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When you are invited for a western meal, you’re offered a second helping but you have

A. What would you say? “_________”

B. Oh, thanks. That tastes awful.

C. No, I don’t want that.

D. No, I don’t like it.

E. That was delicious but I’ve already had plenty, thanks.

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Thousands of years ago, ten of our very distant ancestors were hungry. They went out and p
icked berries or dug up roots to eat. Four of them chose poisonous food and died. The remaining six noticed that their food was safe to eat. They told their children, who, in turn, passed the message on to their descendants. In this way, habit became a vital factor in the survival of mankind : if you ate the right plant, you lived; if you wanted to make your own experiments, you would probably die.

The importance of habit on the survival of the human species is an interesting matter. Even today, most of us hesitate when we are invited to eat a new type of food or drink something we have not tasted before. Even if the food or drink is offered by a friend, we are usually not at all anxious to experiment and accept the offer.

When you get up tomorrow morning, notice which shoe or sock you put on first. Then notice which one you put on first on other days. You may discover that (a) you tend to put on one shoe or sock first every day, and that (b) if you are right-handed, you usually deal with your left shoe or sock first. If you try to change this habit, you may find it uncomfortable or annoying, and you will soon return to your old habit.

When it comes to other matters, we often follow a fixed pattern. We sleep in one or two favorite ways. We often follow familiar routes even when they are not the shortest or best. We often wear a watch on the same wrist even when there is no real reason for doing so. (83)In hundreds of other ways, we show that we are creatures of habit, following fixed patterns of behavior. This characteristic can help us to survive but it can be a barrier to progress too. We must be alert and not let a beneficial factor become a harmful one.

The best title for this passage might be _____.

A.Habit—a Barrier to Progress

B.The Survival of Mankind

C.Various Patterns of Human Behavior

D.We Are Creatures of Habit

听力原文:On June 17, 1744, the officials from Maryland and Virginia held a talk with the I

听力原文: On June 17, 1744, the officials from Maryland and Virginia held a talk with the Indians of the Six Nations. The Indians were invited to send boys to William and Mary College. In a letter the next day they refused the offer as follows:

We know that you have a high opinion of the kind of learning taught in your colleges, and that the costs of living of our young men, while with you, would be very expensive to you. We are convinced that you mean to do us good by your proposal; and we thank you heartily. But you must know that different nations have different ways of looking at things, and you will therefore not be offended if our ideas of this kind of education happen not to be the same as yours. We have had some experience of it. Several of our young people were formerly brought up at the colleges of the northern provinces; they were taught all your sciences; but when they came back to us they were bad runners, ignorant of every means of living in the woods, they were totally good for nothing.

We are, however, not the less obliged by your kind offer, though we refuse to accept it, and to show our grateful sense of it. If the gentlemen of Virginia will send us a dozen of their sons, we will take care of their education, teach them in all we know and make men of them.


A.The educational values of the Indians.

B.The colleges of the northern provinces.

C.The talk between the Indians and the officials.

D.The problems of the Americans in the mid-eighteenth century.

I fell in love with the minister's son in winter when I turned fourteen. He was not Chines
e.For Christmas I prayed for the boy, Robert. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister' s family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried in panic What would' Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners?

On Christmas Eve, my mother created abundant Chinese food. And then they arrived—the minister's family and all my relatives.Robert greeted hello, and I pretended he was not worthy of existence.

Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment.My relatives licked(舔)the ends of their chopsticks and reached across the table.Robert and his family waited patiently for a large plate to be passed to them.My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish.Robert made a face.Then my father reached his chopsticks just below the fish eye and picked out the soft meat. "Amy, your favorite, " he said, offering me the tender fish cheek.I wanted to disappear.

At the end of the meal, my father leaned back and burped(打嗝)loudly, thanking my mother for her fine cooking."It' s a police Chinese custom to show you are satisfied, "explained my father to our astonished guests.Robert was looking down at his plate with a reddish face.The minister managed to bring up a quiet burp.I was shocked into silence for the rest of the night.

After everyone had gone, my mother said to me, "You want to be the shame as American girls on the outside. "She handed me an early gift. It was a miniskirt. "But inside you must always be Chinese. You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame. "

It was not until years later that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the purpose behind her particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen excellent Chinese food.

When I found out the minister' s family would come for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried mainly because______.

