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When an invention is made, the inventor has three possible【1】of action open to him: he can

give the invention to the world by publishing it, keep the idea【2】, or patent it.

A【3】patent is the result of a bargain【4】between an inventor and the state, hut the inventor gets a limited period of monopoly and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period【5】.

Only in the most exceptional circumstances【6】the lifespan of a patent【7】to alter this normal process of events.

The longest extension ever【8】was to Georges Valensi; his 1939 patent for color TV receiver circuit was extended until 1971 because for most of the patent's normal life there was no color TV to【9】and thus no hope for reward for the invention.

Because a patent remains permanently【10】after it has terminated, the shelves of the library attached to the【11】office contain details of literally millions of ideas that are free for anyone to use and, if【12】than half a century, sometimes even repatent. Indeed, patent experts often advise anyone【13】to avoid the high cost of conducting a search through【14】patents that the one sure way of violation of any other inventor's right is to plagiarize a dead patent. Likewise, because publication of an idea in any other form【15】invalidates further patents on that idea, it is traditionally【16】to take ideas from other areas of print. Much modern technological advance is【17】on these presumptions of legal security.

Anyone closely【8】in patents and inventions soon learns that most "new" ideas are, in fact, as old as the hills. It is theft reduction to commercial practice, either through necessity or dedication, or through the availability of new technology,【19】makes news and money. The basic patent for the theory for magnetic recording dates back to 1886. Many of the original ideas behind television originate【20】the late 19th and early 20th century. Even the Volkswagen rear engine ear was anticipated by a 1904 patent for a cart with the horse at the rear.






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更多“When an invention is made, the…”相关的问题
The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of pr
imitive weapons and the discovery of fire, although nobody knows exactly when people acquired the use of (1)_____.

The (2)_____ of language is also obscure. No doubt it began very gradually. Animals have a few cries that serve (3)_____ signals, (4)_____ even the highest apes have not been found able to pronounce words (5)_____ with the most intensive professional instruction. The superior brain of man is apparently (6)_____ for the mastering of speech. When man became sufficiently intelligent, we must suppose that he (7)_____ the number of cries for different purposes. It was a great clay (8)_____ he discovered that speed could be used for narrative. There are those who think that (9)_____ picture language preceded oral language. A man (10)_____ a picture on the wall of his cave to show (11)_____ direction he had gone, or (12)_____ prey he hoped to catch. Probably picture language and oral language developed side by side. I am inclined to think that language (13)_____ the most important single factor in the development of man.

Two important stages came not (14)_____ before the dawn of written history. The first was the domestication of animals; the second was agriculture. Agriculture was (15)_____ in human progress to which subsequently there was nothing comparable (16)_____ our own machine age. Agriculture made possible (17)_____ immense increase in the number of the human species in the regions where it could be successfully practised. (18)_____ were, at first, only those in which nature fertilized the soil (19)_____ each harvest. Agriculture met with violent resistance from the pastoral nomads, but the agricultural way of life prevailed in the end (20)_____ the physical comforts it provided.

A.the latter

B.the later

C.the second

D.the latest

The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of pr
imitive weapons and the discovery of fire, al though nobody knows exactly when acquired the use of (1)_____.

The (2)_____ of language is also obscure. No doubt it began very gradually. Animals have a few cries that serve (3)_____ signals, (4)_____ even the highest apes have not been found able to pronounce words (5)_____ with the most intensive professional instruction. The superior brain of man is apparently (6)_____ for the mastering of speech. When man became sufficiently intelligent, we must suppose that he (7)_____ the number of cries for different purposes. It was a great day (8)_____ he discovered that speed could be used for narrative. There are those who think that (9)_____ picture language preceded oral language. A man (10)_____ a picture on the wall of his cave to show (11)_____ direction he had gone, or (12)_____ prey he hoped to catch. Probably-picture language and oral language developed side by side. I am inclined to think that language (13)_____ the most important single factor in the development of man. Two important stages came not (14)_____ before the dawn of written history. The first was the domestication of animals; the second was agriculture. Agriculture was (15)_____ in human progress to which subsequently there was nothing comparable (16)_____ our own machine age. Agriculture made possible (17)_____ immense increase in the number of the human species in the regions where it could be successfully practiced. (18)_____ were, at first, only those in which nature fertilized the soil (19)_____ each harvest. Agriculture met with violent resistance from the pastoral nomads, but the agricultural way of life prevailed in the end (20)_____ the physical comforts it provided.

A.the latter

B.the later

C.the second

D.the latest

The computer is a wonderful machine. It is the most important invention since the type of
engine used in cars. Today it has the greatest effect on science, industry and business, but it is being used more in education and medicine. By the end of this century it will touch the lives of everyone, even people in distant villages. It is a revolutionary invention.

The oldest kind of computer is the abacus, used in China since the sixth century. In the seventeenth century an adding machine was invented, but the first large, modern computer was built in 1973. A few years later a computer could do 5,000 additions per second. Now the computations are so fast that they are measured in nanoseconds.

