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TMC has one more layer of()than TMP.

A. PW label

B.forwarding label

C.IP header

D.MAC header

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更多“TMC has one more layer of()tha…”相关的问题
It is reasonable to claim one's own fruit of labor because ______.A.his labor accounts for

It is reasonable to claim one's own fruit of labor because ______.

A.his labor accounts for the product and its value

B.he has the priority to lay claim on the product

C.his labor is widely recognized and respected

D.he has the grounds for making claims first

Increasingly, over the past ten years, people—especially young people—have become aware of
the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed food, is not good for the health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods. Foods which do not contain chemical additives(添加剂) and which have not' been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today.

(79) Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic (有机的) matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount—but not the quality—of foods grown in commercial farming areas.

Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures(牧场). Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food, they also lay eggs which lack important' vitamins.

There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a non-essential food ! Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if it is necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be addictive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last two centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is to provide us with energy, in the form. of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and no fiber.

(80) It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantifies of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modem experts on "healthy eating".

People have become more interested in natural foods because ______.

A.they are more health conscious

B.they want to taste all kinds of foods

C.natural foods are more delicious than processed foods

D.they want to return to nature

One of the oldest seafaring ships in the world has been reconstructed after seven years' p
atient archaeological work. The ship, a 60-foot sailing vessel, sank off the coast of Cyprus in the days of Alexander the Great around the year 300 B.C. Its discovery and restoration have now thrown new light on the ancient trade routes and shipbuilding techniques.

What makes the Cyprus ship so informative is the remarkable state of preservation—mainly due to an unusual feature of its design. The hull was sheathed on the outside with lead that was fixed to the timber with bronze tacks which helped the wooden frame. survive 2000 years under the sea.

The first clue to the wreck's existence came in 1964 when a sponge diver from the present-day resort of Kyrenia came across a pole of amphorae(ancient storage jugs). Unfortunately his diving air supply ran out just at that moment, so that he had no time to mark the spot. It took him three years and hundreds of dives before he chanced upon them again.

He reported his find to an underwater archaeological team from the University of Pennsylvania which was surveying the Cypriot coasts for wrecks. After checking his description, the team decided to concentrate their resources on the Kyrenia ship, and over the next two years a team of no fewer that 50 archaeologists and divers took part in the excavation.

With the help of a metal detector, the team discovered that wreckage lay scattered over a 2000-square-foot area, often buried beneath sand and sea-weed. Each item was carefully photographed in its place, and a system of plastic grids stretched over the whole site so that it could be accurately mapped.

More than 400 amphorae lay buried in the sand. The ship had been carrying a cargo of wine and almonds. More than 9000 of these were found in or nearby the amphorae, their outer shells still perfectly preserved. As well as these, there were 29 stone grain mills, being carried both as cargo and as ballast. These were carefully stored in three rows parallel to the axis of the keel.

As well as the main cargo, there were other small finds. Four wooden spoons, four oil jugs, four salt dishes and four drinking cups suggested the number of crew on the ship s last voyage. There was an axe, and near the intricately carved mast lay a wooden pulley, used to raise and lower the yard. A bronze cauldron, used perhaps to prepare the crew's meals was also lying in the wreck.

Of five bronze coins found, none dated earlier than 306 B.C. Carbon-14 analysis of the almond cargo pinpointed their date at about 288 B.C., but that of the ship's planking suggested an earlier of 370 B.C. Thus the Kyrenia ship was more than 80 years old the day she sank-a long life for a wooden hull and proof of the good craftsmanship of her builder.

The discovery of the ship is important to students of early ships and their routes because ______.

A.the oldest surviving ship it is a valuable source of information

B.it is a useful means of extending their existing knowledge

C.its discovery has changed completely their existing ideas

D.this provides the only information about early Mediterranean trading ships that has come their way

More than one person here ____ with the disease.A)has been infected

More than one person here ____ with the disease.

A)has been infected

B)have been infected

C)has been infecting

D)have been infecting

More students than one ______ there. A. has been B. have been C. had been D. would hav

More students than one ______ there.

A. has been

B. have been

C. had been

D. would have been

The news about health tells us that ______.A.no heart disease will be found if people don'

The news about health tells us that ______.

A.no heart disease will be found if people don't drink coffee

B.no one should drink more than two cups of coffee a day

C.the more coffee people drink, the more chance they will get to have heart disease

D.women's heart disease has something to do with their drinking of coffee

Which of the following was NOT one of the discoveries of the Pew study?A.The Internet has

Which of the following was NOT one of the discoveries of the Pew study?

A.The Internet has put us in touch with more people than expected.

B.People use the Internet to get advice on careers, medical problems, and other questions.

C.For many Americans, the Internet plays an important role in helping them make important decisions.

D.Internet addiction is a growing problem among people who use computers.

Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official case for "academic mo
bility" is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world, and debated in the corridors of Europe; but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the most stimulating teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold.

Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, and their simultaneous impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues. One presumes that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited with a startling discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been reassuring to know that other people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines, and that one was not quite alone, confronted by inquisition, ridicule or neglect.

In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old footpaths of the wandering scholars have become even in the most distant places immediately feasible, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge.

Apart from the vehicle itself, it is fairly easy to identify the main factors which have brought about the recent explosion in academic movement. Some of these are purely quantitative and require no further mention: there are far more centers of learning, and a far greater number of scholars and students.

In addition one must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines, particularly in the sciences, which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous number of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined. These people would work in some isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.

Frequently these specializations lay in areas where very rapid developments are taking place, and also where the research needed for developments is extremely costly and takes a long time. It is precisely in these areas that the advantages of collaboration and sharing of expertise appear most evident. Associated with this is the growth of specialist periodicals, which enable scholars to become aware of what is happening in different centers of research and to meet each other in conferences and symposia(座谈会). From these meetings come the personal relationships which are at the bottom of almost all formalized schemes of cooperation, and provide them with their most satisfactory stimulus.

According to the passage, scholars and students are great travelers because ______.

A.salaries and conditions are better abroad

B.standards are higher at foreign universities

C.they are eager for new knowledge

D.their governments encourage them to travel

Some years ago the captain of a ship was very interested in medicine. He always took medic
ine books to sea and liked to talk about different diseases.

One day a lazy sailor on his ship pretended to be ill. He lay on his bunk(铺) and groaned as if he were very sick. The captain came to see him and was very pleased to have a patient to look after. He told the man to rest for a few days and made the other sailors do his work. Three days later another sailor pretended that he had something wrong with his chest. Once more the captain looked in his medical books and told the "sick" man to have a rest.

The other sailors were very angry because they had more work to do. The patients had the best food and laughed at their friends when the captain was not looking. At last the mate (船长副手) decided to cure the "sick" men. He mixed up some soap, soot(烟灰) , glue(胶水) and other unpleasant things. Then he obtained permission from the captain to give his medicine to the "sick" men. When they tasted the medicine, they really did feel ill. It was so horrible that one of the patients jumped out of his bunk, ran up on deck and climbed the highest place on the ship. He did not want any more medicine.

The mate told both of the men that they must take the medicine every half an hour, night and day. This soon cured them. They both said they felt better and wanted to start work again. The captain realized that the men tried to deceive him so he made them work very hard for the rest of the voyage.

The first sailor pretended to be ill because he wanted to______.

A.test the captain's knowledge of medicine

B.be free from work

C.have the best food on the ship

D.play a joke on his friends

根据以下资料,回答13~16题。 The winter in Iceland has been one of the worst ever.An anima
l that was born in Iceland and just returned there has enjoyed the weather.Keiko is a killer whale who is now living in a hidden bay. When Keiko was one or two years old, he was captured.This was in 1979.In 1982 he was moved to an amusement part in Ontario, Canada.Three years later another park took him to Mexico City.There, the 6.4-meter (21-foot) whale lived in a small pen with water that was too warm.In1993 the "Free Willy" movie made people aware of his state.In 1996 the Free Willy Keiko Foundation moved him to a pool in an aquarium in Newport, Oregon. The foundation has spent over $12 million to return Keiko to Iceland, his home.Late last year the 40,000-pound (18,100-kilogram) whale was flown on a C-17 transport plane to pen near the Wesman Islands. Critics thought Keiko would suffer in the cold water.Instead, he is enjoying the cold and becomes more active.He likes to jump out of the water to get sprayed by the salt spray.Since his return, he acts more like a wild whale.He dives more often, eats more live fish, and is more active. Keiko still isn't ready to go out alone into the open sea.Trainers hope to put him in a larger bay.They also hope to train him to follow a boat.They don't know what Keiko will do when he meets other sea animals.So far the only animals who have come near Keiko's cage left when they saw him. They would like to let Keiko free this summer.No one knows if he will be ready.If he isn't, the Keiko Foundation is ready to take care of him.It will cost about $1 million a year. Critics thought that Keiko would __. A.die from the cold water in Iceland B.be happy to return home C.want to be free D.be less active

Many animals have an excellent sense of smell, which they use in hunting. On the other han
d, their eyesight may be poor. Dogs, for example, have poor eyesight and no color vision. They see only shades of gray. But the dog's sense of smell is extraordinary,

The kind of dog known as Alsatian has 220 million olfactory (嗅觉) cells. Man has five million. Scientists believe that the Alsatian is one million times better than man in finding out odors.

The human sense of smell, however, is really quite good. The average human being can distinguish more than 10 000 different odors.

According to the passage which of the following facts is NOT true?

A.Many animals have poor eyesight while their sense of smell, is quite good.

B.Dogs are color blind.

C.The human sense of smell is not good.

D.Dogs can see no more than shades of gray.

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