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In the next century we'll be able to alter our DNA radically, encoding our visions and van

ities while concocting new life-forms. When Dr. Frankenstein made his monster, he wrestled with the moral issue of whether he should allow it to reproduce, "Had I the right, for my own benefit, to inflict the curse upon everlasting generations?" Will such questions require us to develop new moral philosophies?

Probably not. Instead, we'll reach again for a time-tested moral concept, one sometimes called the Golden Rule and which Kant, the millennium's most prudent moralist, conjured up into a categorical imperative: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; treat each person as an individual rather than as a means to some end.

Under this moral precept we should recoil at human cloning, because it inevitably entails using humans as means to other humans' ends and valuing them as copies of others we loved or as collections of body parts, not as individuals in their own right. We should also draw a line, however fuzzy, that would permit using genetic engineering to cure diseases and disabilities but not to change the personal attributes that make someone an individual (IQ, physical appearance, gender and sexuality).

The biotech age will also give us more reason to guard our personal privacy. Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, got it wrong: rather than centralizing power in the hands of the state, DNA technology has empowered individuals and families. But the state will have an important role, making sure that no one, including insurance companies, can look at our genetic data without our permission or use it to discriminate against us.

Then we can get ready for the breakthroughs that could come at the end of the next century and the technology is comparable to mapping our genes: plotting the 10 billion or more neurons of our brain. With that information we might someday be able to create artificial intelligences that think and experience consciousness in ways that are indistinguishable from a human brain. Eventually we might be able to replicate our own minds in a "dry-ware" machine, so that we could live on without the "wet-ware" of a biological brain and body. The 20th century's revolution in infotechnology will thereby merge with the 21st century's revolution in biotechnology. But this is science fiction. Let's turn the page now and get back to real science.

Dr. Frankenstein's remarks are mentioned in the text ______.

A.to give an episode of the DNA technological breakthroughs.

B.to highlight the inevitability of a means to some evil ends.

C.to show how he created a new form. of life a thousand years ago.

D.to introduce the topic of moral philosophies concerning biotechnology.

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更多“In the next century we'll be a…”相关的问题
Which of the following is NOT true?A.It's reported that lawyers are bad for the economy.B.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.It's reported that lawyers are bad for the economy.

B.Lawyers have been called terrorists due to their explosive, random, and negative impact on the nation.

C.A five year moratorium on all civil litigation and locking down the law schools until the next century have been put into practice in America.

D.Lawyers gave a very negative impact upon the employee-employer relationship.

"Fingers were made before forks" when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and
fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinpole brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to rating food touched with fingers, "Seeing all men's fingers are not alike clean." English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show - offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600's did using a fork become a common custom.

The custom of eating with a fork was ______ .

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians

Roman soldiers in some places built long rows of signal towers. When they had a message to
send, the soldiers shouted it from tower to tower. If there were enough towers and enough soldiers with loud voices, important news could be sent quickly over distance.

In Africa, people learned to send messages by beating on a series of large drums (鼓). Each drum was kept within hearing distance of the next one. The drum beats were sent out in a special way that all the drummers understood. Though the messages were simple, they could be sent at great speed for hundreds of miles.

In the eighteenth century, a French engineer found a new way to send short messages. In this way, a person held a flag in each hand and the arms were moved to various positions representing different letters of the alphabet (字母表). It was like spelling out words with flags and arms.

Over a long period of time, people sent messages by all these different ways. However, not until the telephone was invented in America in the nineteenth century could people send speech sounds over a great distance in just a few seconds.

According to this passage, the Roman way of communication depended very much on______.

A.fine weather

B.high tower

C.the spelling system

D.arm movements

Energy will be one of the defining issues of this century. One thing is clear: the era of
easy oil is over. What we all do next will (1)_____ how well we meet the energy needs of the entire world in this century and (2)_____.

Demand is (3)_____ like never before. As populations grow and economies take (4)_____ millions in the developing world are enjoying the (5)_____ of a lifestyle. that requires increasing amounts of energy. (6)_____, some say that in 20 years the world will (7)_____ 40% more oil and gas fields are maturing. And new energy (8)_____ are mainly occurring in places where resources are difficult to (9)_____, physically, economically and even politically. When growing demand meets tighter supplies, the result is more (10)_____ for the same resources.

We can wait (11)_____ a crisis forces us to do something. Or we can (12)_____ to working together, and start by asking the tough questions: How do we meet the energy needs of the developing world and those of (13)_____ nations? What role will renewables and (14)_____ energies play? What is the best way to protect our environment? How do we accelerate our conservation efforts? (15)_____ actions we take, we must look not just to next year, (16)_____ to the next 50 years.

