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Attention Employees:This notice is to inform. you of a change to payment procedures under

Attention Employees:

This notice is to inform. you of a change to payment procedures under the Employee Scholarship Benefit Program, effective August 1.

Due to new tax laws, all scholarships paid must be paid directly to the recipient with tax withheld on the payment. While the application procedure will remain the same, the payment will now be made from Human Resources and will accompany your regular paycheck. Please note that the scholarship will not be automatically applied to the tuition bill, recipients must physically do so.

For more information about this matter, please contact the Human Resources Department at 837-2389. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

What caused the change?

A.New tax laws

B.A new federal law

C.A company policy change

D.University policy changes

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The Right Way to Motivate EmployeesIt’s important for a CEO to be passionate and ent

The Right Way to Motivate Employees

It’s important for a CEO to be passionate and enthusiastic, but there’s a line of professionalism that must always be maintained.

According to a report from the technology website Venture Beat, PayPal CEO David Marcus wrote a critical letter to his employees blaming them for not using PayPal products and encouraging them to leave if they didn’t have the passion to use the products they work for.

According to the website, part of the leaked letter reads:

“It’s been brought to my attention that when testing paying with mobile at Cafe 17 last week, some of you refused to install the PayPal app, and others didn’t even remember their PayPal passwords.That’s unacceptable to me, and the rest of my team, everyone at PayPal should use our products where available.That’s the only way we can make them better, and better.”

“In closing, if you are one of the folks who refused to install the PayPal app or if you can’t remember your PayPal password, do yourself a favor, go and find something that will connect with your heart and mind elsewhere.”

While not obvious at first, the letter reveals a problem of morale and culture at PayPal.As an executive, you certainly want your employees to use and promote your products.However, when faced with a situation where staff isn’t embracing what they make, you need to investigate the root of the problem -- not threaten.

When faced with internal problems, good executives start by asking “why”.They reach out to their executive team first and then to the entire staff to find the root of a problem and how to fix it.Sending out a one-sided note about the problem is not leading, it’s retreating.

Leadership starts by listening.Good executives need to get out among the staff and ask questions and listen without judgment or reaction.The fact that company employees are not embracing and using its products is a failure of leadership that Marcus needs to address by self-reflection.At the end of the day, if his employees have to be forced to use the app, how can he expect consumers to want to willingly pay to use it? Marcus should have focused on three questions:

• Why are you not using the app?

• What is it that we can do to ensure you use our app?

• What do you need from me?

1.A CEO only needs to be passionate and enthusiastic.()

2.It is not professional that PayPal CEO blames his employees not to use PayPal or forget PayPal passwords.()

3.“A one-sided note” refers to the root of PayPal’s problem.()

4.When faced with internal problems, good executives find the root of a problem in their executive team first.()

5.Good executives need to give feedback immediately when they are listening to the staff.()

Millions of people pass through the gates of Disney's entertainment parks in California, F
lorida and Japan each year. What makes these places an almost an universal attention? What makes foreign kings and queens and other important people want to visit these Disney parks? One reason is the way they are treated once they get there. The people at Disney go out of their way to serve their "guests", as they prefer to call them, and to see that they enjoy themselves.

All new employees, from vice-presidents to part-time workers, begin their employment by attending Disney University and taking the general training. Here, they learn about the company's history, how it is managed and why it is successful. They are shown how each department relates to the whole. All employees are shown how important their parts are in making the park a success.

After passing the general training, the employees go on to more specialized training for their specific jobs. No detail is missed. A simple job like taking tickets requires four eight-hour days of training. When one ticket taker was asked why it took so much training for such a simple and ordinary job, he replied, "what happens if someone wants to know where the restrooms are, when the parade starts or what bus to take back to the campground? We need to know the answer or where to get them quickly. Our constant aim is to help our guests enjoy the party."

Even Disney managers get involved in the daily management of the park. Every year, the managers leave their desks and business suits and put on special service clothes. For a full week, the bosses sell hotdogs or ice cream, take tickets or drive the monorail, and take up any of the 100 jobs that make the entertainment park come alive. The managers agree that this week helps them to see the company's goals more clearly.

All these efforts to serve the public well have made Walt Disney Productions famous. Disney is considered by many as the best mass service provider in America or the world. As one long-time business observer once said, "how Disney treats people, communicates with them, rewards them, is in my view the very reason fir his fifty years of success… I have watched, very carefully and with great respect and admiration the theory and practice of selling satisfaction and serving millions of people on a daily basis successfully. It is what Disney does best.

The first day they come to Disney parks, all new employees ______.

