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One thing almost everyone is agreed on, including Americans, is that they place a very hig

h valuation upon success. Success does not necessarily mean material rewards, but recognition of some sort preferably measurable. If the boy turns out to be a preacher (传教) instead of a businessman, that's all right. But the bigger his church and congregation, the more successful he is judged to be.

A good many things contributed to this accent on success. There was the Puritan (清教) belief in the virtue of work, both for its own sake and because the rewards it brought were regarded as signs of God's love. There was the richness of opportunity in a land waiting to be settled. There was the lack of a settled society with fixed ranks and classes, so that a man was certain to rise through achievement.

There was the determination of the immigrant to gain in the new world what had been denied to him in the old. And on the part of his children an urge to throw off the immigrant Onus (负担) by still more success and still more rise in a fluid, classless society. Brothers did not compete within the family for the favor of the parents as in Europe, but strove for success is the outer world, along paths of their own choosing.

In American society, one's success is measured by______.

A.materialistic rewards

B.his being recognized

C.the church he stats in

D.his contribution to the church

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更多“One thing almost everyone is a…”相关的问题
When God made the first man, he put him in a beautiful garden, the Garden of Eden. Here Ad
am lived in peace with all the animals. God gave Adam eternal life. But Adam was lonely in the gar den, so God made Eve. When Adam was asleep one night, God took a rib from him and made Eve, the first woman. Adam was happy when he woke up the next morning and found Eve beside him. God said to them, "Here in the Garden you have everything. But you cannot have one thing: you cannot eat the apples from the Tree of Knowledge."

One day Satan came to the Garden. He changed into a snake and went to live in the Tree of Knowledge. When Eve came near the tree one day, the snake called her. He gave her an apple and said," Take this apple and eat it. Don' t listen to the God. Eat it. "After Eve took a bite, she the apple to Adam. He was afraid, but Eve repeated again and again: "It' s good. Here, eat it. Why not?" So he finally ate the apple.

Before they ate the apple; Adam and Eve didn' t know that they were naked. But now they were ashamed and covered their bodies with leaves. God was angry with them. He said, "Leave the Gar den. You cannot stay here."

When Adam and Eve left the garden, they had their first experience of pain and hard work in the cold hard world outside.

God put Adam in a beautiful garden where he lived ______.

A.peacefully with other people

B.happily with all the animals

C.by himself without any other people


The day was star-crossed: Friday the 13th in the month of October, on the eve of the secon
d looming anniversary of a devastating market crash. "I'm telling you, psychology is really funny. People get crazy in situations like that", said portfolio strategist Elaine Garzarelli. Last week Friday the 13th lived up to its frightful reputation. After drifting lower at a sleepy pace for most of the day, the Dow Jones industrial average abruptly lurched into a hair-raising sky dive in the final hour of trading.

The Bush Administration moved swiftly to avert any sense of crisis after the market closed. Declared Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady: "It's important to recognize that today's stock market decline doesn't signal any fundamental change in the condition of the economy. The economy remains well balanced, and the outlook is for continued moderate growth". But Massachusetts Democrat Edward Markey, who chairs a House subcommittee on telecommunications and finance, vowed to hold hearings this week on the stock market slide. Said he: "This is the second heart attack. My hope is that before we have the inevitable third heart attack, we pay attention to these problems".

Experts found no shortage of culprits to blame for the latest shipwreck. A series of downbeat realizations converged on Friday, ranging from signs of a new burst of inflation to sagging corporate profits to troubles in the junk-bond market that has fueled major takeovers. The singular event that shook investors was the faltering of a $6.75 billion labor management buyout of UAL, the parent company of United Airlines, the second largest U.S. carrier.

On one point most thoughtful Wall Streeters agreed: the market had reached such dizzying heights that a correction of some sort seemed almost inevitable. Propelled by favorable economic news and a wave of multibillion-dollar takeovers, stocks had soared more than 1,000 points since the 1987 crash. But by last August some Wall streeters were clearly worried.

