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Quotas , tariffs and subsidies[1] Like most wars,a trade war may bring about desired economic or po

Quotas , tariffs and subsidies[1]

Like most wars,a trade war may bring about desired economic or political changes, but in the long run almost everyone suffers ,including those whom the trade war was meant to help.

An efficient carmaker, for example, may ask for limits of foreign imports, hoping to keep its price high without improving the quality of its products. In the end , however , other countries mayretaliate[2] with trade restrictions of their own. Consumers and businesses in both countries are then forced to buy poorly made and expensive domestic products. Trade restrictions might protect a few jobs in inefficient industries,but the whole economy often suffers by becoming less competitive in the international markets.

The most common tools for limiting imports of foreign goods and services are quotas, tariffs,and subsidies. When a country imposes a quota, it limits the quantity of certain foreign products that can be imported. A tariff is a tax placed on goods entering a country , raising the price of imported goods. A government can also use the taxpayers' money to provide a subsidy to local producers , making the price of local goods artificially lower than imported goods.

Trade barriers, like walls betweenfeuding neighbors[3], are usually imposedunilaterally[4] by one country acting on its own to limit the amount of foreign products available to local producer from foreign competition and allow them time to improve their products or lower their prices as long as they are protected from foreign competition by trade barriers.

Although trade restrictions are of dubious economic value, they have been shown to be effective in bringing about political or social change. The refusal of countries to trade and do business with South Africa, for example, was widely seen to be responsible for the decision todismantle the system of apartheid[5].Trade blockades[6] can be useful in forcing countries to change policies that violate human rights or international treaties, but as long as a sufficient number of countries join in the blockade to make it effective.







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Quotas , tariffs and subsidies Like most wars,a trade war may bring about desired economic or polit

Quotas , tariffs and subsidies

Like most wars,a trade war may bring about desired economic or political changes, but in the long run almost everyone suffers ,including those whom the trade war was meant to help.

An efficient carmaker, for example, may ask for limits of foreign imports, hoping to keep its price high without improving the quality of its products. In the end , however , other countries may retaliate with trade restrictions of their own. Consumers and businesses in both countries are then forced to buy poorly made and expensive domestic products. Trade restrictions might protect a few jobs in inefficient industries,but the whole economy often suffers by becoming less competitive in the international markets.

The most common tools for limiting imports of foreign goods and services are quotas, tariffs,and subsidies. When a country imposes a quota, it limits the quantity of certain foreign products that can be imported. A tariff is a tax placed on goods entering a country , raising the price of imported goods. A government can also use the taxpayers' money to provide a subsidy to local producers , making the price of local goods artificially lower than imported goods.

Trade barriers, like walls between feuding neighbors, are usually imposed unilaterally by one country acting on its own to limit the amount of foreign products available to local producer from foreign competition and allow them time to improve their products or lower their prices as long as they are protected from foreign competition by trade barriers.

Although trade restrictions are of dubious economic value, they have been shown to be effective in bringing about political or social change. The refusal of countries to trade and do business with South Africa, for example, was widely seen to be responsible for the decision to dismantle the system of apartheid. Trade blockades can be useful in forcing countries to change policies that violate human rights or international treaties, but as long as a sufficient number of countries join in the blockade to make it effective.

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<wt>[Quotas , tariffs and subsidies</div>] Like most wars,a trade war may bring about d


[Quotas , tariffs and subsidies</div>]

Like most wars,a trade war may bring about desired economic or political changes, but in the long run almost everyone suffers ,including those whom the trade war was meant to help.

An efficient carmaker, for example, may ask for limits of foreign imports, hoping to keep its price high without improving the quality of its products. In the end , however , other countries may retaliate with trade restrictions of their own. Consumers and businesses in both countries are then forced to buy poorly made and expensive domestic products. Trade restrictions might protect a few jobs in inefficient industries,but the whole economy often suffers by becoming less competitive in the international markets.

The most common tools for limiting imports of foreign goods and services are quotas, tariffs,and subsidies. When a country imposes a quota, it limits the quantity of certain foreign products that can be imported. A tariff is a tax placed on goods entering a country , raising the price of imported goods. A government can also use the taxpayers' money to provide a subsidy to local producers , making the price of local goods artificially lower than imported goods.

Trade barriers, like walls between feuding neighbors, are usually imposed unilaterally by one country acting on its own to limit the amount of foreign products available to local producer from foreign competition and allow them time to improve their products or lower their prices as long as they are protected from foreign competition by trade barriers.

Although trade restrictions are of dubious economic value, they have been shown to be effective in bringing about political or social change. The refusal of countries to trade and do business with South Africa, for example, was widely seen to be responsible for the decision to dismantle the system of apartheid. Trade blockades can be useful in forcing countries to change policies that violate human rights or international treaties, but as long as a sufficient number of countries join in the blockade to make it effective.

Questions for reading :

<w>(1) Why do traders ask for limits of foreign imports?

<w>(2) What may trade restrictions lead to?

<w>(3) What are the most common tools for limiting imports of foreign goods and services?

<w>(4) Can the trade protection make local producers improve their products or lower their prices of their goods?

<w>(5) How can trade blockades be useful in forcing countries to change policies that violate human rights or international treaties?


<a>(1) They hope to keep its price high without improving the quality of its products.

<a>(2) Other countries may retaliate with trade restrictions of their own. Consumers and businesses in both countries are then forced to buy poorly made and expensive domestic products.

<a>(3) Quotas, tariffs, and subsidies.

<a>(4) Yes, it can.

