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Here in the U.S. a project of moving the government a few hundred miles to the southwest p

roceeds apace, under the supervision of Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. Apart from the usual highways and parks, Byrd has taken a special interest in transplanting pieces of federal agencies from metropolitan Washington to his home state.

Strangely, Byrd's little experiment in de-Washingtonization has become the focus of outrage among the very people who are otherwise most Critical of Washington and its ways. To these critics, it is the very symbol of congressional arrogance of power, isolation from reality, contempt for the voters, and so on, and demonstrates the need for term limits if not lynching.

Consider the good-government advantages of (let's call it) the Byrd Migration. What better way to symbolize an end to the old ways and commitment to reform. than physically moving the government? What better way to break up old bureaucracies than to uproot and transplant them, files and all?

Second, spreading the government around a bit ought to reduce that self-feeding and self-regarding Beltway culture that Washington-phobes claim to dislike so much. Of course there is a good deal of hypocrisy in this anti Washington chatter. Much of it comes from politicians and journalists who have spent most of their adult lives in Washington and wouldn't care to live anywhere else. They are not rushing to West Virginia themselves, except for the occasional quaint rustic weekend. But they can take comfort that public servants at the Bureau of the Public Debt, at least, have escaped the perils of inside-the-Beltway insularity.

Third, is Senator Byrd's raw spread-the-wealth philosophy completely illegitimate? The Federal Government and government-related private enterprises have made metropolitan Washington one of the richest areas of the country. By contrast, West Virginia is the second poorest state, after Mississippi. The entire country's taxes support the government. Why shouldn't more of the country get a piece of it? As private businesses are discovering, the electronic revolution is making it less and less necessary for work to be centralized at headquarters. There's no reason the government shouldn't take more advantage of this trend as well.

It is hardly enough, though, to expel a few thousand midlevel bureaucrats from the alleged Eden inside the Washington Beltway. Really purging the Washington culture enough to satisfy its noisiest critics will require a mass exodus on the order of what the Khmer Rouge instituted when they took over Phnom Penh in 1975. Until the very members of the TIME Washington bureau itself are traipsing south along I-95, their word processors strapped to their backs, the nation cannot rest easy. But America's would-be Khmer Rouge should give Senator Byrd more credit for showing the way.

According to the text, "a mass exodus" (Para. 6) most probably means

A.removing the central functions of government.

B.directing federal spending towards a state.

C.shifting businesses to a landlocked state.

D.reforming pieces of government agencies.

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更多“Here in the U.S. a project of …”相关的问题
The phrase "Hubbert's Peak"(Paragraph 1) here refers toA.the time when the oil production

The phrase "Hubbert's Peak"(Paragraph 1) here refers to

A.the time when the oil production of the world would peak.

B.the time when the oil found in the world would peak.

C.the time when the oil burning of the U.S. would peak.

D.the time when the oil production of the U.S. would peak.

"It won't be a crime, but it will certainly be a miracle" means "______"A.Since no other p

"It won't be a crime, but it will certainly be a miracle" means "______"

A.Since no other persons are here, I wont disclose (揭发) it

B.It will certainly be a miracle if I don't disclose it

C.There isn't any fish in the stream

D.I will surely report you to the owner of the stream

This is News on the Hour, Ed Wilson reporting. The President and First Lady will visit Afr
ica on a goodwill tour in May. They plan to visit eight African countries.

Reports from China say the Chinese want closer ties between China and the U.S. and Western Europe. A group of Chinese scientists will start its ten-nation tour next month.

Here in Miami, the mayor is still meeting with the leaders of the teachers' union to try to find a way to end the strike. City schools are still closed after two weeks.

In news about health, scientists in California report findings of a relationship between the drinking of coffee and the increase of heart disease among women. According to the report in the American Medical Journal (= magazine) , the five-year study shows this: Women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than women who do not.

In sports the Chargers lost again last night. The BBS beat them 1 to nothing. The Wingers had better results. They beat the Rifles 7 to 3. It was their first win in their last five matches.

That's the News on the Hour. And now back to more easy listening with Jan Singer.

Who gave the News on the Hour?

A.The President and First Lady.

B.Ed Wilson.

C.Scientists in California.

D.Jan Singer.

Christine Evert Lloyd is an American tennis champion and one of the top women players in t
he world. She is noted for her strong backhand and her intense concentration during a match.

Christine Marie Evert was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She learned to p]ay tennis from her father. Because she learned to play on the slow clay tennis courts which are common in southern Florida, Evert is at her best on slow courts.

In 1971, at the age of sixteen, Evert became the youngest player to reach the semifinals of the United States Open Tennis Championships. This was her first time to participate in the U.S. Open. In 1972, she turned professional and was able to accept money and other prizes for winning matches.

