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What are advantages of arbitration?

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What are advantages and disadvantages of consignment?
What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage?()

A.It proves that students are moving away from the humanities to “hard skills” .

B.It emphasizes the significance of studying the humanities.

C.It shows that humanities are now in bad shap

D.It presents the advantages and disadvantages of studying the humanities.




Every coin has two sides and questionnaires are no different. With questionnaires, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.


Compared to face-to-face interviews, questionnaires are cheaper for

collecting data from a large number of respondents. Also, questionnaires are easy to analyze, and computer software can easily complete data entry and make tables for nearly all surveys. Questionnaires are familiar to most people as nearly everyone has had some experience completing one. Questionnaires reduce bias when there are no clues to affect the respondents.


One main disadvantage of questionnaires is the possibility of low response rates which reduces our confidence in the results. Another disadvantage is they provide little flexibility for the respondents. What’s more, many times the respondent is not the same person you sent the

questionnaire to. Finally, questionnaires are not suitable for some people. For example, a survey to a group of poorly educated people might not work because of reading problems.

1. The advantages of questionnaire are more than disadvantages.{T、F}

2. Questionnaire is the cheapest way for collecting data from respondents.{T、F}

3. Questionnaires have the advantage of being analyzed easily through the computer software.{T、F}

4. Questionnaire is suitable for everyone.{T、F}

5. The respondent is usually the same person you sent the questionnaire to.{T、F}

Read the following paragraphs and then answer four questions. (北外2011研) The idea behin

Read the following paragraphs and then answer four questions. (北外2011研) The idea behind the experiential vision of learning is that the use of the target language for communicative purposes is not only the goal of learning, but also a means of learning in its own right. This may clearly involve students using language which they may not have fully mastered, and contrasts with other more traditional approaches which emphasize part practice(i. e. , isolating parts of the whole for explicit study and learning)leading up in a more or less controlled manner to integrated language use for communicative purposes. An experiential approach to learning may therefore involve a degree of what Johnson(1982)refers to as an in at the deep end strategy. Simply throwing learners into wholly uncontrolled and undirected language use is, of course, as dubious a strategy with respect to language learning as doing the same with someone who is learning to swim. For this reason, considerable effort has been devoted by methodologists, material writers, and teachers in recent decades to the way in which two sets of factors can be combined. One is the basic insight that language use can serve a significant role in promoting learning, and the other is the acknowledgement that use of the language needs to be structured in a coherent and pedagogically manageable way. The experiential vision of learning has evolved in a variety of ways since the 1960s and is now encountered in a number of differing forms. Nevertheless, most experiential approaches to learning rest on five main principles which were developed in the earlier days of the communicative movement, even if certain receive more attention in one variant than in another. These principles are the following: message focus, holistic practice, the use of authentic materials, the use of communication strategies, and the use of collaborative modes of learning.(Tudor 2001: 79) An analytical view of learning posits that according explicit attention to the regularities of language and language use can play a positive role in learning. Each language manifests a number of structural regularities in areas such as grammar, lexis and phonology, and also with respect to the ways in which these elements are combined to communicate messages. The question, therefore, is not whether languages have structural regularities or not, but whether and in which way explicit attention to such regularities can facilitate the learning of the language. An analytical approach to learning rests on a more or less marked degree of part practice, i. e. , isolating parts of the whole for explicit study and learning, even if its ultimate goal remains the development of learners ability to put these parts together for integrated, holistic use. At least, two main considerations lend support to an analytical approach to learning. First, in terms of learning in general, the isolation and practice of sub-parts of a target skill is a fairly common phenomenon Second, explicit identification of regularities in a language has advantages which Johnson(1996: 83)refers to as generativity and economy. Mastering a regularity in a language gives learners access to the generative potential of this regularity in new circumstances Explicit presentation or discovery of the structural regularities of a language can therefore represent a short-cut to mastery of this language and support learners ability to manipulate these regularities for communicative purposes.(Tudor 2001: 86-7) (1)What are the differences between experiential and analytical modes of language learning? (2)What serves as the theoretical foundation for the experiential mode of language learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages? (3)What serves as the theoretical foundation for the analytical mode of language learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages? (4)How would you balance the two modes of learning in your teaching or learning of a foreign language?

One of the advantages of taking notes is that it forces you to pay closer attention to the
class lecture. If you listen【36】to a professor who is talking on and on for an hour or so, your mind will often【37】and your attention will lessen. You are sitting in class and listening, but that【38】you are doing;【39】, when you listen actively you have to pay more careful and【40】attention to what【41】. This is because you are trying to【42】what you hear into an【43】, shortened written form. As a foreign student, you may find【44】very difficult to listen and write notes【45】at the same time. It is difficult【46】, but you will learn how to do【47】with practice. You【48】afraid you will forget what you are listening to【49】you are listening and writing at the same time, but the studies of researchers【50】the value of note-taking in【51】lecture material have shown that learners remember【52】reproduced in some note form. much better than lecture information they have listened to【53】down in note form. So doing two things at the same time is better than doing one thing【54】. We do not say it is【55】; we say it is better.






Most men and women pass through life without ever considering or criticizing【1】their own c
onditions or those of the world at large. They find themselves born into a certain place in【2】, and they accept what each day【3】, without any thought beyond what the immediate present requires. They seek the【4】of the needs of the moment, without much forethought, and【5】thinking that by sufficient effort the conditions of their lives【6】be changed. A certain percentage, guided by personal ambition,【7】the effort of thought and will which is necessary to place themselves among the more fortunate members of the community; but very【8】among these are seriously concerned to secure for all the advantages which they seek for【9】. Only a few rare and exceptional men have that kind of love toward【10】at large that makes them unable to endure patiently the general mass of evil and suffering,【11】of any relation it may have to their own lives. These【12】, driven by sympathetic pain, will seek for some new system of society by which life may become richer, more full of【13】and less full of preventable evils【14】it is at present. But in the past such men have, as a rule, failed to interest the very victims of the injustices【15】they wished to remedy.






