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multimedia multinational multipurpose multiparty multidimensional multicolored multimillion

multimedia multinational multipurpose multiparty

multidimensional multicolored multimillion multicultural

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Multiple media are organically organized together so as to integrate voice,text,graph and image,to r
epresent a complete multimedia information.





“Multimedia” means that() .

A.it can show a graph.

B.it can do all above at the same time.

C.it can play music

D.it can rotate a three-dimensional model.

Multimedia 多媒体 More Usage Likely To Immediately Make Every Day Into Another[1] On Multimedia Ap



More Usage Likely To Immediately Make Every Day Into Another[1]On Multimedia Applications


Multimedia—the combination of text, animated graphics, video, and sound—presents information in a way that is more interesting and easier to grasp than text alone. It has been used for education at all levels, ibb training, and games by the entertainment industry. It is becoming more readily available as the price of personal computers and their accessories declines. Multimedia as a human-computer interface was made possible some half-dozen years ago by the rise of affordable digital technology[2]. Previously, multimedia effects were produced by computer-controlled analogy devices[3], like videocassette recorders, projectors, and tape recorders. Digital technology's exponential decline in price and increase in capacity has enabled it to overtake analogy technology. The Internet is the breeding ground for multimedia ideas and the delivery vehicle of multimedia objects to a huge audience[4]. This paper reviews the uses of multimedia, the technologies that support it, and the larger architectural and design issues.


Nowadays, multimedia generally indicates a rich sensory interface[5]between humans and computers or computer-like devices—an interface that in most cases gives the user control over the pace and sequence of the information. We all know multimedia when we see and hear it, yet its precise boundaries elude us. For example, movies on demand, in which a viewer can select from a large library of videos and then play, stop, or reposition the tape or change the speed,[6]are generally considered multimedia. However, watching the movie on a TV set attached to a VCR[7]with the same abilities to manipulate the play is not considered multimedia. Unfortunately, we have yet to find a definition that satisfies all experts.

Recent multimedia conferences, such as the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems[8], ACM Multimedia[9], and Multimedia Computing and Networking[10], provide a good start for identifying the components of multimedia. The range of multimedia activity is demonstrated in papers on multimedia authoring (i. e. specification of multimedia sequences), user interfaces, navigation (user choices), effectiveness of multimedia in education, distance learning, video conferencing, interactive television, video on demand, virtual reality[11], digital libraries, indexing and retrieval, and support of collaborative work. The wide range of technologies is evident on papers on disk scheduling[12], capacity planning, resource management, optimization, networking, switched Ethernet LANs[13], ATM[14]networking, quality of service in networks, MPEG[15]encoding, compression, caching, buffering, storage hierarchies, video servers, video file systems, machine classification of video scenes, and Internet audio and video.

Multimedia systems need a delivery system to get the multimedia objects to the user. Magnetic and optical disks[16]were the first media for distribution. The Internet, as well as the Transmission Control Protocol/lnternet Protocol (TCP/IP)[l7]protocol suite or Net BIOS[18]on isolated or campus LANs[19], became the next vehicles for distribution. The rich text and graphics capabilities of the World Wide Web browsers are being augmented with animations, video, and sound. Internet distribution will be augmented by distribution via satellite, wireless, and cable systems.

General Uses and Applications

Multimedia applications are primarily existing applications that can be made less expensive or more effective using multimedia technology. In addition, new, speculative applications, like movies on demand, can be created with the technology. We present here a few of these applications.

1. Home applications

① Video on demand

Video on demand (VOD), also called movies on demand, is a service that provides movies on an individual basis to television sets in people's homes. The movies are stored in a central server and transmitted through a communication network. A set-top box (STB)[20]connected to the communication network converts the digital information to analog and inputs it to the TV set. The viewer uses a remote control device[21]to select a movie and manipulate play through start, stop, rewind, and visual fast forward buttons. The capabilities are very similar to renting a video at a store and playing it on a VCR. The service can provide indices[22]to the movies by title, genre, actors, and director. VOD differs from pay per view[23]by providing any of the service's movies at any time. Instead of requiring that, all purchasers of a movie watch its broadcast at the same time. Enhanced pay per view, also a broadcast system, shows the same movie at a number of staggered starting times.

② Home shopping and information systems

Services to the home that provide video on demand will also provide other, more interactive, home services. Many kinds of goods and services can be sold in this way. The services will help the user navigate through the available material to plan vacations, renew driver's licenses, purchase goods, etc.

③ Networked games

The same infrastructure that supports home shopping could be used to temporarily download video games with graphic-intensive functionality to the STB, and the games could then be played for a given period. Groups of people could play a game together, competing as individuals or working together in teams. Action games would require a very fast, or low-latency, network.

2. Video conferencing

Currently, most video conferencing is done between two specially set-up rooms. In each room, one or more cameras are used, and the images are displayed on one or more monitors. Text, images, and motion video are compressed and sent through telephone lines. Recently, the technology has been expanded to allow more than two sites to participate. Videoconferences can also be connected through LANs or the Internet. In time, videoconferences will be possible from the home.