A.I worried about our shabby Chinese Christmas

B.I worried about our Chinese relatives lacking American manners

C.I worried about meeting the minister' s family

D.I worried about being laughed at

I: Tell me about yourself. A: I was born and raised in Beijing.I attended Peking University and rec

I: Tell me about yourself.

A: I was born and raised in Beijing.I attended Peking University and received my bachelor degree in Economics.I have worked for 2 years as a financial consultant in Beijing for China Pacific Insurance Co.Ltd.I enjoy playing tennis in my free time and learning foreign languages.

I: What type of position are you looking for7

A: I am looking for a position in which I can utilize my experience.

I: Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?

A: I am more interested in a full-time position.However, I would also consider a part-time position.

I: Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?

A: I advised customers on financial matters.After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database.I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client.The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis.

I: What is your greatest strength?

A: I am an excellent communicator.People trust me and come to me for advice.One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome customer who felt he was not being served well.I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.

I: What is your greatest weakness?

A: I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied.However, I began setting time-limits for myself.

I: Why do you want to work for our company?

A: After following your firm's progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that your company is becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be a part of that team.

I: When can you begin?

A: Immediately.

You could invite Tom to the party but I'd rather you ______ him.A.didn't inviteB.don't inv

You could invite Tom to the party but I'd rather you ______ him.

A.didn't invite

B.don't invite

C.haven't invited

D.hadn't invited

Washington D. C. is the home to the only spy museum in the United States. The Internationa
l Spy Museum, which opened in 2002, shows more than 200 weapons, bugs(窃听器), cameras, and technologies used for espionage(间谍活动)throughout the world. You can see buttonhole cameras and bugs of all sizes and kinds. It offers lectures, films, and family activities covering many spy-related topics. When you first enter the exhibit, you will see a short film telling the history of espionage and the role it played. A moment later you go into a small room and you are told to pick an identity and to remember it, as this will be your identity during your time at the museum. Later on in the exhibit you are tested about your identity. Then towards the middle of the exhibit, the visitors are invited to get on all fours and crawl through a 10-meter-long pipe in which they can listen into Cuban leader Fidel Castro as he discusses his national security policy with assistants. The point of the conversation, which is not real, is to show how easy it is to spy, and how no one, whether common citizen or high-ranking official, can trust his or her surroundings. Besides, the museum tells the stories of some of the great spies in history. The Museum makes it clear that espionage is a very old trade, going back at least 2 400 years. The museums Jennifer Saxon says, "Sir Francis Willingham, an Englishman serving Queen Elizabeth I , organized the first known spy network in the second half of the 16th century. He organized that for Queen Elizabeth to help keep her own power. " If you want to buy some souvenirs(纪念品), Museum Store will be your best choice where a great variety of souvenirs are on display, including T-shirts, cups, spy TV show/movie-theme DVDs. It is also quite easy for you to find a one-dollar red budge marked with a thumb fingerprint.

According to the text, what do we know about Washington D.C.?

A.It"s the home to the only spy museum in the world.

B.It opened in 2002 and shows less than 200 weapons.

C.You can touch all buttonhole cameras and bugs.

D.It offers movies and activities of spy-related topics.

"Acting is the least mysterious of all crafts," Marion Brando once said. But
for scientists, working out what is going on in an actor's head has always been something of a puzzle. Now, researchers have said actors show different patterns of brain activity depending on whether they are in character or not.

Dr Steven Brown, from McMaster University in Canada, said, "It looks like when you are acting, you are suppressing (压制) yourself; almost like the character is possessing you." Brown and colleagues report how 15 actors, mainly theatre students, were trained to take on a Shakespeare role — either Romeo or Juliet — in a theatre workshop. They were then invited into the laboratory, where their brains were scanned in a series of experiments. Once inside the MRI scanner, the actors were asked to answer a number of questions, such as: would they go to the party? And would they tell their parents that they had fallen in love? Each actor was asked to respond to different questions, based on two different premises (前提). In one, they were asked for their own perspective, while in the other, they were asked to respond as though they were either Romeo or Juliet.

The results revealed that the brain activity differed depending on the situation being tested. The team found that when the actors were in character, they use some third-person knowledge or inferences about their character. The team said they also found additional reduction in activity in two regions of the prefrontal cortex (前额皮质) linked to the sense of self, compared with when the actors were responding as themselves.

