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Franklin's life is full of charming (有趣的) stories which all young men should know--how

Franklin's life is full of charming (有趣的) stories which all young men should know--how he peddled(叫卖) ballads in Boston, and stood, the guest of kings, in Europe; how he worked his pas sage as a stowaway to Philadelphia, and rode in the queen's own litter in France; how he walked the streets of Philadelphia, homeless and unknown, with three penny rolls for his breakfast, and dined at the tables of princess, and received his friends in a palace; how he raised a kite from a cow shed, and was showered with all the high degrees the colleges of the world could give, how he was duped by a false friend as a boy, and became the friend of all humanity as a man; how he was made Major Gen eral Franklin, only to resign because; as he said, he was no soldier, and yet helped to organize the army that stood before the trained troops of England and Germany.

This poor Boston boy, with scarcely a day's schooling, became master of six languages and never stopped studying; this neglected apprentice tamed the lightening, made his name famous, received degrees and diplomas from colleges in both hemispheres, and became forever remembered as "Doctor Franklin" ,philosopher ,patriot ,scientist ,philanthropist(慈善家) and statesman.

Self-made, self-taught, self-reared ,the candle maker's son gave light to all the world; the street ballad seller set all men singing of liberty; the runaway apprentice became the most sought-after man of two continents, and brought his native land to praise and honour him.

He built America--for what our Republic today is largely due to the prudence, the forethought, the statesmanship, the enterprise, the wisdom, and the ability of Benjamin Franklin. He belongs to the world, but especially does he belong to America. As the nations honoured him while living, so the Re public glorifies him when dead, and has enshrined him in the choicest of its niches--the one he regarded as the loftiest--the hearts of the common people, from whom he had sprung and in their hearts Franklin will live forever.

Which of the following is not mentioned in the first paragraph?

A.Franklin lived a poor life in Boston when he was young.

B.When Franklin first got to philadelphia, he was homeless and unknown, and he had to buy cheap bread for breakfast.

C.Franklin was cheated by a false friend as a boy.

D.Franklin was a candle maker's son and mastered six languages.

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更多“Franklin's life is full of cha…”相关的问题
Franklin’S almanacs contained ______.A.information of farmersB.poor Richard’S ide

Franklin’S almanacs contained ______.

A.information of farmers

B.poor Richard’S ideas

C.wise sayings

D.both A and C

Franklin' s ability to learn from observations and experience______ greatly to his success
in public life.





What is the purpose of the passage?A.To introduce Franklin's charming stories.B.To let peo

What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To introduce Franklin's charming stories.

B.To let people today learn from Franklin.

C.To remember Franklin and say he will live in common people forever.

D.All of the above.

(英语类学生必做)The three main types of secondary education in the United States have been


The three main types of secondary education in the United States have been provided by the Latin grammar school, the academy, and the public high school. The first of these was a colonial institution. It began in New England with the establishment in 1635 of the Boston Free Latin School. The curriculum consisted mainly of the classical languages, and the purpose of this kind of school was the preparation of boys for college, where most of them would be fitted for the ministry.

The academy began in the early 1750's with Benjamin Franklin's school in Philadelphia, Which later became the University of Pennsylvania. It extended generally to about the middle of the nineteenth century, except in the southern states where the public high school was late in developing and where the academy continued a principal means of secondary education even after 1900. The academy was open to girls as well as to boys, and it provided a wider curriculum than the Latin grammar school had furnished. It was designed not only as a preparation for college but also for practical life in commercial and business activities. Although its wide educational values were evident and are recognized as important contributions to secondary education in this country, the academy was never considered a public institution as the public high school has come to be.

The public high school had its origin in Massachusetts in 1821 when the English Classical School was established in Boston. In 1827, that state enacted the first state-wide public high school law in the Untied States. By 1840, there were perhaps a dozen public high schools in Massachusetts and many in other eastern states; by 1850, they were also to be found in many other states.

