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As a general rule,a body will expand when heated and contract when cooled.

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The general ________ is that education should be available to all children up to the age





to capture the appropriate placement of specifiers, heads and complements, we can formulate a single general phrasal structural rule as the xp rule: xp → (specifier) x (complement), in which x stands for n, v, a, and()





The description of goods in the commercial invoice must correspond with the description in the credi
t. In all other documents, the goods may be described in general terms not inconsistent with the description of goods in the credit. This rule reflects the international standard banking practices that ascribe different transactional functions to the invoice and to other documents.

(1)( ) True (2)( ) False

请将以下国际法专业文献中的术语与段落翻译为中文。 As a general rule.Swiss law applies the
so一called lex situs principle in determining choice一of—law in cases where the ownership of tangible.movable propertys disputed.Under the lex situs rule,a forum court must apply the substantive law of the place where the tangible,movable property was physically located at the time of its sale.

The idea behind "the rule of law" is that it is laws based on logical reasons and clear th
inking that should govern social life. "We live under a rule of law, not of men. "American teachers tell their students. The students accept the idea. They believe that" no man is above the law, "and that laws apply equally to all people" no matter how wealthy they are, what their personal connections are, or what their stations in life are. Their faith in the rule of law explains the belief many Americans held, and many foreigners could not understand, that President Richard Nixon should be removed from office as a result of his behavior. in connection with what was called" Watergate Scandal (水门事件)". Nixon had broken the law and therefore should be punished, Americans believed, even if he was the President.

The belief in the rule of law goes beyond the area of politics to other areas of life that are governed by formal rules and procedures. To get a job with government institutions, for example, or to get government funding for a research project, one must follow published procedures and show that one meets the published requirements. Personal connections are not supposed to matter under the rule of law.

This is not to say that personal contacts, wealth, and social influence do not matter in situations where laws and rules are to be obeyed. They may, what is said above describes the ideal with which Americans agree. In reality, connections can sometimes help a person get a government job. Rich people can sometimes go unpunished for illegal behavior. that poor people would be likely to be punished for. But in general the rule of law prevails, and Americans are proud that it does.

The word "stations" (Line 5 , Para 1) is closest in meaning to______.




D.social positions

Cultural differences in business entertaining include issues(问题) such as who one ent
ertains and where and how one entertains.In countries in which status(身份,地位) is important, it is not advisable(合适的) to invite people of different statuses to the same dinner party.Americans will often invite people to their homes.Whereas(然而) in some societies the home is considered too private, unworthy or small to serve as an appropriate place for business entertaining.In some countries there is a “help yourself” approach(方法) to entertaining done in the home.This approach does not work well when entertaining people whose culture teaches them to wait to be asked three times before accepting an offer of food.In one instance(例子), a Chinese guest went an entire evening without eating though he was quite hungry because he was too embarrassed (尴尬的,不安的)to take food after only being asked to do so once.

Gift giving has its own set of protocols(礼仪).As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is appreciated.A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the individual is especially appreciated.Gifts for children are also well received.Be careful that the “hometown” gift you are bringing to Singapore was not made in Hong Kong.Because many gifts carry symbolic(象征性的) meanings, it is always best to seek advice before selecting gifts.The giving of large gifts, or payments for special services, should only be undertaken after consulting(咨询) the legal department in the home and host culture.

6.Which of the following may best summarize the main idea of the passage? ()

A.The cultural differences in business entertaining

B.Importance of gift giving in business

C.How to entertain guest

D.How to entertain guests and give gifts in business

7.What aspects should we pay attention to when we entertain our guests? ()

A.The guests’ status

B.The place

C.How to entertain

D.All of the above

8.What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? ()

A.Gift giving has its own set of protocols

B.A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the individual is especially appreciated

C.As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is appreciated

D.It is always best to seek advice before selecting gifts

9.How many times does the host usually ask the guests to accept the offer? ()





10.What is the best way to do when we select gifts? ()

A.Ask the price

B.Notice the hometown of the gift

C.Seek the advice

D.Make sure of the quality

Most men and women pass through life without ever considering or criticizing【1】their own c
onditions or those of the world at large. They find themselves born into a certain place in【2】, and they accept what each day【3】, without any thought beyond what the immediate present requires. They seek the【4】of the needs of the moment, without much forethought, and【5】thinking that by sufficient effort the conditions of their lives【6】be changed. A certain percentage, guided by personal ambition,【7】the effort of thought and will which is necessary to place themselves among the more fortunate members of the community; but very【8】among these are seriously concerned to secure for all the advantages which they seek for【9】. Only a few rare and exceptional men have that kind of love toward【10】at large that makes them unable to endure patiently the general mass of evil and suffering,【11】of any relation it may have to their own lives. These【12】, driven by sympathetic pain, will seek for some new system of society by which life may become richer, more full of【13】and less full of preventable evils【14】it is at present. But in the past such men have, as a rule, failed to interest the very victims of the injustices【15】they wished to remedy.






