moon because the air reaches only 240 kilometers high above the earth. Then there is no air. But something can fly even when there is no air. That is' a rocket (火箭).

Rockets can fly out into space. Rockets with men in them have already reached the moon. Some rockets without men in them have flown to other parts, much farther away from the earth than the moon in the universe. One day, rockets may be able to go to any place.

Scientists knew ______ about the moon a long time ago.


B.many things



Human cloning (克隆) technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe

Human cloning (克隆) technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged, and other problems may be solved if human cloning and its technology are not forbidden.

With cloning, infertile couples could have children. Current treatments for infertility, in terms of percentages (百分比) , are not very successful. Couples go through physically and emotionally painful procedures for a small chance of having children. Many couples run out of time and money without successfully having children. Human cloning could make it possible for many more infertile couples to have children than ever before. We should be able to clone the bone marrow (骨髓) for children and adults suffering from leukemia (白血病). It is expected to be one of the first benefits to come from cloning technology.

We may learn how to switch cells on and off through cloning and thus be able to cure cancer. Cloning technology can be used to test for and perhaps cure gene-related diseases. The above are just a few examples of what human cloning technology can do for mankind.

This new technology promises unprecedented advancement in medicine if people will release their fears and let the benefits begin.

Heart attacks can be treated with human cloning technology by______.

A.removing the damaged part of the heart

B.replacing the old heart with a cloned one

C.repairing the heart with cells cloned from healthy ones

D.giving the patients injections of various medicines

If there is one thing scientists have to hear, it is that the game is over. Raised on the
belief of an endless voyage of discovery, they recoil from the suggestion that most of the best things have already been located. If they have, today's scientists can hope to contribute no more than a few grace notes to the symphony of science.

A book to be published in Britain this week, The End of Science, argues persuasively that this is the case. Its author, John Horgan, is a senior writer for Scientific American magazine, who has interviewed many of today's leading scientists and science philosophers. The shock of realizing that science might be over came to him, he says, when he was talking to Oxford mathematician and physicist Sir Roger Penrose.

The End of Science provoked a wave of denunciation in the United States last year. "The reaction has been one of complete shock and disbelief, "Mr. Horgan says.

The real question is whether any remaining unsolved problems, of which there are plenty, lend themselves to universal solutions. If they do not, then the focus of scientific discovery is already narrowing. Since the triumphs of the 1960s—the genetic code, plate tectonics, and the microwave background radiation that went a long way towards proving the Big Bang—genuine scientific revolutions have been scarce. More scientists are now alive, spending more money on research, that ever. Yet most of the great discoveries of the 19th and 20th centuries were made before the appearance of state sponsorship, when the scientific enterprise was a fraction of its present size.

Were the scientists who made these discoveries brighter than today's? That seems unlikely. A far more reasonable explanation is that fundamental science has already entered a period of diminished returns. "Look, don't get me wrong," says Mr Horgan. "There are lots of important things still to study, and applied science and engineering can go on for ever. I hope we get a cure for cancer, and for mental disease, though there are few real signs of progress."

The sentence "most of the best things have already been located" could mean______.

A.most of the best things have already been changed

B.most of the best things remain to be changed

C.there have never been so many best things waiting to be discovered

D.most secrets of the world have already been discovered

Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have foun
d out that stress helps to bring it on. It is worthwhile to consider, therefore, what are the causes of stress in our life, and whether we can do anything about them.

Are we under-employed, or overburdened with too many responsibilities? Do we have a right balance of work and leisure in our lives? Are our relationships with family, friends or fellow workers all they should be?

All these things can be a cause of stress, and it is best to face them honestly, and to bring our frustrations into the open. People who have a good row and then forget it are doing their health more good than those who bottle up their feelings.

(85) If our self-examination has brought any causes of stress to light, let us consider what we can do about them. It is possible to change jobs. We can make more leisure and fill it more happily, if we will accept a different living standard. We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude. It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy. Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour's anger. The teaching in the Bible "Let not the sun go down upon your wrath" is good advice from the health point of view as well as the religious.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress.

B.Stress is the direct cause of cancer.

C.The causes of stress are worthy of serious study.

D.Cancer is the number one killer in our society today.

Like the body, the memory improves with use. Unlike the body, the memory can improve with

For many years, doctors have been studying the way the brain works. We all know that the brain has two sides, the left and the right. The right side controls the senses (seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling), and is the creative and imaginative side. The left side of the brain controls our logical thinking. It processes the information which comes in, and puts it into order, We call the left side the "educated" side of the brain and generally, in western societies, people have developed this side of the brain more than the fight side.

Scientists believe that our brain will work much more efficiently if both the right side and the left side are developed equally. In many schools today, teachers try to educate the children in such a way that both sides of the brain are used. This can be done with logical subjects including mathematics and science as well as with creative subjects such as art and literature. The result achieved by students who are educated in this way is usually better than the result of students who are educated in a more traditional way. Traditional teaching tends to exercise the left side of the brain without paying very much attention to the development of the right side.

great thinkers such as Bertand Russell the Philosopher, and Albert Einstein, the scientist, only in their work, but also in creative and imaginative activities. It was because of their many different interests in life that they were able to achieve the full development of both sides of their brain.