However, Philip Davis, a professor at the University of Liverpool, was unimpressed by the research, saying acting is about far more than "pretending" to be someone — it involves embodying (体现) the text and language.

1.How did Dr Brown's team conduct their research?()

A.By scanning the brain activity of some actors

B.By doing a survey with some theatre goers

C.By interviewing some theatre teachers

D.By consulting some experienced researchers

2. Which of the following is Not True according to the research?()

A. When actors are acting, they are suppressing themselves

B. The subjects (实验的研究对象)were all theatre students

C. The subjects’ brains were scanned in a series of experiments

D. The subjects’ brain activity differed depending on the situation being tested

E. The subjects were asked different questions

3.What is the finding of Dr Brown's research?()

A.Acting is not as mysterious as people think

B.Actors' brain activity differs when they are acting

C.Acting is far more than pretending to be the character

D.Actors' brain activity is more active when they are in character

4.How did Philip Davis react to the research?()

A.He supported it

B.He doubted it

C.He explained it

D.He advocated it

5.What is the text mainly about?()

A.A debate of how the brain functions

B.A play written by Shakespeare

C.A research on the brain activity of actors

D.A report of the cooperation of scientists and actors

Letter A Dear Mr… As our new letterhead indicates,we have recently changed the name of our busines

Letter A

Dear Mr…

As our new letterhead indicates,we have recently changed the name of our business from(old name)to(new name).

There will be no change in management and we will provide the same products and fine service on which we have built our reputation in the industry.We would appreciate it if you should inform your accounts payable department of our announcement and direct them accordingly.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Letter B


As of Monday, July 1, 2000, Kabuki Sales Corporation of America's Eastern Regional Office will be located in our new offices and the Sales Division at 401 Grandiosa Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, 33715.The telephone number for this new location…

Our Manufacturing Division will remain at 3333 Santa Fe Avenue, in St.Petersburg.

I have enclosed our most recent brochure on robotic equipment for your review.I hope you find it interesting.

Yours truly,

Letter C


This is to inform you that The (Name of Company) is now open and is located at 5555 4th Avenue North, St.Petersburg, Florida.

Our store offers a complete and diverse line of computer software packages for both personal and business application.Since we do not represent any individual computer hardware manufacturer, the products that we carry are compatible with many systems.We are therefore able to offer to our customers a wide range of excellent software packages.Enclosed, for your review, is a partial list of the items we currently have available.

We hope that you will come and visit us soon.

Sincerely yours,

Letter D


It is my great pleasure to advise you that (name of new sales representative) will now be representing our firm in your area.

(Name of individual) has been handling our accounts in (local) for some time and is extremely familiar with the field of (specify).

Our new representative is scheduled to visit your office on (date).

Truly yours,

Letter E

Stapleton, VT 10080

Julyl8, 2008.

Happy Antiques company(幸福古董店)

Dear Sirs,

Happy Antiques Wholesale will hold its Summer Sale July 18-28.

As a preferred client, you are invited to take part in a pre-sale showing on July 16 when we will allow a discount up to 20% on specially marked articles.We feel this is just one small way that we can repay you for all your business through these years.Our enclosed booklet shows you some of the outstanding values available.

Thank you for your supporting to our company, we hope we will see you on July 16.

Yours sincerely,

There are several ways in which Americans 【B1】 customs are different from those in other p
arts of the world. A guest invited to dinner is 【B2】 to arrive on time. The use of the knife and fork is often different. The fork is used mostly in the right hand. It 【B3】 the food without help from the knife, which is 【B4】 used only to cut meat or potatoes, and is placed to the right of the plate when in use . And while in many places the napkin(餐巾) is put around the neck, here it is put on the lap. Finally, when Americans eat certain foods, they use their 【B5】.For example, at picnics they eat chicken, pizzas, and so on with their hands only.






a.Please state your best terms and discount for cash. b.Please put us on your very best shipping te

a.Please state your best terms and discount for cash.

b.Please put us on your very best shipping terms as regards discount.

c.We shall be glad to have your specific inquiry.

d.We have received an inquiry for the goods from the firm.

e.Please put us on your best terms,as this order forms part of a contract.

f.please let us have information as to the price and quality of the goods.

g.We invited inquiries for the goods from the customers.

h.Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you.

i.We answered the inquiry received from the firm.

j.Would you care to send us some samples with the quotations?

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