The first European stock exchange was established in Antwerp, Belgium(比利时) , in 1531. T

The first European stock exchange was established in Antwerp, Belgium(比利时) , in 1531. There were no stock exchanges in England until the 1700' s. A man wishing to buy or sell shares of stock had to find a broker(agents) to transact his business for him. In London, he usually went to a coffee house, because brokers often gathered there. In 1773, the brokers of London formed a stock exchange.

In New York City, brokers met under an old button-wood tree on Wall Street. They organized the New York Stock Exchange in 1792. The American Stock Exchange, second largest in the United States, was formerly called the Curb Exchange because of its origin on the streets of New York City.

A stock exchange is a market place where member brokers buy and sell stocks and bonds (债券) of American and foreign businesses on behalf of the public. A stock exchange provides a market place for stocks and bonds in the same way a board of trade does for commodities. The stockbrokers receive a small commission on each transaction they make.

The stockholder may sell his stock wherever he wants to unless the corporation has some special rule to prevent it. Prices of stock change according to general business conditions and the earnings and future prospects(前景) of the company. If the business is doing well, the stockholder may be able to sell his stock for a profit. If it is not, he may have to take a loss.

In the 1600's, if a man wanted to buy or sell shares of stock, he had to do it through ______.

A.the government


C.a broker

D.the stock exchange

Britain's undeclared general election campaign has already seen the politicians trading nu
mbers as boxers trade punches. There is nothing new in such statistical slanging matches(相互谩骂). What is new is an underestimation of worry about what has been happening to official statistics under the Labour government.

One of the most important figures for Gordon Brown when presenting his pre-election budget on March 16th was the current-budget balance. This is the gap between current revenues and current spending. It matters to the chancellor of the exchequer(财政部长) because he is committed to meeting his own "golden rule" of borrowing only to invest, so he has to ensure that the current budget is in balance or surplus over the economic cycle.

Mr. Brown told MPs that he would meet the golden rule for the current cycle with & 6 billion ($11.4 billion) to spare—a respectable-sounding margin, though much less than in the past. However, the margin would have been halved but for an obscure technical change announced in February by the Office for National Statistics to the figures for road maintenance of major highways. The ONS said that the revision was necessary because it had been double-counting this spending within the current budget.

If this were an isolated incident, then it might be disregarded. But it is not the first time that the ONS has made decisions that appear rather convenient for the government. Mr. Brown aims to meet another fiscal rule, namely to keep pubic net debt below 40% of GDP, again over the economic cycle. At present he is meeting it but his comfort room would be reduced if the & 21 billion borrowings of Network Rail were included as part of public debt. They are not thanks to a controversial decision by the ONS to classify the rail-infrastructure corporation within the private sector, even though the National Audit Office, Parliament's watchdog, said its borrowings were in fact government liabilities.

This makes it particularly worrying that the official figures can show one thing, whereas the public experiences another. One of the highest-profile targets for the NHS is that no patient should spend more than four hours in a hospital accident and emergency department. Government figures show that by mid-2004, the target was being met for 96% of patients. But according to a survey of 55,000 patients by the Healthcare Commission, an independent body, only 77% of patients said they stayed no more than four hours in A&E.

One way to help restore public confidence in official statistics would be to make the ONS independent, as the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have suggested. Another would be for the National Audit Office to assess how the government has been performing against targets, as the Public Administration Committee has recommended.

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that

A.the British politicians are often compared to boxers by the people.

B.it is a common practice that the government plays with figures.

C.people often overestimate the credibility of official statistics.

D.the Labor government usually underestimate its official figures.

We all associate colors with feeling and attitudes. In politics dark blue often means "tra
dition", and red means "social change". But blue can also mean sadness (I'm feeling blue), white is often for purity, although in China white is worn at weddings and black for funerals. Advertisers are aware of the importance of selecting colors according to the way people react to them. Soap powders come in white and light blue packets (clean and cold, like ice); cereals often come in brown packets (like wheat fields), but cosmetics never come in brown jars (dirty?).

Where do these ideas come from? Max Luscher from the University of Geneva believes that in the beginning life was dictated by two factors beyond our control: night and day. Night brought passivity, and a general slowing down of metabolism; day brought with it the possibility of action, and increase in the metabolic rate, thus providing us with energy and initiative. Dark blue, therefore, is the color of quiet and passivity, bright yellow, the color of hope and activity.

In prehistoric times, activity as a rule took one of two forms: either we were hunting and attacking, or we were being hunted and defending ourselves against attack. Attack is universally represented by the color red; self-preservation by its complement green.

In Luscher's view, the association of colors with feeling and attitudes can be traced back to ______.

A.the association of day and night with passivity and action in ancient time

B.the association of black with funerals in western Europe

C.the association of white with purity in some countries

D.the association of red with joy in China

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