Just as the curriculum of the academy grew out of that of the Latin grammar school, so the curriculum of the public high school developed out of that of the academy. The public high school in the United States is a rejection of the aristocratic (贵族) and selective principle of the European educational tradition. Since 1890, enrollments in secondary schools, mainly public high schools, have practically doubled in this country every ten years.

According to the author, the main types of secondary education in the United States have been provided by______.

A.New England establishments

B.the Latin grammar school and the academy

C.the public high school

D.both B and C

In one very long sentence, the introduction to the U. N. Charter expresses the ideals and
the common aims of all the people whose governments joined together to form. the U. N.

"We the people of the U. N. determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations, large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and for these ends, to practise tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims."

The name "United Nations" is accredited to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the first group of representatives of member states met and signed a declaration of common intent on New Year's Day in 1942. Representatives of five powers worked together to draw up proposals, completed at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. These proposals, modified after deliberation at the conference on International Organization in San Francisco which began in April 1945, were finally agreed on and signed as the U. N. charter by 50 countries on 26 June 1945. Poland, not represented at the conference, signed the Charter later and was added to the list of original members. It was not until that autumn, however, after the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the U. S. S. R. U., the U. K. and the U.S. and by a majority of the other participants that the U. N. officially came into existence. The date was 24 October, now universally celebrated as United Nations Day.

The essential functions of the U. N. are to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate internationally in solving international economic, social, cultural and human problems, promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and to be a centre for co-ordinating the actions of nations on attaining these common ends.

No country takes precedence over another in the U.N. Each member's rights and obligations are the same. All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of international dispute, and members have pledged to refrain from the threat or use of force against other states.

Under its Charter, the first stated aim of the U.N. was ______.

A.to promote social progress

B.to prevent a third world war

C.to revise international laws

D.to maintain international peace

Winston Churchill was one of the great men of his age. To show their respect for him,
the British lawmakers asked a fine artist, Graham Sutherland, to paint Winston Churchill's picture. When it was completed, it was presented to him, at a grand affair in the Westminster Hall, at the House of Commons.

It was reported in the newspapers to show that Churchill accepted the gift. He described the painting as "a remarkable example of modern art", which drew loud laughter.

In fact he was unhappy with the painting. Sutherland later reported that he asked whether it was to be painted in with a "happy" or "fierce" attitude. "Fierce," replied Churchill. At the time, Churchill was coming to the end of his political life and was unhappy that people wanted him to end his career.

Some twenty years later it was revealed that Lady Churchill hated the painting so much that she had it destroyed. "It was preying on (折磨) his mind," she was reported as saying.

A leading art critic was asked what he thought about the matter. He said he could understand Lady Churchill and had pity on her. Graham Sutherland is a very honest artist, who could only paint what he saw. At the time it was painted, Churchill was an old man, worried by the thought that he would have to end his political career soon. But Lady Churchill shouldn't have had the painting destroyed. It could have been stored away until after their deaths.

(1). The British lawmakers ask Graham Sutherland to paint a picture of Winston Churchill to show their respect for him.()

A. T B. F

(2). The painting was given to Winston Churchill in the Westminster Hall after it was finished.()

A. T B. F

(3). Churchill said the painting was not well painted.()

A. T B. F

(4). Churchill was actually unhappy at that time because he had to retire and put an end to his political life.()

A. T B. F

(5). The author's attitude towards the destruction of the painting is indifferent.()

A. T B. F

“Juggling one\'s life” probably means living a life characterized by _______ .A non

“Juggling one\'s life” probably means living a life characterized by _______ .

A nonmaterialistic lifestyle.

B a bit of everything

C extreme stree

D anticonsumerism

Libraries give kids a quiet and safe place to read and learn. For over 100 years, libr
aries have played an important role in Americans’ education. But how are these book-filled buildings changing with the times? You may be surprised to find out.

Benjamin Franklin famously founded (创建) America’s first lending library in 1731. But the public library system got its biggest development in the American history in the late 1800’s. Businessman Andrew Carnegie donated millions of dollars to help build free public libraries across the country. Between 1886 and 1919, Carnegie’s donations helped build 1,679 new libraries.