3. Education

A wide range of individual educational software employing multimedia is available on CD-ROM. One of the chief advantages of such multimedia applications is that the sequence of material presented is dependent upon the student's responses and requests. Multimedia is also used in the classroom to enhance the educational experience and augment the teacher,s work. Multimedia for education has begun to employ servers and networks to provide for larger quantities of information and the ability to change it frequently.

① Distance learning

Distance learning is a variation on education in which not all of the students are in the same place during a class. Education takes place through a combination of stored multimedia presentations, live teaching[24], and participation by the students. Distance learning involves aspects of both teaching with multimedia and video conferencing.

② Just-in-time training

Another variation on education, called just-in-time training, is much more effective because it is done right when it is needed. In an industry context, this means that workers can receive training on PCs at their own workplaces at the time of need or of their choice. This generally implies storing the material on a server and playing it through a wide-area network or LAN.

4. Digital libraries

Digital libraries are a logical extension of conventional libraries, which house books, pictures, tapes, etc. Material in digital form can be less expensive to store, easier to distribute, and quicker to find. Thus, digital technology can save money and provide better capabilities. The Vatican[25]Library has an extraordinary collection of 150,000 manuscripts, including early copies of works by Aristotle[26], Dante[27], Euclid[28], Homer[29], and Virgil[30]. However, only about 2000 scholars a year are able to physically visit the library in Rome. Thus, the IBM Vatican Library Project, which makes digitized copies of some of the collection available to scholars around the world, is a very valuable service, especially if the copies distributed are of high quality.

5. Virtual reality

Virtual reality provides a very realistic effect through sight and sound, while allowing the user to interact with the virtual world. Because of the ability of the user to interact with the process, realistic visual effects must be created "on the fly"[31].

6. Telemedicine

Multimedia and telemedicine can improve the delivery of health care in a number of ways. Digital information can be centrally stored, yet simultaneously available at many locations. Physicians can consult with one another using videoconference capabilities, where all can see the data and images, thus bringing together experts from a number of places in order to provide better care. Multimedia can also provide targeted education and support for the patient and family.


[1] 此处将各个单词的第一个字母组合后,即可拼出multimedia,意为多媒体。

[2] digital technology数字技术。

[3] ...computer-controlled analogy devices...计算机控制的模拟装置。

[4] The Internet is the breeding ground for multimedia ideas and the delivery vehicle of multimedia objects to a huge audience.因特网是多媒体技术这一思维的繁殖地,同时,网络又是把多媒体对象传送给诸多观众的工具。

[5] a rich sensory interface感官丰富的界面。

[6] 此分句为插入语,本句主语是movies on demand。

[7] VCR videocassette recorder录像机。

[8] International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems多媒体处理及系统国际会议。

[9] ACM Multimedia美国计算机学会多媒体(大会)。其中,ACM是Association for Computing Machinery的缩写,指美国计算机学会。

[10] Multimedia Computing and Networking多媒体处理与网络。

[11] virtual reality虚拟现实。

[12] disk scheduling磁盘列表。

[13] Ethernet LANs以太局域网,其中LANs见本课注解[19]。

[14] ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode异步传输模式。

[15] MPEG Moving Picture Expert Group运动图像专家组。

[16] optical disk光盘。

[17] TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol传输控制协议/网间协议。

[18] BIOS Basic Input Output System基本输入输出系统。

[19] LANS Local Area Networks局域网。

[20] set-top box(STB)置顶盒,机顶盒。

[21] remote control device遥控装置。

[22] indices index的复数形式。

[23] pay per view每看一次收一次费。

[24] live teaching现场教学。此处live为形容词;live也可作为副词,表示“实况地”。例如:

A performance was telecast live.(演出电视实况转播)。

[25] Vatican梵蒂冈,罗马教廷。

[26] Aristotle亚里斯多德(公元前384—前322年,古希腊哲学家)。

[27] Dante但丁(意大利诗人,1265—1321)。

[28] Euclid欧几里得(古希腊数学家)。

[29] Homer荷马(古希腊诗人)。

[30] Virgil维吉尔(古罗马诗人)。

[31] on the fly在飞行中,有动感的。








C.通过IMS承载综合业务【IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem)】


Tessera Multimedia was founded in 1997 and specializes in design and {A. development;

B. develop; C. developed} of web, multimedia and mobile applications.

With headquarters in Thessaloniki, Tessera has developed business activities covering the whole Greece and has developed a significant partner network and a large customer base {A. by; B. on; C. with} investing in long-term relationships of trust and reliability.

Our company has designed and successfully implemented a significant number of complex software {A. projection; B. project; C. projects} in a wide range of sectors.Tessera has gained exceptional experience in designing web sites and portals, educational games, e-commerce applications and mobile apps.

Tessera seeks to be always {A. keep in touch; B. up to date; C. contact} with current trends and advancements in software technology, constantly investing in new technologies and human resources.

The development department consists of {A. new; B. qualified; C. temporary} staff ensuring high quality, integrated services.At the same time, our personnel is trained systematically in deploying new technologies, aiming that our productions are always on the cutting edge of technology.

