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When we turn on a tap to get water, or press a switch to get electricity, we do not think

of all the pipes and wires which bring these main services to our homes.

The water is brought from the waterworks to each street by a large underground pipe—a water main. The water in this pipe is then forced by pressure into the smaller pipes which carry it to storage tanks at the tops of the buildings. Other pipes bring the water down from the storage tank to the kitchens and bathrooms in the building.

When the water has been used, it is taken away from the building by drainpipe. These take the waste water to another large pipe under the road—the main sewer. The waste water then flows along the sewer to the sewage works where it is cleaned. This "clean" water is then poured into the sea or into a river, or in some countries, sent back to the waterworks to be used again.

Electricity is also brought to the house by a main, in this case a cable. This cable may be underground or, in country districts, it may hang above ground on pylons. The cable is connected to a meter in the building. This meter measures the amount of electricity that is used in the building. Near the meter there is a master switch which can cut off the supply of electricity. There are also fuse boxes between the master switch and the wires which take the electricity to each of the switches in the building. All these wires, fuses and switches are the "wiring circuit".

It can be inferred from this passage that______.

A.water and electricity are the only main services in our homes

B.the pipes bringing water to our homes are unimportant

C.water is less significant than electricity in our homes

D.we are unaware of how water or electricity is brought to our homes

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更多“When we turn on a tap to get w…”相关的问题
What does the author mean when he says, "we can't turn the clock back"(Line 1, Para. 3)?A.

What does the author mean when he says, "we can't turn the clock back"(Line 1, Para. 3)?

A.It's impossible to slow down the pace of change.

B.The social reality children are facing cannot be changed.

C.Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten.

D.It's impossible to forget the past.

Americans and Arabs are different in their space habits. Arabs prefer close contact. Dr. H
all has explained that the Arabs belong to a touch culture and in conversation, they always envelop the other person. They hold his hand, look into his eyes, and bathe him in their breath.

Dr. Hall’s interest in man’s use of space developed in the early nineteen fifties when he was Director of the Point Four training program at the Foreign Service Institute. In talking with Americans who had lived overseas, he found that many of them had been highly uncomfortable because of culture differences. Such discomfort is usually referred to as culture shock.

The problem is that, relatively speaking, Americans live in a noncontact culture. Partly, this is a product of our puritan heritage (清教徒文化遗产). Dr. Hall points out that we spend years teaching our children not to crowd in and lean on us. And in situations where we ourselves are forced to stand close to another person on crowded subways, for example, we turn our eyes away, and if actual body contact is involved, tense the muscles on the contact side. Most of us feel very strongly that this is the only proper way to behave.

When the Arabs talk to you, they ______.

A.try to be as close to you as possible

B.keep a certain space from you

C.hold you tightly

D.do not allow you to feel their breath

Thousands of years ago, ten of our very distant ancestors were hungry. They went out and p
icked berries or dug up roots to eat. Four of them chose poisonous food and died. The remaining six noticed that their food was safe to eat. They told their children, who, in turn, passed the message on to their descendants. In this way, habit became a vital factor in the survival of mankind : if you ate the right plant, you lived; if you wanted to make your own experiments, you would probably die.

The importance of habit on the survival of the human species is an interesting matter. Even today, most of us hesitate when we are invited to eat a new type of food or drink something we have not tasted before. Even if the food or drink is offered by a friend, we are usually not at all anxious to experiment and accept the offer.

When you get up tomorrow morning, notice which shoe or sock you put on first. Then notice which one you put on first on other days. You may discover that (a) you tend to put on one shoe or sock first every day, and that (b) if you are right-handed, you usually deal with your left shoe or sock first. If you try to change this habit, you may find it uncomfortable or annoying, and you will soon return to your old habit.

When it comes to other matters, we often follow a fixed pattern. We sleep in one or two favorite ways. We often follow familiar routes even when they are not the shortest or best. We often wear a watch on the same wrist even when there is no real reason for doing so. (83)In hundreds of other ways, we show that we are creatures of habit, following fixed patterns of behavior. This characteristic can help us to survive but it can be a barrier to progress too. We must be alert and not let a beneficial factor become a harmful one.

The best title for this passage might be _____.