In 1974, she won the women’s singles title in two major tournaments. These titles were at Wimbledon, the British championship, and the French Open, which is played on clay. Later she won the U.S. and Australian Opens, the two other major tennis championships.

Evert set an impressive record of wins on clay courts. From August 1973 to May 1979, a period of almost six years, Evert beat 125 opponents. Her unbelievable record will be remembered for a very long time in the sports world.

In 1979, Evert married English tennis player John Lloyd.

Wimbledon is the site of ______.

A.the U.S. Open

B.the British championship

C.the French Open

D.both B and C

The combined sales of the 100 largest foreign investing companies in the U. S. increased b
y a 40% in the two years between 1977 and 1979, and the number has continued to increase steadily. In 1980 South Africa proved to be the largest financial investor in the U. S. controlling about $19. 2 billion in sales. The Netherlands and the U. K. follow as second largest investors--and Germany next. New to the list of the top 100 foreign investors are 12 banking and finance and insurance companies--the largest, the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp. , from Hong Kong. The number of Latin American companies engaged in business here is growing steadily, often through third country holding companies.

Why are so many firms coming to the U. S. ? There are many reasons. One of the greatest attractions, of course, is a market of over 200 million consumers with a high average per capital income. In addition, with the devalued dollar the cost of American labor has declined significantly, relative to many foreign labor costs. Some firms seeking to avoid economic and/or political pressures at home find the U. S. a politically stable environment in which to work.

Many hope to be able to continue selling to the American market even if the U. S. government restricts imports further, or if major price changes occur due to currency fluctuations (波动). Many foreigners are attracted by U.S. technology, its modem management methods, its labor saving and mass production techniques.

In 1980 the largest foreign financial investor in the U. S. was from ______.



C.Latin America

D.South Africa

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Black's office.M: Hello, may I speak with the educational advisor?W

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Black's office.

M: Hello, may I speak with the educational advisor?

W: I'm sorry. Mr. Black's not here this morning, I'm his secretary. May I help you?

M: Yes, I would like some information about English-language schools in the United States. I'm graduating from Kuwait University this year and I want to study for my master's degree in America.

W: Have you been accepted by an American university yet?

M: Yes, I've just been accepted at the University of Chicago, but the university wrote me that I have to take an intensive English course before entering their program.

W: Well... there are many schools in the U.S. that offer English courses. Perhaps you should come down and talk to Mr. Black.

M: Ok. Could you make an appointment for me?

W: Yes, would nine o'clock tomorrow be all right?

M: No, I'm sorry. I can't come then. I have an exam at that time. Could I come the day after tomorrow at ten o'clock?

W: Yes, that will be fine, I think. May I have your name and phone number?

M: Sure, my name is Suleiman Mohammed and my phone number is 6536667.

W: Thank you, Mr. Suleiman. We'll see you Wednesday, June ninth, at ten o'clock.

M: Thank you. Good-bye.

W: Good-bye.


A.Mr. Black's secretary.

B.Mr. Suleiman.

C.The educational advisor.

D.A teacher at the University of Chicago.

Standard & Poor's maintains a cautious stance ...

Standard & Poor's maintains a cautious stance on cable-TV operators in the wake of Verizon's (VZ) announcement in early May of aggressive price cuts for its digital subscriber line (DSL) Internet-access service. Our overall outlook for the S & P Cable & Broadcasting index, which also includes shares of over-the-air TV and radio broadcasters, is neutral to modestly positive. Cable operators have so far ruled out an overt price war on broadband services. However, expect to see near-term responses like increased bundling of services, extended free months, more aggressive marketing and promotions, even modest price cuts from cable outfits that offer multiple services such as broadband as they defend their high growth Internet-access business.

Continued rapid growth in digital cable and high-speed data services helped support the industry's ongoing revenue growth. We at S & P are wary of price pressures on the long-term and short-term economies of cable's broadband business. That's especially true as another Baby Bell, SBC Communications (SBC), is also undercutting cable-service providers in many core markets.

In their traditional business segment, U.S. cable operators continue to benefit from a modest rebound in advertising spending, following a significant downturn during the economic slump that started in 2001. The industry has actually increased its share of total U.S. ad spending. The cable sector posted uninterrupted revenue growth during the recent downturn, as its greater reliance on subscriber revenues gives it a more defensive posture than broadcasters. Subscriptions remain the industry's primary revenue source, accounting for roughly 65% of the total, with advertising makes up the rest.

Our near-term outlook for cable remains tempered by heightened levels of geopolitical anxieties, though the Iraq war's end has alleviated their impact on advertising demand. Meanwhile, core subscription growth continues to be driven by robust rates of high-speed data sign-ups and by improved prospects for digital-video ancillary offerings like video-on-demand and high-definition TV.

