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In order to avoid disaster it would be wise ______. ()A.to spend five minutes checking th

In order to avoid disaster it would be wise ______. ()

A.to spend five minutes checking the car before you leave

B.to carry some emergency spares with you

C.to buy a cheap set of spares before leaving

D.to prevent all breakdowns from happening

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更多“In order to avoid disaster it …”相关的问题
I tried my best to drive inside in order to avoid the edges that might make me ________

A. slip down

B. settle down

C. bring down

D. turn down

If we want to avoid rekeying printed text when in order to input it, what kind of device should we u

A.A keyboard B.A printer

C.A scanner D.An OCR software

However, we would like ______ draw your attention ______ the fact that the stipulations ______ the r
elative credit should strictly conform ______ the terms ______ our sales confirmation in order ______ avoid subsequent cable amendments.
with the view of, out, draw your attention to, in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that, conform to, a
void, turn out, make out Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your telegram duplicating your order of October 12 for 500 doz.Rubber Shoes.

Although the prevailing quotations are(1)higher, we win accept the order on the same terms as before(2)encouraging business.

As(3)in your previous letter, we have made(4)our Sales Confirmation No.300(5)duplicate and shall thank you to send back one copy duly countersigned.

We are glad to know that a letter of credit will be established in our favour immediately.However we would like to(6)the fact(7)the stipulations in the relative credit should strictly(8)the terms in our sales confirmation in order to(9)subsequent cable amendments.

We appreciate your cooperation and trust that the shipment which is to be dispatched after receipt of the relative letter of credit, will(10)to your entire satisfaction.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Mr Davis, We are glad to (1)()you that 100 cases of hand drills you shipped to Sydn

Dear Mr Davis,

We are glad to (1)()you that 100 cases of hand drills you shipped to Sydney on 1st July have arrived in (2)()condition. It shows that you have made great (3)()in packing.

As for the hand drills to be shipped to us, we would like you to have them packed in boxes of 2 dozen each, 50 boxes to a (4)()case. We are certain that you will give special care to the packing in order to avoid any damage in the process of (5)().

Please let us know by cable if you can meet our requirements.


Emily McPhee

Sales Director

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 Persons who are overweight should watch their diet carefully i
n order to lose pounds. The best way to do this is to start a weight control program. At first it is wise to talk with your doctor. He can advise you of the number of calories(卡路里) you should have in your meals each day. He can tell you about exercisingwhile on your diet. A good rule is to lose slowly. A loss of a pound or two is plenty. Plan meals around foods you know. This means that it is wise to include foods that you are used to and that are part of your regular eating habits. When you have lost the weight you wish, simple items can be added to your diet so that you can maintain the weight you want. While you are dieting, try to build a pattern of eating that you can follow later to maintain your desired weight. When dieting, choose low-calorie foods. Avoid such items as fats. fried food, sweets, cakes, cream and soft drinks. Try to take coffee and tea without sugar or cream. Snacks can be part of your diet. For example, a piece of fruit or a simple dessert saved from mealtime can be eaten between meals. Keep busy ! This way you will not be tempted to go off the diet. Make full use of opportunities to exercise. Try walking instead of riding whenever possible. Happy dieting! What is the main idea of the passage?

A. How to diet.

B. Why we should diet.

C. What we should diet.

D. Where we should diet.

Euphemism(委婉语)as a figure of speech(修辞手段)is more than just saying something unp
Euphemism(委婉语)as a figure of speech(修辞手段)is more than just saying something unp

leasant in a pleasant way. In the words of a famous sociolinguist(社会语言学家), “The euphemism is a recognition(认知)by man of man’s imperfection(不完美;缺憾), and at the same time a recognition by man that he belongs to better things. It is a false word substituted for(代替)the true word in order to soften the chock of reality(现实的混乱).”

It would seem then that the urge to speak euphemistically is a universal trait(普遍特征), but varying in scope and motive with different individuals in different circumstance (环境). Sometimes in some cases euphemisms go so far as some writers condemn(谴责) euphemisms as demoralizing(道德败坏). “In the hearings(听证会), criminality (犯罪行为) is given scores of numbing (使麻木) disguises(隐藏)… the roster(名册)seems endless: dirty tricks (卑劣行为), laundered money(洗钱), telephone anomalies(电话异常)—all perform. the same function: the separation of words from the truth.” However, the fact remains that euphemisms are very much part of the language, it is more important for us to be able to read into them to get the real meaning from them.

Since the purpose of using euphemism is to reduce the unpleasantness of a term or notion, it is natural to find many euphemistic terms used in governments' announcements(公告), in international relations, and in the military(军事). For example, the former(前任)President of United States Ronald Reagon(里根)who had promised the American public to cut taxes called for(号召)revenue enhancements (加强预算)instead of “tax increases”. The term for “the third world countries” was at first underdeveloped nations(不发达国家), then developing countries(发展中国家)and then emerging nations(新兴国家)took its places.

Questions 1-5: Decide whether the following statements are True or False according to the passage.

1.Euphemism, as a figure of speech, is simply saying something unpleasant in a pleasant way.()



2.To some sociolinguist, people use euphemisms in order to avoid being cheated.()



3.People everywhere use euphemisms.()



4.Since euphemisms tend to separate words from truth, we have to be able to understand the real meaning from them.()



5.One seldom sees euphemisms used in international relations.()



Most economists in the United States seem excited by the spell of the free market. Consequ
ently, nothing seems good or normal that does not accord with the requirements of the free market. A price that is determined by the seller or, for that matter, established by anyone other than the aggregate of consumers seems harmful. Accordingly, it requires a major act of will to think of price-fixing (the determination of prices by the Seller) as both "normal" and having a valuable economic function. In fact, price-fixing is normal in all industrialized societies because the industrial system itself provides, as an effortless consequence of its own development, the price-fixing that it requires. Modern industrial planning requires and rewards great size. Hence, a comparatively small number of large firms will be competing for the same group of consumers. That each large firm will act with consideration of its own needs and thus avoid selling its products for more than its competitors charge is commonly recognized by advocates of free-market economic theories. But each large firm will also act with full consideration of the needs that it has in common with the other large firms competing for the same customers. Each large firm will thus avoid significant price-cutting, because price-cutting would be prejudicial to the common interest in a stable demand for products. Most economists do not see price-fixing when it occurs because they expect it to be brought about by a number of explicit agreements among large firms; it is not.

