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Letter A support, assure, ensure, sure, convey, respect Dear Mr.Vice President, I have the disti

Letter A

support, assure, ensure, sure, convey, respect

Dear Mr.Vice President,

I have the distinct pleasure to(1)to you, on the occasion of your birthday, my most sincere wishes of good health, happiness and joy beside your family and friends, as well as of full success in fulfilling the complex responsibilities of your mission.

I greatly(2)and admire your work and leadership in(3)of the efforts President George W.Bush and the whole US Administration are undertaking to defend homeland security, fight terrorism and threat of weapons of mass destruction, especially those in hands of repressive regimes.I would like to(4)you of the readiness of the Romanian Government to support the United States in its actions to make(5)Iraq disarms and complies with all UN requirements.

Please accept, Mr.Vice President, my warmest congratulations on your birthday and the assurance of my sincere friendship and support.

Sincerely yours,

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更多“Letter A support, assure, ensu…”相关的问题
Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C
and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

There are a couple of big reasons why Microsoft is able to do so much overseas with so little. Firstly, 21 software products are so easy to manufacture, Gates doesn't have to worry 22 building and operating factories. 23 , Microsoft contracts (承包) out to others to duplicate and package much of its software. Secondly, and just as important, PCs are 24 cheap and easy to set up, unlike minicomputers, that businesses and governments 25 even the poorest and most backward nations can afford 26 . Of course,there are big problems too. Microsoft must adapt (调整) its products to support 27 of different languages and writing schemes, but that's another task it 28 increasingly farming out to local contractors. Also, software, like computers, faces stiff tariffs (关税) in many developing 29 . Until recently, for example, India demanded 112%

duties (关税) on imported high-tech 30 .


A. because

B. however

C. besides

D. therefore

On September 30th students at the University of Massachusetts threw a toga (a ceremonial g

On September 30th students at the University of Massachusetts threw a toga (a ceremonial gown) party. The cops showed up, uninvited. They charged the host, James Connolly, with underage drinking, making too much noise, and having a keg without a licence. For punishment, he had to put on his toga again and stand in front of the police station for an hour.

Dan Markel of Florida State University reckons that such "shaming punishments" are on the rise. In 2003 a couple of teenagers who defaced a nativity scene in Ohio had to parade through town with a donkey.

"The punishment must fit the crime," explained the judge, Michael Cicconetti. Several cities have aired the names of men caught soliciting prostitutes on "John TV". In 2004, a federal appeals court agreed that a mail thief could be made to stand outside a California post office wearing a sandwich board. "I stole mail," it read. "This is my punishment." In Virginia, if you fail to pay child support, you may find your car wheel-clamped: pink if you are neglecting a girl, blue for a boy.

Many support shaming punishments. Amitai Etzioni of George Washington University has argued that they are a good way to express communal values. Fines, in contrast, imply that you can buy a clear conscience. And shame seems to be a powerful deterrent. Mr. Cicconetti says he sees few repeat offenders. Cheerful Hobbesian types want everyone to know who the bad guys are, so that decent citizens can avoid them.

Others are doubtful. According to Mr. Markel, shaming punishments undermine human dignity. He suggests alternative punishments that omit the public-humiliation factor. A landlord who flouts the health code, for example, could be made to stay in one of his own slums. And it is true that there is something unpleasant about the desire to see other people humiliated. Remember the matron who objects to Hester Prynne's scarlet letter: "Why, look you, she may cover it with a brooch, or suchlike heathenish adornment, and so walk the streets as brave as ever!"

But voters appear to be comfortable on the high horse. Ted Poe, a former district judge from Texas, made his reputation by issuing a string of embarrassing sentences. He called this "Poetic justice." Once, he sentenced a man who stole pistols from the Lone Ranger to shovel manure in the Houston police stables. In 2004 Mr. Poe was elected to the House of Representatives at his first attempt.

Which of the following example shows that the penalty is suitable for the crime?

A.A man involved in sexual services has to parade through city with a donkey.

B.A letter thief is forced to stand outside a post office to admit his wrongdoing.

C.A person not paying child support is aired on TV.

D.A student drinking alcohol must stand in front of schoolgate for an hour.