Health care is an extraordinarily obsolete system. A professor of emergency medicine at ma
jor university sent me a really heartbreaking (1)_____ lie said that physicians have to start from the (2)_____ beginning with every patient. There is no history, no time to (3)_____—they know nothing about the (4)_____.

We have inferior medical service (5)_____ the computer technology that could change it is not being used. The difficulties of just (6)_____ patient records—apart from analyzing them (7)_____—are unnecessary and hinder us from providing (8)_____ service.

We have the opportunity to do some wholesale rethinking of (9)_____ we provide health care and turn it into not only medical service, but preventive maintenance that (10)_____ the patient in decision-making. We can begin through pilot and demonstration projects in hospitals, by doctors, and (11)_____ by private doctor participation. Physicians can show patients the (12)_____ of their actions and what the alternatives are. Technologies (13)_____ multimedia and interactive computers can (14)_____ patients, in the privacy of their own homes, to ask questions about these (15)_____. Other countries are moving much more (16)_____ than the United States in medical information. The computerization and redesign of Sweden's health delivery system has reduced that nation's (17)_____ on the health care from 12 % of GNP to a little over 7%. More than one-third of the population of the Nether-lands has their medical records computerized. (18)_____ some hospitals in the United States keep computerized patient (19)_____, these records only cover the time the patient is in the hospital and do not include their (20)_____ medical history.





Distance learning has moved far away from the traditional correspondence course, aimed at
the individual student working alone. The global reach of the Internet makes it possible to unite geographically scattered students in a virtual classroom. Methods such as multimedia, video-conferencing and the Internet will increasingly allow students both to proceed at their own pace, and to interact with one another and their teachers.

Even without taking the technology to its limits, the idea of education as a lifelong process is catching on throughout the industrialized world. Already, working adults who pursue their studies part-time make up roughly half of students taking college courses in the United States.

However, there is debate in scholar circles about how far new technology should be used for teaching academic subjects in which personal contacts between teacher and student are still vital. Britain's Open University, for example, a world leader in distance education, has embraced information technology cautiously, believing it to be no substitute for books and the exchange of ideas at live tutorials and summer schools.

But the Open University is also moving with the tide. It has set up a "knowledge media institute" to explore ways of adopting information technology. Some teachers are concerned about this trend, arguing that the heavy investment that students are expected to make in computer and communications equipment contradicts the concept of "open" cost, of course, is and important factor in many developing countries, where few people have computers or even phones. Rather than uniting the world, the new technologies could lead to societies of information haves and have-nots.

Distance learning is different from the traditional correspondence course in that______.

A.it requires the individual student to work alone

B.it enables all the students to work at the same pace

C.it allows students to discuss with one another and their teachers

D.it enables geographically scattered students to study in the same physical classroom

Ever since they were first staged in 19th century Europe, world's fairs have enabled peopl
e from around the globe to visit wondrous pavilions where they can discover distant lands and new technologies. The 2006 world's fair is no exception, but it also has a decidedly new- era twist: the whole event happens in cyberspace.

A nonprofit project dreamed up by Americans Carl Malamud, a computer consultant, and Vinton Cerf, and Internet pioneer and telecommunications-company vice president, the Internet 2006 World Exposition is a digital work in progress, a multi-chambered forum that cybernauts can help build and renovate throughout the year—and perhaps long after the fair's official close in December.

While high-tech pavilions set up by sponsoring corporations are featured prominently, as in real fairs, this virtual exposition is closer in spirit and reality to a vast bustling bazaar, a marketplace for the talents and offerings of thousands of individuals and small groups. Anyone with a computer and a modem can not only "attend" but also participate as an exhibitor by creating an individual multimedia Website.

Getting the fair up and running was by no means easy. Malamud, 36, spent the past year shuttling among 30 countries, lobbying companies that initially dismissed the project as unwieldy and unworkable. While some nations immediately supported the idea, others completely missed the point of Malamud's vision: to make the fair a public-works project that focuses on what the Internet can offer expert or novice. Once grass-roots groups started backing the project, though, businesses were not far behind. By donating equipment and services, these companies will gain access to millions of potential consumers eager to see the firms' latest technologies.

Since the exposition's Jan. 1 launch, as many as 40,000 visitors each day from more than 40 countries have tried the major Websites. Most virtual visitors log on from the U.S and Japan, but the United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Singapore and Estonia have been represented. Comments logged in the fair's guest book are overwhelmingly positive. "Wow, the world is shrinking", wrote a visitor from the Netherlands. Since their initial hesitancy, the major sponsors-primarily telecommunications and software companies—have become firm believers. Beyond the diversity of content and international scope, the fair is a technological marvel.

The fastest international link ever installed, this pipeline could be the first step toward laying a permanent network that will eventually hardwire every nation in the world into the Internet. The organizers hope that the infrastructure—and awareness-nurtured by this exposition will launch a boom in Net use.

The organizers thinks that the effect on Net use of the good world's fair is ______.

A.hardly positive.


C.quite instantaneous.


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