A.begin by receiving on-the-job training

B.must learn several jobs

C.begin as ticket takers

D.have already attended Disney University

Working at nonstandard times—evenings, nights, or weekends—is taking its toll on American
families. One-fifth of all employed Americans work variable or rotating shifts, and one-third work weekends, according to Harriet B. Presser, sociology professor at the University of Maryland. The result is stress on familial relationships, which is likely to continue in coming decades.

The consequences of working irregular hours vary according to gender, economic level, and whether or not children are involved. Single mothers are more likely to work nights and weekends than married mothers. Women in clerical, sales, or other low-paying jobs participate disproportionately in working late and graveyard shifts.

Married-couple households with children are increasingly becoming dual-earner households, generating more split-shift couples. School-aged children, however, may benefit from parents' nonstandard work schedules because of the greater likelihood that a parent will be home before or after school. On the other hand, a correlation exists between nonstandard work schedules and both marital instability and a decline in the quality of marriages.

Nonstandard working hours mean families spend less time together for dinner but more time together for breakfast. One-on-one interaction between parents and children varies, however, based on parent, shift, and age of children. There is also a greater reliance on child care by relatives and by professional providers.

Working nonstandard hours is less a choice of employees and more a mandate of employers. Presser believes that the need for swing shifts and weekend work will continue to rise in the coming decades. She reports that in some European countries there are substantial salary premiums for employees working irregular hours—sometimes as much as 50% higher. The convenience of having services available 24 hours a day continues to drive this trend.

Unfortunately, says Presser, the issue is virtually absent from public discourse. She emphasizes the need for focused studies on costs and benefits of working odd hours, the physical and emotional health of people working nights and weekends, and the reasons behind the necessity for working these hours. "Nonstandard work schedules not only are highly prevalent among American families but also generate a level of complexity in family functioning that needs greater attention, " she says.

Which of the following demonstrates that working at nonstandard times is taking its toll on American families?

A.Stress on familial relationships.

B.Rotating shifts.

C.Evenings, nights, or weekends.

D.Its consequences.

The next big workout craze is one even a couch potato could love. It starts with a warm-up
: a trip to the supermarket. Then there's a large dinner, followed by some leisurely hours spent doing crossword puzzles. Finally, there's the cool-down, a long bubble bath. Keep this up, and you'll be buff in no time.

Mentally buff, at any rate. This is a workout for your brain—an example of "neurobics", a movement that's gaining momentum among those looking to stay sharp as they age. Some psychologists claim that by adjusting your routine in small ways (like taking a different route to the grocery store or stimulating your senses with a new fragranced bath product), you can encourage neurons to build more connections to each other. Though scientists know little about the early stages of Alzheimer's, clinical evidence is starting to show that mental "exercises" like these may ward it off.

Neurobics got started with the 1999 book Keep Your Brain Alive by Duke University neurobiologist Larry Katz and writer Manning Rubin. Since then, the term has entered common usage (it's defined in at least one slang dictionary) and inspired numerous imitators. Entrepreneurs now offer courses that teach neurobic exercises alongside more traditional seminars on handling stress and expressing emotions. Corporate trainers like Mind Gym run employees through 90 minute "workouts" designed to in crease productivity. There's also the MyBrainTrainer.com site, a paid service that provides access to games like those used in psychological experiments to test cognitive ability. There's no evidence that these games are any better for you than, say, scrabble. But MyBrainTrainer creator Bruce Friedman says he gets a "neural buzz" from them—and he's taken each more than 1,600 times.

Still, it's a good bet that a simple change in routine will be just as effective. If that doesn't seem mentally wearing, consider how you go about most neurobic activities in ordinary life. Most likely, you're going through the motions—driving on roads you know by heart, swallowing down dinner with out savoring its taste or texture. Changing things will force you to pay attention to what you're doing. Even those who are skeptical about neurobics' potential for preventing Alzheimer's have to admit that isn't a bad thing.

By describing the process of a workout, the author intends to show

A.a healthy lifestyle.

B.a new way of exercise.

C.a new way of mental relaxation.

D.the life of a couch potato.

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

The standardized educational or psychological tests, that are widely used to aid in selecting, assigning, or promoting students, employees, and military personnel have been the target of recent attacks in books, magazines, the daily press, and even in Congress. The target is wrong, for in attacking the tests; critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users. The tests themselves are merely tools, with characteristics that can be measured with reasonable precision under specified conditions. Whether the results will be valuable, meaningless, or even misleading depends partly upon the tool itself but largely upon the user.

All informed predictions of future performance are based upon some knowledge of relevant past performance. How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and Wisdom with which it is interpreted. Anyone who keeps careful score knows that the information available is always incomplete and that the predictions are always subject to error.

