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Eating better and more adventurously is becoming an obsession, especially among people wit

h money to spend. Healthier eating-and not-so-healthy eating-as well as the number and variety of food choices and venues continue to increase at an ever quickening pace.

Globalization is the master trend that will drive the world of food in the years ahead. Consumers traveling the globe, both virtually and in reality, will be able to sweep up ingredients, packaged foods, recipes, and cooking techniques from every comer of the earth at an ever-intensifying and accelerating pace. Formerly remote ingredients and cooking styles are creating a whole new culinary mosaic as they are transplanted and reinterpreted all over the world.

Many factors are behind this, but none more so than the influence of the great international hotel chains. Virtually every chef who has worked for Hilton, Westin, Peninsula, or any other major chain gathers global experience in locales as diverse as Singapore, New Orleans, Toronto, and Dubai. At each stop, they carry away cooking ideas and techniques they can and do use elsewhere.

This trend will gain even greater momentum as ambitious young adults stake their own futures on internationalization, treating broader food away as an important aspect of their own advancement. Young people will need knowledge of food and ingredients from different continents and cultures as one aspect of socialization, enculturation, cultural exchange, and success. In country after country, there seems little doubt that global cuisine will make its biggest inroads among the younger set. Many in the generations now coming of age will treat world-ranging food knowledge and experience as key elements in furthering their personal plans, business acumen, and individual growth.

The Internet has made global contacts a matter of routine. Computer networking will permit chefs and others in the food industry, including consumers, to link directly with the best available authorities in faraway nations, supplementing or bypassing secondhand sources of information altogether.

Time, with all its implications, will also be a factor in emerging world food trends. More and more of us are destined to operate on global time-that is, at full tilt 24 hours a day. This will become the norm for companies with resources scattered all over the planet. Beyond the 24-hour supermarkets many of us already take for granted, there will also be three-shift shopping centers open at any hour. Restaurants in the great business capitals intent on cultivating an international clientele will serve midnight breakfasts or break-of-dawn dinners (with the appropriate wines) without raising a single eyebrow.

From the first two paragraphs we can learn that the trend of food obsession is______.


B.more and more popular in the world

C.a global phenomenon

D.sweeping up every corner of the earth

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更多“Eating better and more adventu…”相关的问题
Increasingly, over the past ten years, people -- especially young people have become aware
of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed food, is not good for the health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today.

Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount-- but not the quality -- of foods grown in commercial farming areas.

Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures. Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food; they also produce eggs which lack important vitamins.

There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed. But it is presented in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence emphasis placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modem experts on "healthy eating."

According to this passage, people becoming interested in natural foods because ______.

A.they are getting fired of processed foods

B.they want to change their eating habits

C.a lot of the foods they eat is not healthy

D.food experts recommend them to have natural foods

Books are for reading, but man must bring to their reading a desire to learn and a power o
f absorbing. Reading should be active, not passive.

(79)When students first go to a library, they may be at a loss as to what to read of all the different subjects. Well, Bacon tells you to "look at weak places in your armor(盔甲)", and shows you how to fill up the blanks in your knowledge. On the other hand, it is no good just trying to fill your mind with knowledge. Knowledge in itself is often useless. A mind filled with too much knowledge is like a room too full of furniture; a man cannot walk about freely in it, and look out the windows. It is much better to concentrate on a few subjects which interest you and to deal lightly with the others than to march heavily through the whole range(范围) of learning, like a silly tourist going through a museum and not missing a single object. (80) If you try to master every subject, you may become very wise, but you will be very lonely and you will probably lose all your friends. So you must learn to pick and choose, and you must also learn to look here and there in a library like a camel eating grass on the grassland. If you watch it eating, you will see that although he is supposed to be one of the most stupid animals in the world, he has at least one of the qualities(品质) of the cultured(有修养的) man, the power to pick and choose. A student looking for mental food in a library should take the camel as his model.

The writer thinks that one must ______

A.read as many books as he can

B.try to read books on all the different subjects

C.only read books on subjects that interest him

D.read and absorb a lot

Increasingly, over the past ten years, people—especially young people—have become aware of
the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed food, is not good for the health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods. Foods which do not contain chemical additives(添加剂) and which have not' been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today.

(79) Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic (有机的) matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount—but not the quality—of foods grown in commercial farming areas.

Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures(牧场). Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food, they also lay eggs which lack important' vitamins.

There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a non-essential food ! Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if it is necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be addictive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last two centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is to provide us with energy, in the form. of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and no fiber.

(80) It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantifies of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modem experts on "healthy eating".

People have become more interested in natural foods because ______.

A.they are more health conscious

B.they want to taste all kinds of foods

C.natural foods are more delicious than processed foods

D.they want to return to nature

(非英语专业做)Increasingly over the past 10 years, People especially young people have bec


Increasingly over the past 10 years, People especially young people have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods, is not good for health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today.

Natural foods, for example, include vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount but not the quality of foods grown in commercial farming areas.

Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures. Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: There are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food; they also produce eggs which lack important vitamins.

It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modern experts on "healthy eating".

People have become more interested in natural foods because______.

A.they like changing their diet from time to time

B.they want to eat food that is more delicious

C.much of the food they eat is no longer considered to be healthy

D.they want to be fashionable

According to studies cited by the National Eating Disorders Association, 42 percent of gir
ls in first through third grade want to be thinner, 81 percent of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat, and 51 percent of 9-and 10-year-old girls feel better about themselves if they are on a diet.

In many ways, this fixation on weight at ever earlier ages comes at an inopportune time physiologically. At a recent Hadassah meeting at the Woodlands Community Temple in White Plains, Dr. Maxcie Schneider, the director of adolescent medicine at Greenwich Hospital, and Erica Leon, a registered dietitian, spoke about early adolescence as a time when a little bit of pudginess is necessary for proper growth, and youngsters wrestle constantly with their body image.

"I can't tell you how many kids I've seen who've been on the Atkins diet, or on the South Beach diet," Ms. Leon said, adding that overweight children who try diets can be at risk of developing eating disorders.

After the presentation, three mothers from Hartsdale who wanted to help their children avoid such issues spoke about how their young daughters are already beginning to become weight-conscious.

Anorexia is a mental illness in which the victim eats barely enough to survive, because her distorted thinking makes her think she is fat. Bulimia, a mental illness in which someone binges on large amounts of food, then purges it through vomiting or the abuse of laxatives, is on the rise, and is surfacing in younger and younger patients, mostly girls, said Judy Scheel, the director of the Center for Eating Disorder Recovery in Mount Kisco.

About 90 percent of victims of eating disorders are female, and often the male victims are on teams like wrestling and crew, where they must keep their weight low for competitive reasons. Dr. Scheel believes that where girls claim the eating disorder enables them to be thin, boys typically state their goal is to achieve or maintain a muscular but thin physique. The average onset for bulimia used to be 17, but to see teenagers age 14 and 15 with bulimia is common these days, Dr. Scheel said.

Other people believe the disorders have genetic or chemical components, and many people with eating disorders respond well to anti-depressants, for example.

"A certain amount of education is necessary to help young people avoid becoming obsessed with their body image. Teachers need to stay outside of talking about diets," Dr. Scheel said. "It's like a parent, always talking about their next diet. You have to help a child understand that if you cat healthily and exercise, your body is going to take care of itself."

And in relatively homogenous populations, like in some Westchester schools, competition runs high. "So the young people don't really see how beautiful diversity is," she said, "and they tend to all be competing for kind of the same goals."

The studies cited by the National Eating Disorders Association is based on______.

A.primary school girls

B.secondary school girls

C.girls in college and universities

D.American females in general

When Walt Disney was drawing one night, he suddenly heard a strange sound. The sound came
from the waste basket. Walt looked at it and saw a family of mice eating pieces of bread in it. For many nights, they played there. And Walt began to like them.

Walt liked one little mouse better than any of the others. This little animal gave him some new ideas for his drawing. He began to draw it. But in the picture, it did not look like a mouse, but more like a funny man. He showed it to his wife and she liked it very much, too.

Walt named this little mouse "Mickey Mouse". He hoped his Mickey Mouse would be different from the other pictures of his. He wanted to make Mickey talk. He put his fingers on his nose and made a strange sound. Then he recorded the voice this way. Later he sold his sound pictures to a cinema. When the film was shown, many people went to see it. Mickey Mouse in the film sang and danced and did all kinds of fun ny things. People couldn't help laughing when they saw it. It's a great success. Ever since then, Walt's Mickey Mouse has been one of the most famous film stars in the world.

Walt was ______ when be heard the strange sound.





Every second in the United States alone, more than 250 animals are slaughtered for food, a
dding up to more than 8 billion animals each year. Reducing the amount of meat in one’s diet is nutritionally, environmentally, and ethically beneficial.

People who eat meat usually have weaker immune systems compared to those of vegetarians. Meat has been directly linked to diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and many other illnesses. Furthermore, meat-eaters are at a higher risk for diseases, including cancer, and they are more likely to die from these diseases. Critics say that a meatless diet does not provide enough nutrients, especially protein and iron. Actually, according to A Teen’s Guide to Going Vegetarian, by Judy Krizmanic, protein is found in almost every food, and iron appears in many vegetables. Getting enough nutrients in a meat-reduced diet should not be difficult. A 1988 study found that some of the highest pesticide residues appear in meat and eggs. Diets including more fruits and vegetables will only make people healthier.

Some skeptics believe that there will be a shortage of food if animals are not eaten. In fact, the opposite is true. More than 80% of the corn and 95% of the oats grown in the US are fed to livestock. The world’s cattle alone consume enough food to equal the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people, more than the entire human population. One half of the water used in the Unites States also goes to livestock; 2.50 gallons of water produces only 1 pound of beef. If people eat less meat and more plants, the amount of available food will increase.

