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Reports from Sudan say unknown armed men ______ (kidnap)two foreign aid workers in the western regio

Reports from Sudan say unknown armed men ______ (kidnap)two foreign aid workers in the western region of Darfur.

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Party B shall have the obligation to forward once every three months to Party A detailed reports on
current market conditions and on customers' comments.For Party A's reference,Party B shall,from time to time,forward to Party A samples of similar commodity offered by other suppliers,together with their prices,sales position and advertising materials.
Every spring migrating salmon return to British Columbia's rivers to spawn. And every spri
ng new reports detail fresh disasters that befall them. This year is no different. The fisheries committee of Canada's House of Commons and a former chief justice of British Columbia, Bryan Williams, have just examined separately why 1.3 million sockeye salmon mysteriously "disappeared" from the famed Fraser river fishery in 2004. Their conclusions point to a politically explosive conflict between the survival of salmon and the rights of First Nations, as Canadians call Indians.

In 2004, only about 524,000 salmon are thought to have returned to the spawning grounds, barely more than a quarter the number who made it four years earlier. High water temperatures may have killed many. The House of Commons also lambasted the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for poor scientific data, and for failing to enforce catch levels. Four similar reports since 1992 have called for the department's reform. In vain: its senior officials are "in denial" about its failings, said the committee.

Mr. Williams' report added a more shocking twist. He concluded that illegal fishing on the Fraser river is "rampant and out of control", with "no go" zones where fisheries officers are told not to confront Indian poachers for fear of violence. The judge complained that the DFO withheld a report by one of its investigators which detailed extensive poaching and sale of salmon by members of the Cheam First Nation, some of whom were armed.

Some First Nations claim an unrestricted right to fish and sell their catch. Canada's constitution acknowledges the aboriginal right to fish for food and for social and ceremonial needs, but not a general commercial right. On the Fraser, however, the DFO has granted Indians a special commercial fishery. To some Indians, even that is not enough.

Both reports called for more funds for the DFO, to improve data collection and enforcement. They also recommended returning to a single legal regime for commercial fishing applying to all Canadians.

On April 14th, Geoff Regan, the federal fisheries minister, responded to two previous reports from a year ago. One, from a First Nations group, suggested giving natives a rising share of the catch. The other proposed a new quota system for fishing licences, and the conclusion of long-standing talks on treaties, including fishing rights, with First Nations. Mr. Regan said his department would spend this year consulting "stakeholders" (natives, commercial and sport fishermen). It will also launch pilot projects aimed at improving conservation, enforcement and First Nations' access to fisheries.

The "explosive conflict" in the first paragraph refers to

A.salmon's return to British Columbia's rivers to spawn.

B.the fisheries committee of Canada's House of Commons and Bryan Williams.

C.the struggle between sockeye salmon and human beings.

D.the collision between salmon's survival and human fishery.

Every spring migrating salmon return to British Columbia's rivers to spawn. And every spri
ng new reports detail fresh disasters that befall them. This year is no different. The fisheries committee of Canada's House of Commons and a former chief justice of British Columbia, Bryan Williams, have just examined separately why 1.3 m sockeye salmon mysteriously "disappeared" from the famed Fraser river fishery in 2004. Their conclusions point to a politically explosive conflict between the survival of salmon and the rights of First Nations, as Canadians call Indians

In 2004, only about 524,000 salmon are thought to have returned to the spawning grounds, barely more than a quarter the number who made it four years earlier. High water temperatures may have killed many. The House of Commons also lambasted the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for poor scientific data, and for failing to enforce catch levels. Four similar reports since 1992 have called for the department's reform. In vain: its senior officials are "in denial" about its failings, said the committee.

Mr. Williams' report added a more shocking twist. He concluded that illegal fishing on the Fraser river is "rampant and out of control", with “no-go” zones where fisheries officers are told not to confront Indian poachers for fear of violence. The judge complained that the DFO withheld a report by one of its investigators which detailed extensive poaching and sale of salmon by members of the Cheam First Nation, some of whom were armed.

Some First Nations claim an unrestricted right to fish and sell their catch. Canada's constitution acknowledges the aboriginal right to fish for food and for social and ceremonial needs, but not a general commercial right. On the Fraser, however, the DFO has granted Indians a special commercial fishery. To some Indians, even that is not enough.