We believe that successful media operators will continue to anticipate, rather than react to, the ever-changing dynamics of an increasingly competitive media environment. Even with increased regulatory surveillance, vertically and horizontally integrated media operators should begin to wield increasing competitive advantages as they leverage operating efficiencies and realize synergies across multiple delivery platforms.

From the first paragraph, we can see that Verizon's announcement of price cuts ______.

A.has produced a positive effect on S & P Cable and Broadcasting index

B.will intensify the competition among Cable-TV operators in the near future

C.render aggressive price cuts from other cable outfits absolutely impossible

D.will make other cable operators offer multiple services like broadband

Whether at home or in a restaurant, meals in Brazil are sacred(神圣的) ; a time to ea

Whether at home or in a restaurant, meals in Brazil are sacred(神圣的) ; a time to eat, but also to share precious moments with family and friends. Now, here's a Brazilian custom I miss enormously: a decent, sit-down, leisurely-paced lunch and/or dinner. To this day, I have to keep reminding myself, "what's the big hurry? " and I confess that one of the things I look forward to, when I go to Brazil, is the "family" meal. We have a joke that, if you see people sitting around a table in the US, having lunch for longer than 1/2 hour, it must be a business lunch. And also, sitting at your desk and eating lunch while you work is incomprehensible to most Brazilians, who leave their offices to eat with their colleagues and friends in restaurants and cafes. You guess, lunch is usually a more substantial meal than in the U.S.

(68) For lunch and, depending on the location, also dinner, Brazilians have wonderful, inexpensive restaurants where home-style. meals are sold by kilo. You just pile the food on your plate and someone will weigh it for you. The same goes for desserts. You order drinks from your waiter and pay him at the end of your meal.

Dinner is served much later than in the U. S. In the big cities, children are a common sight in restaurants at night, since Brazilians will take their kids out to dinner at all hours. As a result of this and the traditional Sunday lunches, Brazilian kids learn table manners at an early age. For many of my Brazilian friends, dinner is a lighter meal of bread, cheese and cold cuts. So expect either type of meal.

In Brazil, people usually have meals______.

A.in a hurry at restaurants

B.in a leisurely manner

C.at their desk in the office

D.for less than 1/2 hour

In their everyday life, most Americans seem to agree with Henry Ford who once said, "Histo
ry is more or less absurdity. We want to live in the present and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history we make today. " Certainly a great—but now also deadlocked—debate on immigration figures prominently in the history being made today in the United States and around the world.

In both history and sociology, scholarly work on immigration was sparked by the great debates of the 1920s, as Americans argued over which immigrants to include and which to exclude from the American nation. The result of that particular great debate involved the restriction of immigration from Asia and southern and eastern Europe.

Reacting to the debates of their time, sociologists and historians nevertheless developed different central themes. While Chicago School sociologists focused on immigrant adaptation to the American mainstream, historians were more likely to describe immigrants engaged in building the American nation or its regional sub-cultures.

Historians studied the immigrants of the past, usually in the context of nation-building and settlement of the western United States, while sociologists focused on the immigrant urban workers of their own times—that is, the early 20th century. Meanwhile, sociologists' description of assimilation as an almost natural sequence of interactions resulting in the modernization, and Americanization of foreigners reassured Americans that their country would survive the recent arrival of immigrants whom longtime Americans perceived as radically different.

Historians insisted that the immigrants of the past had actually been the "makers of America"; they had forged the mainstream to which new immigrants adapted. For sociologists, however, it was immigrants who changed and assimilated over the course of three generations. For historians, it was the American nation that changed and evolved.

In current debates, overall, what seems to be missing is not knowledge of significant elements of the American past or respect for the lessons to be drawn from that past, but rather debaters' ability to see how time shapes understanding of the present.

In the first moments of American nation-building, the so-called Founding Fathers celebrated migration as an expression of human liberty. Here is a reminder that today's debates take place among those who agree rather fundamentally that national self-interest requires the restriction of immigration. Debaters disagree with each other mainly over how best to accomplish restriction, not whether restriction is the right course. The United States, along with many other nations, is neither at the start, nor necessarily anywhere near the end, of a long era of restriction.

Henry Ford's words are cited to______.

A.show the absurdity of history

B.indicate the significance of the history we make today

C.emphasize the role of immigrants in the U.S. history

D.introduce the debate on immigration worldwide

What is the most central function of the U.S. Congress?

According to the logical clue of the text, the second paragraph is an example to show that

A.Japan was markedly influenced by the U.S. in education.

B.education in Japan was not so developed as that in the U.S.

C.Japanese educational institutions were much the same as those in the U.S.

D.the Japanese government concerned itself only about the economic gain.

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