A.Habit—a Barrier to Progress

B.The Survival of Mankind

C.Various Patterns of Human Behavior

D.We Are Creatures of Habit

The homeless make up a growing percentage of America's population. 【B1】 homelessness has r
eached such proportions that local government can't possibly 【B2】.To help homeless people 【B3】 independence, the federal government must support job training programs, 【B4】 the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing. 【B5】 everyone agrees on the numbers of Americans who are homeless. Estimates 【B6】 anywhere from 600,000 to 3 million. 【B7】 the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is 【B8】 , one of the federal government's studies 【B9】 that the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.

Finding ways to 【B10】 this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. 【B11】 when homeless individuals manage to find a 【B12】 that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day 【B13】 the street. Part of the problem is that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs. And a significant number of the homeless have serious mental disorders. Many others, 【B14】 not addicted or men tally ill, simply lack the everyday 【B15】 skills needed to turn their lives 【B16】 . Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are 【B17】 programs that address the many needs of the homeless. 【B18】 Edward Blotkowsk, director of community service at Bentley College in Massachusetts, 【B19】 it. "There has to be 【B20】 of programs. What we need is a package deal".






"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some really big tadpoles (蝌蚪) in the pond (池塘). You've promised

"Mummy ! Mummy ! I saw some really big tadpoles (蝌蚪) in the pond (池塘). You've promised to catch some for us. "Phillip says, following me towards the kitchen. "Some of them have already got legs!" "Yes! We can catch them and watch them turn into frogs!" Geoffrey says suddenly. "Can we go? Right now?"The telephone has been ringing. I try to get the receiver, but it is too late. It has been cut off.

"Give me a minute to catch my breath. 'I beg. "Put the groceries away. Get some jars out. I'll go change."

We go to the wide pond which lies smooth and still, its surface dotted with pink (粉红色 ) and white lilies (睡莲). Phillip and Geoffrey, laughing and shouting, run to the water's edge. I feel the peace of the place broken by the children. I hope there are no tadpoles so we can leave quickly. There's dinner to cook.

It is quite some time before we have taken the first tadpole to the bank. "The children are wild with joy. Back in the pond we go, and we try hard to catch five more fat ones. We all agree that's enough. The sun has gone down. A frog goes to the opposite shore. It's well past dinner time, bath time and bedtime when we really leave. But none of us thinks of those things. Phillip and Geoffrey are in high spirits, and I am the same because I have done what I should.

Phillip and Geoffrey's voices must be ______.

A.sharp, nervous, tiresome

B.anxious, angry, inspiring

C.soft, sweet, pleasing

D.eager, excited, demanding

It has been justly said that while" we speak with our vocal organs we (1)_____ with our wh

It has been justly said that while" we speak with our vocal organs we (1)_____ with our whole bodies". All of us communicate with one another (2)_____, as well as with words. Sometimes we know what we're doing, as with the use of gestures such as the thumbs-up sign to indicate that, we (3)_____. But most of the time we're not aware that we're doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else's eyes and (4)_____. These actions we (5)_____ are random and incidental. But researchers (6)_____ that there is a system of them almost as consistent and comprehensible as language, and they conclude that there is a whole (7)_____ of body language, (8)_____ the way we move, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expression we (9)_____, the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand (10)_____ each other.

The body language serves a variety of purposes. Firstly it can replace verbal communication, (11)_____ with the use of gesture. Secondly it can modify verbal communication, loudness and (12)_____ of voice is an example here. Thirdly it regulates social interaction: turn taking is largely governed by non-verbal (13)_____. Finally it conveys our emotions and attitudes. This is (14)_____ important for successful cross-culture communication.

Every culture has its own" body language", and children absorb its nuances (15)_____ with spoken language. The way an Englishmen crosses his legs is (16)_____ like the way a mate American does it. When we communicate with people from other, cultures, the body language sometimes help make the communication easy and (17)_____, such as shaking hand is such a (18)_____ gesture that people all over the world know that it is a signal for greeting. But sometimes—the body language can cause certain misunderstanding (19)_____ people of different cultures often have different forms behavior. for sending the same message or have different (20)_____ towards the same body signals.





Crocodiles only live where it is hot. They are found in India, Australia, Africa and Ameri
ca. The crocodile is an egg-producing animal. They spend most of their time lying around in the mud or the rivers. The female crocodiles bury their eggs under the mud. The crocodile's long powerful tail is used when the animal is swimming. It is also an excellent weapon, because it can be swung with great speed and force. One blow will knock down a man or even a big animal at once. The crocodile is very well protected against its enemies by the hard bony plates that cover most of its body, but because of the way its neck is formed, it can not turn its head from side to side and so it can only see in front of itself. The crocodile has its teeth cleaned by another crocodile, which can't clean its own teeth for it can't move its tongue up and down. With its rows of terrible points of teeth it seizes its food, which may be a fish, an animal or even a careless man, and then holds it below the water until it drown.