Standardized tests should be considered in this context. They provide a quick, objective method of getting some kinds of information about what a person has learned, the skills he has developed, or the kind of person he is. The information so obtained has, qualitatively, the same advantages and shortcomings as other kinds of information. Whether to use tests, other kinds of information, or both in a particular situation depends, therefore, upon the empirical evidence concerning comparative validity, and upon such factors as cost and availability.

In general, the tests work most effectively when the traits or qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined (for example, ability to do well in a particular course of training program) and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted cannot be well defined (for example, personality or creativity). Properly used, they provide a rapid means of getting comparable information about many people. Sometimes they identify students whose high potential has not been previously recognized, but there are many things they do not do. For example, they don't compensate for gross social inequality, and thus don't tell how able an underprivileged younger might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.

What is the essence of this text?

A.Attacking standardized tests.

B.Don't blame the test—blame the user.

C.Standardized tests and their wide applications.

D.The standardized test—a useful means of assessment.

回答下列各题: Creative Teams and Management WhenColgatelauncheditsthenrevolutionary Col

回答下列各题: Creative Teams and Management When Colgate launched its then revolutionary Colgate Gum Protection toothpaste in 1990, company executives were confident they had a hit on their hands. The toothpaste incorporated a groundbreaking antibacterial technology they thought was the biggest innovation since fluoride. But in the months after the toothpastes six-country rollout, the products market share reached a meager 1% ) --one-fifth of the companys projections. What went wrong? A new round of market research found that the original launch strategy muted the "breakthrough" message; the ads positioned the new toothpaste as a line extension instead of a revolutionary advance, and the public just didnt buy the products broad claims. Up to this point,Colgates president, Bill Shanahan, had attended only quarterly review meetings; now he rolled up his sleeves to rescue the product, establishing a worldwide marketing team and meeting regularly with global business vice president Kathleen Thomhill and CEO Reuben Mark to follow the teams progress. Shanahan and others at the very top sifted through the research and took part in the advertising development meetings, working elbow to elbow with the marketing team renamed colgate Total, and promoted with a retooled ad campaign that stressed the toothpastes 12-hour protection, the product was a hit in most of the103 counties outside the United States. Shanahan continued to lavish personal attention on the product, putting Colgate Total under the direct supervision of Jack Haber, the worldwide director of consumer oral care products, and committing $ 35 million and a team of 200 employees to the project.With that kind of senior-level backing, Harber pulled out the stops, spending $ 20 million to promote Colgate Total to U. S. dentists alone. Within two months of its domestic launch in 1997, the product captured 10. 5% of the U. S. toothpaste market andwithin six months muscled perennial champ, Procter& Gambles Crest, out of first place. Colgate Total has remained number one ever since. What transforms a good product idea like Colgate Total into a blockbuster? We spent ten years studying more than 700 new product development teams and interviewed over 400 project leaders, team members, senior executives, and CEOs intimately involved in product development and launch. Of the hundreds of teams we studied, just 7% of them -- 49 in all --created products that scored a perfect ten on oar measure of blockbuster success. To achieve that score, products had to reach or exceed company goals, customer expectations, profit and sales targets, garner company and industry awards, and attract national attention. Products dont become blockbusters without the in-tense, personal involvement of senior management -- usually a CEO or division head. In every case studied, top management played an intimate, active, often daily role. This approach has been out of favor for decades, creative teams, as the thinking goes, should be empowered by management and then left alone. Too much attention stifles innovation. To that we say "Baloney". Our work shows that, in the best case, management involvement should start on day one. Ideally, senior managers work closely with product team to establish must-have features and then help clear a path for the team. Top managers control resources, rules and cut through red tape. And,crucially, senior managers serve as cheerleaders and visionaries, broadcasting a message of organizational commitment that attracts buy-in at all levels of the company. What happened to Colgate’S new toothpaste?

A.The results ran contrary to the company’S expectation.

B.It achieved a great success.

C.It took a great portion of market share.

D.The new technology was not popular among customers.

In a company, a mentor often helps employees in writing their PEP because:()

A.Most employees are not good writers

B.Employees need help matching their aspirations with what the company needs

C.Employees need to take psychological tests

D.Employees don’t like personal development programmes

How does Google motivate its employees?()

A.Providing a friendly work culture in the company.

B.Offering entertaining equipment in the employees'office.

C.Promoting the employees to higher job positions.

For a workplace culture to be positive,the direction and actions of the business must().

A.be in agreement with the core values of the employees

B.be dfferent from the core values of the employees

C.exclude the core values of the employees and their families






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