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()deals with how language is acquired, understood and produced.




D.Anthropological linguistics

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How do hotels react to the penny-pinching policy?A.They have to raise their rates.B.They c

How do hotels react to the penny-pinching policy?

A.They have to raise their rates.

B.They charge more on extra services.

C.They offer better deals for travelers.

D.They are suffering successive dismal.

Anthropology (人类学) is the study of how people live. It includes their family life,
religion, art, laws and language. The term anthropology comes from two Greek words: "anthropos" means "human being" and "logy" means "the science of. Anthropology can be divided into two areas. These two main divisions are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology. Culture includes many things, such as art, religion, laws, and even furniture and movies. Anthropologists define human progress in three main steps. Step one begins with the first human being and continues until the last of the people who hunted animals just to survive. Step two includes people who grew food. In this step, there was progress in invention and religion. The third step deals with the first civilizations, such as those in Egypt and parts of Asia. Anthropologists always seek new information about people. For instance, recent evidence found in Ethiopia and Kenya shows humans earlier in history than it was previously believed.

1.According to the passage, anthropology mainly deals with ______.

A、family life, religion and art

B、differences between human races

C、the study of ancient people

D、the study of different cultures

2.What have anthropologists recently found_____.

A、There are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology

B、there are three steps in the progress of human beings

C、There were more civilizations in Egypt than in parts of Asia

D、There is a longer history of human beings than it was thought before

3.Which of the following belongs to the second step of human progress_____.

A、Many religions and inventions were made

B、People hunted animals just to survive

C、the early civilizations came into being

D、people started to learn science and art

4.Which could be the best title for the passage_____.

A、What is anthropology

B、The progress of human beings

C、The first civilizations

D、The Work of Anthropologists Dear Sirs

5.Which of the following statement is TRUE_____.

A、Furniture and movies belong to physical anthropology

B、Anthropologists are still trying to get new findings about people

C、the study of human beings began in Greek times

D、The first civilizations appeared only in Egypt and parts of Asia

When the United States and Korea(SOK) announced their new free-trade agreement last month,

When the United States and Korea(SOK) announced their new free-trade agreement last month, the news was mainly economic. The deal would give American farmers and bankers alike better access to Korean consumers and help Korean companies push more electronics, cars and textiles into the United States. Largely unreported was the political angle—the U.S.-Korea(SOK) free trade agreement comes at precisely the moment when America's military presence on the Korean Peninsula is rapidly diminishing, anti-U.S. nationalism in Korea(SOK) is growing and China is playing an ever more important leadership role in the region. This FTA is much more significant in strategic than economic terms.

It is the same about any number of trade deals in Asia these days. While free-trade agreements have always been somewhat political, solidifying national relationships, the use of FTAs in geopolitical jockeying(竞赛) is reaching new heights in East Asia. Since 1997, the number of FTAs in the region has risen from seven to 38. Last time we saw this sort of frenzied bilateral activity was back in the 1930s. That worries some economists, who fear that all the free-trade politicking will further erode an already beleaguered global trading system, and create a snowball effect of countermeasures.

It's no accident that the activity in the region has increased since 2004, which marked the beginning of a massive free trade agreement between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. China offered countries like Laos and Cambodia an "early harvest", unilaterally opening up markets for hundreds of different kinds of agricultural products. That in turn helped smooth the way for a reduction in tension in hot spots like the disputed South China Sea territories. FTAs are becoming a key instrument for great-power diplomacy.

That worries rivals, who are rushing to find their own partners. The Japanese, for example, have always been cautious when it comes to bilateral agreements. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe recently announced a new push for more Japanese FTAs in the region. Meanwhile, the EU is trying desperately to push its way back into the region, recently announcing plans to negotiate its own deals with both South Korea and the ASEAN nations.

How will all the wheeling and dealing end? Not with more efficient trading. A recent map of Asian trade deals shows an increasingly complicated "spaghetti bowl" hindering broader global efforts to liberalize trade. Such deals have a disproportionately negative effect on small and medium-sized enterprises, representing as much as 80 percent of jobs in some parts of Asia. Already, the U.S.-Korea(SOK) deal is causing grousing(不满) in Japan, which would take a hit as Korean competitors no longer have. to deal with U.S. tariffs. Still, that probably won't turn the tide—the most important criterion in motivating a country to seek FTAs, well ahead of economic reform, was—surprise—politics.

By signing a new FTA with Korea(SOK), U.S. wishes to ______.

A.withdraw rapidly its military troops in Korea(SOK).

B.arouse pro-U.S. sentiments in Korea(SOK).

C.check the increasing significance of China there.

D.fulfill its magnifying global economic strategy.

Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as
science fiction (科幻 小说). Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore, some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.

It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but its ancestors (原型) can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books are often concerned with the presentation of some forms of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories.

Most of classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last one hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H. G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.

Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection (反映) of the world which we live in now. Because of this their writing has obvious political undertones (含意) .