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C
and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, (21) many tourists can (22) public places that are also enjoyed (23) the inhabitants(居住者) of a coun- try: If tourists (24) too much traffic, the inhabitants become annoyed and (25) . They begin to dislike tourists and to (26) them impolitely. They (27) how much tourism can help the country's economy. It is important to (28) about the people of a tourist attraction and how tourism affects it. Tourism should help a country (29) the customs and beauty that attract tourists.

Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism (30) too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This (31) that other parts of the country's economy can suffer.

On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can (32) jobs. Business can also lose money. It (33) a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminal, first class roads, and other support facilities(设施) (34) by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism (35) can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money.


A. so

B. how

C. too

D. rather

Service as an ideal has spread out into many branches of American life. More and more the
institution of a community are expected to anticipate (预见) the needs of the citizen, and to make possible a healthier, happier, richer life. Meanwhile service as a commercial activity has leaped ahead. Since 1870 the experienced labor force engaged in production of services has risen from 25% to 35%. Whether you want a daily diaper (尿布) service for the new infant, a carwash (many of them mechanized so as to be completed in ten or fifteen minutes ) or a clipping for your dog, you are sure to find it. The yellow pages in the back of every telephone booklist hundreds of such offerings.

While the supermarkets have been moving in the direction of self-service in exchange for lower prices, smaller enterprises have sprung up to supply home service to those who want it, especially to the many people who now live in rural or suburban areas. Our country district is visited regularly by a grocer, a greengrocer, several bakers, a dispenser of frozen foods and there ice cream men, not to mention the occasional salesman of brushes, insurance, magazines or cars, and that absolutely indispensable country institution, the rural letter carrier.

The accent on service suggests an attempt to blend (混合) the two conflicting foes in the national character-the hard-headed (固执的) drive for business success and the soft religiously inspired urge to serve others. As the recipients of such services we in turn find ourselves wanting to support them all, for if they are taking the trouble to serve us it seems only fair that they should be helped to succeed.

Which of following best describes the main idea of the passage? ______.

A.Americans are the best served in the world

B.The production of services in America has risen from 25% to 35%

C.Supermarkets have moved in the right direction of self-service

D.Service as an ideal of American people has entered into many fields of lives of Americans

Passage ThreeStudents who want to attend an American college or university must explain ho

Passage Three

Students who want to attend an American college or university must explain how they will pay for their education. They have to show that they will be able to pay for each year of study.Students have to consider not only the tuition, the cost of classes, but also meals and a place to live, known as room-and-board. They also need money for books , supplies ,social activities and other things.

Educational advisers say foreign students should keep enough money in a local bank to pay for at least two months of spending. So how much will it cost every year to study at an American school? Generally speaking, the answer is: a lot. The University of Washington says foreign students are paying more than thirty-six thousand dollars this year. Its website says the University of Washington does not offer financial assistance to international students.This is generally true of American schools, especially at the undergraduate level. It means foreign students are faced with a heavy financial burden.

The international application for the university includes a Statement of Financial Responsibility that must be signed. Students must also provide a bank letter or statement from within the past six months. And they have to name anyone who will help with payments. These people must send proof from a bank to show that they have the money.

The government or employer may be able to help you pay all or some college costs. A good idea is to ask at least eighteen months before you want to start classes in the United States.Enough time should be ensured to go through procedures.

Which statement is true according to the first paragraph?

A.Foreign students in America can hardly support themselves.

B.They should show that they are able to pay the first year of their study.

C.Room-and-board refers to the expense on meals and accommodation.

D.Students intending to attend an American college or university should explain who will pay for their education.

According to educational advisers, how many months of expense should be ensured by foreign students?A.At least two months.

B.At least six months.

C.At least twelve months.

D.At least eighteen months.

What is Not included in the international application for the university?A.A signed Statement of Financial Responsibility.

B.A name list of anyone who will offer help for payments.

C.A bank statement issued in the past six months.

D.Proofs from banks showing that the students have got the money.

American universities _________ to international students at the undergraduate levelA.sometimes offer partial financial assistance.

B.occasionally offer financial assistance.

C.generally do not offer financial assistance.

D.always offer financial assistance.


A Letter of Thanks
Standby Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit, L/C

Letter of Credit, L/C






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