The heaviest blow to the market came Friday afternoon. In a three-paragraph statement, UAL said a labor-management group headed by Chairman Stephen Wolf had failed to get enough financing to acquire United. Several banks had apparently balked at the deal, which was to be partly financed through junk bonds. The take-over group said it would submit a revised bid "in the near term", but the announcement stunned investors who had come to view the United deal as the latest sure thing in the 1980s buyout binge. Said John Downey, a trader at the Chicago Board Options Exchange: "The airline stocks have looked like attractive takeover targets. But with the United deal in trouble, everyone started to wonder what other deals might not go through".

The tone of the writer as reflected in the first sentence is ______.





Concrete Another thing to remember in connection with concrete is that you are not allowed


Another thing to remember in connection with concrete is that you are not allowed very much leeway for errors in either measurements or location. Once you have a solid mass of concrete set in place, it is going to stay there. You have a difficult job ahead of you if you try to remedy a mistake. Make very sure, before you fill the form, that everything is where and how you want it.

There are numerous rules regarding the proper mixing handing, and finishing of concrete, but the essential one concerns the amount of water to use. The less water in the mix, the less the finished job will shrink. The less water used, the harder and more enduring the job after it has set.

The amateur concrete worker is plagued with two desires. One is to use enough Water to have the concrete nice and soft and easy to push around. You have been warned against that. The second is to take off the wooden forms too early, to see what the job looks like. That is really fatal. If the forms are stripped off too soon, while the concrete is still green, two things are likely to happen—you are almost sure to break off corners or edges, and you are likely to cause a major crack or defect in the body of the work. An excellent rule is to wait until you are sure the concrete is properly' hardened, and then wait another day before removing the forms.

The best title for this selection would be:________.

A.Concrete and Its Uses

B.Rules for Working with Concrete

C.Concrete, the Homeowner's Joy

D.Concrete, a Test of Character

Methods of studying vary; what works【21】______for some students doesn't work at all for ot

Methods of studying vary; what works 【21】______ for some students doesn't work at all for others. The only thing you can do is experiment 【22】______ you find a system that does work for you. But two things are sure: 【23】______ else can do your studying for you, and unless you do find a system that works, you won't go through college. Meantime, there are a few rules that 【24】______ for everybody. The hint is "don't get 【25】______ ".

The problem of studying, 【26】______ enough to start with, becomes almost 【27】______ when you are trying to do 【28】______ in one weekend. 【29】______ the fastest readers have trouble 【30】______ that. And ff you are behind in written work that must be 【31】______ , the teacher who accepts it 【32】______ late will probably not give you good credit. Perhaps he may not accept it 【33】______ . Getting behind in one class because you are spending so much time on another is really no 【34】______ . Feeling pretty virtuous about the seven hours you spend on chemistry won't 【35】______ one bit if the history teacher pops a quiz. And many freshmen do get into trouble by spending too much time on one class at the 【36】______ of the others, either because they like one class much better or because they find it so much harder that they think, they should 【37】______ all their time to it. 【38】______ the reason, going the whole work for one class and neglecting the rest of them is a mistake, if you face this 【39】______ , begin with the shortest and easiest 【40】______ . Get them out of the way and then go to the more difficult, time consuming work.






Siena is an old city in the north of Italy.It began with a group of people living on its hills over 2,900 years ago.Around the year 1100,Siena became an important business center in Italy.In 1472,the first bank of the world was built in this city and has been doing business ever since.

Today Siena is famous for keeping its“old face.”For example,its city walls,which helped keep the city safe in the past,are hundreds of years old now and look almost the same as before.Also,many old buildings are seen at the Piazza del Campo,the most important meeting place of the city.Few things have really changed in this center of public life for hundreds of years.Now people still go to the open space for sharing news,shopping or playing sports.There is one more thing that helps keep Siena’s old face: cars cannot enter the city most of the time.

