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It's so long since I saw him that I almost failed to______him.A.acceptB.recognizeC.approve

It's so long since I saw him that I almost failed to______him.





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(Mar. 9-10)()

A.That’s a good position to be in

B.There’s no way it’ll be fine

C.It’s been a long time since we visited

D.It’s so far away from the city

Not long ago, I had my first on-line chat. I thought it would be【56】because. I have heard
so many people【57】it in that way. But it was, disappointingly, quite an unpleasant【58】.

On line I met a man【59】said he was a manager in a big company in Dalian. We【60】pleasantly first, then exchanged e-mail【61】in order to keep in touch in the future.【62】, he sent me【63】. When I opened it, I found, to my【64】, a detailed(详细的) self-introduction including age,【65】, weight, habits and future plans. It was an advertisement for a dating(约会) service! I was hurt【66】felt rather angry.

When I told a veteran (有经验的) Internet surfer (网民)【67】my experience, he said it was not【68】! was【69】. The Web provides such a nice, large place to make friends, why do some people【70】it?

The relationship between one another should be mutual(互助的) politeness and【71】. Online we【72】see one another's physical form, but we are talking through our【73】. Such【74】as the one I met are not polite at all.

Since the Web belongs to everyone, every user has a duty to keep a friendly and polite atmosphere (氛围]). We need【75】honesty and respect on-line.






When I began reading Catch -22, I thought it was a farcical satire on life in the United S
tates Army Air Force. Later I believed that Mr. Heller's target was modern war and all those who are responsible for waging it. Still later it seemed that he was attacking social organization and anyone who derives power from it. But by the end of the book it had become plain to me that it is——no other phrase will do——the human condition itself which is the object of Mr. Heller's outraged fury and disgust.

A reviewer must always keep an anxious eye on the state of his currency. If he announces too many masterpieces he risks inflation (though it is sometimes forgotten by some of us that the cowardice of perpetual crabbing (挑剔) receives its own kind of punishment). It does not seem many weeks since I was proclaiming that Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano is one of the great English novels of the century; and not long before that I was urging that attention should be paid to the magnificent and neglected talent of William Gerhardi.

But at the risk of inflation I cannot help writing that Catch - 22 is the greatest satirical work in English since Erewhon. For the fact is that all my successive interpretations of this book now seem to have been accurate, even if the earlier ones were also incomplete. The book has an immense and devastating (讽刺的) theme, but this theme is illustrated, as it should be, by means of an observed reality.

I am not suggesting that Catch - 22 is a realistic account of life in the war time Air Force of America or any other country. The method of satire is to inflate (放大) reality so that all its partially concealed blemishes (缺点) turn into monstrous and apparent deformations. The effect of good satire is to make us laugh with horror. And this means that social and personal evils which are being satirized must have been there, and must be felt by the reader to be there even while be is laughing at the results of the satirist's inflating imagination.

The passage seems to be from ______. ()

A.a review of a film

B.a book about the U. S. Air Force

C.an essay on satire

D.a review of a book

阅读理解:根据上下文,补全对话内容。A. So maybe we should avoid long traveling hours, and m


A. So maybe we should avoid long traveling hours, and make the trip a relaxing one.

B. Lakes always bring people peace and quiet.

C. Actually the boss told me to make plans for the trip.

D. One more thing, we need to make safety a priority.

E. There will be less traffic and fewer people there.

ZHANG HUA: Do you know that the senior members of our company were whispering about a short trip?

LIU HUI: Yes, I heard about it this morning. {A; B; C; D; E}.

ZHANG HUA: Really? Then you will need to think hard about it.

LIU HUI: Sure. Since you are here, maybe you can help me work out some ideas.

ZHANG HUA: For a start, we need to bear in mind that many of them are about sixty years old.

LIU HUI: {A; B; C; D; E}.

ZHANG HUA: Right. What about the countryside? {A; B; C; D; E}.

LIU HUI: That is an option. Besides, it's better to go to a place with a lake or river and hills covered with trees in the area.

ZHANG HUA: I like this idea. {A; B; C; D; E}.

LIU HUI: And they can either walk around the lake or take a boat for relaxation.

ZHANG HUA:{A; B; C; D; E}.

LIU HUI: Exactly. Thank you for your suggestions, I will work out an itinerary for the trip this afternoon.

ZHANG HUA: You're welcome.

I have learned something about myself since I moved from Long Island to Florida three
years ago. Even though I own a home in Port St. Lucie just minutes from the ocean, an uncontrollable urge wells up to return to Long Island even as others make their way south. I guess I am a snowbird stuck in reverse. Instead of enjoying Florida’s mild winters, I willingly endure the severe weather on Long Island, the place I called home for 65 years.

I’m like a migratory bird that has lost its sense of timing and direction, my wings flapping against season.

So what makes me fly against the tide of snowbirds? The answer has a lot to do with my reluctance to give up the things that define who I am. Once I hear that the temperature on Long Island has dipped into the range of 40 to 50 degrees, I begin to long for the sight and crackling sound of a wood fire. I also long for the bright display o£ colors — first in the fall trees, and then in the limits around homes and at Rockefeller Center. Floridians decorate too, but can’t create the special feel of a New England winter.