We believe that innovation, collaboration and conservation are the cornerstones (17)_____ which to build this new world. We cannot do this (18)_____. Corporations, governments and every citizen of this planet must be part of the solution (19)_____ surely as they are part of the problem. We call upon scientists and educators, politicians and policy-makers, environmentalists, leaders of industry and each one of you to be part of (20)_____ the next era of energy.





Passage Five Roman soldiers in some places built long rows of signal towers. When they h

Passage Five

Roman soldiers in some places built long rows of signal towers. When they had a message to send, the soldiers shouted it from tower to tower. If there were enough towers and enough soldiers with loud voices, important news could be sent quickly over distance.

In Africa, people learned to send messages by beating on a series of large drums (鼓). Each drum was kept within hearing distance of the next one. The drum beats were sent out in a special way that all the drummers understood. Though the messages were simple, they could be sent at great speed for hundreds of miles.

In the eighteenth century, a French engineer found a new way to send short messages. In this way, a person held a flag in each hand and the arms were moved to various positions representing different letters of the alphabet (字母表). It was like spelling out words with flags and arms.

Over a long period of time, people sent messages by all these different ways. However, not until the telephone was invented in America in the nineteenth century could people send speech sounds over a great distance in just a few seconds.

51. According to this passage, the Roman way of communication depended very much on______.

A. fine weather

B. high tower

C. the spelling system

D. arm movements

Although American civilization took over and replaced the frontier almost a century ag
o,the heritage of the frontier is still very much alive in the U.S.today.The idea of the frontier still stirs the emotions and imaginations of the American people.Americans continue to be fascinated by the frontier because it has been a particularly important force in shaping their national values.The frontier experience began when the first colonists settled on the east coast of the continent in the 1600s.It ended about 1890 when the last western lands were settled.The American frontier consisted of the relatively unsettled regions of the country.Here,both land and life were more rugged and primitive than in the more settled eastern part.As one frontier area was settled,people began moving farther west into the next unsettled area.By settling one frontier area after another,Americans moved across an entire continent,2,700 miles wide.

Compared with the eastern part of the country,the unsettled frontier land and life were ()

A、more civilized and interesting

B、dull and primitive

C、rugged and unbearable

D、rough and primitive

The U. S. Bureau has estimated that the population of the United States could approach 300
million in 2000 and will be 400 million in 2020. And the U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that the average U.S. per capita income will increase from $3,400 in 1969 to the equivalent of $8,300 (assuming a 1967 price level) in the year 2000, 2.5 times as much as that of 1969.

According to government statistics, in the United States, there are over 110 million cars and "more people" means "more cars". By the end of twenties of next century, the population of the United States will have doubled that of today and the number of automobiles will be doubled as well. And in twenty-year's time the per capita income will also be 2.5 times higher than it is. If this increase income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased consumption of other material goods, the results could cause catastrophic resource exhaustion, and pollution. Take the increase of the consumption of oil for instance. The consumption is so huge that the reserves might last only a decade or two if not supplemented by imports.

Ten years ago it appeared that nuclear power would solve the anticipated energy crisis. Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to be limited and might become exhausted in half a century, the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project. But work on it has met with grave problems. The fear of possible atomic explosion and the problem of disposing of polluting by-product waste have slowed down the construction of further nuclear plants. Eventually atomic technology may be able to control these problems, but at present there seems to be little agreement among atomic scientists about when this can be achieved.

Which of the trend is true?

A.The population will increase, but the income will decrease.

B.The population will decrease, but the income will increase.

C.Both will increase.

D.Both will decrease.

Despite a cooling of the economy, hightechnology companies are still crying out for skill

Despite a cooling of the economy, high-technology companies are still crying out for skilled workers. The Information Technology Association of America projects that more than 800, 000 technology jobs will go unfilled next year. The lack of qualified workers poses a huge threat to the U. S. economy.

The most commonly cited reason for this state of affairs is that the country's agrarian-age (农村时代) education system fails to prepare students in the primary and secondary grades for the 21st century work. Yet an inadequate and outmoded education system is only part of the problem. A less tangible (明确的) but equally powerful cause is an antique (过时的) classification system that divides the workforce into two camps; white-collar knowledge workers and blue-collar manual laborers.

Blue-collar workers emerged in the United States during the Industrial Age as work moved from farms to factories. White-collar office workers became a significant class in the twentieth century, outnumbering(多于) the blue-collar workers by mid-century. Corporations increasingly require a new layer of knowledge worker; a highly skilled multi-disciplined talent, who combines the mind of the white-collar worker with a solid grounding in mathematics and science (physics, chemistry, and biology). These "gold-collar" workers—so named for their contributions to their companies and to the economy as well as for their personal earning ability—apply their knowledge to technology.

