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"I'm very tired.""We really should stop ______ and go to bed."A.to studyB.studyingC.of stu

"I'm very tired.""We really should stop ______ and go to bed."

A.to study


C.of studying

D.from studying

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更多“"I'm very tired.""We really sh…”相关的问题
Speaker A: I'm tired. Maybe we can finish it tomorrow.Speaker B:__________We coul

Speaker A: I'm tired. Maybe we can finish it tomorrow.

Speaker B:__________ We could do it first thing tomorrow morning.

A. Why not!

B. Can we?

C. You sure'?

D. Shall we?

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points) Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions fro

Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points)

Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A. I've never been there.

B. I'm too tired.

C. Jim gave it to me.

D. I'll try. my best to get you there.

E. Very well.

F. Everybody knows.

G. Good idea.

H. It has been broken.

56. Bob: The boss won't be here today. Let's have a party.

Alice: ______.

I was very tired. Otherwise, I ______ to the theatre with you.A.had goneB.would goC.wentD.

I was very tired. Otherwise, I ______ to the theatre with you.

A.had gone

B.would go


D.would have gone

Which of the following is closest in meaning with the sentence: "I am feeling black"?

A. I am sad.

B. I am feeling well.

C. I am dirty.

D. I am very tired.

I’m tired. I’ll take a taxi to go there.(翻译)

I’m tired. I’ll take a taxi to go there.(翻译)

John:Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today.Sally:Thank you for inviting me.John:Y

John:Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today.

Sally:Thank you for inviting me.

John:Your resume looks (). it looks like you achieved a lot during your time at university. Could you give me an example of good teamwork during your time there?

Sally:Hmm, so you want an example? I was the treasurer of the Students’Union. I mean ... I’m particularly () how I organized the finances. We had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy.

John:Very impressive ——so you’re a good planner, Sally! We like () people here.

Sally:Also ...() is important to me. I always try to complete my work ().At university I never handed in my assignments late.

John:That’s good to hear. Finally I want to know what exactly made you () this job at this company.

Sally:Er ... well. The reason I applied is ...

A: I've come about your offer for bristles. B: We have the offer ready for you. Let me see... H

A: I've come about your offer for bristles.

B: We have the offer ready for you. Let me see... Here it is. 100 cases of Tsingtao Bristles, 57mm, at... pounds sterling per kilogram, CIF European Main Ports, for shipment in June, 2009. The offer is valid for three days.

A: Why, your price has soared.It's almost 25 % higher than last year's. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price.

B: I'm a little surprised to hear you say that. You know very well that market for bristles has gone up a great deal in recent months. The price we offer compares favourably with quotations you can get elsewhere.

A: I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. I must point out that your price is higher than some of the quotations we have received from other sources.

B: But you must take the quality into consideration. Everyone in the trade knows that China's bristles are of superior quality to those from other countries.

A: I agree that yours are of better quality. But there's competition from synthetic products, too. You can't ignore that prices for synthetic bristles haven't changed much over the years.

B: There's practically no substitute for bristles for certain uses. That's why demand for natural bristles keeps rising in spite of cheaper synthetic ones. To be frank with you, if it were not for the long-standing relationship between us, we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.

A: Well, we'll have a lot of difficulties in persuading our clients to buy at this price. But I'll have to try, I suppose.

(英语类学生必做)Sleep is important to us because it helps restore organs and tissues in ou


Sleep is important to us because it helps restore organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need?

For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. Yet we know that there are many people who get 【61】 perfectly with less sleep, and some who may need 【62】 A great deal depends on the 【63】 we live. But a good general rule 【64】 is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work 【65】 our best when we awaken.

There are actually different 【66】 of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest it gets in a 【67】 sleep, 【68】 after eight hours of a shallow sleep we may still feel tired. But a short, deep sleep can be very 【69】 Alexander—the Great Emperor was able to get a deep sleep 【70】 he needed it. Once, during the night before an important battle, he remained 【71】 longer than anyone else. 【72】 he wrapped himself in a cloak and 【73】 down on the earth. He slept so 【74】 that his generals had to wake him three times for him to give the 【75】 to attack!

Normally when we go to sleep, our " sleep center" blocks off nerves so that 【76】 our brain and body go to sleep. 【77】 prevents us from wanting to do anything, and the other 【78】 our internal organs and limbs go to sleep. 【79】 sometimes only one goes to sleep and the other does not. A very tired soldier can sometimes 【80】 asleep (brain sleep) and keep on marching, because his body is not asleep.






Counter-offer Joe, the representative of the buyer, is at Mr.Liang's office, discussing the off


Joe, the representative of the buyer, is at Mr.Liang's office, discussing the offer with Mr.Liang.

Joe: Mr.Li, Thank you for your prompt offer.I have studied your offer carefully and consulted our home office.After investigating and comparing, we found that your price is about 5 percent higher than those offered by European Suppliers.

Liang: I hope you also should consider the quality of the goods as well.I'm sure you know very well that our product is made of pure silk.This, of course, increases the cost but promises the superior quality.

Joe: I will agree with you about the importance of quality.But 5 percent is a big difference which we can't not accept because that will leave us little benefit in the intense competition on the world market.

Hang: We can give you a 2 percent discount if your quantity can be adjusted up to 10 000 pieces.And we have confidence that even your selective customers will be satisfied with the fashionable design and superb quality of our goods.

Joe: I am afraid 2 percent is not enough for us to open a new market for your products.We believe 4 percent at least will make your product more competitive.

Liang: I'm afraid we can't give 4 percent reduction by all means.Considering you are a new customer, a 3 percent reduction is really the best we can do.

Joe: Well, Mr.Li, does this price include seaworthy packing?

Liang: The outer packing is for container transportation.That is the usual practice.

Joe: How long will this offer be valid?

Liang: Within one week.

Joe: I'll try to persuade our head office to accept the price with 3 percent discount and inform you of the answer at an early date.

Hang: We will await your good reply.

At Beijing Capital International Airport, Henry moves towards the exit and Peter walks u
p to meet him.

Peter: Excuse me, are you Mr. Henry Smith?

Henry: Oh, you must be Peter.

Peter: () Mr. Smith.

Henry: Nice to meet you, too.

Peter: How was your journey?

Henry: ()

Peter: Our car is in the parking lot. Shall we go to the hotel first?

Henry: Yes. I really need a good rest. And, Peter, could you do me a favor?

Peter: Yes, of course.

Henry: I wonder if you could help me take my suitcase and box to the car. ()

Peter: My pleasure, sir. (Trying to lift the box) You've put the whole of America into your box. They are really very heavy, ha-ha! Please stay here while I get a cart.

Henry: By the way, do you know where I can get mints here? It seems there's no store around.

Peter: I know where the store is. Would you like me to get some mints for you?

Henry: ()

Peter comes back, and they walk out of the gate.

Henry: Oh, it's good to see the sun! I'm always worried about Beijing's haze.

Peter: Yes, () That'll be a nice change, won't it? A big improvement on what we've been having.

Henry: That's great! I think all this sunshine is just too good to be true!


A. Pretty good, but a little tiring.

B. It seems to be clearing up.

C. They are too heavy for me to carry.

D. That's very kind of you.

E. Nice to meet you.

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