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Low fat milk is in the______ .A.meat departmentB.fruit and vegetable departmentC.sweets de

Low fat milk is in the______ .

A.meat department

B.fruit and vegetable department

C.sweets department

D.dairy department

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更多“Low fat milk is in the______ .…”相关的问题
When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of goods. You walk between the shelve
s. You carry a shopping basket and put your food in it. You probably hear soft music as you walk. If you hear fast music, you walk quickly. The supermarket plays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to buy things. Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department. The cheaper meat is at the end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the meat on sale.

The dairy (乳制品) department sells milk and milk products such as butter and cheese. Many customers like milk that has only a little butterfat in it. One store has three different jars of low fat milk. One says" 1 percent (1% )" fat on the container. The second says" 99 percent (99%) fat free". The third says" Low Fat" in big letters and" 1%" in small letters. As you can see, all the milk has the same amount of fat. The milk is all the same. The amount of milk in each container is also the same. However in this store the three containers of milk don't cost the same. Maybe the customer will buy the milk that costs the most.

Most of the food in supermarkets is very pleasing. It all says "Buy me! " to the customers. The expensive meat says "Buy me!" as you walk by. The expensive milk jar says "Buy me! I have less fat. "

The manager of the supermarket knows______ .

A.which customers like low fat milk

B.which customers like slow music

C.where customers enter the meat department

D.where customers come from

There are three different jars of low fat milk, and______ .A.one has more fat than the oth

There are three different jars of low fat milk, and______ .

A.one has more fat than the other two

B.they all cost the same amount of money

C.one has less fat then the others

D.they all have the same amount of fat

When you walk by the expensive meat, maybe you will______ .A.buy someB.try to find fresh f

When you walk by the expensive meat, maybe you will______ .

A.buy some

B.try to find fresh fruit

C.look for low fat milk

D.just walk on

Gene therapy and gene based drugs are two ways we could benefit from our growing mastery o
f genetic science. But there will be others as well. Here is one of the remarkable therapies on the cutting edge of genetic research that could make their way into mainstream medicine in the coming years.

While it's true that just about every cell in the body has the instructions to make a complete human, most of those instructions are inactivated, and with good reason: the last thing you want for your brain cells is to start churning out stomach acid or your nose to mm into a kidney. The only time cells truly have the potential to turn into any and all body parts is very early in a pregnancy, when so called stem cells haven't begun to specialize.

Yet this untapped potential could be a terrific boon to medicine. Most diseases involve the death of healthy cells—brain cells in Alzheimer's, cardiac cells in heart disease, pancreatic cells in diabetes, to name a few; if doctors could isolate stem cells, then direct their growth, they might be able to furnish patients with healthy replacement tissue.

It was incredibly difficult, but last fall scientists at the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem cells and get them to grow into neural, gut, muscle and bone cells. The process still can't be controlled, and may have unforeseen limitations; but if efforts to understand and master stem cell development prove successful, doctors will have a therapeutic tool of incredible power.

The same applies to cloning, which is really just the other side of the coin; true cloning, as first shown with the sheep Dolly two years ago, involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within, resetting its developmental instructions to a pristine state. Once that happens, the rejuvenated cell can develop into a full fledged animal, genetically identical to its parent.

For agriculture, in which purely physical characteristics like milk production in a cow or low fat in a hog have real market value, biological carbon copies could become routine within a few years. This past year scientists have done for mice and cows what Ian Wilmut did for Dolly, and other creatures are bound to join the cloned menagerie in the coming year.

Human cloning, on the other hand, may be technically feasible but legally and emotionally more difficult. Still, one day it will happen. The ability to reset body cells to a pristine, undeveloped state could give doctors exactly the same advantages they would get from stem cells: the potential to make healthy body tissues of all sorts, and thus to cure disease. That could prove to be a true "miracle cure".

The writer holds that the potential to make healthy body tissues will ______.

A.aggravate moral issues of human cloning

B.bring great benefits to human beings

C.help scientists decode body instructions

D.involve employing surgical instruments

Because of the fast pace of American life, many families can not eat together around the f
amily table every evening. Many people have to be at work during the normal dinner hours.

For this reason, fast food restaurants have become very popular. These restaurants serve foods such as hamburgers, tacos, French fries. Fast-food restaurants are really fast. You don't have to wait a minute or two for your food. They are also convenient. You may dress casually, and in some places you can even order from your car and drive away with your food without going to the restaurant. Finally, fast-food restaurants are inexpensive.

Fast food has its shortcoming, too. Most fast-food meals are not very healthy. They are often high in fat and cholesterol(胆固醇), and low in other important nutrients(营养). It is advisable not to eat too much those fast food.

Most American people______, so fast-food restaurants have become popular.

A.hate to dine with their family

B.like fast food'very much

C.don't have enough time to eat dinner together with their family

D.live on fast food

Facts About Food:Everywhere on earth there are"food specialists"with opposite (or different) opinions on

Facts About Food

Everywhere on earth there are"food specialists"with opposite (or different) opinions on the best kinds of nutrition for various purposes. A lot of people believe that the healthiest diets are high in fiber ,vitamins ,and minerals but low in fat ,cholesterol ,sugar,and salt. Some nutritionists say the perfect eating plan contains mostly carbohydrates without much protein. In contrast , other scientists say people need high-protein meals with meat, chicken , fish , or milk products and only small amounts of grains , potatoes , breads , rice , and noodles. One famous diet plan allows only certain foods at certain times-protein with protein, carbohydrates with carbohydrates , fruits alone , and so on. Some eaters stay away from all meat and maybe even fish and milk products. They get their protein from plants , mostly beans. Others want only high-fiber food. These people may not eat white bread or white rice or even cooked vegetables. So what is the best way to eat and be healthy? The discussion of food facts will go on far into the future.