Both reports called for more funds for the DFO, to improve data collection and enforcement. They also recommended returning to a single legal regime for commercial fishing applying to all Canadians.

On April 14th, Geoff Regan, the federal fisheries minister, responded to two previous reports from a year ago. One, from a First Nations group, suggested giving natives a rising share of the catch. The other proposed a new quota system for fishing licences, and the conclusion of long-standing talks on treaties, including fishing rights, with First Nations. Mr. Regan said his department would spend this year consulting "stakeholders" (natives, commercial and sport fishermen). It will also launch pilot projects aimed at improving conservation, enforcement and First Nations' access to fisheries.

The "explosive conflict" in Para 1 refers to

A.Salmon's return to spawn and its survival.

B.The fisheries committee of Canada's House of Commons and Bryan Williams

C.The struggle between sockeye salmon and human beings.

D.The collision between salmon's survival and human fishery.

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

I don't know why UFOs are never sighted over large cities by hordes of people. But it is consistent with the idea that there are no space vehicles from elsewhere in our skies. I suppose it is also consistent with the ideas that space vehicles from elsewhere avoid large cities. However, the primary argument against recent extraterrestrial visitation is the absence of evidence.

Take leprechauns. Suppose there are frequent reports of leprechauns. Because I myself am emotionally predisposed in favor of leprechauns, I would want to check the evidence especially carefully. Suppose I find that 500 picnickers independently saw a green blur in the forest. Terrific. But so what? This is evidence only for a green blur. Maybe it was a fast hummingbird. Such cases are reliable but not particularly interesting.

Now suppose that someone reports: "I was walking through the forest and came upon a convention of 7000 leprechauns. We talked for a while and I was taken down into their hole in the ground and shown pots of gold and feathered green hats. "I will reply: "Fabulous! Who else went along?" And he will say, "Nobody", or "My fishing partner". This is a case that is interesting but unreliable. In a case of such importance, the uncorroborated testimony of one or two people is almost worthless. What I want is for the 500 picnickers to come upon the 7000 leprechauns.., or vice versa.

The situation is the same with UFOs. The reliable cases are uninteresting and the interesting cases are unreliable. Unfortunately, there are no cases that are both reliable and interesting.

What's the author's attitude towards the UFOs?

A.The author is not sure whether they are true or not.

B.The author doubts if they are true.

C.The author doesn't think they are interesting.

D.The author simply does not believe them.

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Globalization, a process whereby owners of capital are enabled to move their capital around the globe more quickly and easily, has resulted in the removal of state controls on trade and investment, the disappearance of tariff barriers and the spread of new information and communications technologies. In societies around the world, the effects of globalization have influenced social development. Not only are the influences of globalization apparent in markets, their forces are felt in the processes or working towards equality between men and women. Reda Bebars of Egypt, stressing that the advancement of women would not be achieved by passing legislation, said that social development on the national scale must be strengthened and a climate conducive to development must be created if the goals set in Beijing (at the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women) are to be realized. The problems stem from the fact that women are very differently positioned in relation to the markets in different parts of the world. In certain places, where women are socially excluded from leaving their homes, the challenge is to find ways for women to participate. In other places, the challenge is to create markets which are more friendly to women's participation. Ilham Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed of Sudan condemned the debt burden carried by developing countries, economic sanctions, arbitrary measures and denial of access to new technological developments as obstacles to the growth of women's rights. Women remain very much in the minority among Internet users and still face huge imbalances in the ownership, control and regulation of new information technologies.

"The gains of globalization have not been equitably distributed and the gap between rich and poor countries is widening," said Zhang Lei of the People's Republic of China.

The gains of globalization thus far have for the most part been concentrated in the hands of better-off women with higher levels of education and with greater ownership of resources and access to capital.

"Work in China and Vietnam shows that globalization has brought new opportunities to young women with familiarity with English in new service sector jobs, but has made a vast number of over-35-year-olds redundant, because they are either in declining industries or have outdated skills," Swasti Mitter of the UN's Women Watch Online Working Group on Women's Economic Inequality said.

According to the text, what role has English played during the process of globalization?

A.Created new education opportunities.

B.It has sped up the process of globalization.