Carnegie believed that libraries could offer the chances to Americans, young and old. He knew that the more libraries there were, the more people would have opportunities to read and use books, speeches and news.

If you can easily find a public library in your community(社区), you’ll get more chances. After all, the United States has 9,225 public libraries. Today, libraries keep growing. Seven tenths of the libraries have free Internet. It provides much more information and opportunities to ask for jobs online.

Libraries are also teaching kids about the fun of reading. The new program Read! Build! Play! adds reading into playtime. As kids listen to a book that is being read aloud, they use Legos (乐高积木) to build images(图像) from the story happily. Today’s libraries are always looking for creative programs to bring people into the library.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “The doors of wisdom(智慧) are never shut.” As long as the doors of public libraries are open, what he said is most certainly correct!

(1)Benjamin Franklin founded the first lending library in ().

A.1731 B.1800 C.1886 D.1919

(2)How many public libraries have free Internet now?

A.2767. B.6458. C.9225. D.1679.

(3)The right order of the following statements is () .

①The public library system in America developed fast.

②The first lending library was founded.

③ Libraries provide information and chances to ask for job online.

④ Libraries try to bring people into the library by using creative programs.

A.②①③④ B.②③④① C.③④①② D.①②③④

(4)The last paragraph mainly tells us().

A.libraries have played an important role in Americans’ education

B.public libraries in the US should never close the doors

C.the writer doesn’t agree with Benjamin Franklin

D.libraries help people to open the doors of wisdom

(5)The best title for the passage is().

A.the libraries in the world

B.libraries and opportunities

C.libraries teach kids to read and learn

D.the development of the American libraries

From the passage we can see that the writer's attitude toward "village life" isA.positiveB

From the passage we can see that the writer's attitude toward "village life" is





"The essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism", remarked Franklin Roosevelt in 1933,"

"The essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism", remarked Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, "must be the same as those which constitute a good neighbour, namely mutual understanding and… a sympathetic appreciation of the other's point of view." That is advice which the United States would do well to heed in its relations with its immediate neighbours, Canada and Mexico. Most Americans may not be aware of it, but frustrations and resentments are building just across their borders to both south and north.

Of course, neighbourly ties in North America are closer than in Roosevelt's day. Under the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), trade among the three countries has more than doubled since 1994 and cross-border investment climbed even faster. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, the United States moved quickly to sign "smart border" agreements with both Canada and Mexico, to try to ensure that the demands of security did not interrupt trade. By the standards of much of the 20th century, political ties between the United States and Mexico are warm.

Yet go to either border and you wouldn't know all this. Fed up with the flow of illegal migrants from the south, the governors of Arizona and New Mexico this month declared a state of emergency. Violence between drug gangs recently led the United States temporarily to close its consulate in Nuevo Laredo, the busiest border-crossing point. The American ambassador bluntly criticises Mexico for its failure to prevent drug-related violence along the border. That has prompted retaliatory verbal blasts from Mexican officials.

Canada's mood is not much more cordial. Since September 11th, Canadians and Americans alike have become less keen on popping over what they liked to call " the world's longest undefended border" for shopping or recreation. Canadians increasingly disagree with Americans over matters as varied as the Iraq war and gay marriage. They are disillusioned with NAFTA, claiming it has failed to prevent the United States from unlawfully punishing their exports of, for example, lumber.

So what? Friction is in the nature of international relations, and the problems on the northern border are different from those in the south. Yet there is a common denominator. Americans tend to see security, migration, drugs, even trade, as domestic political issues. But so they are for Canada and Mexico too. Like it or not, Americans rely on their neighbours for prosperity, energy and help with security. It behoves all three countries to show some "sympathetic understanding".

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that______.

A.the essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism were defined by Franklin Roosevelt

B.mutual understanding is one of the most far-reaching elements in North America

C.few Americans may be aware of others'point of view

D.America's friendship with Canada and Mexico risks going sour

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