I suppose the biggest reason why I return is to celebrate the holidays with people I haven’t seen in months. What could be better than sitting with family and friends for a Thanksgiving turkey dinner, or watching neighbors’ children excitedly open gifts on Christmas? Even the first snowfall seems special. I especially enjoy seeing a bright red bird settling on a snow-covered branch (My wife and I spend winters at a retirement community in Ridge, and I’m grateful that I don’t have to shovel.)

While these simple pleasures are not unique to Long Island, they are some of the reasons why I come back. Who says you can’t go home?

(1) What does the underlined word "snowbird" in Paragraph 1 refer to?()

A.A person spending winter in a warmer climate.

B.A bird seen chiefly in winter.

C.A person permanently living in a foreign country.

D.A bird flying to the south in winter.

(2)What’s the difference between Florida and Long Island?()

A.Winters in Long Island are milder.

B.The snowbirds in Long Island are rarer.

C.Weather in Long Island is severer.

D.Long Island is nearer to the ocean.

(3) What did the author miss most when he was in Florida?()

A.The colorful light display.

B.The family gathering.

C.The cold temperature.

D.The winter landscape.

(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?()

A. The author enjoyed living in Florida .

B. The author had a good time in Florida.

C. The author owned a home in Florida.

D. The author did not like mild weather.

(5)What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?()

A.To praise the beauty and warmth of his hometown.

B.To describe his dream to be a free bird.

C.To explain the reasons for moving from his hometown.

D.To express his feeling of missing his hometown.

Part I Reading ComprehensionI have learned something about myself since I moved from Lon
Part I Reading Comprehension

I have learned something about myself since I moved from Long Island to Florida three years ago. Even though I own a home in Port St. Lucie just minutes from the ocean, an uncontrollable urge wells up to return to Long Island even as others make their way south. I guess I am a snowbird stuck in reverse. Instead of enjoying Florida’s mild winters, I willingly endure the severe weather on Long Island, the place I called home for 65 years.

I’m like a migratory bird that has lost its sense of timing and direction, my wings flapping against season.

So what makes me fly against the tide of snowbirds? The answer has a lot to do with my reluctance to give up the things that define who I am. Once I hear that the temperature on Long Island has dipped into the range of 40 to 50 degrees, I begin to long for the sight and crackling sound of a wood fire. I also long for the bright display o£ colors — first in the fall trees, and then in the limits around homes and at Rockefeller Center. Floridians decorate too, but can’t create the special feel of a New England winter.

I suppose the biggest reason why I return is to celebrate the holidays with people I haven’t seen in months. What could be better than sitting with family and friends for a Thanksgiving turkey dinner, or watching neighbors’ children excitedly open gifts on Christmas? Even the first snowfall seems special. I especially enjoy seeing a bright red bird settling on a snow-covered branch (My wife and I spend winters at a retirement community in Ridge, and I’m grateful that I don’t have to shovel.)

While these simple pleasures are not unique to Long Island, they are some of the reasons why I come back. Who says you can’t go home?

(1) What does the underlined word "snowbird" in Paragraph 1 refer to?()

A、A person spending winter in a warmer climate

B、A bird seen chiefly in winter

C、A person permanently living in a foreign country

D、A bird flying to the south in winter

(2)What’s the difference between Florida and Long Island?()

A、Winters in Long Island are milder

B、The snowbirds in Long Island are rarer

C、Weather in Long Island is severer

D、Long Island is nearer to the ocean

(3)What did the author miss most when he was in Florida?()

A、The colorful light display

B、The family gathering

C、The cold temperature

D、The winter landscape

(4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?()

A、The author enjoyed living in Florida

B、The author had a good time in Florida

C、The author owned a home in Florida

D、The author did not like mild weather

(5)What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?()

A、To praise the beauty and warmth of his hometown

B、To describe his dream to be a free bird

C、To explain the reasons for moving from his hometown

D、To express his feeling of missing his hometown

Recently, one of my best friends Jennie, with whom I have shared just about everything sin
ce the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I moved to a new town several years ago, we have both always looked forward to the new times a year when we can see each other.

Over the weekend, we spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the people she was hanging around with. She started telling me stories about her new boy friend, about how he experimented with drugs and was into other self-destructive behavior. I was blown away! She told me how she had been lying to her parents about where she was going and even stealing out to see this guy because they didn't want her around him. No matter how hard I tried to tell her that she deserved better, she didn't believe me. Her self-respect seemed to have disappeared.

I tried to convince her that she was ruining her future and heading for big trouble. I felt like I was getting nowhere. I just couldn't believe that she really thought it was acceptable to hang with a bunch of losers, especially her boy friend.

By the time she left, I was really worried about her and exhausted by the experience. It had been so frustrating that I had come close to telling her several times during the weekend that maybe we had just grown too far apart to continue our friendship, but I didn't.I put the power of friendship to the ultimate test. We'd been friends for far too long. I had to hope that she valued me enough to know that I was trying to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that our friendship could conquer anything.