Many people become vegetarians because they feel that eating animals is unethical. 90% of these animals are raised in confinement. Chickens and other birds have only about half. a square foot of space each, and since they are raised so close together, a hot blade is used to cut off their beaks to prevent them from pecking each other to death. Likewise, pigs that are repressed will bite each other’s tails, so both their teeth and tails are removed as soon as they are born.

Eating animals is hazardous in numerous ways. Even a slight reduction in meat intake is better than nothing at all. Consuming less meat is beneficial to the health of animals, the health of people, and to the health of the world.

Which of the following is true according to A Teen’s Guide to Going Vegetarian?

A.A diet without meat cannot supply enough protein.

B.Nearly all the food we eat contains protein.

C.It’s difficult to get enough nutrients in a meatless diet.

D.Some of the highest pesticide residues appear in meat.

Facts About Food:Everywhere on earth there are"food specialists"with opposite (or different) opinions on

Facts About Food

Everywhere on earth there are"food specialists"with opposite (or different) opinions on the best kinds of nutrition for various purposes. A lot of people believe that the healthiest diets are high in fiber ,vitamins ,and minerals but low in fat ,cholesterol ,sugar,and salt. Some nutritionists say the perfect eating plan contains mostly carbohydrates without much protein. In contrast , other scientists say people need high-protein meals with meat, chicken , fish , or milk products and only small amounts of grains , potatoes , breads , rice , and noodles. One famous diet plan allows only certain foods at certain times-protein with protein, carbohydrates with carbohydrates , fruits alone , and so on. Some eaters stay away from all meat and maybe even fish and milk products. They get their protein from plants , mostly beans. Others want only high-fiber food. These people may not eat white bread or white rice or even cooked vegetables. So what is the best way to eat and be healthy? The discussion of food facts will go on far into the future.

The necessary substances and elements for human life and health are water, protein, carbohydrates ,fats , vitamins, and minerals. Most kinds of food contain some or all of the required nutrients , but these substances have different effects on people. Various ingredients and dishes affect the mind in different ways. and some kinds of nourishment have better effects on the brain than others. For instance. can broccoli increase brain power? Maybe so. Low levels of some of the B vitamins can cause a decrease in memory and thinking ability , nutritionists say, but dark green vegetables , like broccoli , contain a lot of these nutrients. Another example of a"memory helper"is lecithin-a substance from soybeans , also found in high-fiber foods like nuts and whole grains. High-protein foods influence the mind in more helpful ways than dishes high in sugar and carbohydrates. And the caffeine in coffee or tea may help thinking. Of course , its effects don't last long.

In many places outside big cities , food with more than four legs is part of good, healthy home cooking. Fried or grilled ants are a tasty but expensive snack in Colombia , South America. In various parts of Mexico , over 300 types of insects serveas food. In southern Africa. many people like to eat at least one kind of caterpillar or worm. They enjoy it fried , dried , or cooked in tomato sauce. In Thailand , cooks create a spicy hot pepper sauce with water bugs. In Vietnam , grasshoppers filled with peanuts are a special dish. And in some regions of China,bugs are not only a part of meals but an important ingredient in medicine too. Most kinds of insects have high nutritional value. They contain a l0t of protein , vitamins , and minerals. Many people like their taste. They are everywhere on the planet. They add to the variety of people' s diets. For several reasons , insects are an important kind of food in the global diet , and they may become a more common ingredient in the future.

The growing similarities in diet and eating habits around the world are influencing people of various cultures in different ways. For example, Western foods are damaging health in the industrialized island country of Japan. Instead of small meals of seafood , rice , and vegetables ,the typical Japanese diet ow includes large amounts of meat ,dairy products. And desserts like tiramisu , a rich Italian dish full of chocolate , cheese , and sugar. According to Japanese health researchers , such changes in eating habits are related to a great increase in health problems such as heart disease , strokes , cancer , and diabetes. On the other hand , the changing global diet is having the opposite effect on the people in the Czech Republic. The government of this European nation no longer supports meat and dairy products financially , so the cost of these foods is going up. In contrast , fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming more widely available from private markets and stands. Cooks are even serving salads to schoolchildren ,and families are eating healthier home-cooked meals. For these reasons ,fewer Czech men are having heart attacks , the women are l0sing a l0t of weight , and most people are living healthier lives.

Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write"T"for True and"F"for False on the Answer Sheet.

6. The best way to eat is to eat only small amounts of carbohydrates.

7. Most kinds of food contain fats , vitamins and minerals.

8. High-fiber food like nuts and whole grains can influence people' s memory.

9. Four legs insects serve as food in many places in the world.

10. Japanese health researchers consider Italian tiramisu is the key factor that relates to health problems in Japan.

A.eatB.to eatC.eatingD.the eating


B.to eat


D.the eating

The girl eating in the restaurant seems ______ a good time. (have)

The girl eating in the restaurant seems ______ a good time. (have)

A.stop to eatB.stop eatingC.stop to be eatingD.stop not to eat

A.stop to eat

B.stop eating

C.stop to be eating

D.stop not to eat

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