Public goods are those commodities from whose enjoyment nobody can be effectively excluded
. Everybody is free to enjoy the benefits of these commodities, and one person' s utilization does not reduce the possibilities of anybody else' s enjoying the same good.

Examples of public goods are not as rare as one might expect. A flood control dam is a public good. Once the dam is built, all persons living in the area will benefit--irrespective of their own contribution to the construction cost of the dam. The same holds true for highway signs or aids to navigation. Once a lighthouse is built, no ship of any nationality can be effectively excluded from the utilization of the lighthouse for navigational purposes. National defense is another example. Even a person who voted against military expenditures or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection afforded.

It is no easy task to determine the social costs and social benefits associated with a public good. There is no practicable way of charging drivers for looking at highway signs, sailors for watching a lighthouse, and citizens for the security provided to them through national defense: Because the market does not provide the necessary signals, economic analysis has to be substituted for the impersonal judgement of the marketplace.

With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?

A.Mechanisms for safer navigation.

B.The economic structure of the marketplace.

C.A specific group of commodities.

D.The advantages of lowering taxes.

We develop our impressions of other countries and their people through books, movies, tele
vision, magazines, fellow students, and friends. But is there really any substitute for first-hand experience?

Come, spend a summer studying in the USA, and get to know people and a land which are incredibly rich in their variety. You may end up on an urban campus or a rural one, at a small school or a large one, in a cool climate or a warm one, in San Francisco or St. Louis. But whatever your experience, it will be first-hand, personal, alive, and unforgettable!

If you spend a summer studying in the USA, you'll have advantages which the tourist never will. Not only will you learn the subject matter of your choice, but you’ll gain an understanding of the American educational system as well. You'll experience the culture of the people and the dynamics of your physical environment. But above all, as a student you'll have a chance to meet Americans. Get to know them, communicate, exchange ideas and opinions, and hopefully form. friendships which will endure beyond the length of your stay in the USA.

The following articles will help you in deciding which summer program to choose, what to bring, and how to adjust to the life in the USA. But the first and most important decision is one which you can make right now. Why not say, "This summer, I'll be studying in the USA!"

According to the passage, our impressions of other countries and their people are usually developed ______.

A.through first-hand experience

B.in the very countries

C.through friendships with people

D.through various sources of experience

Iron production was revolutionized in the early eighteenth century when coke was first use
d instead of charcoal(木炭)for refining iron ore. Previously the poor quality of the iron had restricted its use in architecture to items such as chains and tie bars for supporting arches, vaults(拱顶), and walls. With the improvement in refining ore, it was now possible to make castiron beams and columns. During the nineteenth century further advances were made, notably Bessemer's process for converting iron into steel, which made tile material more commercially feasible.

Iron was rapidly adopted for the construction of bridges, because its strength was far greater than that of stone or timber, but its use in the architecture of buildings developed more slowly. By 1800 a complete internal iron skeleton for buildings had been developed in industrial architecture replacing traditional timber beams, but it generally remained concealed. Apart from its low cost, the appeal of iron as a building material lay in its strength, its resistance to fire, and its potential to span vast areas. As a result, iron became increasingly popular as a structural material for more traditional styles of architecture during the nineteenth century, but it was invariably concealed.

Significantly, the use of exposed iron occurred mainly in the new building types produced by the Industrial Revolution: in factories, warehouses, commercial offices, exhibition halls, and railroad stations, where its practical advantages far outweighed its lack of status. Designers of the railroad stations of the new age explored the potential of iron, covering huge areas with spans that surpassed the great vaults of medieval churches and cathedrals. Paxton's Crystal Palace, designed to house the Great Exhibition of 1851, covered an area of 1848 feet by 408 feet in assembled units of glass set in iron frames. The Paris Exhibition of 1889 included both the widest span and the greatest height achieved so far with the Halle des Machines, spanning 362 feet, and the Eiffel Tower 1,000 feet high. However, these achievements were mocked by the artists of Paris as expensive and ugly foolishness. Iron, despite its structural advantages, had little aesthetic(审美的)status. The use of an exposed iron structure in the more traditional styles of architecture was slower to develop.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Advances in iron processing in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

B.The effects of the Industrial Revolution on traditional architectural styles.

C.Advantages of stone and timber over steel as building materials.

D.The evolution of the use of iron in architecture.

填空:Videoconferencing is nothing more than a television set or PC monitor with a camera

Through the videocenferencing, not only your voice but also your face, the surroundings and any other graphic and phisical __1__ can be captured and transmitted through the communication system with or without wires. Of course, when you go into the details, the technology involved is very __2__ and the subject matter littered with jargon. Such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or the __3__ behind bandwidth, latency and isochrony which are used to explain how videoconferencing works.Good people communication is __4__ in any business, and the more interaction you can achieve, the more likely it is that your __5__ will be the right ones. Videoconferencing not only allows you to speak to people in different locations, but also note __6__ expressions and gestures that let you know what the other person is really thinking. Meetings are made more __7__ by sharing documents and computer applications that a simple telephone cannot __8__.__9__, organizations are discovering the competitive advantages and the power of videoconferencing. With advances in performance, economical pricing, the ability to __10__ essential meeting tools and connectivity to global telephone networks and standardized videoconferencing protocols, videoconferencing is now a practical reality for any organization.

A) fortunately

B) effective

C) images

D) articulate

E) facial

F) manage

G) decisions

H) connect

I) advanced

J) integrate

K) progressive

L) concepts


N) increasingly

O) important

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