True,Siena is old,but it is beautifully old.People are welcome to visit this beautiful city and walk into the past.

1、The old city,Siena,began more than 2,900 years ago.

2、Siena is famous for having the first bank of the world today.

3、People in Siena have protected the old city walls very well.

4、Few old buildings can be found at the Piazza del Campo.

5、Most of the time cars are not allowed to enter Siena.

According to what God told them, Adam and Eve could ______.A.enjoy everything except the a

According to what God told them, Adam and Eve could ______.

A.enjoy everything except the apples from the Tree of Knowledge

B.learn know[edge from apple trees

C.share apples from the Tree of Knowledge with the animals

D.eat more than one apple from the Tree of Knowledge

Whether to teach young children a second language is disputed among teachers, researchers
and pushy parents. On the one hand, acquiring a new tongue is said to be far easier when young. On the other, teachers complain that children whose parents speak a language at home that is different from the one used in the classroom sometimes struggle in their lessons and are slower to reach linguistic milestones. Would a 15-month-old child, they wonder, not be better off going to music classes?

A study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences may help resolve this question by getting to the point of what is going on in a bilingual child’s brain, how a second language affects the way he thinks, and thus in what circumstances being bilingual may be helpful. Agnes Kovacs and Jacques Mehler at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste say that some aspects of the cognitive development of infants raised in a bilingual household must be undergoing acceleration in order to manage which of the two languages they are dealing with.

The aspect of cognition in question is part of what is termed the brain’s “executive function”. This allows people to organise, plan, prioritise activity, shift their attention from one thing to another and suppress habitual responses. Bilingualism is common in Trieste which, though Italian, is almost surrounded by Slovenia. So Dr. Kovacs and Dr. Mehler looked at 40 “preverbal” seven-month-olds, half raised in monolingual and half in bilingual households, and compared their performances in a task that needs control of executive function.

First, the babies were trained to expect the appearance of a puppet on a screen after they had heard a set of meaningless words invented by the researchers. Then the words, and the location of the puppet, were changed. When this was done, the babies who speak only one language had difficulty overcoming their learnt response, even when the researchers gave them further clues that a switch had taken place. The bilingual babies, however, found it far easier to switch their attention — counteracting the previously learnt, but no longer useful response.

Monitoring languages and .keeping them separate is part of the brain’s executive function, so these findings suggest that even before a child can speak, a bilingual environment may speed up that function’s development. Before rushing your offspring into bilingual kindergartens, though, there are a few cautions. For one thing, these extraordinary cognitive benefits have been demonstrated so far only in “crib” bilinguals — those living in households where two languages are spoken routinely. The researchers speculate that it might be the fact of having to learn two languages in the same setting that requires greater use of executive function. So whether those benefits apply to children who learn one language at home, and one at school, remains unclear.

Who are probably pushing young children to study a new language?




D.Children themselves.

It has been almost half a decade since Norman Mailer described leas Vegas in his novel The
American Dream. But it【1】to be one of the most【2】and exhilarating (使人愉快的) holiday destinations in the world. An end-less【3】of colorful sights and activities are surrounded by skyscrapers and the magnificent Nevada desert.

With【4】shopping, luxury spas, five-star dining and some of the most extravagant entertainment, you will【5】see, this is a city【6】offers an experience like no other.

Perhaps the enduring appeal of this "【7】capital of the world", though, is that it always has something【8】to offer. Recently the Hard Rock Café has been【9】up its act, completing with a new 42 000 sq ft venue, 1 000-seater cinema and an "interactive rock wall"-allowing customers the chance to【10】images of Hard Rock's collection.

City Center is an $ 8.5 billion (£5.3 billion) complex on the Strip; a place that, in a city already【11】with extraordinary casinos (娱乐场) and hotels, stands out from the【12】It was the largest privately【13】construction project in the US and has three stand-alone hotels, a sprawling shopping and entertainment district and two 37-storey glass towers of【14】flats, designed by the likes of Norman Foster.