C.Opened the doors for new opportunities and increased the number of young women in the working world.

D.Increased the number of skilled women.

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。How often should filing


How often should filing be done? It depends on how busy the office is. In very busy organizations, filing is done at least every day. In a small or less busy office, filing can be done once or twice a week.

Filing Equipment. Tools that people use in sorting out documents range from small instruments such as paper clips, office pins and staplers to big machines such as photocopiers, printers and paper shredders.

Kinds of Files. Documents taken out very often are usually kept in clip foldersB、otherwise they are often kept in lever arch files. Besides, suspension files and box files are also used for different purposes.

What should be filed? People need to file documents that are sent to or received from by other people or organizations. These documents can be letters, reports, financial records, policy documents, etc.

* Filing should be done every day in each office.{T、F}

* It is necessary to do filing no less than once every week in a small office.{T、F}

* Only big instruments are useful in sorting out files.{T、F}

* If you need always read the documents, you can put them into lever arch files.{T、F}

* The company's annual reports usually need to be filed.{T、F}

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Bilingual education in New York City was originally viewed as a transitional program that would teach foreign-born children in their native languages until they were fluent enough in English to enter the educational mainstream. But over the last 25 years, bilingual programs at many schools have become foreign-language ghettos from which many children never escape. The need to expose foreign-born students to more English during the school day—and to move them as quickly as possible into the mainstream—was underscored this week in a pair of reports, one from Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's task force on bilingual education and one form. Schools Chancellor Harold Levy.

The push to reform. bilingual education has intensified across the country since the Silicon Valley millionaire Ron K. Unz championed a ballot initiative that ended bilingual education in California two years ago. Opponents of bilingual education want it replaced with the so-called immersion method, in which students are forced to "sink or swim" in classes taught entirely in English. Immersion has at least a chance of success in the early grades, where children are mainly being taught to read and write. But it is a recipe for failure in the upper grades, where older foreign-born students must simultaneously learn English and master complex subjects like math, science and literature.

Mayor Giuliani and Schools Chancellor Levy have wisely called for reforming special education instead of dismantling it. Both reports want to end the practice of dragooning children into the system, and call on administrators to offer parents a range of choices. Instead of automatically assigning students to bilingual classes—where they take subjects like mathematics and social studies in their native languages—parents would be allowed to choose other options, including the strategy of English as a second language, in which most instruction is offered in English. Children would be moved into the mainstream as quickly as possible, preferably within three years.

But these sensible reforms have little chance of succeeding unless the city and the state act quickly to train and recruit teachers who can perform. the needed task. Nearly 30 percent of bilingual instructors are uncertified. Some have not even mastered the languages they have been hired to teach. True reform. will require dollars, determination and a qualified teacher in every classroom.

Which word can best describe the author's attitude to the two reports frequently mentioned?





A Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the past. There is anot
her large reservoir (知识库 ) which may be called experience, and the college student will find that every craftsman (工匠 ) has something he can teach and will generally teach gladly to any college student who does not look down upon them . The information from them differs from (不同于 ) that in textbooks and papers chiefly in that its theoretical (理论的 ) part -- the explanations of why things happen -- is frequently quite fantastic (神奇的 ) . But the demonstration (示范 ) and report of what happens , and how it happens are correct even if the reports are in completely unscientific terms (术语 ). Presently the college student will learn, in this case also, what to accept and what to reject. One important thing for a college student to remember is that if Aristotle could talk to the fish

1.Which of the following statements is supported by the passage? ()

A、The college students have trouble separating good plants from wild grass

B、Craftsman s experience is usually unscientific

C、The contemptuous (傲慢的 ) college students will receive nothing from craftsmen

D、Traditional practices are as important as experience for the college student

2.The main idea of this passage is about ().

A、what to learn from the parents

B、how to gain knowledge

C、why to learn from craftsman

D、how to deal with experience

3.From this passage we can infer that ().

A、we ll invite the craftsman to teach in the college

B、schools and books are not the only way to knowledge

C、scientific discoveries late based on personal experience

D、discoveries and rediscoveries are the most important source of knowledge for a college student

4.In the last paragraph the phrase "this wide, confused wilderness" refers to ().

A、personal experience

B、wild weeds among good plants

C、the information from the parents ?the vast store of

D、traditional practices

5.The author advises the college student to () .

