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To ensure security of electronic commerce,an electronic certification center should be established.D

igital ID is trusted to validate identity.Digital ID is trusted to a third party,namely,an authorized agency,to release,including identifying information of the holder(name,address,liaison way,ID card number),an inscriptive key for common use by the both parties,period of validity,password and identification information of the authorized agency,etc.Wjth digital ID,both parties in transactions can be assured of identifying the other party and validate that the information sent out from the other party has not been subject to alteration.
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Letter A support, assure, ensure, sure, convey, respect Dear Mr.Vice President, I have the disti

Letter A

support, assure, ensure, sure, convey, respect

Dear Mr.Vice President,

I have the distinct pleasure to(1)to you, on the occasion of your birthday, my most sincere wishes of good health, happiness and joy beside your family and friends, as well as of full success in fulfilling the complex responsibilities of your mission.

I greatly(2)and admire your work and leadership in(3)of the efforts President George W.Bush and the whole US Administration are undertaking to defend homeland security, fight terrorism and threat of weapons of mass destruction, especially those in hands of repressive regimes.I would like to(4)you of the readiness of the Romanian Government to support the United States in its actions to make(5)Iraq disarms and complies with all UN requirements.

Please accept, Mr.Vice President, my warmest congratulations on your birthday and the assurance of my sincere friendship and support.

Sincerely yours,

It can be inferred from the last paragraph that______.A.new methods to prevent terrorism o

It can be inferred from the last paragraph that______.

A.new methods to prevent terrorism on aero-planes are not a panacea

B.new equipment will be mass-produced commercially over the next 12 months

C.new methods are readily monitored by security staffs at the airport

D.new equipment can only detect minute traces of explosive

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Data security used to be all about spending big bucks on firewalls to defend data at the network perimeter and on antivirus software to protect individual computers. Internet-based computing, or cloud computing, has changed all that, at the same time expanding exponentially the chances for data thieves and hackers.

The cloud creates other opportunities too. a handful of security vendors now deliver security as a service--a one-two punch of hardware and software that monitors and manages an enterprise's data security and bills customers only for the computing power they use. "For years, security was about big companies pushing technology to their customers," says Qualys CEO and founder Philippe Courtot. "Now it's about the customers pulling precisely what they need and providing them with those resources on demand. "

Qualys, a privately held company in Redwood Shores, Calif. , was among the first to embrace the service-oriented model, in 1999. Today four different modules of QualysGuard, its flagship offering, are used by more than 3500 organizations in 85 countries. The company performs more than 200 million security audits per year.

Courtot knows something about opportunity. The French entrepreneur arrived in Silicon Valley in 1987 and has built a number of companies into big-time players, including Signio, an electronic-payment start-up that was eventually sold to VeriSign in a combined deal for more than $1 billion. As CEO, he rebuilt Verity and transformed cc:Mail, a once unknown firm of 12 people, into a dominant e-mail platform. before Lotus acquired it in 1991. "Throughout my career, I've been able to recognize that for a technology to succeed, it must have a purpose," he says. "Technology itself has no value. It's what you do with it that counts. "

Under the old paradigm, according to Courtot, enterprises overspent for stand-alone security devices that became unruly and difficult to operate over the long term He says Qualys attacks the flaws in this strategy by streamlining security and tackling most of the service delivery through the cloud. "We control the infrastructure, software updates, quality assurance and just about everything in between," he says. The firm unveiled QualysGuard in 2000. After an infusion of $ 25 million from the venture firm Trident Capital and another $ 25 million from Gourtot, Qualys tweaked the service to focus mostly on vulnerability management.

Much of the company's current revenue-sales, topped $ 50 million last year--is being driving by a set of standards established by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCISSC). "The PCI standard has been a major driver of business for all of them, especially Qualys," says Avivah Litan, a vice president and analyst at market-research firm Gartner. "When everyone has to comply, there's a lot of work to go around. "

The traditional way to ensure data security is by ______.

A.applying for cloud computing

B.installing firewalls and antivirus programs

C.decreasing the chances for hackers

D.using a handful of hardwares and softwares

on, to, from, at, against, ensure, receipt, insure, refund, for, meet, meet withDear Sirs, Re: Our O

on, to, from, at, against, ensure, receipt, insure, refund, for, meet, meet with

Dear Sirs,

Re: Our Order No.1001 for 2 000 Washing Machines

We wish to refer you(1)our order No.1001 for 2000 Washing Machines Little Swan Brand, automatic Washing Machines,(2)which you will see that this order is placed(3)CFR basis.

As we now desire to have the shipment insured(4)your end.We shall be pleased if you will arrange to(5)the goods on our behalf(6)All Risks at invoice value 1000000 plus 10% i.e.RMB 1100000.

We shall of course to(7)you the premium upon(8)of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight(9)the amount required.

We sincerely hope that our request will(10)your approval.

Yours faithfully,

In one very long sentence, the introduction to the U. N. Charter expresses the ideals and
the common aims of all the people whose governments joined together to form. the U. N.