In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超越) science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to come to terms with a continually changing view of the world.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Science fiction is fairly new in literature.

B.Science fiction is rather popular with people today.

C.Science fiction often deals with some forms of ideal society.

D.Hundreds of books classified as science fiction are printed every year.

In the text, the author mainly deals with _________.[A] the necessity of drama in a

In the text, the author mainly deals with _________.

[A] the necessity of drama in a culture

[B] some social functions of dramas

[C] the responsibility of dramatists

[D] some key elements in drama-making

Paragraph 2 mainly deals with _____.A.the revival of stronger liquidity positions.B.the st

Paragraph 2 mainly deals with _____.

A.the revival of stronger liquidity positions.

B.the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies.

C.the causes of business development for the period.

D.economic policy measures suggested by the President.






This passage deals with______.A.failure and successB.two sides of failureC.the "spider-sto

This passage deals with______.

A.failure and success

B.two sides of failure

C.the "spider-story"

D.the invention of light bulb

Two techniques have recently been developed to simplify research and reduce the number of
nonhuman primates needed in studies of certain complex hormonal reactions. One technique involves the culturing of primate pituitary cells and the cells of certain human turnouts. In the other, animal oviduct tissue is transplanted under the skin of laboratory primates. Both culturing techniques complement existing methods of studying intact animals.

With an in vitro culturing technique, researchers are deciphering how biochemical agents regulate the secretion of prolactin, the pituitary hormone that promotes milk production. The cultured cells survive for as long as a month, and they do not require serum, a commonly used culture ingredient that can influence cellular function and confound study results. One primate pituitary gland may yield enough cells for as many as 72 culture dishes, which otherwise would require as many animals.

The other technique allows scientists to monitor cellular differentiation in the reproductive tracts of female monkeys. While falling short of the long-sought goal of developing an in vitro model of the female reproductive system, the next-best alternative was achieved. The method involves transplanting oviduct tissue to an easily accessible site under the skin, where the grafted cells behave exactly as if they were in their normal environment. In about 80 percent of the grafts, blood vessels in surrounding abdominal skin grow into and begin nourishing the oviduct tissue. Otherwise, the tissue is largely isolated, walled off by the surrounding skin. A cyst forms that shrinks and swells in tandem with stages of the menstrual cycle. With about 80 percent of the grafts re-establishing themselves in the new site, a single monkey may bear as many as 20 miniature oviducts that are easily accessible for study. Because samples are removed with a simple procedure requiring only local anaesthesia, scientists can track changes in oviduct cells over short intervals. In contrast, repeated analysis of cellular changes within the oviduct itself would require abdominal surgery every time a sample was taken--a procedure that the animals could not tolerate.

Scientists are using the grafting technique to study chlamydia infections, a leading cause of infertility among women. By infecting oviduct tissues transplanted into the abdominal skin of rhesus monkeys, researchers hope to determine how the bacteria cause pelvic inflammatory disease and lesions that obstruct the oviduct. Such research could eventually lead to the development of antibodies to the infectious agent and a strategy for producing a chlamydia vaccine.

This passage deals primarily with ______.

A.reproductive organs of nonhuman primates

B.diseases of the pituitary glands

C.in vitro studies of pituitary hormones

D.techniques for studying hormonal reactions

___________________ deals with understanding different business customs, beliefs and c

A.inter-cultural communication

B.cross- cultural communication

C.multi-lingual communication

D.intra-cultural communication

People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads; everyone watches TV, rents videos, or goes t
o the movies. The most popular reading material is comic books, movie magazines, and TV guides. City libraries have only 10 percent of the traffic that car washes have. But how do you explain this? An annual book festival in west Los Angeles is flourishing year after year. People wait haft an hour for a parking space to become available.

This outdoor festival, sponsored by a newspaper, occurs every April for one weekend. This year's attendance was estimated at 70,000 on Saturday and 75,000 on Sunday. The festival consisted of 280 exhibitors. There were about 90 talks given by authors, with an audience question-and-answer period following each talk. Autograph(亲笔签名)seekers sought out more than 150 authors. A food court sold all kinds of popular food and diverse foreign foods, from American hamburgers to Hawaiian shave ice drinks. Except for a $ 7 parking fee, the festival was free. Even so, some people avoided the food court prices by staying away and having their own sandwiches and drinks.

People came from all over California. One couple drove down from San Francisco. "This is our sixth year here now. We love it, "said the husband. "It's just fantastic to be in the great outdoors, to be among so many books and authors, and to get some very good deals, too."

The idea for the festival occurred years ago, but nobody knew if it would succeed. Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities, would Los Angeles residents welcome one? "The citizens of the city are very unpredictable, "said one of the festival founders.

The underlined sentence in the first paragraph implies that ______.

A.city libraries have a very limited number of readers

B.only a small proportion of the readers go to libraries by car

C.city libraries provide fewer places for car washes

D.city libraries have fewer parking places

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