The necessary substances and elements for human life and health are water, protein, carbohydrates ,fats , vitamins, and minerals. Most kinds of food contain some or all of the required nutrients , but these substances have different effects on people. Various ingredients and dishes affect the mind in different ways. and some kinds of nourishment have better effects on the brain than others. For instance. can broccoli increase brain power? Maybe so. Low levels of some of the B vitamins can cause a decrease in memory and thinking ability , nutritionists say, but dark green vegetables , like broccoli , contain a lot of these nutrients. Another example of a"memory helper"is lecithin-a substance from soybeans , also found in high-fiber foods like nuts and whole grains. High-protein foods influence the mind in more helpful ways than dishes high in sugar and carbohydrates. And the caffeine in coffee or tea may help thinking. Of course , its effects don't last long.

In many places outside big cities , food with more than four legs is part of good, healthy home cooking. Fried or grilled ants are a tasty but expensive snack in Colombia , South America. In various parts of Mexico , over 300 types of insects serveas food. In southern Africa. many people like to eat at least one kind of caterpillar or worm. They enjoy it fried , dried , or cooked in tomato sauce. In Thailand , cooks create a spicy hot pepper sauce with water bugs. In Vietnam , grasshoppers filled with peanuts are a special dish. And in some regions of China,bugs are not only a part of meals but an important ingredient in medicine too. Most kinds of insects have high nutritional value. They contain a l0t of protein , vitamins , and minerals. Many people like their taste. They are everywhere on the planet. They add to the variety of people' s diets. For several reasons , insects are an important kind of food in the global diet , and they may become a more common ingredient in the future.

The growing similarities in diet and eating habits around the world are influencing people of various cultures in different ways. For example, Western foods are damaging health in the industrialized island country of Japan. Instead of small meals of seafood , rice , and vegetables ,the typical Japanese diet ow includes large amounts of meat ,dairy products. And desserts like tiramisu , a rich Italian dish full of chocolate , cheese , and sugar. According to Japanese health researchers , such changes in eating habits are related to a great increase in health problems such as heart disease , strokes , cancer , and diabetes. On the other hand , the changing global diet is having the opposite effect on the people in the Czech Republic. The government of this European nation no longer supports meat and dairy products financially , so the cost of these foods is going up. In contrast , fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming more widely available from private markets and stands. Cooks are even serving salads to schoolchildren ,and families are eating healthier home-cooked meals. For these reasons ,fewer Czech men are having heart attacks , the women are l0sing a l0t of weight , and most people are living healthier lives.

Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write"T"for True and"F"for False on the Answer Sheet.

6. The best way to eat is to eat only small amounts of carbohydrates.

7. Most kinds of food contain fats , vitamins and minerals.

8. High-fiber food like nuts and whole grains can influence people' s memory.

9. Four legs insects serve as food in many places in the world.

10. Japanese health researchers consider Italian tiramisu is the key factor that relates to health problems in Japan.

Which of the following eating habits is not considered healthy?A.Eating plenty of sugar.B.

Which of the following eating habits is not considered healthy?

A.Eating plenty of sugar.

B.Taking low fat milk.

C.Having one's meals regularly.

D.Eating plenty of fruit.

Over the last decade, demand for the most common cosmetic surgery procedures, like breast
enlargements and nose jobs, has increased by more than 400 percent. According to Dr. Dai Davies, of the Plastic Surgery Partnership in Hammersmith, the majority of cosmetic surgery patients are not chasing physical perfection. Rather, they are driven to fantastic lengths to improve their appearance by a desire to look normal. "What we all crave is to look normal, and normal is what is prescribed by the advertising media and other external pressures. They give us a perception of what is physically acceptable and we feel we must look like that".

In America, the debate is no longer about whether surgery is normal; rather, it centers on what age people should be before going under the knife. New York surgeon Dr. Gerard Imber recommends "maintenance" work for people in their thirties. "The idea of waiting until one needs a heroic transformation is silly", he says. "By then, you've wasted 20 great years of your life and allowed things to get out of hand". Dr. Imber draws the line at operating on people who are under 18, however, "It seems that someone we don't consider old enough to order a drink shouldn't be considering plastic surgery".

In the UK cosmetic surgery has long been seen as the exclusive domain of the very rich and famous. But the proportionate cost of treatment has fallen substantially, bringing all but the most advanced laser technology within the reach of most people, Dr. Davies, who claims to "cater for the average person", agrees. He says: "I treat a few of the rich and famous and an awful lot of secretaries. Of course, 3, 000 for an operation is a lot of money. But it is also an investment for life which costs about half the price of a good family holiday".

Dr. Davies suspects that the increasing sophistication of the fat injecting and removal techniques that allow patients to be treated with a local anaesthetic in an afternoon has also helped promote the popularity of cosmetic surgery. Yet, as one woman who recently paid £2,500 for liposuction to remove fat from her thighs admitted, the slope to becoming a cosmetic surgery Veteran is a deceptively gentle one. "I had my legs done because they'd been bugging me for years. But going into the clinic was so low key and effective it whetted my appetite. Now I don't think there's any operation that I would rule out having if I could afford it".

According to the text, the reason for cosmetic surgery is to

A.be physically healthy.

B.look more normal.

C.satisfy appetite.

D.be accepted by media.

If you don' t put the milk in the refrigerator, it may _______.A.go byB.go offC.go onD.go

If you don' t put the milk in the refrigerator, it may _______.

A.go by

B.go off

C.go on

D.go back

There's not much milk left but I think there's just ______ for our breakfast.A.enough of t

There's not much milk left but I think there's just ______ for our breakfast.

A.enough of them

B.little of them

C.enough of milk

D.enough of it

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