Moreover, those economists who argue that allowing the free market to operate without interference is the most efficient method of establishing prices have not considered the economies of non-socialist countries other than the United States. These economies employ intentional price-fixing, usually in an overt fashion. Formal price-fixing by cartel and informal price-fixing by agreements covering the members of an industry are commonplace. Were there something peculiarly efficient about the free market and inefficient about price-fixing, the countries that have avoided the first and used the second would have suffered drastically in their economic development. There is no indication that they have.

Socialist industry also works within a framework of controlled prices. In the early 1970's, the Soviet Union began to give firms and industries some of the flexibility in adjusting prices that a more informal evolution has accorded the capitalist system. Economists in the Unites States have hailed the change as a return to the free market. But Soviet firms are no more subject to prices established by a free market over which they exercise little influence than are capitalist firms; rather, Soviet firms have been given the power to fix prices.

Notes: spell 魔力; 一阵。aggregate 总体。

The primary purpose of the text is to _____.

A.refute the theory that the free market plays a useful role in the development of industrialized societies.

B.argue that price-fixing, in one form. or another, is an inevitable part of and benefit to the economy of any industrialized society.

C.show that in industrialized societies price-fixing and the operation of the free market are not only compatible but also mutually beneficial.

D.explain the various ways in which industrialized societies can fix prices in order to stabilize the free market.

In a perfectly free and open market economy, the type of employer—government or private—sh
ould have little or no impact on the earnings differentials between women and men. However, if there is discrimination against one sex, it is unlikely that the degree of discrimination by government and private employers will be the same. Differences in the degree of discrimination would result in earnings differentials associated with the type of employer. Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems most likely that discrimination by private employers would be greater. Thus, one would expect that, if women are being discriminated against, government employment would have a positive effect on women's earnings as compared with their earnings from private employment. The results of a study by Fuchs support this assumption. Fuchs' results suggest that the earnings of women in an industry composed entirely of government employees would be 14.6 percent greater than the earnings of women in an industry composed exclusively of private employees, other things being equal.

In addition, both Fuchs and Sanborn have suggested that the effect of discrimination by consumers on the earnings of self-employed women may be greater than the effect of either government or private employer discrimination on the earnings of women employees. To test this hypothesis, Brown selected a large sample of white male and female workers from the 1970 census and divided them into three categories: private employees, government employees, and self-employed. (Black workers were excluded from the sample to avoid picking up earnings differentials that were the result of racial disparities.) Brown's research design controlled for education, labor-force participation, mobility, motivation, and age in order to eliminate these factors as explanations of the study's results. Brown's results suggest that men and women are not treated the came by employers and consumers. For men, self-employment is the highest earnings category, with private employment next, and government lowest. For women, this order is reversed.

One can infer from Brown's results that consumers discriminate against self-employed women. In addition, self-employed women may have more difficulty than men in getting good employees and may encounter discrimination from suppliers and from financial institutions.

Brown's results are clearly consistent with Fuchs' argument that discrimination by consumers has a greater impact on the earnings of women than does discrimination by either government or private employers. Also, the fact the women do better working for government than for private employers implies that private employers are discriminating against women. The results do not prove that government does not discriminate against women. They do, however, demonstrate that if government is discriminating against women, its discriminating is not having as much effect on women's earnings as is discrimination in the private sector.

The passage mentions all of the following difficulties that self-employed women may encounter EXCEPT ______.

A.discrimination from consumers and suppliers

B.discrimination from financial institutions

C.problems from financial institutions

D.problems in obtaining government assistance

Prehistoric men and women enjoyed a more varied diet than people do now, since they ate
species of plant and several hundreds thousands types of living things. But only a tiny percentage of these were ever domesticated. Modern shops have hastened a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture. The food of the rich countries has become cheaper relative to wages. It is speedily distributed in supermarkets. But the choice annually becomes less and less great. Even individual foods themselves become more standardized. We live in the world of carrot specially blunted in order to avoid making a hole in the bag, and the tomato grown to meet a demand for a standard weight of weighting tomatoes to a kilo. Siri von Reis asks: "Only the three major cereals (谷物类食物) and perhaps ten other widely cultivated species stand between famine and survival for the world's human population and a handful of drug plants has served Western civilization for several thousand years. A rather obvious question arises: Are we missing something?" After all, there are 800 000 species of plant on earth.

1、In prehistoric times people____.

A、ate much more than we do today

B、lived mainly on plant food

C、had a wide-ranging diet

D、were more fussy about what they ate

2、Most of us have come to expect____.

A、no variation in our diet

B、a reduction in food supplies

C、a specialist diet

D、food conforming to a set standard

3、The specialization of food was started by____.

A、the emergence of supermarkets

B、the rise of agriculture

C、the rich countries

D、the modern shops

4、According to the passage, people in the West today survive on____.

A、carrots and tomatoes

B、several thousand types of plants and cereals

C、a very small number of cultivated foods

D、special species planted one thousand years ago

5、The conclusion seems to be that we____.

A、could make use of more natural species

B、don't cultivate the right kind of food

C、produce more food than we need

D、cultivate too many different species

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