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After World War II the glorification of an ever-larger GNP formed the basis of a new mater

ialism, which became a sacred obligation for all Japanese governments, businesses and trade unions. Anyone who mentioned the undesirable by-products of rapid economic growth was treated as a heretic. Consequently, everything possible was done to make conditions easy for the manufacturers. Few dared question the wisdom of discharging untreated waste into the nearest water body or untreated smoke into the atmosphere. This silence was maintained by union leaders as well as by most of the country's radicals; except for a few isolated voices, no one protested. An insistence on treatment of the various effluents would have necessitated expenditures on treatment equipment that in turn would have given rise to higher operating costs. Obviously, this would have meant higher prices for Japanese goods, and ultimately fewer sales and lower industrial growth and GNP.

The pursuit of nothing but economic growth is illustrated by the response of the Japanese government to the American educational mission that visited Japan in 1947. After surveying Japan's educational program, the Americans suggested that the Japanese fill in their curriculum gap by creating departments in chemical and sanitary engineering. Immediately, chemical engineering departments were established in all the country's universities and technical institutions. In contrast, the recommendation to form. sanitary engineering departments was more or less ignored, because they could bring no profit. By 1960, only two second-rate universities, Kyoto and Hokkaido, were interested enough to open such departments.

The reluctance to divert funds from production to conservation is explanation enough for a certain degree of pollution, but the situation was made worse by the type of technology the Japanese chose to adopt for their industrial expansion. For the most part, they simply copied American industrial methods. This meant that methods originally designed for use in a country that stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific with lots of air and water to use as sewage receptacles were adopted for an area a fraction of the size. Moreover, the Japanese diet was much more dependent on water as a source of fish and as an input in the irrigation of rice; consequently discharged wastes built up much more rapidly in the food chain.


heretic 异教徒

sanitary 卫生的

for the most part 基本上

receptacle 储存地

According to the text, no measures were resorted to in environmental protection after World War Ⅱ in Japan because

A.they were reckoned to be unnecessary.

B.they would check economic development.

C.no one was much interested in them.

D.pollution was held as inevitable at that time.

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更多“After World War II the glorifi…”相关的问题
The Voice of America began during the World War II when Germany was broadcasting a radio p
rogram to get international (21) . American officials believed they should (22) the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world (23) . The first VOA news report began with these words in (24) : "The (25) may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth." Within a week, other VOA (26) were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.

After the World war II (27) in 1945, some Americans felt VOA's (28) had to be changed, (29) the Soviet Union (苏联)became the enemy of America. They wanted to reach Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.

In the early years VOA began (30) something new to its broadcast that was (31) "Music USA" , Another new idea came (32) in 1959. VOA knew that many listeners did not know (33) English to completely understand its normal English broadcast. So VOA (34) a simpler kind of English, which uses about 1,500 words and is spoken (35) ,of course, it is Special English.


A. business

B. culture

C. support

D. information.

Scientists discovered that atoms of some substances are radioactive. This means that they
are unstable and can be split. The chain of splitting atoms releases great destructive energy and it was this discovery which led scientists to develop the idea of an atomic bomb. The American government secretly worked to produce such a bomb and the first version was much more powerful than anyone had thought.

By this time, the World War II had ended in Europe. But the Japanese refused to surrender, the Americans decided that by dropping an atomic bomb on Japan, they could end the war quickly and save more of their soldier’s lives.

Soon after midnight on 6 August 1945, a bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, a civilian target. No warning was given and there was total devastation. Almost all the buildings were destroyed and more than 100000 people died or were horribly wounded.

The Japanese military still did not want to surrender so three days later, the Americans dropped a second atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki, killing 45000 people. The Japanese government was discussing ending the war when they heard the news of Nagasaki. Finally, they surrendered and the World War II came to an end.

At first, the scientists who had built the bomb were pleased that it had helped to end the war. However, many would come to realize that they had helped to create the most terrible weapon known to man.

The first atomic bomb ______.

A.was less powerful

B.was dropped in Nagasaki

C.was a failure

D.was tested in desert

As soon as World War II ended, Einstein urged that atomic energy ______ to peaceful use.A.

As soon as World War II ended, Einstein urged that atomic energy ______ to peaceful use.

A.is put

B.be put

C.would be put

D.will be put

The American policy towards the Soviet Union after the Second World War was ______.


B.cold war



It has been documented that during World War II, America's armed forces once tried formati
on flight to save fuel.



It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of the World War II most Americans ___

A.were very rich

B.lived in poverty

C.had the good things on the first three levels

D.did not own automobiles

It has been necessary to refer repeatedly to the effects of the two world wars in promotin
g all kind of innovation. It should be (1)_____ also that technological innovations have (2)_____ the character of war itself by the (3)_____ of new mechanical and chemical device. One weapon developed during World War II (4)_____ a special mention. The (5)_____ of rocket propulsions was well known earlier, and its possibilities as a (6)_____ of achieving speeds sufficient to escape from the Earth's gravitational pull had been (7)_____ by the Russian and the American scientists. The latter built experimental liquid-fuelled rockets in 1926. (8)_____, a group of German and Romanian pioneers was working (9)_____ the same lines and in the 1930s, it was this team that developed a rocket (10)_____ of delivering a warhead hundreds of miles away. Reaching a height of over 100 miles, the V-2 rocket (11)_____ the beginning of the Space Age, and members of its design team were (12)_____ in both the Soviet and United States space programs after the war.

Technology had a tremendous social (13)_____ in the period 1900 1945. The automobile and electric power, (14)_____, radically changed both the scale and the quality of 20th-century life, (15)_____ a process of rapid urbanization and a virtual revolution (16)_____ living through mass production of household goods and (17)_____

The rapid development of the airplane, the cinema, and radio made the world seem suddenly smaller and more (18)_____. The development of many products of the chemical industry further transformed the life of most people. In the years (19)_____ 1945 the constructive and creative opportunities of modern technology could be (20)_____, although the process has not been without its problems.





It can be learned from the text that soon after the Second World WarA.hardly anyone suspec

It can be learned from the text that soon after the Second World War

A.hardly anyone suspected that it was unwise to contaminate the water and air.

B.people unanimously found it acceptable to damp industrial wastes into the sea.

C.the government tried to deal with the pollution problem but in vain.

D.nobody attached great significance to the remedy for public hazards.

By the end of World War II , the drama theaters______to about thirty theaters in New York.

A.had been reduced

B.were reduced

C.have been reduced


“The hyperinflations after World War I and those of the 1 980s had a common origin in external shocks.”Comment.

The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well stud
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