As long as Einstein and Russell lived, their brains functioned efficiently. It was their bodies, finally, which could not go on any longer.

The body improves ______.

A.with age

B.with use

C.with memory

D.with development

Futurists love computers. After all, 40 years ago electronic digital computers didn't exis
t; today microchips (微型集成电路片) as tiny as a baby's fingernail are making all sorts of tasks faster and easier. Surely the future hold still more miracles.

Some of the computer experiments now going inspire imagination of the future. For example, scientists are working in devices that can electronically perform. some sight and hearing functions, which could make easier for the blind and deaf. They are also working on artificial arms and legs that respond to the electric impulses (脉冲) produced by the human brain. Scientists hope that someday a person who has lost an arm could still have near-normal brain control over an artificial arm.

Video games, computerized effects in movies, and real-life training machines now being used by the U. S. Army are causing some people to predict new educational uses for computers. Computers could someday be used to imitate travel to other planets, to explore the ocean floor or to look inside an atom.

Experiment with electronic banking and shopping inspire predictions that these activities will soon be done from home computer terminals (终端) . Cars, too, might be equipped with computers to help drivers find their way around or to communicate with home and office computers.

Many people, including handicapped (残废的) workers with limited ability to move around, already are working at home using computer terminals. Each terminal is connected to a system at a company's main office. Some futurists say the day may come when few people will have to leave home to go to work—they'll just turn on a terminal.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A.Futurists and Computers

B.A Look at Future Uses of Computers

C.Computer Experiments

D.Scientists and Computers

根据以下资料,回答16~19题。 Like the body, the memory improves with use.Unlike the body, t
he memory can improve with age. For many years, doctors have been studying the way the brain works.We all know that the brain has two sides, the left and the right.The right side controls the senses (seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling), and is the creative and imaginative side.The left side of the brain controls our logical thinking.It processes the information which comes in, and puts it into order.We call the left side the "educated" side of the brain and generally, in western societies, people have developed this side of the brain more than the right side. Scientists believe that our brain will work much more efficiently if both the right side and the left side are developed equally.In many schools today, teachers try to educate the children in such a way that both sides of the brain are used.This can be done with logical subjects including mathematics and science as well as with creative subjects such as art and literature.The result achieved by students who are educated in this way is usually better than the result of students who are educated in a more traditional way.Traditional teaching tends to exercise the left side of the brain without paying very much attention to the development of the right side. Great thinkers such as Bertand Russell, the philosopher, and Albert Einstein, the scientist, only in their work, but also in creative and imaginative activities.It was because of their many different interests in life that they were able to achieve the full development of both sides of their brain. As long as Einstein and Russell lived, their brains functioned efficiently.It was their bodies, finally, which could not go on any longer. The left side of the brain controls A.the senses B.the right side C.logical thinking D.the action

Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bough
t something just because the salesman talked you into it? Are you afraid to ask someone for a date?

Many people are afraid to assert themselves (坚持已见). Dr. Robert Alberti, author of Stand Up, Speak Out, and Talk Back, thinks it's because of their lack of confidence. "Our structure of organization tends to make people distrust themselves," says Alberti. "There's always a 'superior' around—a parent, a teacher, a boss—who knows better'. These 'superiors' often gain when they keep breaking at your self-image."

But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves. They offer "assertiveness training" courses—AT for short. In the AT course people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive without hurting people.

In one way, learning to speak out is to overcome fear. A group taking an AT course will help the shy person to lose his fear. But AT uses an even stronger motive—the need to share. The shy person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels.

Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-image. If someone you face is more "important" than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your own good sense. You go by the other person's label. But, why should you? AT says you can get to feel good about yourself. And once you do, you can learn to speak out.

People are reluctant to talk back because ______.

A.they have a poor self-image

B.they have not received AT courses

C.they have not grasped communication skills

D.they are not generous enough to share things

Text 2 To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke,“all that is needed for the trium
ph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing.”One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ruling out their use in research. Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care. Leaders of the animal rights movement target biomedical research because it depends on public funding, and few people understand the process of health care research. Hearing allegations of cruelty to animals in research settings, many are perplexed that anyone would deliberately harm an animal. For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that opposed immunizations, she wanted to know if vaccines come from animal research. When assured that they do, she replied,“Then I would have to say yes.”Asked what will happen when epidemics return, she said,“Don’t worry, scientists will find some way of using computers.”Such well-meaning people just don's understand. Scientists must communicate their message to the public in a compassionate, understandable way-in human terms, not in the language of molecular biology. We need to make clear the connection between animal research and a grandmother's hip replacement, a father's bypass operation a baby's vaccinations, and even a pet's shots. To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.Much can be done. Scientists could“adopt”middle school classes and present their own research. They should be quick to respond to letters to the editor, lest animal rights misinformation go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth. Research institutions could be opened to tours, to show that laboratory animals receive humane care. Finally, because the ultimate stakeholders are patients, the health research community should actively recruit to its cause not only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper, who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment. If good people do nothing there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenry will extinguish the precious embers of medical progress.

第46题:The author begins his article with Edmund Burke\'s words to

A. call on scientists to take some actions.

B. criticize the misguided cause of animal rights.

C. warn of the doom of biomedical research.

D. show the triumph of the animal rights movement.

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