"We the people of the U. N. determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations, large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and for these ends, to practise tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims."

The name "United Nations" is accredited to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the first group of representatives of member states met and signed a declaration of common intent on New Year's Day in 1942. Representatives of five powers worked together to draw up proposals, completed at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. These proposals, modified after deliberation at the conference on International Organization in San Francisco which began in April 1945, were finally agreed on and signed as the U. N. charter by 50 countries on 26 June 1945. Poland, not represented at the conference, signed the Charter later and was added to the list of original members. It was not until that autumn, however, after the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the U. S. S. R. U., the U. K. and the U.S. and by a majority of the other participants that the U. N. officially came into existence. The date was 24 October, now universally celebrated as United Nations Day.

The essential functions of the U. N. are to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate internationally in solving international economic, social, cultural and human problems, promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and to be a centre for co-ordinating the actions of nations on attaining these common ends.

No country takes precedence over another in the U.N. Each member's rights and obligations are the same. All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of international dispute, and members have pledged to refrain from the threat or use of force against other states.

Under its Charter, the first stated aim of the U.N. was ______.

A.to promote social progress

B.to prevent a third world war

C.to revise international laws

D.to maintain international peace

"The essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism", remarked Franklin Roosevelt in 1933,"

"The essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism", remarked Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, "must be the same as those which constitute a good neighbour, namely mutual understanding and… a sympathetic appreciation of the other's point of view." That is advice which the United States would do well to heed in its relations with its immediate neighbours, Canada and Mexico. Most Americans may not be aware of it, but frustrations and resentments are building just across their borders to both south and north.

Of course, neighbourly ties in North America are closer than in Roosevelt's day. Under the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), trade among the three countries has more than doubled since 1994 and cross-border investment climbed even faster. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, the United States moved quickly to sign "smart border" agreements with both Canada and Mexico, to try to ensure that the demands of security did not interrupt trade. By the standards of much of the 20th century, political ties between the United States and Mexico are warm.

Yet go to either border and you wouldn't know all this. Fed up with the flow of illegal migrants from the south, the governors of Arizona and New Mexico this month declared a state of emergency. Violence between drug gangs recently led the United States temporarily to close its consulate in Nuevo Laredo, the busiest border-crossing point. The American ambassador bluntly criticises Mexico for its failure to prevent drug-related violence along the border. That has prompted retaliatory verbal blasts from Mexican officials.

Canada's mood is not much more cordial. Since September 11th, Canadians and Americans alike have become less keen on popping over what they liked to call " the world's longest undefended border" for shopping or recreation. Canadians increasingly disagree with Americans over matters as varied as the Iraq war and gay marriage. They are disillusioned with NAFTA, claiming it has failed to prevent the United States from unlawfully punishing their exports of, for example, lumber.

So what? Friction is in the nature of international relations, and the problems on the northern border are different from those in the south. Yet there is a common denominator. Americans tend to see security, migration, drugs, even trade, as domestic political issues. But so they are for Canada and Mexico too. Like it or not, Americans rely on their neighbours for prosperity, energy and help with security. It behoves all three countries to show some "sympathetic understanding".

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that______.

A.the essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism were defined by Franklin Roosevelt

B.mutual understanding is one of the most far-reaching elements in North America

C.few Americans may be aware of others'point of view

D.America's friendship with Canada and Mexico risks going sour

阅读理解:First two hours , now three hours-this is how far in advance authorities are recommending

First two hours , now three hours-this is how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to catch a domestic flight , at least at some major U.S. airports with increasingly massive security lines.

Americans are willing to tolerate time-consuming security procedures in return for increased safety. The crash of Egypt Air Flight 804,which terrorists may have downed over the Mediterranean Sea ,provides another tragic reminder of why. But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process. And it should: Wasted time is a drag on Americans' economic and private lives, not to mention infuriating.

Last year, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) found in a secret check that undercover investigators were able to sneak weapons---both fake and real-past airport security nearly every time they tried .Enhanced security measures since then, combined with a rise in airline travel due to the improving Chicago's O'Hare International .It is not yet clear how much more effective airline security has become-but the lines are obvious.

Part of the issue is that the government did not anticipate the steep increase in airline travel , so the TSA is now rushing to get new screeners on the line. Part of the issue is that airports have only so much room for screening lanes. Another factor may be that more people are trying to overpack their carry-on bags to avoid checked-baggage fees, though the airlines strongly dispute this.

There is one step the TSA could take that would not require remodeling airports or rushing to hire: Enroll more people in the PreCheck program. PreCheck is supposed to be a win-win for travelers and the TSA. Passengers who pass a background check are eligible to use expedited screening lanes. This allows the TSA wants to enroll 25 million people in PreCheck.

It has not gotten anywhere close to that, and one big reason is sticker shock. Passengers must pay $85 every five years to process their background checks. Since the beginning, this price tag has been PreCheck's fatal flaw. Upcoming reforms might bring the price to a more reasonable level. But Congress should look into doing so directly, by helping to finance PreCheck enrollment or to cut costs in other ways.