Today most computers are stored-program computers, that is, they have a memory. They are getting smaller and smaller, and computing faster and faster. Even in a large computer, the part that does the actual computing is about the size of the end of a finger.

Computers can do all kinds of work. When someone buys something in a department store, in formation about the sale goes into a computer. A scientist can talk to the computer about the rocks, and the computer answers the questions. A doctor can talk to the computer and explains what is wrong with a patient. If the doctor asks why, the computer goes through its stored information and ex plains exactly why.

When early humans began fanning, it was a revolutionary change in human life. It was hundreds of thousands of years later that people developed a writing system. In less than fifty years people have developed computers that can do most of the things humans can do. This could be a frightening development.

The oldest kind of computer, the abacus, has been used since ______.





Many people think a telephone is essential. But I think it is a pest and a time waster. Ve
ry often you find it impossible to escape from some idle or inquisitive chatter-box, or from somebody who wants something for nothing. If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you least want it to ring; when you are asleep, or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out , or when you are in your bath. Are you strong-minded enough to ignore it, to say to yourself, "Ah, well it will all be the same in a hundred year's time?" You are not. You think there may be some important news or message for you. I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the tab]e, or dazed from the bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number?

But you will say, you need not have your name printed in the telephone directory, and you can have a telephone which is only usable for outgoing calls. Besides, you will say, isn't it important to have a telephone in case of sudden emergency--illness, accident, or fire? Of course, you are right, but here in a thickly populated country like England one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity.

I think perhaps I had better try to justify myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. I admit that in different circumstances--if I were a tycoon(实业界巨头) , for instance, or bed-ridden I might find a telephone essential. But then if I were a taxi-driver I should find a car essential. Let me put it another way: there are two things for which the English seem to show particular aptitude: one is mechanical invention, the other is literature. My own business happens to be with the use of words but I see I must now stop using them. For have just been handed a slip of paper to say that somebody is waiting to speak to me on the telephone. I think I had better answer it. After all, one never knows, it may be something important.

What does the work "pest" in the second sentence of the first paragraph mean? ()

A.Harmful thing.

B.Insignificant thing.

C.Troublesome thing

D.Trivial thing

People, like most animals, are naturally lazy. So the ascent of mankind is something of a
mystery. Humans who make their livings hunting and gathering in the traditional way do not have to put much effort into it. Farmers who rely on rain to water their crops work significantly harder, and lead unhealthier lives. But the real back-breaking is that carried out by farmers who use irrigation. Yet it was the invention of irrigation, at first sight so harmful to its practitioners that actually produced a sufficient surplus to feed the priests, scholars, artists and so on whose activities are collectively thought of as "civilization".

In the past 10,000 years, the world's climate has become temporarily colder and drier on several occasions. The first of these, known as the Younger Dryas, after a tundra-loving plant that thrived during it, occurred at the same time as the beginning of agriculture in northern Mesopotamia. It is widely believed that this was not a coincidence. The drying and cooling of the Younger Dryas adversely affected the food supply of hunter-gatherers. That would have created an incentive for agriculture to spread once some bright spark invented it.

Why farmers then moved on to irrigation is, however, far from clear. But Harvey Weiss, of Yale University, thinks he knows. Dr. Weiss observes that the development of irrigation coincides with a second cool, dry period, some 8,200 years ago. His analysis of rainfall patterns in the area suggests that rainfall in agriculture's upper-Mesopotamian heartland would, at this time, have fallen below the level needed to sustain farming reliably. Farmers would thus have been forced out of the area in search of other opportunities.

Once again, an innovative spark was required. But it clearly occurred to some of these displaced farmers that the slow-moving waters of the lower Tigris and Euphrates, near sea level, could be diverted using canals and used to water crops. And the rest, as the cliché has it, is history.

So climate change helped to intensify agriculture, and thus start civilization. But an equally intriguing idea is that the spread of agriculture caused climate change. In this case, the presumed criminal is forest clearance. Most of the land cultivated by early farmers in the Middle East would have been forested. When the trees that grew there were cleared, the carbon they contained ended up in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Moreover, one form. of farming—the cultivation of rice in waterlogged fields—generates methane, in large quantities. William Ruddiman, of the University of Virginia, explained that, in combination, these two phenomena had warmed the atmosphere prior to the start of the industrial era. As environmentalists are wont to observe, mankind is part of nature. These studies show just how intimate the relationship is.

The invention of irrigation is meaningful because it could help to

A.alleviate farmers' workload.

B.increase agricultural production.

C.make planting much easier.

D.get rid of human laziness.






It was (him) who did all the work (on) the invention, but somebody (else) got (all the cre

It was (him) who did all the work (on) the invention, but somebody (else) got (all the credit).




D.all the credit

I'm here on ().





This invention will greatly help scientists in their farther study of the human body.()
The best title for the passage is ______.A.the Invention of the UmbrellaB.the History of u

The best title for the passage is ______.

A.the Invention of the Umbrella

B.the History of umbrellas

C.umbrella-A symbol of Honor

D.who Used Umbrellas First

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