<a>(5) A sufficient number of countries join in the blockade to make it effective.

The AFL-CIO likes to organize immigrants now because______.A.it is an opponent of high imm

The AFL-CIO likes to organize immigrants now because______.

A.it is an opponent of high immigrant quotas

B.it depends on foreign labor for development

C.it has a reaction against foreign workers

D.it shows no sign of reinstituting immigration laws

According to the passage, women felt that they were better able than men to ______.A.bring

According to the passage, women felt that they were better able than men to ______.

A.bring honesty into politics

B.change the Constitution

C.run the mills and mines

D.control tariffs and taxes


Using the DD-AA model,analyze the output and balance of payments effects of an import tariff under fixed exchange rates.What would happen if all countries in the world simultaneously tried to improve employment and the balance of payments by imposing tariffs?

The reasons why the author says the slogan does capture two awkward truths European export
ers must now confront include the followings except______.

A.EU hope to persuade foreign countries to open their markets by offering to open its owns although it is not obvious to whom the Europeans should make their offers

B.other countries were repelling EU companies at the border with high tariffs

C.European companies are now part of elaborate global supply chains

D.efforts to protect some of European companies from foreign competition may deprive others of the cheap inputs which these EU companies need to thrive in world markets

一家公司为客户提供专业的分析服务.分析在需要启动和终止以响应客户请求的Amazon EC2 实例上运行.解决方案架构师正在创建自动化来管理处理客户请求的EC2 实例.但是,当自动化脚本尝试同时启动多个 EC2 实例时,会经常出现RequestLimitExceeded 错误.解决方案架构师应该如何处理这个错误2022032538()

A.实施指数退避策略,以便 API 令牌桶可以重新填充

B.修改 EC2 实例启动配置以在每个实例上安装诊断工具以解决问题

C.向 AWS 支持中心请求增加 API 限制配额

D.通过 Service Quotas 控制台请求增加 EC2 API 配额

There are a couple of big reasons why Microsoft is able to do so much overseas with so lit
tle. Firstly,【21】software products are so easy to manufacture, Gates doesn't have to worry【22】building and operating factories.【23】, Microsoft contracts (承包) out to others to duplicate and package much of its software. Secondly, and just as important, PCs are【24】cheap and easy to set up, unlike minicomputers, that businesses and governments【25】even the poorest and most backward nations can afford【26】. Of course, there are big problems too. Microsoft must adapt (调整) its products to support【27】of different languages and writing schemes, but that's another task it【28】increasingly farming out to local contractors. Also, software, like computers, faces stiff tariffs (关税) in many developing【29】. Until recently, for example, India demanded 112% duties (关税) on imported high-tech【30】.






Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C
and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

There are a couple of big reasons why Microsoft is able to do so much overseas with so little. Firstly, 21 software products are so easy to manufacture, Gates doesn't have to worry 22 building and operating factories. 23 , Microsoft contracts (承包) out to others to duplicate and package much of its software. Secondly, and just as important, PCs are 24 cheap and easy to set up, unlike minicomputers, that businesses and governments 25 even the poorest and most backward nations can afford 26 . Of course,there are big problems too. Microsoft must adapt (调整) its products to support 27 of different languages and writing schemes, but that's another task it 28 increasingly farming out to local contractors. Also, software, like computers, faces stiff tariffs (关税) in many developing 29 . Until recently, for example, India demanded 112%

duties (关税) on imported high-tech 30 .


A. because

B. however

C. besides

D. therefore

It was inevitable that any of President George W. Bushes fans had to be very disappointed
by his decision to implement high tariffs on steel imported to the U.S. The president's defense was pathetic: He argued that the steel tariffs were somehow consistent with free trade, that the domestic industry was important and struggling, and that the relief was a temporary measure to allow time for restructuring. One reason that this argument is absurd is that U.S. integrated steel companies ("Big Steel") have received various forms of government protection and subsidy for more than 30 years.

Instead of encouraging the industry to restructure, the long-term protection has sustained inefficient companies and cost U.S. consumers dearly. As Anne O. Krueger, now deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said in a report on Big Steel: "The American Big Steel industry has been the champion lobbyist and seeker of protection. It provides a key and disillusioning example of the ability special interests to lobby in Washington for measures which hurt the general public and help a very small group.

Since 1950s, Big Steel has been reluctant to make the investments needed to match the new technologies introduced elsewhere. It agreed to high wages for its unionized labor force. Hence, the companies have difficulty in competing not only with more efficient producers in Asia and Europe but also with technologically advanced U.S. mini mills, which rely on scrap metal as an input. Led by Nucor Cot., these mills now capture about half of overall U.S. sales.

The profitability of U.S. steel companies depends also on steel prices, which, despite attempts at protection by the U.S. and other governments, are determined primarily in world markets. These prices are relatively high as recently as early 2000 but have since declined with the world recession to reach the lowest dollar values of the last 20 years. Although these low prices are unfortunate for U.S. producers, they are beneficial for the overall U.S. economy. The low prices are also signal that the inefficient Big Steel companies should go out of business even faster than they have been.

Instead of leaving or modernizing, the dying Big Steel industry complains that foreigners dump steels by selling at low prices. However, it is hard to see why it is bad for the overall U.S. economy if foreign producers wish to sell us their goods at low prices. After all, the extreme case of dumping is one where foreigners give us their steel for free and why would that be a bad thing?

According to Anne Krueger, long-term government protection given to steel companies

A.will increase the state wealth.

B.will threaten trade monopoly.

C.will raise their competitiveness.

D.will ultimately hurt consumers.

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