The TSA cannot continue diverting resources into underused PreCheck lanes while most of the traveling public suffers in unnecessary lines. It is long past time to make the program work.

1.the crash of Egypt Air Flight 804 is mentioned to

A.stress the urgency to strengthen security worldwide.

B.highlight the necessity of upgrading major US airports.

C.explain Americans' tolerance of current security checks.

D.emphasis the importance of privacy protection.

2.which of the following contributions to long waits at major airport?

A.New restrictions on carry-on bags.

B.The declining efficiency of the TSA.

C.An increase in the number of travelers.

D.Frequent unexpected secret checks.

3.The word "expedited" (Line 4, Para.5) is closest in meaning to





4.One problem with the PreCheck program is

A.A dramatic reduction of its scale.

B.Its wrongly-directed implementation.

C.The government's reluctance to back it.

D.An unreasonable price for enrollment.

5.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Less Screening for More Safety

B.PreCheck-a Belated Solution

C.Getting Stuck in Security Lines

D.Underused PreCheck Lanes

&8226;Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from an article about broadeni
ng corporate responsibility.

&8226;Which article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1—8 refer to?

&8226;For each statement 1—8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Executives are coming to understand that they can't meet their corporate responsibility simply by maximizing shareholder value. Last year Price water house Coopers surveyed 1161 chief executive officers of companies from 33 countries. Some 68 percent of those polled said that global corporate responsibility was vital to profitability. Meanwhile citizens around the world have become more vocal in demanding that global busines,5 beheld accountable for conduct that could undermine social, environmental or economic progress.


Although markets have encouraged more firms to act in a responsible manner in the global economy, market forces have not been sufficient to ensure responsible behavior. all of the time. Moreover, the responsible firms that work harder to ensure that workers or the environment are treated well as they make goods and services could have higher costs, which may allow other competitors to gain market share, The right mix of public policies can ensure that responsible firms are not penalized.


Washington D. C is drowning in paper. Congress has voted on proposals to promote corporate responsibility. Meanwhile, the President, executives and activists are all scurrying about in search of additional proposals to make executives more accountable for their companies' financial reports. Given that capitalism today is global as well as local, the U. S must work with its allies to write international corporate governance norms. But we need to use this opportunity to think more broadly about how to reassure global economic confidence long term. All of the reform. efforts to date focus on a narrow definition of corporate responsibility. President Bush acknowledged in his July 9th speech, "There is no capitalism without conscience" That is why the ultimate reform would encourage corporations to also act responsibility towards their workers and the environment.


The codes, including ones promoted by the Department of State—the Voluntary Principles for Security and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines, are designed to help business protect human rights in nations with poor human rights records. Corporate social responsibility policies can also include EPA regulations that require corporations to report on their global environmental liabilities. After all, the costs of cleaning up can be a major drain on corporate profits. But these policies are not well coordinated or known as CSR policies. Were someone to compile an overview, we might gain a greater understanding of bow such policies can be made more effective. But there are some policies including tax policies that encourage firms to shift production or their headquarters to nations with weaker fiscal or regulatory systems. Other policies that may undermine global corporate responsibility include corporate welfare and agricultural protectionism.


The French government recently overhauled French corporate law and mandated the disclosure of companies’ social and environmental as well as profit performance. This is a good idea. The British require pension funds to report on the social, environmental, as well as profit performance of their investments. The Canadian government is also examining a wide range of public policies to promote CSR. Perhaps the most interesting development was that in 2001, with funding from the Atkinson Foundation; five private citizens organized a commission on democracy and accountability. Their final report issued 25 specific policy recommendations on promoting global and do

With the world’s population estimated to grow from six to nine billion by 2050, researcher
s, businesses and governments are already dealing with the impact this increase will have on everything from food and water to infrastructure an jobs. Underlying all this 【S1】________ will be the demand for energy, which is expected to double over the next 40 years.

Finding the resources to meet this demand in a 【S2】________, sustainable way is the cornerstone of our nation’s energy security, and will be one of the major 【S3】________ of the 21st century. Alternative forms of energy --- bio-fuels, wind and solar, to name a few --- are 【S4】________ being funded and developed, and will play a growing 【S5】________ in the world’s energy supply. But experts say that, even when 【S6】________, alternative energy sources will likely meet only about 30% of the world’s energy needs by 2050.

For example, even with 【S7】________ investments, such as the $93 million for wind energy development 【S8】________ in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, important alternative energy sources such as wind and bio-fuels 【S9】________ only about 1% of the market today. Energy and sustainability experts say the answer to our future energy needs will likely come from a lot of 【S10】________ --- both traditional and alternative.

A stable B solutions C significant D role E progress

F marvelous G included H growth I exactly J consist

K comprise L competitions M combined N challenges O certainly













A.动词 保证

B.名词 保证

C.名词 保险

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