A few days later, she called to say that she had thought long and hard about our conversation, and then she told me that she had broken up with her boy friend. I just listened on the other end of the phone with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the truly rewarding moments in my life. Never had I been so proud of a friend.

What word best sums up Jennie's boy friend?

A.A drug user.

B.A loser.

C.A trouble maker.

D.A criminal.

Does using a word processor affect a writer s style?The medium usually does do something t

Does using a word processor affect a writer s style?

The medium usually does do something to the message after all, even if Marshall McLuhan's claim that the medium simply is the message has been heard and largely forgotten now. The question matters. Ray Hammond, in his excellent guide The Writer and the Word Processor, predicts that over half the professional writers in Britain and the USA will be using word processors by the end of 1985. The best known recruit is Leu Deighton, from as long ago as 1968, though most users have only started since the microcomputer boom began in 1980.

Ironically word processing is in some ways psychologically more like writing in rough than typing, since it restores fluidity and provisionality to the text. The typist's dread of having to get out the Tippex, the scissors and paste, or of redoing the whole thing if he has any substantial second thoughts, can make him consistently choose the safer option in his sentences, or let something stand which he knows to be unsatisfactory or incomplete, out of weariness. In word processing the text is loosened up whilst still retaining the advantage of looking formally finished.

This has, I think, two apparently contradictory effects. The initial writing can become excessively sloppy and careless, in the expectation that it will be corrected later. That crucial first inspiration is never easy to recapture, though, and therefore, on the other hand, the writing can become over-deliberated, lacking in flow and spontaneity, since revision becomes a larger part of composition. However, these are faults easier to detect in others than in oneself. My own experience of the sheer difficulty of committing any words at all to the page means I'm grateful for all the help I can get.

For most writers, word processing quite rapidly comes to feel like the ideal method (and can always be a second step after drafting on paper if you prefer). Most of the writers interviewed by Hammond say it has improved their style. ("immensely", says Deighton). Seeing your own word on a screen helps you to feel cool and detached about them.

Thus is not just by freeing you from-the labor of mechanical retyping that a word processor can help you to write. One author (Terence Feely) claims it has increased his output by 400%. Possibly the feeling of having a reactive machine, which appears to do things, rather than just have things done with it, accounts for this—your slave works hard and so do you.

Are there no drawbacks? It costs a lot and takes time to learn—"expect to lose weeks of work", says Hammond, though days might be nearer the mark. Notoriously it is possible to lose work altogether on a word processor, and this happens to everybody at least once. The awareness that what you have written no longer exists anywhere at all, is unbelievably enraging and baffling.

Will word processing generally raise the level of professional writing then? Does it make writers better as well as more productive? Though all users insist it has done so for them individually, this is hard to believe. But reliance happens fast.

According to the passage what appears to be changing rapidly in Britain and the USA?

A.The style. writers are employing.

B.The way new writers are being recruited.

C.The medium authors are using.

D.The message authors are putting forward.

"In the long run," as John Maynard Keynes observed, "we are all dead. " True. But can the【
1】run be elongated in a way that makes the long run【2】? And if so, how, and at what cost? People have dreamt of【3】since time immemorial. They have sought it since the first alchemist put an elixir of【4】on the same shopping list as a way to turn lead into gold. They have【5】about it in fiction, from Rider Haggard's "She" to Frank Herbert's "Dune". And now, with the growth of【6】knowledge that has marked the past few decades, a few researchers believe it might be within【7】.

To think about the question, it is important to understand why organisms-people【8】-age in the first place. People are like machines: they【9】That much is obvious. However, a machine can always be【10】A good mechanic with a stock of spare parts can keep it going【11】. Eventually, no part of the【12】may remain, but it still carries on, like Lincoln's famous axe that had three new handles and two new blade.

The question, of course, is whether the machine is worth【13】. It is here that people and nature【14】. Or, to put it slightly【15】, two bits of nature disagree with each other. From the individual's point of view,【16】is an imperative. You cannot reproduce unless you are alive. A fear of death is a sensible evolved response and, since【17】is a sure way of dying, it is no surprise that people want to stop it in its tracks. Moreover, even the appearance of ageing can be【18】. It【19】the range of potential sexual partners who find you attractive-since it is a sign that you are not going to be【20】all that long to help bring up baby-and thus, again, curbs your reproduction.






Beth: Did you hear that Ron was in the hospital?Mimi: Oh, really?(56 ) with him?Beth: He'

Beth: Did you hear that Ron was in the hospital?

Mimi: Oh, really?(56 ) with him?

Beth: He's got a very high temperature. I guess it may be cholera (霍乱).

Mimi: Cholera! How in the world did(57 ) ?

Beth: Who knows?!

Mimi: (58 ) for a long time?

Beth: For a couple of weeks, apparently. But he only(59 ) on Monday.

Mimi: Why did he wait so long? He should have seen a doctor earlier.

Beth: Yes, I know. But luckily the doctor says if he stays in the hospital for a few weeks, be should be able to improve.

Mimi: Gee,(60 ) .

A. it come

B. I hope so

C. he get that

D. was sick

E. What’ s the matter

F. What happened

G. Has he been sick

H. went to see the doctor

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