The long-nosed crocodile is shy and timid and because of this, the people of West Africa sometimes catch it for food.

Many, many centuries ago, there were crocodiles in England. We know this because we have found their bones buried far down in the earth on which London is built. But the Britain of today is too cold for them to live in.

The female crocodile______.

A.buries her eggs

B.sits on her eggs

C.carries her eggs

D.looks after her eggs

Biologically, there is only one quality which distinguishes us from animals: the ability t
o laugh. In a universe which appears to be utterly devoid of humor, we enjoy this supreme luxury. And it is a luxury, for unlike any other bodily process, laughter does not seem serve a biologically useful purpose. In a divided world, a laughter is a unifying force. Human beings oppose each other on a great many issues. Nations may disagree about systems of government and human relations may be plagued by ideological factions and political camps, but we all share the ability to laugh. And laughter, in turn, depends on the most complex and subtle of all-human qualities: a sense of humor. Certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal. This can best be seen from the world-wide popularity of Charlie Chaplain's early films. The little man at odds with society never fails to amuse no matter which country we come from. As that great commentator on human affairs, Dr. Samuel Johnson, once remarked, "Men have been wise in very different modes; but they have always laughed in the same way".

A sense of humor may take various forms and laughter may be anything from refined tinkle to an earthquaking roar, but the effect is always the same. Humor helps us to maintain a correct sense of values. It is the one quality which political fanatics appear to lack. If we can see the funny side, we never make the mistake of taking ourselves too seriously. We are always reminded that tragedy is not really far removed from comedy, so we never get a lopsided view of things.

This is one of the chief functions of satire and irony. Human pain and suffering are so grim; we hover so often on the brink of war, political realities are usually enough to plunge us into total despair. In such circumstances, cartoons and satirical accounts of somber political events redress the balance. They take the wind out of pompous and arrogant politicians who have lost their sense of proportion. They enable us to see that many of our most profound actions are merely comic or absurd. We laugh when a great satirist like Swift writes about wars in Gulliver's Travels. The Lilliputians and their neighbors attack each other because they can't agree which end to break an egg. We laugh because we are meant to laugh; hut we are meant to weep too. It is no wonder that in totalitarian regimes any satire against the Establishment is wholly banned. It is too powerful weapon to be allowed to flourish.

The sense of humor must be singled out as man's most important quality because it is associated with laughter. And laughter, in turn, is associated with happiness. Courage, determination, initiative—these are qualities we share with other forms of life. But the sense of humor is an unique human quality. If happiness is one of the great goals of life, then it is the sense of humor that provides the key.

The author quotes Dr. Samuel Johnson's words to ______.

A.spotlight the unifying force of a sense of humor.

B.stress the harmony between individuals and society.

C.highlight the incomparable luxury of humor.

D.show the distinction between humans and animals.

() departure, please switch off /turn off the air-conditioner.





Questions下列各are based on the following passage. Someday a stranger will read your e-mai
l without your permission or scan the Websites youve visited. Orperhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out yourshopping preferences or calling habits. In fact, its likely some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without yourpermission? It might be a spouse, a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal. Whoever it is, theywill see you in a way you never intended to be seen--the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked. Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that its important to reveal yourself to friends, family and loversin stages, at appropriate times. But few boundaries remain. The digital bread crumbs (碎屑) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. In somecases, a simple Google search can reveal what you think. Like it or not, increasingly we live in a world where yousimply cannot keep a secret. The key question is: Does that matter? For many Americans, the answer apparently is "no." When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it. A survey foundan overwhelming pessimism about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is"slipping away, and that bothers me." But people say one thing and do another. Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in an effortto preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths (收费站) to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements. And few turn down supermarket loyalty cards. Privacyeconomist Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will surrender personal information likeSocial Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-offcoupon(优惠劵). But privacy does matter--at least sometimes. Its like health: When you have it, you dont notice it. Only when its gone do you wish youd done more to protect it. What does the author mean by saying "the 21 st century equivalent of being caught naked" (Line 3, Para.2 )?

A.Peoples personal information is easily accessed without their knowledge.

B.In the 21 st century people try every means to look into others secrets.

C.People tend to be more frank with each other in the information age.

D.Criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technology.

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