The gold-collar worker already exists in a wide range of jobs. The maintenance technician who tests and repairs aircraft systems at American Airlines; the network administrator who manages systems and network operations at Procter & Gamble(宝洁公司) ; the engineering technologist who assists scientists at Sandia National Laboratories; and the advanced-manufacturing technician at Intel can all be regarded as gold-collar workers.

What does the word "projects" in the first paragraph mean?





It remains to be seen whether the reserves of raw materials in the year 2000 will be suffi
cient to supply a world economy which will have grown by five hundred percent. Southeast Asia alone will have an energy consumption five times greater than that of Western Europe in 1970. Incidentally, if the underdeveloped countries started using up petrol at the same rate as the industrialized areas, then world reserves would be exhausted by 1990.

All this only goes to show just how important it is to set up a plan to conserve and divide up fairly natural resources on a worldwide scale.

This is a matter of life and death because world population is expanding at an incredible rate. By the middle of the next century population will expand every year by as much as it did in the first 1,500 years after Christ. In the southern, poor parts of the globe, the figures are enough to make your hair stand on end. Even supposing that steps are taken to stabilize world population in the next fifty years, the number of inhabitants per square kilometer will increase by from 4 in the United States to 140 in South East Asia. What can we do about it?

In the first hypothesis we do nothing. By the year 2000, the southern parts of the world would then have a population greater than the total world population today.

Alternately we could start acting right now to bring birth rate under control within fifteen years so that population levels off. Even then the population in the southern areas would not stop growing for seventy-five years. And the population would level off at something like twice today's figure.

Finally, we could wait ten to twenty years before taking action. If we wait ten years the population of the southern area would stabilize at 3,000 million. Even today the number of potential workers increases by 350,000 people per week. By the end of the century this figure will reach 750,000; in other words, it will be necessary to find work for 40 million people per year--not to speak of food.

What this means in practical terms we can scarcely imagine. But clearly if we do nothing, nature will solve the problem for us. But at what cost!

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the author?

A.A worldwide plan to conserve natural resources should be worked out.

B.The energy consumption of the underdeveloped countries will increase greatly.

C.The world economy will have greatly grown by the year 2000.

D.There will definitely be not enough raw materials in the year 2000.

The remarkable progress of science and technology in the 20th century has brought enormous
benefits to humankind. Long and healthy lives, economic prosperity and a pleasant and convenient living environment have resulted from technological progress based on advances in scientific knowledge. This progress will continue or may even accelerate in the future, because both the number of scientists and their activities are expanding throughout the world. We may expect, therefore, that science and technology will continue to contribute to the development of human society.

At the same time, rapid scientific advances may raise some difficult problems. First of all, the disparity in scientific knowledge between those in scientific and technical professions and those in other areas will continuously expand. This may create a communications gap between the two groups that could affect obtaining public consent on important issues, such as the use of genetically engineered plants or human embryonic stem cells. Secondly, the 21st century will be characterized by a knowledge-based society and a knowledge of science will be required for many professions. Those who lack scientific knowledge will have fewer opportunities for good jobs. Thirdly, the enormous increase in scientific information will become a burden for children who must study science. Already young people seem to be losing interest in science, and this trend may increase in the future. Over the past several years, enrollment in high-school physics courses in Japan has been decreasing, which suggests that many young people are losing interest in physics or avoiding subjects that require diligent study. Finally, scientific research in the next century will require increasing levels of public investment because sophisticated research is usually expensive. If the public loses interest in, science or does not understand the importance of research, it will become difficult for scientists to obtain sufficient financial support.

Because of these considerations, I think that we need to carefully review present science education at different levels and to improve it in order to meet the expected rapid progress of science in the 21st century. At the level of primary education, the' most important task is to stimulate children's interest in nature. Naive surprise at the wonders of nature will hopefully lead to a later interest in science. During their secondary education, students must learn logic and the principles of natural phenomena. They will gradually separate into groups of those who like and those who dislike science. It will be difficult to provide the latter students with the scientific basics that would be useful throughout their lives. This is also the case in university education.

It is becoming a goal of general university education to give students who are not majoring in natural science and engineering some level of scientific literacy. In the future, all citizens, especially those expected to lead diverse areas of society should have a sound basis for understanding the progress of science. Because the pace of progress will accelerate further, continuing science education for the public is also of great importance.

According to the passage, the fact that young people seem to be losing interest in science ______.

A.may cause the lack of scientists throughout the world in the century to come

B.is mainly due to the explosion of scientific information

C.may increase the communications gap between young people and scientists

D.may hinder the development of human society

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