A、be contemptuous to the craftsman

B、be patient in helping the craftsman with scientific terms

C、learn the craftsman s experience by judging it carefully

D、gain the craftsman s experience without rejection

They may not be the richest, but Africans remain the world's staunchest optimists. An annu
al survey by Gallup International, a research outfit, shows that, when asked whether this year will be better than last, Africa once again comes out on top. Out of 52,000 people interviewed all over the world, under half believe that things are looking up. But in Africa the proportion is close to 60%—almost twice as much as in Europe.

Africans have some reasons to be cheerful. The continent's economy has been doing fairly well with South Africa, the economic powerhouse, growing steadily over the past few years. Some of Africa's long-running conflicts, such as the war between the north and south in Sudan and the civil war in Congo, have ended. Africa even has its first elected female head of state, in Liberia.

Yet there is no shortage of downers too. Most of Africa remains dirt poor. Crises in places like Cote d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe are far from solved. And the democratic credentials of Ethiopia and Uganda, once the darlings of western donors, have taken a bad knock. AIDS killed over 2 million Africans in 2005, and will kill more this year.

So is it all just a case of irrational exuberance ? Meril James of Gallup argues that there is, in fact, usually very little relation between the survey's optimism rankings and reality. Africans, this year led by Nigerians, are consistently the most upbeat, whether their lot gets better or not. On the other hand, Greece— hardly the worst place on earth—tops the gloom-and-doom chart, followed closely by Portugal and France.

Ms James speculates that religion may have a lot to do with it. Nine out of ten Africans are religious, the highest proportion in the world. But cynics argue that most Africans believe that 2006 will be golden because things have been so bad that it is hard to imagine how they could possibly get worse. This may help explain why places that have suffered recent misfortunes, such as Kosovo and Afghanistan, rank among the top five optimists. Moussaka for thought for those depressed Greeks.

The statistics are employed in the first paragraph so as to indicate sort of______.





Text 3Positive surprises from government reports on retail sales, industrial production, a
nd housing in the past few months are leading economists to revise their real gross domestic product (GDP) forecasts upward supporting the notion that the recession ended in December or January.

Bear in mind: This recovery won’t have the vitality normally associated with an upturn. Economists now expect real GDP growth of about 1.5 in the first quarter. That’s better than the 0.4 the consensus projected in December, but much of the additional growth will come from a slower pace of inventory drawdowns, not from surging demand.

Moreover, the economy won’t grow fast enough to help the labor markets much. The only good news there is that jobless claims have fallen back from their spike after September 11 and that their current level suggests the pace of layoffs is easing.

The recovery also does not mean the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates soon. The January price indexes show that inflation remains tame. Consequently, the Fed can take its time shifting monetary policy from extreme accommodation to relative neutrality.

Perhaps the best news from the latest economic reports was the January data on industrial production. Total output fell only 0.1, its best showing since July. Factory output was flat, also the best performance in six months. Those numbers may not sound encouraging, but manufacturers have been in recession since late 2000. The data suggest that the factory sector is finding a bottom from which to start its recovery.

Production of consumer goods, for instance, is almost back up to where it was a year ago. That’s because consumer demand for motor vehicles and other goods and the housing industry remained healthy during the recession, and they are still growing in early 2002.

Besides, both the monthly homebuilding starts number and the housing market index for the past two months are running above the averages for all of 2001, suggesting that home-building is off to a good start and probably won’t be big drag on GDP growth this year.

Equally important to the outlook is how the solid housing market will help demand for home-related goods and services. Traditionally, consumers buy the bulk of their furniture, electronics, and textiles within a year of purchasing their homes. Thus, spending on such items will do well this year, even as car sales slip now that incentives are less attractive. Look for the output of consumer goods to top year-ago level in coming months.

Even the business equipment sector seems to have bottomed out. Its output rose 0.4% in January, led by a 0.6% jump computer gear. A pickup in orders for capital goods in the fourth quarter suggests that production will keep increasing—although at a relaxed pace—in coming months.

第31题:American economists are surprised to see that______.

[A]they have to revise the GDP forecasts so often

[B]their government is announcing the end of a recession

[C]US economy is showing some signs of an upturn

[D]GDP growth reflects stronger domestic demand

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