Another Las Vegas【15】, Planet Hollywood, has【16】with luxury developers to create Westgate Towers--where you could own a piece of the action and a chance to come back to Las Vegas every year.【17】, the only thing you'll【18】of in Vegas is not knowing which club, restaurant or spa to choose from. But then you can always ask a(n)【19】or the concierge--the fantastic thing about this city is that its residents【20】it as much as you will.






The word "Okay" is known and used by millions of people all over the world. Still, languag
e experts do not agree on where it came from.

Some say it came from the Indian peoples. When Europeans first came to America they heard hundreds of different Indian languages. Many were will developed.

One tribe especially had a well developed language. This was the Chocktaw tribe. They were farmers and fishermen whole lived in the rich Mississippi valley in what is now the state of Alabama. When problems arose, Chocktaw leaders discussed them with the tribal chief. They sat in a circle and listened to the wisdom of the chief.

He heard the different proposals, often raising and lowering his head in agreement, and saying, "Okeh," meaning "it is so."

The Indian languages have given many words to English. Twenty four of the American States almost half, have Indian names, Okalahoma, the Dakotas, Idaho, Wisconsin, Ohio and Tennessee, to name a few. And the names of many rivers, streams, mountains, cities and towns are Indian.

However, there are many people who dispute the idea that "Okay" came from the In di ans. Some say the President Andrew Jackson first used the word "Okay." Others claim the word was invented by John Jacob Astor, a fur trader of the late 1700s who became one of the world's richest men. Still others say a poor railroad clerk made up this word. His name was Obadiah Kelly and he put his initials(首写字母), O.K. on each package people gave him to ship by train.

So it goes, each story sounds reasonable and official.

But perhaps the most believable explanation is that the word "Okay" was invented by a political organization in the 1800s. Martin Van Buren was running for President. A group of people organized a club to support him. They called their political organization the "Okay Club. The letters "O" and "K" were taken from the name of Van Buren's hometown, the place where he was born, old Kinderhook, New York.

There is one thing about "Okay" that the experts do agree on: that the word is pure American and that it has spread to almost every country on earth.

There is something about the word that appeals to peoples of every language. Yet, here in America it is used mostly in speech, not in serious writing. In recent time, "Okay" has been given an official place in the English language. But it will be a long time before Americans will officially accept two expressions that come from "Okay." There are "Oke" and "Okeydoke".

______different opinions as where the word "Okay" came from are mentioned in the text.





Most cities and/or states in the U. S. collect a sales tax on almost everything you buy. Y
ou must ask when you move into a new community how much the local sales tax is, and what items are and are not taxable. Both taxable items and the amount of tax vary considerably from place, from one of two percent in some places up to eight or ten in others. The New York City sales tax, for examples, is currently 8% , so if you buy a pair of $40 shoes you will actually have to pay $43.20. This makes paying and getting correct change much more difficult (not to mention making .everything more expensive). We say in America that only two things in life are unavoidable: one is death and the other taxes.

Another thing that makes money exchanges more complicated is tipping. The Chinese people have happily put an end to tipping, but Westerners are still plagued with this indignity. Waiters and waitresses, cab drivers, hotel bellboys, barbers and hairdressers and all sorts of other people must be tipped. Their employers give them low wages because it is expected that you, the customer, will make up the difference. If you don' t, the service person can' t earn a living. Tipping also varies from place to place, generally in the area of 15% of your bill (before taxes), but again you should ask local residents whom to tip and how much.

There is another kind of tipping as well. You are generally expected to give something (either cash or a bottle of whisky) to the mailman and to your building "super" at Christmas time. You should discuss this also with neighbors and colleagues.

The main idea of this passage is ______.

A.shopping and tipping

B.sales and shopping

C.sales taxes and tipping

D.sales taxes and people

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